Stress (Maddie)

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Quirk being "Sparkle," you can shoot a sparkly beam from your hands with intense heat. You can adjust the temperature and your victims are always coveted in glitter by the time you're done with them. It gave you s flashy debut, getting you a high rank quickly. Along with that, you have a beautiful and happy personality. You're very popular.
Bouncing in, you get lost trying to find your classroom. It's just such a large building. Finally, after fifteen minutes, you find the room. Bursting inside, you yell, "I MADE IT!!!"
Everybody looks up, and the adult whom you assume is a teacher says, "Oh, look. It's our late substitute
"Sorry!" you say. "I was here five minutes early, but got distracted by a squirrel and got lost."
"Don't you know how to be serious? You're like this on TV, too."
"I am serious!" Turning to the class, you give a big smile. "Hi! I'm the Sparkly Hero, Glitter, but feel free to call me Ms. Y/n. I'm your assistant and substitute homeroom teacher, and hope to get along with everyone."
A blue-haited boy stands up and starts chopping at the air, "I am Tenya lida, class representative! We are so happy to have a top hero as our teacher! However! Please! Don't be late again!"
"I'll try!" You scratch the back of your head awkwardly. "It's nice to meet everyone!"
"Alright," cuts in the older man. "Back to class."
After your class, you and your co-teacher go to the teacher's lounge. You've found that his name is Shota Aizawa, Eraserhead. He's an underground hero, which is why you ve never heard of him.
On the floor, you sip on apple juice, and he has a cup of coffee as he sits in a chair. You're positioned with your legs crossed and both hands holding the juice box.
"I love apple juice!" you declare to Aizawa.
"There should be a holiday for it."
"I wish it were free."
"You're one of the richest heroes in the country."
"Yeah, but free apple juice tastes better than non-free apple juice.
From out of his sleeping bag, he throws a juice box to you. "There. Free apple juice."
"OMG!! THANK YOU!!" You run over and hug him. "THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!!"
And at that very moment, you decide that you're going to marry him someday. It's been decided. So, you say, "I'm gonna marry you someday!"
"Yup! You gave me apple juice! I'm yours now!"
"Where's the receipt?"
"No return policy!!"
During class the next day, you announce, "By the way! Aizawa and I are gonna get married eventually! I'm just in the process of convincing him! When we have a date, you're all invited!!"
Groaning, Aizawa goes, "Not happening."
"Oh. Did you want a smaller wedding?"
"No. Wedding.
"C"mon! I'm not just signing papers! There will me a wedding-"
"No marriage. I don't want to."
"You will! I'll be a great wife-"
"Can we please just get back to teaching?"
Tonight is the first night in the new dorms. Exhausted from moving in, you pass right out. However, in the middle of the night, you wake up, forgetting where you're at. You start screaming for help, thinking you've been kidnapped. The floor flings open, and there's Aizawa, waving a fire extinguisher around crazily.
"Oh, my gosh! Shota! Did you kidnap me?!?!"
He sighs in relief, then gets irritated. "Dorms. Remember?
"Oh, yeah! Sorry!" You lie back down. "G'night!"
He grunts and leaves. You fall asleep again quickly, and whole event repeats itself every night.
Your students are taking their provisional license exams, so you're at the stadium with your future husband. Then, some girl with green hair runs up and proposes to your Aizawa. Immediately, you hiss at her, grabbing him.
"Mine!" you shout. "He belongs to me! 'm gonna marry him and you cant have."
Sighing, he says, "I'm not marrying either of you."
"C'mon!" you say. "I love you! I cook! And clean! I can protect!"
"You will love me someday. Mark my words."
"No way!" shouts Ms. Joke. "He's in love with me!"
"Nope! He can't love a green-haired freak with a waist he can snap in half!"
She gasps in offense. "You didn't!"
"I so did!" You stick your tongue out. Then, you realize Aizawa disappeared. "WHERE DID MY FUTURE HUBBY GO?!?!?!"
You pull out your phone and open the tracking app that you have. "The bathroom!"
In the middle of the night once, you put a tracker in him. He doesn't seem to know yet, which is good. When at the bathroom, you sit in front of the door, not allowed inside since it's for males. Then, he walks out and looks at you in question. "How did you find me?"
"Just... intuition."
"I don't believe you but I'm too scared of the truth." He begins walking away, so you follow him.
"So I think our wedding colors should be f/c, silver, and white."
"Okay. What colors do you want, then?"
"No wedding. Sheesh."
"But we'd be a great couple!"
"Not happening."
While watching the meet, you scoot a chair closer to Aizawa. Then Joke does as well. So you get closer. Now her. This goes on until you're he's smushed between you. When you try to sit in his lap, he tells you "no," so you settle for so close that there's hardly any breathing room.
After the tests, you and Ms. Joke try to fight again, so Aizawa drags you by the collar back to the bus. The whole time, you're cursing out the other woman. Once in the bus, Aizawa sits you by the window and takes the seat beside you. On the ride, you fall asleep, almost hitting your head on the window. Immediately, he catches it, then rests it on his own shoulder, deciding to sleep, himself.
Lately, you've been getting along especially well with Hizashi Yamada. He's a great friend and you're extremely close with the blonde. Every day, you're talking to him with a big smile, and sometimes, your conversations are about how awesome your Aizawa is.
Today, you're walking to lunch with him, then get grabbed by someone into a hallway. Before you even see who it is, lips are on yours. At first, you're angry. How dare they! You're Shota Aizawa's girl! But then you realize who it is. lt's Aizawa.
His eyes are closed and his hands hold your hips tightly.
Immediately, you wrap your arms around his neck, and he presses you up against the wall. Bringing your hands to the back of his head, you find his hair entangled in your fingers, being oddly soft. He'll pull away for a moment, but then dive back in, seemingly incapable of getting enough. Neither can you, to be honest. You never want this to end.
Finally, he lets go for good, panting heavily. "I'm gonna say this once, and only once." His voice sounds slightly angry, though you don't know why. "You're mine, understood? And I don't like you spending so much time with Mic. If I'm not there, don't even be in the same room as him. Understood?"
Confused, you tilt your head to the side. "Hm? But why?"
"Because I said so."
"Is it because you're jealous?"
"I think you are! Don't worry. You're the only one for me. He's just my friend. We like to talk about how in love with you we are. Trust me. I'll never, ever get over you! lf it's not you, I don't want them!"
"As it should be."
"Does that mean you'll marry me?"
"Don't rush it."

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