Taste (Maddie)

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This is yet another story based off of a song. It's Taste by Stray Kids' subunit, Danceracha. From the song, I used the following quotes: "Once we've started, you must be mine;" "Thick thorns hidden by beauty" "I'm addicted to you;" "Just looking at me baby day and night," "Kiss me or leave me;" "Enjoy it, babe"

You're ashamed, in all honesty. At a young age, you were trained to be a spy. It's something you've done since childhood. You were given a target, and sent to gather as much intel as possible. When younger, you'd be the helpless little girl, though now that you're older, you're typically told to get close to them. Manipulate romantic feelings that they may develop for you, or perhaps platonic based on sexuality.
So, here you are, staging your run-in with a dangerous villain, Dabi. Nobody is sure of LO what he's interested in, but they're sure that you can get close in some type of way. You're good at worming your way into the hearts of your victims.
It's heartless, though that's what you were taught. There have been a few cases, however, when you developed real feelings of some sort for the subject, but you cut them off each and every time, stabbing them in the back.
Seeing the direction that he's running in, you forcefully hurl yourself into his trajectory ahead, crumble onto the ground, and give a helpless look to him. His eyes narrow, and you see irritation on his face as he sparks a flame.
"P- please" you beg, trying to sound defenseless. "Don't hurt me-"
"You're in my way." He starts to walk around you.
Crap! You're not supposed you ignore me.. Under your breath, you mutter, "Shoot. think it's twisted." To feign anxiety, you chew on your thumbnail. "How the heck am I supposed to get home? Nobody's around, either... From the corner of your eye, you see him turn around."
"What did you twist?"
"M- my ankle."
"Which one?"
He kneels beside you. "You can move it, right?"
"M- mhm"
"Pain on a scale of one to ten?"
"I can't believe I'm doing this.." He grabs you, then hoists you onto his back.
This wasn't the plan!! "W- what are you doing?!"
"I'II carry you home. Where you live?"
"D- don't bother-"
"So you'd rather be stuck in the middle of the street? And get hit by a car?"
"Then tell me where you live."
"I'II give you directions as we go."
"Fair enough."
After awhile, you end up at your house, where he drops you on your couch. He stretches his back a bit, seemingly tired from having to carry you all the way here. Fidgeting you stare at your lap.
"Th- thank you."
"Yeah, yeah. Where you keep your ace bandages?*
"Cabinet above the toilet in the bathroom."
"And where is the bathroom?"
"Down the hall, second door to the right"
"I'll be right back."
He disappears for a bit, then comes back with an ace bandage. He takes your shoe off and starts wrapping it quietly.
really hate the fact that I'm fooling you. even though you're evil..it's just so wrong.
"There" he pins it and finishes up. "Well, look at you. Saved by a hot villain. Your lucky day, huh?"
"I appreciate it." You give him a small smile.
"You owe me, he places his hands on either side of you, leaning in close. "After all, I saved you."
"Well...what do you want?"
"Hmmm. How about I just drop by whenever I want?"
"Go ahead, I guess-"
He snickers. "You're seriously okay with a villain showing up whenever he wants?"
"You don't seem like much of a villain to me. I mean, you saved me, didn't you?"
A type of emotion flashes across his face for a split second. "Thinking that way could get you killed."
"Would you kill me? Even after carrying me all the way here?"
The innocent type. Play that role. It should work. Someone evil like him should be intrigued by it. He'll feel a strange urge to protect and it'₩ row from there. Keep it up, Y/n.
"You're too naïve for your own good. Sooner or later, it'll come back to ya."
You're wrong. You're the naïve one here. Sooner or later... you're gonna get l killed because of me."
"No, it won't. I trust you. You saved me, and you wouldn't have if you had bad intentions. I'm not scared at all"
Part of you means that. You've met many people, and a lot of ones who seemed "bad" were really hurting. They didn't want to hurt you. They wanted to be loved. The moment you offered that, they were already yours to do with as you pleased. It's always been sad, really.
Carefully, you go to place a hand on his cheek, but he catches it, narrowing his eyes. "What are your intentions?"
"What do you mean?"
"Why are you doing this? Nobody trusts me. I'm a murderer."
"And why are you a murderer?" You contort your hand so that you're holding his. "You don't seem like the type who kills just to kill. Are you angry? Hurt? Hungry for vengeance? I can tell that it's something other than sadistic tendencies."
"What gives you that delusion?" Despite his response, there's sincerity in his eyes. A type that tells you everything--it tells you that you're right.
"Your eyes," Taking the initiative, you lean in while slowly closing your eyes, letting your lips brush his. He grabs your arms and shoves your back against the couch, climbing onto it, himself. He brings his mouth back to yours, seeming to be hungry for more. Unlike you, he's rough, though you don't mind. You've dealt with violent before.
When he pulls away, you stare into his eyes, trying to read them. How S is he feeling? And what exactly does he want?
The objective here is to please him to the point that you have a chance. Then, you get closer and closer, gathering as a much information as possible. Then you'll have won. And he'll die. And that ill be more blood stained on your hands.
"Hey," he says first, cupping your cheek. "You do realize what you're getting yourself into, right?"
Tilting your head to the side innocently, you say, "No, but I don't really care."
"You're good at this."
"At what?"
He grins a bit. "Nothing. Nothing at all."
"Well? What now?"
"Now...I have to leave. There's things to do." He stands back up. "Name?"
"Front desk at a bakery." That's your other job, to stifle suspicion.
"Hm. I'll be here tomorrow. Take care of that ankle."
"It should be fine by tomorrow. This happens all the time."
He touches your shoulder. "Be careful, Mouse. Cant have you hurt."
"I'll try"
"Anyway, I'll be leaving. But, there's something you should know."
"Hm? What's that?"
"Once we've started, you must be mine."
He pecks your cheek, then head s out the door. The moment he's gone, you stare at your lap, mouth forming into a thin line. You're lying. Again. Just using him for your job. A job you never wanted. A job that was forced upon you.
You can't exactly remember it all. You were too young. But, at some point, you were taken away from your "home, and
were turned into a government spy. You underwent training and such, and were always good--but you'll never be what
they want you to be. You still feel. You still care about people, even when you shouldn't. You're empathetic.
You're cooking dinner. Yesterday was the day you met Dabi, though you're wondering where he is. It's a simple dinner,
but that's no big deal. You can eat just about anything. Eliciting a soft gasp from you, something wraps around your waist and rests on your shoulder. You look, and there he is. Dabi. His eyes are shut, and he seems tired.
"You okay?" you ask.
"Was it a long day?"
"Why don't you go sit at the table and wait for dinner?"
"Whacha making?"
"Teriyaki chicken and rice."
"Sounds good." He buries his face in your shoulder. "Enough for two, or just you?"
"Enough for both of us, and maybe leftovers."
"Then I'll stay for dinner."
"Okay, but can you go wait at the table? I can't cook like this."
"Fine, fine. Get rid of me." He sits at the table, resting his head on it and pouting a bit.
"Nobody is getting rid of you, but I can't feed you like that."
Playfully, you roll your eyes and get back to work. Deep down, this hurts. You don't want to have to hurt him later. It's not fair to him. Especially with him being so adorable over there, as he keeps his eyes fixated on you.
You ask, "You fond of the view, or something?"
"Why? I'm not pretty."
"Says who?"
"Anyone with common sense. You know how, I only ever got my old boyfriends through flattery and food."
"You've dated other men?"
"A few."
"Who are they? I'll burn 'em to a crisp."
They're already dead. And no, you can't ask. It's a long story that I'm not in the mood to tell, nor will I ever be" You'll find out soon enough, anyway.
"Hey, no breathing man should have ever laid eyes on what's mine."
"What'll you do? Lock me away where nobody can find me?"
"Oh, I'm planning to. Just looking for a place to keep you."
You stop dead in your tracks. "You're not serious, are you?"
"Of course, I'm serious. What if someone decides they want to steal you for themselves? Try to take you away? What if they put their filthy hands on you?"
"They're not going to. Look at me. Like I said. Flattery and food. Without them, I could never-"
"Then what about me?"
"You.. I dunno. You're different, I guess. Flattery, maybe?- Sentiment?" You shrug. "Don't r really need to I think about it. Never really mattered to r me. The thought of.. someone caring about me... is just that. I'm grateful, and I'm happy, but no good thing lasts forever. I've... had to learn that the hard way." Clutching the spoon, you stare at the food that's just finished. "It's fine, of course. That's how this work. Life... is life. Gotta take the good with the bad."
"Mouse, you don't deserve that. And besides, you're not gonna loose me. Ever. You can't get rid of me. Truth is... much like you...I've got nobody else. The League, I don't care about them. You're the only thing that matters now."
You start trying to plate the food, pretending to be fine You're not fine. Not even in the slightest. He's so freaking naïve.
"You idiot. Don't believe me. Get out of here--better yet, kill me. Burn me to an ash... that way... that way I'II never have to do this again. Save me...be my hero."
"You okay?"
"Mhm! Just focused. I love to cook." You place his plate in front of him, showing your signature fake smile. "Anyway, enjoy. It's nothing fancy, but food, right?"
As he starts grabbing chicken, he says, "I haven't had a home-cooked meal in eleven years. I'l take what I can get."
Sympathetically, you sit and take his free hand. "What? That long ago? When was the last time you went home? To your mom? Dabi, has nobody-"
Even if I did go home, she wouldn't be there.'" He drops his chopsticks and stares at the ceiling.
"Hm? Where is she? Not to pry. You don't have to answer-"
He looks into your eyes. "Hospital. Lost her mind awhile after I left home."
"What about your dad? Do you have any siblings?"
"That piece of scum isn't worth coming home to. And my siblings? All the women in my 'family' are useless and my brothers...they didn't care anyway.
"Well, I care. Come by any time you want a real meal."
"I can't just show up for food. That'd be using you."
"Yeah, well I'm doing a lot worse to you."
"I want to cook for you. I love cooking and doing it for you would make it better. Let me take care of you."
He smiles a bit. "Alright, fine. I'Il drop by for dinners. Sound good?"
"Sounds great."
You haven't got any specific information on him besides the little bits and pieces that don't fit together. Still, you give them to the higher-ups. You're happy, though. It's good that you don't have any real information. They can't hurt him. Not yet. He's safe.
You once swore that this would never happen, but you're sure that you've fallen in love with him. Before, you "loved"
your victims in a certain way, but not like this. This is different. Nothing is the same with him. The love is something else.
And you can't bear the thought of him getting hurt.
As you think of all this, you prepare dinner for him, remembering a new order. Because you can't get information, they want you to poison him, you look at the powder, and contemplate. You won't poison him. That, you know. But you are tempted to put it in your own drink. Save him from yourself.
But you can't. Not when he loves you. Not when he tells you that you're the one who makes him happy to be alive. What makes him look forward to tomorrow. If you die, he'd be crushed. He'd hurt. And you'd rather live with guilt than ever make him unhappy. No. You wont. You won't die
You throw it away, never wanting to see it again. From there, you finish cooking.
The night you threw away the poison, Dabi told you that he was taking you to the new home he'd mentioned before. So, you're currently siting on the bed that you share with him, staring at the ceiling. He's a good guy, really. Just wants to keep you safe. And you trust him for that.
Then, you hear the front door slam and him stomping to the room. Is he angry? What happened? Immediately, you start wracking your brain on how to make him feel better. The door flings open, and you see him with blood beneath the burnt parts of his eyes. Is he crying now?
When he looks up, you see nothing but anger and pain contorted on his face, "Hey there, liar"
"Hm? What're you-"
"I found out. Who you are. Can't believe I let you fool me like that."
And just like that, your whole world comes tumbling down. He knows. He knows everything. And if he knows, he hates you. And if he hates you, he doesn't want you anymore. And if he doesn't want you anymore, ever last bit of happiness that you've felt in these last few months will just slip away.
Tears already start building up in your eyes as you hang your head down in shame. "Then kill me."
"You're angry, right? You don't want me anymore, right? Then kill me. You want to, right? You've never had an issue killing anyone who pisses me off. Don't make me be the exception. I just kill me so I never have to do this again."
"What the heck? That's all you're gonna say? Seriously?"
"What else can I say? Should I apologize? We both know you don't want to hear it. You're not exactly a forgiving person. I don't care, anyway. You're not gonna forgive me, so I won't even ask. What's the point in getting on my knees and begging for something I won't get? I'd rather you kill me. I won't have to live like this. You'll be satisfied and happy. I can't think of anything better."
You're not listening, idiot. Are you even gonna ask how I found out?"
"You finally wisen up and looked into my background? You noticed how suspicious I am?"
"The poison. In the trash."
"So that's what gave it away? Do you want me to start from the beginning?"
"Go ahead," he leans on the doorway.
"When I was too young to remember, I was taken from home and raised to be, well, a government spy, as cliché as that is. When I was a kid, I was the defenseless little girl you wanna help because she's too adorable. When l was about sixteen, it took a turn. I typically played on any romantic feelings they developed. As was the case with you. Our entire meeting was staged. I didn't even twist my ankle. You were smart, though. You didn't give enough information that led to any answers. If anything, they confused us even more. As for the poison, by then, they got tired of no answers and wanted me to do the job myself. Thing is. I couldn't. I- l actually fell for you. Part of me was tempted to just poison myself, but I decided against if because... I knew it'd make you sad. I didn't ever wanna be the reason for your pain. I thought that after coming here, I'd never have to worry about anything. I couldn't report back even if I wanted to."
"When I was too young to remember, I was taken from home and raised to be, well, a government spy, as cliché as that is. When I was a kid, I was the defenseless little girl you wanna help because she's too adorable. When I was about sixteen, it took a turn. I typically played on any romantic feelings they developed. As was the case with you. Our entire meeting was staged. I didn't even twist my ankle. You were smart, though. You didn't give enough information that led to any answers. If anything, they confused us even more. As for the poison, by then, they got tired of no answers and wanted me to do the job myself. Thing is...I couldn't. I- I actually fell for you. Part of me was tempted to just poison myself, but I decided against if because... knew it'd make you sad. I didn't ever wanna be the reason for your pain. I thought that after coming here, I'd never have to worry about anything. I couldn't report back even if I wanted to."
"Thick thorns hidden by beauty... I was such an idiot."
"Yeah, I can't even deny that. So you should kill me-"
"Afraid I can't do that."
"What? Why not?"
"I'm addicted to you. You're a drug I can't quit."
"What? But- but aren't you mad-"
"Oh, trust me, I'm pissed off. On my way here, I burned a couple cities to a crisp.
"Then why won't you-"
"I already told you. I can't let you go." He grabs you by the arm, dragging you off the bed and close to his face. "I refuse."
"But... what now?"
"Just look at me, baby, day and night."
"Doesn't that sound like the perfect life? All you want is to stare at him all day every day. He makes you so happy. Your whole reason for living. Just the thought makes you happy.
He slams his lips onto yours, though you still question this a bit. Would he even be happy with you? Even after everything you did? You try to pull away, but he doesn't let you.
"Kiss me or leave me," he mutters against your lips. "And if you try to leave... ' break your neck." The last part is a growl, and you truly do believe him. He's done worse. "Enjoy it, babe. You're never leaving this house again, anyway."

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