Onigiri (Ghost)

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You were sitting in the common area trying to figure out what to eat. You were hungry but didn't know what you wanted. Kirishima sat next to you.

He smiles, "What you are doing, L/N?"

You return his smile, "Trying to figure out what I want to eat."

He nods, "I was going to get some onigiri. Do you want to come with me? It would be manly if you did."

You blush, "Yeah. Let's go."

You both arrived at the place and took a seat. You pick up a menu and look at all the flavors. You were having a hard time picking some. Everything sounded good.

You look up at Kirishima, "Hey what kind are you getting?"

"I want the manliest flavor."

"What flavor is the manliest?"

"What ever flavor you think is pebble."

You freeze. Did he just call you pebble? Does he not realize what he did? Was it an accident?

He was still obliviously looking at the menu. He had no clue what he just called you. He doesn't realize you have turned so red that you would put tomatoes to shame because of it.

You shake it off, "Ummm maybe the steak?"

He gives you a wide shark tooth smile, "That does sound manly. I will have that. Thanks, pebble."

This time, he freezes. He just realized what he did. He had called you the little nickname that he had come up for you secretly.

Kirishima looks up wide-eyed, "I'm so sorry. That was unmanly of me. I didn't mean to. I just really like you and -"

You cut him off before his rambling got out of hand, "It's ok. I kind of like it. And I like you too."

He slowly smiles. Then he jumps up and hugs you yelling that you are his pebble forever. You hide your face in his chest out of embarrassment.

This was the start of a beautiful relationship over manly onigiri.

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