Nightmares (Maddie)

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    Stopping, you allow yourself to stare at a new face in town. Siegrain. He is apart of the Magic Council, and is staying in your little village on some sort of official business. Why do you stare? Because his presence is that powerful. He has this aura about him that is terrifying. Like a type of darkness. It sends chills down your spine.

     For a moment, you make eye contact with him. His orbs are cold and dark, making your heart stop. Quickly, you go back to your work, hoping to forget his existence. The man has you horrified, though you have never spoken to him before. You hope that you never will. Something about him puts you on edge.

     "Give me two."


     You do not look up. Just place the thin and crusty bread in a bag. Your village is a poor one, so nothing is of good quality. However, yours is the best in the village. As sad as that is. Handing him the bag, you let yourself look up, though you wish you did not. Your mouth falls open a bit and you almost drop the bread, but luckily, you do not.

     "Hello," he greets.

     "H- hi."

     "Is this bread any good? The others around here are..."

     "It's not that good. But it is the best here."


     "We're too poor around here. We eat what we can eat. If you don't like it, please, move on to another village."

     "I'm sorry. I'm just not used to it. Thank you, ma'am."


     He walks away, waking a bit. That was not as bad as you thought. Was it all just in your head? No. There was a strange feeling when your hands touched. There is definitely something wrong with him. You just do not know what.

     When the work day is over, you go to bed just like you would any other day. Climbing onto the thin mattress, you use a sheet as a blanket. Those are luxuries in these parts. For a pillow, you use a rolled up towel. As always, it takes awhile to fall asleep, but once you do, you are totally passed out.


     Waking up, you feel lightheaded and uncomfortable. Strangely, you are standing with your hands above your head. Opening your eyes, you find yourself in a dark room with stone walls. As you lift your head, you see that you have been chained up. What the heck is going on?

     As your mind begins to race, the door opens. In walks a man with light blue hair and a black tattoo on his face. Siegrain. Heart plummeting and nausea coming on strongly, you wriggle around, wanting to run. He ignores your efforts and approaches you, placing his index finger beneath your chin and tilting your face toward him. His eyes are piercing as he studies your features, as if he is weighting something.

     Unable to hold it in any longer, you ask, "Why am I here? What's going on? Why are you-"

     "Calm down. Your pulse is through the roof."

     "How am I supposed to cal-"

     "Sh. Stop talking." He fully grabs your face, squishing your cheeks a bit. "You have some questions about this, right? That can wait. What's important now is that... you're in my grasp now. All mine. Forever here, with me."

     Your heart pounds and pounds as your breathing picks up its pace. He terrifies you. What did he even mean when he said you are his? And where is "here"? And why forever, with him? Too many questions and too little answers. It drives you mad. Meanwhile, he stares at your lips now, torn between two options.

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