#1 Fan (Maddie)

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Getting ready for the day, you dread going to work. Quite honestly, you'd rather stay home and watch your favorite clips of your top favorite hero. Instead, you have to go be responsible. It's terrible, really.
On the way, something big happens. First, you hear a booming noise, then an alarm, then sirens. Suddenly, a large monster comes bursting out of the building you're walking past. Being met by him, you hold in the urge to scream. Out of nowhere, he's picking you up and trying to run off with you as a captive. Now you start screaming for help.
"Hey there," says a handsome man as he steps out. You recognize him way too well. "What're you doing attacking a girl off the street?"
And there it is. The brainwashing.
"Put her down."
The villain obeys, and then the cops show up. He's arrested and is released from the brainwashing. The hero-- Mockingbird--approaches you smoothly. Hands in his pockets, he asked, "Did you get hurt at all?"
"No. I'm fine" You feel so flustered. He's just the coolest.
"Okay. Good. What were you doing around here?"
"I was headed to work."
"Well, get there safely." He goes to walk off.
"Wait!" You call out. This is wrong, but you just can't help it.
"Hm? What is it? Something wrong?"
"You- I- 'm still really sh- shaken. Would you- would you mind walking me to work? l- I'm scared."
"Oh...sure. Let's, uh, lets go. Lead the way, please."
You two start walking, and you're so happy that you could almost fly. Once there, you feel slightly disappointed. Still, you thank him and try to go instead. You're stopped, however, when he tells you to wait.
"Gimme your number. Text me when you get off of work and then when you get home."
"Sure" You take his phone and enter your number in. "Here. But why-"
"That's all. See ya'."
He walks away, ignoring your question entirely. Sighing, you head inside, then your phone dings. Looking down, you see that it's just the hero, giving you his number.
When you're off of work, you message him to say that you're off. Immediately, he replies.
Mockingbird: Look to ur right You do so, and there he is, holding up his phone with a smirk. He walks over.
"I'lI walk you home."
"Really?" You get really hopeful.
"Yeah. C'mon."
You start walking, smiling to yourself. Is this real? Are you really being walked home by your favorite hero? You can't believe this! Inwardly, you're gushing. It's just amazing. Purely wonderful.
"Hey, he says as you arrive. "Can I come in? For some water-"
"You can't" you reply quickly. "Its just, uh...dirty! My house is a mess and I don't want you to see that. There is, however, a convenience store around the corner."
"A mess won't bother me."
"Well, it bothers me, okay? Sorry"
"It's fine. See ya' round, then. Don't stay up too late."
"I won't."
You slip inside, not opening the door enough for him to see inside. Once fhe door is shut, you exhale a breath of relief.
Looking around, you smile. Covering your walls are posters of him. On shelves and tables and even the couch are little pieces of his merchandise. Everywhere you look has pieces of him, and you love it. Some of it was bought, but not as much because he's not as popular. You mad e the majority of it. You also started a website dedicated to his fanclub, have set up stalls to sell his merch, and collect and make his merchandise.
Satisfied with the time you spent with him, you start making dinner with earbuds in. Happily, you sway around, happier than ever.
In the morning, he's there, wanting to pick you up for work. Your mood lifts so quickly, and you might as well be Bouncing instead of walking.
"You didn't say you were picking me up. How long were you waiting outside my door?"
"That long? Why?"
"I wanted to."
"Well thank you"
It's been two months, and you can proudly say that you're pretty close to him. But there's a problem. You've begun developing real feelings for him. Before, he was a celebrity crush. Now, it's real. So real that it practically pounds in your head, never letting you forget.
But, then, he's sure to stop you before you walk into your apartment.
"What is it?"
"Go on a date with me tomorrow. I'll pick you up at 6:00. Be ready."
Her walks off holding his hand up a bit t to indicate a farewell. You just stand I there, beyond surprised. You walk into the apartment, in a daze. But then it hits you. You'll have date! With your favorite person ever! WHAT TO WEAR?!?!?!
The date is beyond wonderful. You have more fun than you anticipated, which is saying a lot. He was quote gentlemanly, though not too talkative. He looked handsome in all black. He was just perfect.
As you stand at the entrance to your apartment, you see him leaning closer and closer, until his lips are on yours. Its a wonderful moment. You can't help but savor every moment. When he pulls away, you smile at him, humming on the inside.
A little smile spreads onto his face.
"Would you mind if I came in for a bit?"
"Er- it's still messy-"
He frowns. "What are you hiding?"
"It's something. Is it someone else?"
"No! It's just-"
"Either you let me see, or this can end right here and now."
"Fine. Just... don't think I'm weird, okay?"
You bring him inside, and he stops dead in his tracks. What is this? Awkwardly, you smile and look at him.
"I'm your fan," you admit. "I have been since you debuted. This is my collection. I didn't want you to see because it's embarrassing."
"Well? Is it weird?"
"Oh, very."
"Well... do you still wanna?"
"I'm not taking back what I said before. Lets keep going out."
Smiling, you pull him into a tight hug. This is why I love you."
"I love you, too."
Looking up, you say, "Then let's make it official. I don't wanna wait."
"Impatient, eh?"
"That's fine. Just know we're not hanging out here. I don't know how I feel about being watched by my own eyes."
"That's fine."
"Then...I'm leaving:"
You release him. "Okay! Bye! Have a good night!"

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