Toy (Maddie)

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This is a scenario in the instance that he survived the war. It takes place a year afterwards, so please enjoy!!
There you are, in all your beauty. That pretty hair stuck to your skin from sweat. Those pretty eyes shining with life.
Your face lit up by the excitement and thrill of training.
You're an oddly talented girl of the Akimichi Clan, who loves being a shinobi and fighting. In battle, one can see a sadistic side to you, but outside of it, you're a sweat girl.
Behind a corner, he watches you, silent and observing. A light pink tint dusts his pale cheeks as he sinks to the ground, unable to tear his eyes away from you. He's done this so many times, but has never once spoken to you. With his temperament, it's unlikely that you'd like him. He may be a genius shinobi, but he's lacking is social skills.
Recently, he's been trying to work himself up enough to approach you. Perhaps he could use your training? Slowly, gears start turning in his head, and he gets an idea.
Subtly, he steps out, though doesn't appear to have caught your attention. He clears his throat, causing you to snap your head in his direction. Your chubby cheeks are a bit red from the heat and sweat causes your clothes to cling, outlining every feature of your body. Forcefully, he keeps his eyes glued to your face.
"Your form is sloppy." Why did I say that?! Is that seriously the best thing I could come up with?! Knowing that he can't fix his mistake, he continues, "I happened to be walking past and saw this pathetic attempt at training."
With a sadistic glint in your eyes, you lick your lips and say, Then let's spar."
"Very well, then."
He gets into position, ready to use his 64-Palms Jutsu. But, suddenly, you disappear, and the next thing he knows, he's pinned to the ground, your knee on his shoulders and hand against his neck, leaving him short of breath. You're so close, specifically... your thighs. It's not really your weight that makes it so hard to breathe. It's the sight he sees. For once in his life, his face takes on a red color as he obscures his vision to the side.
"I know," You bring your face close to his, and he looks again, though regrettably. "So who was sloppy?" You grab his face, grinning.
"You win," he says quietly.
"Fine. You weren't sloppy."
" think you owe me an apology."
"I apologize."
"And... how will you make it up to me?"
"What do you want?"
"Be my training buddy. I'd love to train with a Hyuga. You're Neji Hyuga, right? I've heard of you. You're supposed to be a genius. Come on. Say you'll be my little toy:"
"Training buddy and toy are two different things."
Tilting your head to the side, you ask, "Is it really?"
"Yes. Very much so."
"Oh... well, who cares? Just agree. Or else."
"Or else?"
"Or else I'll tie you to a tree and use you for target practice."
".very well. Now, can you show some dignity and get off of me?"
"Dignity? Why would I give a crap about that? I wanna fight."
"I can see that, but I'd still like for you to get off of me?"
"What? I'm too heavy? A big, strong man like you can't handle my weight?"
"It's not that. I'm just not fond of you sitting on me. If I don't loom away, I can see you your skirt."
"Oops," you get off. "I got too caught up in the fight." You stand up and hold your hand out for him to take it, in which he does. "Forgive me. I think ! should give you a proper introduction. The name's Y/n Akimichi. I already know who you are, so no need to tell me." You give him a closed-eye smile as you tilt your head.
"It's a pleasure to meet you."
"Aw, aren't you sweet?"
"Not really"
"Anyway, thank you. That was fun. Let's do this again sometime, okay?"
He turns around and walks away, smiling to himself a bit. He interacted with you, as long as it took. And what's more, he
got close, as awkward as it was. A blush creeps onto his face, though he refuses to acknowledge it.
"Tenten," Neji says to get a certain brunette-girl's attention. "I have a favor to ask of you."
"A favor? What is it?"
He sits down on the ground, getting a drink of water. "I just need you to answer a couple questions."
She sits beside him. "Go ahead'"
"What do girls like? In men, I mean."
"You want girl advice?" She claps a bit. "Who is she? Is she pretty?"
"I thought /was the one asking questions."
With a pout, she replies, "Fine. Girls like the tall, dark and mysterious type, she clasps her hands. "A gentleman who won't even let her touch a girl. The type that'll protect her and treat her like a lady--no, a delicate flower. Someone-"
"This sounds like a fantasy novel, not advice."
"Hey! Its a girl's dream to live a romance novel!"
"Even if I wanted to, I couldn't be that."
"Don't be so down on yourself-"
"She's too strong to protect. She even surpasses me."
She beat me in less than a minute. She doesn't need protection. And she's not exactly delicate." The image of your thick body pops into his head, making his face a bit red. "Besides, I can't say that she seems like the type to be into that."
"I thought that you'd know something else. All 1 know is that shes a sadist who likes to put me through pain."
Suddenly, he remembers some of the things you've put him through, causing him to shudder a bit. He's never been tortured in the ways that you've put him through. It wasn't exactly pleasant. Sometimes, when he remembers, he asks himself if he's a masochist, but then remembers your sweet disposition as well.
"Pain? What is she, a sadist?"
"And you like her..why?"
"Not sure."
"Are you a masochist, or something?"
She sighs in irritation. "Do things that make her happy. Let her...beat you, or whatever. Buy her nice things."
"RAMEN!!!" Naruto comes swooping in. "You'll become the coolest guy on earth!!"
"I'm not taking advice from you.
"Hey!! How do you think I won Hinata's heart?! i'm sure it was-"
"I assure you. It was not."
"But then WHY?!?!?!"
"I still ask that question." He stands up. "Anyway, I'm supposed to be meeting her. I'll be off.
He finds you at the training grounds, seeming to be impatient. The moment your eyes fall on him, your face lights up.
Waving, you shout, "Neji! There you are!  been waiting for you!!"
"Sorry. I was with a friend."
"Ooh~ was is a girl~"
Despite the big smile on your face, he sees a bit of disappointment in your eyes. So it's just friends?"
"You sure?" You poke his arm.
"Only fools are positive." You stick your tongue out.
"Anyway, let's spar. I wanna try a new move on you."
"Alright, let's go."
Immediately, he activates his Baykugon, wanting to actually see you rushing at him. But it's in vain, because he can't move fast enough. One second, you're standing a few feet away, and the next, you're holding him in a choking position, a tight grip on his neck.
"Let go," he says.
"First, tell me who you were with earlier."
"Can't... breathe."
"C'mon. I wanna see if she's strong. Please, Neji? I want more playmates."
"You're a psycho, you know that?"
"I know!! And I'm happy, too. I'm super strong, and on top of that, I'm unusually fast for someone of my clan. Not to brag, but lm pretty freakin' awesome, right? You're too easy:"
"She's not any stronger than me."
"Aw. Isn't there anyone to fight?" You let go of him. "Jeez. This is so boring:"
Rubbing his neck, he mutters, "You're obsessed."
"In my defense, 've never been challenged. It's too easy for me."
"You're a strong girl. It's only natural."
"Yeah, but it sucks."
"Most people want to be strong."
You sit on the ground. "It's no fun. People think I'm scary. I can't fight anyone and be even a little challenged, and boys
don't like me. I've never even come close to having a boyfriend. All my other crushes thought I was freaky."
You knew other men?
Sitting beside you, he says, "I doubt all guys think you're freaky."
"No. Just you. You're the only one that doesn't run." You smile at him, though he can see the pain in your eyes. "My cousin is good to me, too. But he's my total opposite. Way too gentle. Just you and Choji."
"I'm a friend of Choji's."
"That explains it. Oh, wait, his friend Shikamaru is cool, too. I actually had a crush on him for awhile, but then he started going out with Temari. Bubble burst, right?"
He clenches his jaw. "Yes. How terrible."
"And the guy I like now, well, he probably doesn't feel that way. That's just my luck, y'know?"
"You okay?"
"Just peachy."
"Are you upset? Did I say something?"
"It's nothing"
"No, it's not. Neji...tell me what's wrong. 1'll feel bad if you don't."
He looks you dead in the eyes. "I don't like you talking about other men. Your cousin, 'l allow. But not others. That's a rule. I can't stand it and it makes me seriously angry."
"Do I need a reason?"
"Kinda! Don't tell me what to do without an explanation. That's not fair, Neji."
"You really want the reason?" He raises an eyebrow.
"Yes! Now tell me, you jerk!"
"This 'jerk' likes you."
With those parting words, he walks away, not bothering to look behind him. He doesn't really want to. In the instance that you reject him, he'd probably loose his cool. So, he takes himself back home, where he finds Hinata.
"Hey, Neji!" she says with a smile.
"Hello, Hinata."
"Where have you been?"
"I was sparring with someone."
"Oh, I see."
"I have a question for you."
"G- go ahead."
"What made you like Naruto?"
Blushing, she holds her face, completely flustered. "Well. I've- I've liked him since I was just a kid."
"And what was it that caused that?"
"He was always working hard, and he-he never gave up. He was inspiring. When everyone said he couldn't, he worked
twice as hard.
"You fell for an idiot because of that?"
"What? We both know he's a dimwit."
"That doesn't mean you have to say it... but, what makes you ask that all of a sudden?"
"Nothing, really-"
"Wait! ls there a girl you like?!"
He blushes just a bit. "Perhaps."
"Have you confessed??"
"Sort of. I did that before coming here-"
"What did she say?"
"I left before she could reply." He turns his head in shame and guilt, realizing how silly that sounds.
Suddenly, she's smacking his arm. "You're gonna confuse the poor girl! Go find her and explain!!"
"She likes somebody else!!"
"And so she'd reject me.""
"That shouldn't stop you. Go back and see her!" She starts pushing him outside of the gates.
"Hinata! This is absurd!"
When he's fully outside, she tells him, "Don't come back until you've talked to her!"
And like that, she locks him out. Sighing, he rubs his temples, though concludes that she's right. You probably are confused, and he'll have to face you again anyways. He starts on his way to your house, believing that you'll be there.
When he knocks on the door, it's Choji who answers.
"Oh, hey Nejl!"
"Hi. ls Y/n home?"
"You know my cousin?"
"Oh. Uhh...yeah. She's in her room-"
"Can you ask her to come outside, please?"
After waiting a few minutes you come outside, smiling. You don't look the slightest bit distressed or confused. Just happy. Did his confession not matter? Did the guy you like profess his love to you first?
"Hi, Neji" you say, smiling brightly. "What brings you here?"
"I wanted to discuss our conversation earlier."
"Okay...? What about it?"
"I wanted to clarify what I meant when I said I like you-"
"You don't need to. understood just fine. you have romantic feelings for me, right?"
"Well yes-"
Then that's that. l honestly thought you were here to formally ask me out, but this is what I get? Man, you're pathetic."
"I wasn't going to bother seeing as it's unlikely you feel the same-"
"Huh? It's unlikely? The experimental probability is 1, while the theoretical probably is '2. Technically speaking, it's more likely to occur than it's complement."
"The experimental-"
"I like you, too. Seriously. Now ask me out! Formally!!"
Clearing his throat, he asks, "Would you like to go out sometime?"
Leaning in close, you ask, "Where will we go?
"To...go get... ramen..?" Oddly, that's the first thing that came to mind. Probably because he mentioned Naruto earlier.
"OMG REALLY?!?! YOU'RE GONNA TREAT ME TO RAMEN?!?!? You grab his hands while bouncing up and down. BEST DATE EVER!!! YOU'RE THE COOLEST, NEJI!"
"Shut up, you imbecile!!"

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