Beautiful Eyes (Ghost)

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You were wondering the halls of your new school Karasuno. You wanted to get a lay of the land. As you were passing the gym you heard balls bouncing and sneakers squeaking. Your curiosity got the better of you, so you peeked in. You saw the volleyball team practicing.

As you were watching, a girl with dark hair came out of nowhere and started speaking to you.

"Can I help you?" She said in a monotone voice.

You gasp, "Uh no sorry. I was just watching."

"Would you be interested in being a manager?"

"What now?"

She looks at you, "Forgive me. I forgot to introduce myself. I am Kiyoko Shimizu. Third year. I am the manager of the Karasuno volleyball team. We are looking for another manager. Would you be interested?"

"Uh. I'm L/N F/N. I'm a first year. Um. I guess I can join. I needed to pick a club anyways."

Before she can answer, you hear two male voices yell her name. She tugs your arm to step to the left a bit. Sure enough two guys came running and fell out the door. You giggle.

The two guys get up and look at you. Their eyes go wide. You started to feel a little self-conscious.

The bald one spoke first, "Who's the pretty lady?"

You tilt your head. He thought you were pretty? No that's not possible.

The spiky haired one jumped up and down, "Are you a new manager? Do we have another pretty girl?"

You turn bright red. They went to grab you but another guy with short dark hair grabs them by the collar and make them bow and apologize.

He said, "I'm sorry for these two. I'm Daichi Sawamura. I'm a third year and captain of the volleyball team. These two are Ryūnosuke Tanaka and Yū Nishinoya."

You give him a smile, "It's ok. I was just shocked. I'm L/N F/N. I'm a first year and I have just joined as manager."

Sawamura smiled, "Welcome to the team."

You smile in return. Then you were introduced to the rest of the team. One guy caught your eye. He was a tall blonde with beautiful eyes. The only thing is he had a salty personality. Oh well. It wasn't like you had a chance with him anyways, so his attitude didn't bother you.

The more time you spent with the team, the more you got along with everyone. It was so chaotic but fun. You were joined by another first year manager, Hitoka Yachi. Together you girls took care of the team well. In fact, during camp you heard some teams grumble about Karasuno having too many cute managers. You just assumed they were referring to Kiyoko and Yachi. What you didn't know is they meant you too.

During one late night, the guys were starting to branch off for individual practicing. You were walking with Kiyoko when you bumped into the salty blonde you had come to know as Kei Tsukishima. You apologized.

He narrowed his eyes at you, "You should really watch where you are walking short stack. I didn't see you down there."

You scrunched up your nose, "You know you have a rotten personality."

He huffed, "Just watch it."

You giggle, "You should watch how you talk to a girl. But I'll let it slide since you have really pretty eyes."

His eyes go wide, and Kiyoko holds back a giggle. Tsukishima blushes all the way up to his ears. He makes a tch sound and marches off.

The next day you walk into the guy to hear Tanaka, Noya, and Hinata chanting a weird song. As you got closer to hear the words it caused you to laugh.

Pretty eyes

Pretty eyes

Saltishima has pretty eyes

There was even a weird dance. There was also chaos. Coach Ukai and Daichi were trying to get them all under control. Tsukishima was as red as a tomato. Kageyama joined in because he was better at it than Hinata. At least that what he was saying. Sugawara was snickering in the corner with Yamaguchi. It was just a complete mess.

Out of nowhere, Bokuto from Fukurodani started to join in. His teammate Akaashi grabs him and drags him back with the help of his friend Kuroo from Nekoma.

Tsukishima pointed his finger at you, "This is all your fault."

You giggle, "I didn't tell them. Did you?"

He growls, "No."

He stomps away. What no one sees is his small on his face. In reality, he likes you and you think he has pretty eyes. It flatters him, but he's not going to let anyone know it. Especially because of all the teasing he is getting now.

After the practices were over, you found yourself walking the path back to your room alone. Kiyoko had left long before you. As you were walking, someone grabbed you and pinned you to a wall. Looking up, you saw those beautiful eyes you like so much.

Tsukishima glares at you, "You think you can just get me teased all day and not have any consequences?"

You glare back, "I didn't do anything."

"Did you or did you not say I had beautiful eyes?"

"I did."

"Then it is your fault. As punishment you are now my girlfriend."

Then he just walks off leaving you stunned. What the heck? You went to yell but he was already gone. You just shook it off and went to bed.

The next day, which was the last day of camp, you walked into yet another song and dance.

This time Tanaka, Noya, Hinata, and Bokuto were singing the kissing song.

Tsuki and N/N sitting in a tree


First comes love

Then comes marriage

Then comes Tsuki in the baby carriage

And then there was the coaches and Daichi trying to get it to all stop. Tsukishima was standing there red yet again. You walk up to him and hug him causing him to malfunction for a second.

This was the start of your relationship with the salty teen. It had it's ups and downs but you would never changed it for the world. You had your beautiful eyed giant.

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