His Strings (Maddie)

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You've just joined the Akatsuki, and are on the same team as Sasori and Deidara. Deidada is a lively blonde who enjoys blowing things up, and Sasori is quiet and moody. Honestly speaking, Sasori creeps you out. All you see of him is an outer-shell which is a puppet, so you've never seen what he actually looks like.

Most of the time, missions result in the three of you having to split up, leaving you alone with Sasori. It terrifies you. Some days, you're sure that he'll just kill you himself, then lie to everyone in the Akatsuki. After all, he does appear to hate you. And right now is one of the times you're alone with him.

Chills run up and down your spine the whole time, and he notices. It makes him smirk. He's always found it cute how you're always so scared and helpless; how did a little girl like you end up in the Akatsuki of all places. It's quite funny.

"Let's stop here." He says.

"Why?" You ask.

"Because if someone is scared of their teammate, it may not benefit them to advance."

"Who's scared of their teammate?"

"You." Now, he's close to your face.

"What- what makes you think I'm scared of you?"

"I see the constant fear in your eyes. The way you shiver whenever I'm around. You fear me, Y/n."

"So what if I do? Y- you're literally the creepiest thing I've ever seen."

"This? This isn't even the real me. It's all a huge puppet."

"So? It's still creepy."

"Is this your way if saying you want to know what I really look like?" You're to afraid for that. You're certain the real him is more terrifying.

"N- no. It isn't."

"You're still scared, huh?" You back away, and he just chuckles. "Your terror is cute."

The rest of the mission is spent in silence. You're thankful for that, though you're still pretty jumpy around him. After all, he is the one who will take a living person and turn them into a puppet.


One day, you walk into Deidara and Sasori arguing about their "art" again. It's quite annoying, though you don't dare stand up to Sasori. Instead, you sigh but still take a seat, hoping to go out on the next mission soon.

"Knowing you," Deidara says. "You'll turn any one of us into one of your puppets! Like Y/n!"

"I would never turn her into a puppet." You look up at him in confusion.

"Oh yeah?" Deidara asks. "Why's that? You're not exactly known for compassion."

"It has nothing to do with that. She has a weak body and no useful ninjutsu. She doesn't interest me in the slightest." And there it is. "Then again, I could use a female puppet for my collection. They're all male. But, I also care about the quality of them, too. Darn you, Y/n, too bad you wouldn't be a useful puppet. I could add a good-looking female to my collection." His words terrify you, though it also brings you some peace knowing he doesn't deem you useful--as insulting as it is.

"That's relieving." You mutter, and then Sasori turns to you.

"What makes you think I don't have another idea in mind concerning you?" You shiver as you think about all the ways he could torture you.

"Please tell me you're joking."

"Do I seem like the joking type?" You just run out of the room, scared. Sasori chuckles a bit. "What a little coward..."

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