Bored (Ghost)

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You placed your head on your hand that was leaning on the counter and sighed. You were currently at your job in a convenience store, and it was quiet. You hadn't had a customer in hours, so you were completely bored.

Finally, you heard the bell. When you looked up you saw a mop of yellow hair go towards the back. You were happy for some kind of human interaction. When the person got to you, you looked up and saw it was the pro-hero Chargebolt.

He made his way to the counter and gave you a huge smile, "Hello pretty lady. I'm Denki Kaminari also known as Chargebolt. It's a pleasure to meet you."

You raised an eyebrow at him. Was he flirting with you? Guys don't normally do that. Even though you have heard he was a flirtatious person, you didn't think he would with you.

"Uh. Hello. I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you too."

You rang up his purchase while he just chatted away. He was using all kinds of pick-up lines. But you just let them go. It must be just who he is.

When you finished, he smiled, "Hey. Can I get your number?"

You looked at him in disbelief, "What?"

"Your number. I would love to take you on a date sometime."

You look all over and then back at him, "Are you pranking me?"

"What do you mean?"

"A guy like you asking a girl like me out. It doesn't add up."

"I don't understand."

"I'm fat."

He looks you up and down, "Curvy."

You snort, "Umm. Thanks?"

You wrote your number down on a piece a paper and slid it to him. You weren't going to argue with him. If he calls, he calls. If not, oh well. At least this was a little excitement in your boring day.

He left with a bounce in his step. You just chuckled and went back to the rest of your boring shift.

When you got off, you had a text from an unknown number.

Unknown: Hey pretty lady. It's Kaminari. Are you free tomorrow? How about a date?

You were shocked. He actually did it. You were super surprised. You saved his number under Kami and responded.

Y/N: Yeah. It's my day off. What are the details?

Kami: Send me your address. I'll pick you up at 6pm. Wear whatever you want. I know you will look beautiful.

You blushed. Is this guy for real?

Y/N: [insert address] See you tomorrow.

From there, you two texted back and forth getting to know each other.

When it came time for the date, you were nervous. You put on a simple maxi dress that was black with yellow sunflowers on it. You thought was cute. It was casual but nice and it matched Kaminari's hair.

He arrived exactly on time. When you opened the door, you took a moment to check him out. He had on black jeans and a black button up. He looked nice.

He smiled, "You look so pretty."

You blush again, "Thanks. You look nice too."

He walked you to the car and opened the door. He was a complete gentleman. At the restaurant, You noticed your waitress was trying to flirt with him. But to your surprise, he didn't even acknowledge it. He was fully focused on you. It was a nice date.

When you got back home, he walked you to the door and then left. The next day he messaged you and asked for another date. And then it was to make you two official. You thought it was fast but why not.

You dated for a year when he asked you to marry him. You are so happy you took the chance and gave him your number.

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