Saltysaurous (Maddie)

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"You want me to do what?" Tsukishima crosses his arms as he stares down at Uaki, his team coach.

"I need you to tutor my niece. I couldn't get anyone else to."
"So you seriously thought I would?"
"I'm making it a requirement. Tutor her."
"Forget it. I refuse to tutor again after dealing with Hinata and Kageyama."
"Please? She already thinks I'm a good-for-nothing uncle. At least give me this one thing."
"Then you tutor her."
"My grades were no better than hers."
He rolls his eyes. "What classes does she need help in?"
"All of them."
"Is there a deadline?"
"Preferably by exams."
"I'm a genius, not a god. I doubt I'll be able to help her."
"At least try?"
"What do I get out of this?"
"I will pay you. I have little money, but I'll pay you the little I have."
"Fine. Fine. Where does she live?"
"With me. Her parents work abroad so she's stayed with me for awhile. I can bring you over after practice."
"Okay. Whatever."
He gets through practice, just like any other day. Afterwards, he goes with his coach to the house, and is told that the older man will be running his grocery store.
"If you need anything," he says. "Just tell Y/n. I already shot her a text and she knows your name and stuff."
"Okay. I'll go inside, then."
Tsukishima walks in, then kicks off his shoes. Yawning, he starts on his way up the stairs, where he was told your supposed room is. He knocks on the door harshly, grumbling under his breath.
"Come in!!" calls a feminine voice.
He turns the knob and walks in finding you to be sitting on the floor at a table, books and pens and pencils out. Your room is pretty minimalistic, though nice enough, feminine and simple. He likes it well enough, he supposes.
He turns his eyes to you, finding someone who seems... pretty, in a way. You're chubby, and seem rather short. You've got pretty hair and cute features. Of course, he could never admit that aloud. Or in his head. His first thought is, Ugly.
"Hey," you say hurriedly, looking up. "I take it you're Kei Tsukishima?"
"Yeah. Y/n L/n?"
"Yup! That's me!" You move over and pat the spot next to you. "Sit down and let's get started."
He sits on the other side of you, noticing as your face gets an annoyed expression.
"Your uncle said you're struggling in all classes?"
"Yeah... I'm not the best at studying, y'know? I'm good at my electives and club."
"I'd hope you are. You chose them." Bored, he rests his cheek on his fist. "Anyway, where do you want to start?"
"I have absolutely no idea. I honestly have no desire to study right now. I would much rather draw anime characters."
He frowns. "You're not the one suffering. Now pull out your history textbook."
"But I hate history! I don't wanna study history." You slump down.
He scoffs. "Fine. English?"
"But I don't like English, either! I don't need English! I'm Japanese! I live in Japan! What the heck will I use English for?!"
"School. You'll use it for school. It's part of the school system. You don't have a choice. We need to start somewhere."
"Then you choose!"
"I've been trying to," he grits his teeth. "You're not cooperating. Now I know why nobody wanted to tutor you."
Furrowing your brows, you pout. "You're mean. The worse tutor ever."
His eyebrow begins to twitch and his fists shake. "You don't seem to realize I'm taking time out of my schedule for you. Suck it up and accept the fact you need to be tutored. You're failing."
"But I'm good at failing!"
"You're really freaking annoying, y'know that?"
"My uncle said you would be tall and and athlete. I expected you to be really freaking hot and cool. But you're just a four-eyed jerk. I don't like you."
"I'm not exactly too fond of you either. Now please. Let's just get started. I'm getting paid for this, y'know."
You shake your head defiantly. "I won't. Not until you say something nice."
"There's nothing nice to say."
"Then we're not starting." You turn your head away, as if to resist his insistence. "Go ahead and just leave or whatever. But you're not getting your money. I don't care about my studies. I wanna spend high school having fun and being happy. Go out with boys. Maybe even kiss a couple." You throw your hands up. "I only agreed to the tutoring in hopes it'd be a good-looking guy that I vibe with. Instead, I get stuck with you. I'm depressed now. Leave me be, ugly jerkwad."
How did he even get in this predicament? He didn't even want to tutor you. He only agreed because money was involved. But he's beginning to think it's not worth it. Not even in the slightest. You're annoying and rude and completely intolerable. He refuses.
"Sounds wonderful," He stands up, grabbing his bag. "Have fun failing. You could never pass without my help. You're even dumber than I thought. Especially if you're too busy looking at boys."
You stick your tongue out. "At least I'll be happy, unlike a certain Saltysaurous."
"Did you just- did you call me SaltySaurous?!"
"I did! You're a giant, salty, annoying jerkwad!! A Saltysaurous!!"
"I am not a Saltysaurous."
"Just accept it! Now leave me alone!"
"Not happening now."
He gets a sadistic glint in his eyes.
"You're gonna spend the night studying until you drop." He throws his bag on the floor. "Now pull out a textbook."
"I refuse to learn from a Saltysaurous."
He thinks a moment.
"I'll kiss you if you don't listen."
"What subject are we starting with?"
"That's better. Now pull out your history textbook as originally planned."
You're dumber than he thought. You struggle to comprehend anything, no matter how many ways he tries to explain it. And this is just history. He never thought you'd be worse than Hinata and Kageyama. He didn't think that was even possible. But, alas, you are.
You're much, much worse.
After several hours, you two move on to other subjects. By the time he's ready to start math, it's after 1:00 a.m. Frantically, you scream.
"NO MORE!!!" you shout. "I CAN'T TAKE ANY MORE!!!"
"We're not finished until I say so! Now shut up!"
"Brats like yourself don't deserve mercy! You asked for it!"
The door swings open, revealing Ukai. His nostrils flare as he looks at you two in contempt. "WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING IN HERE?!?!?!"
"Tutoring," Tsukishima says.
"That did not sound like tutoring."
Tsukishima grimaces. "Gross," He turns back to you. "Now pick up that pencil and get back to work. You're not taking a break until you get through at least five of the practice questions."
You tear up. "But I really have to pee."
"You're just gonna have to hold it. Keep arguing and it'll be ten questions."
"You're cruel, Saltysaurous."
"Shut up and get back to work."
"Tsukishima-Kun," says your uncle. "Maybe you should lighten up-"
"I will do no such thing," Tsukishima replies airily, turning his nose up in arrogance and pride. "She had this coming. You wanted me to tutor her, so I am. By the time I'm done with her, she'll be too afraid to fail. Won't you, L/n-San?"
Through the tears, you nod. "Saltysaurous is terrifying."
"Tsukishima-Kun... you're scaring her."
"And look at how much progress we've made. She can clearly tell every vital piece of Japanese history without hesitation. Of course, we have other parts of the world, too. But I figured we'd start with that for tonight. In chemistry we-"
"Why don't you two call it a night?" He checks his watch. "You have to be tired."
The tall boy adjusts his glasses. "Not at all. I'll spend all night if I have to. We're at least getting through five questions."
You grab his arm, eyes pleading. "I'll do anything. Just let me sleep. I will be you eternal slave if I have to be. But please. Let me rest. Our cut-off time should be midnight, yeah? I mean, a guy and a girl alone in a bedroom this late at night is super inappropriate, door open or not. Y- you wouldn't wanna ruin your reputation, right? Please. Let's stop for tonight."
He glares. "You caused this by being difficult. You're just facing the repercussions of your own actions."
"Give her a break," your uncle vouches. "She's only fifteen. All teenage girls make mistakes."
You nod your head vigorously. "Yeah. It's normal. I'll do anything to make it up to you."
"We're not stopping."
"Can I at least go pee?"
"No." He shakes you off and forces a pencil into your hand. "Now. Solve. The. Equation."
Your tears roll off your cheeks. "You're Satan in the flesh, aren't you?"
"Yeah, and I'm the reason Hell is so hot." He rolls his eyes.
"I get it. It's because of everyone's warm tears. They boil over from the sheer pain in everyone's chests. You're so cruel, Saltysaurous. Let me die already."
"You're not dying until you have these formulas memorized."
"I think I'm in Hell already."

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