Give Me Your TMI (Maddie)

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Disclaimer: this is another story based off of a song. Its caller Give Me Your TMI by Stray Kids. I used the following quotes: "I don't know who you are;" "What's your name, tell me." "I think I have a lot to ask, so answer me, please Its just that i have a lot of questions so wait a minute Let me ask you a few questions it's going to take quite awhile Are you free
right now?" "What are your hobbies and skills? Are you interested in hip-hop or rock?" "I dont know why I'm getting more and more immersed in you;" "I really gotta know;"

So... beautiful He's totally mesmerized by you. / don't know who you are... as if possessed, he starts approaching you casually and smoothly. He gives you a little grin.
"Hey, there."
Raising a brow, you reply slowly, "Hi."
"What's your name? Tell me."
"Uhmm... Y/n L/n."
"Y/n! What a beautiful name." He's so curious about you. He'll have to ask as many questions as he can. He just has to know everything about you.
"I think I have a lot to ask, so answer me, please. It's just that I have a lot of questions so wait a minute. Let me ask you a few questions. It's going to take quite awhile... are you free right now?"
"Uhh...I. was about to go get my morning coffee-"
"Great! I'll go with you and we can talk over a cup of coffee!!" He talks excitedly, and his wings flap a little, like how a dog's tail would wag. "C'mon, c'mon!"
He grabs your hand and half-flies-half-runs to the nearby café, then practically shoves you into the seat. Before you can get to your senses, he's across from you, staring dreamily.
"What are your hobbies and skills? Are you interested in hip-hop or rock?*
"Uhh.... I like to write, I guess... and rock is nice-"
"Rock is great! love rock. And writing?? Ooh, do you have a story? Can I read sometime? Pretty please??"
"Uh- maybe when it's finished-"
"Yayy!. I don't know why I'm getting more and more immersed in you."
"Is there, uh, a particular reason why I'm here?"
"Hm? Isn't it obvious? I really gotta know!"
"Know what?"
"More about you!!"
"Isn't it obvious? You're so beautiful! Why wouldn't I? I'm, like, totally interested in you."
" gotta.. I gotta go- I have work-"
"Aw. Okay. Fair enough. I still have patrols, too. I'll walk you to work, though!"
He does just that. With a spring in his step, he brings you to the building, then waves you off with a big smile. On his way back to patrols, he realizes he didn't get your number, nor does he know the time you get off of work.
"Hi! I took the liberty of finding your address!!" Hawks smiles at you, proud of himself for gathering the information as quickly as he did. "I brought breakfast!"
"Uh-" the look on your face is slightly disappointing, so he reassures you.
"I promise this isn't an obsession! Judging by the look on your face, you're a bit freaked out! But don't worry! I just wanna get to know you!"
"Could you maybe calm down a bit? It's not that serious."
"Huh?! But- but it is! You're, like, the most gorgeous person ever!"
"Not really-"
"Don't you dare say otherwise!! 0h! Yeah! I brought breakfast!!" He holds out a bag, smiling.
"Can I come in? Please?"
"I guess-"
Every day, Hawks finds himself more and more in love with you. He'll ask as many questions as possible, and get as many answers as he can. You always seems flustered, but that doesn't really bother him. It's cute, if he's being entirely honest.
As of today, he's known you for exactly two months. That being said, he'll confess and ask you to be his girlfriend. He's already bought a pretty necklace as a gift and your favorite dessert.
On his way to your house, he goes. He's practically vibrating with excitement. Who knows? Maybe if he's lucky, hell be able to get a kiss in in.
The moment you open the door, he's already hurrying inside. He sits you down on your couch, though stands in front of you, smiling anxiously. Now that it's about to happen, he's a bit nervous.
"Y/nn," he started calling you by a nickname awhile back. "My pretty little birdie...I think I'm in love with you! I've asked you a lot of questions, hence learning a lot about you... I want you to be my girlfriend!!" He holds out the necklace. "Please, take this. It would be really pretty on you."
"Uhh... Hawks... this is a bit... sudden, don't you think?"
"Whaddya mean? l've always been open with being interested.
"I mean, yeah, bu...I mean-" your face is a bright red color.
"Do you not want to?"
"It's not that-!"
"Then, what?"
"Nothing, to be honest.I'm just... a bit flustered, okay?"
"So then you agree? Please?"
He jumps around in excitement, then pulls you into a big hug. "Im so happy! 0h! Lemme put your necklace on you!!" He fastens it around your neck. He made it himself, actually. With one of his feathers. For him, it's a type of reassurance. A piece of him is always with you, and he can control it from anywhere.
"It's...pretty." He sees you smile a bit.
"Yeah, but not as pretty as you."
You start blushing, and it encourages him. Quickly, he dives in to kiss you.

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