Stalker (Ghost)

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You, dear reader, had someone who was totally obsessed with you. He would follow you around, thinking you didn't know. He would leave little gifts on your desk all the time. Yes, he was in the same class as you. You allowed him to do whatever. He was harmless. Plus, he was hot, so it was all good.

You were actually shocked to be in this position, though. You weren't the prettiest, and you were on the chubby side. You had no idea why he was so obsessed. There were far prettier girls in the class. In fact, he has flirted with all of them, but once his obsession started with you, he stopped.

Who was this, you may ask? It was Denki Kaminari. You both are going to UA in the hero course. Your quirk was electricity as well. But your's was a little different. You made little animals out of electricity. That's what caught his eye.

Kaminari was in awe of you. He just knew you two were soulmates because of how your quirks were similar. Plus, he thought you were the cutest thing ever in your chubby form with beautiful well everything. He no longer wanted to flirt with other girls. He just wanted you. But he knew someone as amazing as you would never like him back. So, he was content with just admiring from afar and leaving you tokens of his love.

Then, one day, you had just left the convenience store. You wanted to grab a snack before going home. Kaminari was following as per usual. You just smiled and enjoyed your snack. On the way, you were approached by a guy you didn't know. He appeared to be older than you.

He gave you a creepy smile, "Hello there. Aren't you a little cutie? Want to come back to my place?"

You frowned, "No thank you."

You tried to go around, but he stepped in your path.

He frowns, "Now come one. I'm lonely. Come keep me some company."

You step back, "I said no, thank you."

He made to grab for you, but you were pulled into a chest. You looked back and saw it was Kaminari.

He glared at the stranger, "Hey. Leave my girl alone."

The man sneered, "Please. I'm way better than you."

Kaminari gave the man an evil look. It even scared you. You had never seen him like this. He's usually so happy. But he has become super protective. It was kind of hot.

Kaminari started showing his quirk, "I said no. She belongs to me. I won't let you have her."

The man looked scared at this. He turned and just ran. Then Kaminari looked down at you. You returned his look and smiled. He smiled back. Then he realized he still had a hold of you.

He jumps back and bows, "I'm so sorry. I saw you in trouble-"

You grabbed his head and kissed him. He froze for a second but then started kissing back.

You pulled away, "Thank you for saving me."

He had a goofy grin on his face, "Of course. I couldn't let my nugget get hurt."

He froze after he realized what he said.

You smirk, "Your nugget hug."

He stutters, "Umm well you see, umm."

You giggle, "I would love to be your nugget. Now you can walk next to me instead of behind me."

His eyes go wide, "You knew?"

You full on laugh, "You aren't very stealthy."

He frowned, "I thought I was."

You shook your head, "Nope. But it's ok. We are together now, so it doesn't matter."

With that, you hooked your arm through his and dragged him to your house for a hang out.

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