Broken Hearts (Maddie)

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A bit confused, Tendo takes it from your hands, and examines it. It's a little pink envelope with a red-heart sticker keeping it closed. "What is it?"
"R- read it and see." Quickly, you run off.
Shrugging, he heads home. School just let out when you ran up to him, giving him the mysterious envelope. When he gets home, he sits on his bed and pulls it out, opening it to read it like you'd asked.
Dear Tendo Senpai,
I'm a second-year, and since I started school last year, I've been admiring you. Don't worry, it's not stalking or anything. I just see you in passing and in the cafeteria. I've also come to all of your games both last year and this year. Though, I've never been able to watch you guys at Nationals. just can't afford it.
I'm not asking for a chance, I just want you to know how I feel. The year just started, but I also know that once you graduate, probably never see you again. Of course, I've had other crushes and stuff, but it's nothing like you. I really, really like you. And I'm rooting for you, too.
I know that I'm not the prettiest, so it's probably a bit annoying. But, I just wanted to be honest. Have a good night, eat well, and stay in good health.
Sincerely, Y/N L/N

A bit confused, Tendo re-reads the letter a couple times, then shrugs. You could've just said it. It's not that big of a deal. And you are rather pretty.
Then, he gets a devious ides. Break her heart.
Since childhood, Tendo has loved to just break the hearts of people. It's why he loves volleyball so much. To see the look on people's faces as their dreams are crushed is just... delightful.
He wonders what it'd be like to break a girl's heart. Would it be different? Would your face be better? Could he enjoy it more? Hopefully. He just loves the thought. So, he has a plan. He'll accept you. You'll have a relationship and he'll make you happier than ever. Then, at the peak of a it all, he'll dump you heartlessly. It sounds wonderful! So, when school today is over, he skips over to you, smiling. "Thank you for your letter", he says, a bit too excited. "I'll give you a chance."
Your eyes get huge. "R- really??"
"Yup. Whaddya say we go out now?"
"A- are you sure?"
"I'm certain. C'mon."
He grabs your hand, and starts walking with you. You stumble along, seemingly in shock For a moment, he thinks it's rather cute. Maybe he'll end up enjoying the dating portion.
"So," he starts. "What do you like to do?"
"I like to read."
"And watch TV."
"And write."
"And I do a bit of gaming."
"I like to draw."
"Anything else?"
"I like to sleep."
"Well, aren't you just a ray of sunshine?"
"Er- yeah.. I'm kinda boring."
"No, not at all. Do you like coffee? Or would you prefer tea?"
"T- tea."
"I know a great place. C'mon."
He keeps walking with you. Your hand fits in his perfectly, and he likes it. He notices how you slowly walk closer and closer to him, making him smile a bit. Man... this girl/ must really like me... it'll be so much fun to break her heart later.
During the tea date, he learns a lot about you, and finds you to be nerdy, sweet, and very, very supportive. You talk a lot about his previous matches from last season, and he's a bit surprised at how much you know. You must really like him to have that much information. It's shocking. He always considered Ushijiwa to be the heartthrob, not him.
Tendo has taken you out on three dates, has walked you to and from school and your classes, and you two text quite often. So, today, after it's been a whole month, he's going to ask to make it official. Before he can even finish getting the question out, you throw you arms around him happily.
"Of course!"
A bit hesitant, he pats your back a bit, liking the hug far too much. "I'm happy that you're excited."
"Why wouldn't I be? Tendo Senpai, I've been dreaming of this since last year." A wave of guilt washes over him. I'm doing this to just break her heart, and she thinks that it's all real. What type of person am I?
"T- Tendo Senpai," you look up at him, resting your chin on his chest. "Can I call you Satori Senpai?"
"Mhh... only if can call you Y/nn-Chan."
"You can call me anything you want." You give him a closed-eye smile.
He pets your head. "My... heart."
A bit nervous, he leans close to your face slowly, sliding his eyes shut at a leisure pace. But, before he gets there, you just lean up for him, placing your lips square on his.
For a long time, you two stand there just like that, not moving. He's gentle, holding you up against him firmly. Your lips taste better than he ever thought. Maybe he won't break your heart... maybe he'll keep you... You're the first to pull away, smiling at him. You rest the side of your face against his chest, holding onto him still. He rubs his hand up and down your back, loving how you feel in his arms. He lets his chin fall onto the top of your head, easing into the hug slowly. "I love you," you say, making his eyes go wide. "Don't feel pressured. It's only been a month. You don't have to love me back yet. It's okay."
thank you for the patience."
You and Tendo have been dating for a few months now. At this point, he does love you back. So much that's he's almost forgotten his initial plan. Almost. In the back of his mind, he remembers it, though he won't do it. He just won't. However, he feels that you should know.
But, it could hurt you. He doesn't want to hurt you. He could never. He may have wanted to at first, but it's all changed way too fast. Now, he just wants to have you all to himself, never letting you go. If he could, he'd lock you away where no one could find you.
Today, he's sitting with you on your couch, watching a movie. You go to kiss him, but his guilt has been so prominent that he just moves his head, avoiding your gaze. You grab his arm, and he doesn't see the pleading look on your face.
"What's wrong? Are you okay? Did I do something?"
"No. It's me."
"What is it?"
"There's something I should've said a long time ago."
"I'm afraid to say it."
"Don't worry. I'll love you no matter what it is."
"I- I lied to you."
"The day I gave you a chance. I- I wanted to break your heart."
"I've always been a sadist and I like to break the hearts of those around me, especially on the volleyball court. When you confessed to me, I thought it'd be fun to break yours, as I'd never broken a girl's heart before-"
You stand up, cutting him off. "Get out."
"Wait! I'm trying to say that it's not like that anymore! I love you! I really do! Now- now I wanna protect you!" He stands up, grabbing your hands. "Y/nn-Chan, I will never hurt you. I swear-"
You pull your hands away. "I said to get out."
"I wasn't asking. Now leave."
"I can't- I can't just leave. I wanna talk. Let's fix this-"
"No. Not happening. I refuse to give you the chance to hurt me. Now leave my house."
"I won't hurt you! I swear! I could never!! Not anymore!"
"I didn't ask. Now leave before I call the police for trespassing."
Pain flashes across his face, as he stumbles back a bit. Biting his tongue, he walks out of the door, clenching his fists. He walks out, though plans to call you. Or talk to you at school. That actually might be better. You can't hang up or decline.
"Just talk to me," he says, following you on the way to school. "You can't just give me the cold-shoulder. I know that I messed up. It's obvious. But I also know that I deserve for you to just listen. I- you're breaking my heart."
"I know, I know. I was originally gonna do this to you. It was wrong and I totally screwed up. But I swear. I want nothing more than to be with you. You can't just leave me."
"Don't ice me out.." A tear forms in his eye. "I'm begging you..
This goes on for weeks, and now, he sees you walking around the school with another guy. It shatters him. He can't bear the thought of you with someone else. Not when he hasn't even had closure. You're his everything and more.
Today, you're in a classroom with the guy after school, laughing. When Tendo sees, he frowns so deeply that it almost hurts. This is the final straw. He can't watch this. He just can't.
Angrily, he matches in there, grabs you by the wrist, pulls you out of your chair, and then kisses you. Tensely, you stand there, not moving. When he pulls away, he looks at the guy and says, "Don't get the wrong idea. She's mine. And I don't ever wanna see you with her again."
He picks you up and throws you over his shoulder as he walks out of the classroom. You kick and flail around, yelling for him to put you down.
"S- Satori! Put- put me down!"
"Hey! You're talking to me again!"
"I mean it!"
"I'll put you down once we get to another classroom. I keep saying, I wanna talk this out."
"Well I don't!"
"Then it's a good thing that I'm not asking you anymore" When you reach his selected room, he puts you down and shuts the door. "Listen, I genuinely love you. |' never break your heart. If anything, you've broken mine. You've gotta understand that I cant live without you.Please.Come back."
Blushing, you look away. "That'd be stupid of me."
"No, it wouldn't be. You approached me. You can't just leave me like this."
"That's funny considering you wanted to do that to me."
"I know. But give me another chance. I'll be even better than I was before."
"I have one condition."
"Anything for you."

Tendo sits on the floor of his bedroom as you sit behind him, braiding his hair and putting ribbons in it. He honestly enjoys it. He feels pretty.
And having you back makes it even better.

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