Love Confession (Ghost)

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This is it. You are going to do it. You are going to confess to your crush. You don't expect him to accept, but you just have to get it off your chest.

You take a deep breath and march up to him. He's currently pulling books out of his locker, so you tap him lightly on his shoulder to get his attention.

He turns around and gives you a small smile, "Hello L/N. What can I do for you?"

You return his smile, "H-hi Yamaguchi. I, ummm, I just wanted to get something of my chest. I like you. I think you are super cute, and I love your freckles. I- "

Just as you were about to continue, Tsukishima came up beside Yamaguchi. You just turned around and sprinted off, leaving a confused Yamaguchi and Tsukishima.

Tsukishima frowned, "What was that all about?"

Yamaguchi's shoulders slumped, "She was confessing to me. She didn't even give me a chance to accept."

Tsukishima looked at his sad friend, "So, just tell her later you accept. You should have already confessed anyway."

Yamaguchi gave him a glare, "It's not that easy. She is just so pretty."

The two friends were arguing back and forth on way to class. You, on the other hand, were hiding in the bathroom, trying to get yourself together. That whole experience was scary enough. Did Tsukishima have to show up, too? It's fine. You only wanted to tell Yamaguchi how you felt. You fully expected him to reject you. After all, you weren't pretty enough, and you were chubby on top of it.

You decided to skip class because you weren't ready to see him just yet. You normally don't skip, but this time, it couldn't be helped.

After that day, you did everything to avoid a possible interaction with Yamaguchi. You just didn't want to hear the rejection from him. It would be a lot worse for you. The confession did help you take a weight of there, though.

You would be the last to enter class and the first to leave. During lunch, you would have it alone in the stair well. It wasn't like you had many friends anyway. The few you had liked eating there instead because the lunchroom did get a bit loud. So, they were all on board for the new location.

Yamaguchi was just getting sadder and sadder because he couldn't seem to talk to you. He wanted to accept your confession, but he could see you were avoiding him. Did you regret confessing? Did you change your mind? Did you like someone else now?

Tsukishima sees the sadness on his friend's face. He would never say it out loud, but he didn't like seeing his friend sad. So, he decided to do something about it.

One day, you were walking towards the usual lunch spot, when all of a sudden, you were grabbed and shoved into an empty classroom. You caught yourself from falling and turned to see who pushed you in there. But as you turned, you see Yamaguchi getting shoved in as well. You see Tsukishima standing in the doorway.

He growls, "You two talk now."

Then he slammed the door closed.

Your eyes are wide. This can't be happening. You worked hard to avoid Yamaguchi. You didn't want his response to your confession. But now it seems you have no choice because he was standing in your way of an exit.

Yamaguchi looks at you and gives you a sheepish smile, "I'm sorry about this. Tsuki means well."

You look down, "It's ok. Just go ahead and reject me so we can move past this."

He gives you a shocked look, "What?"

"I know you are going to reject me. I just didn't want to hear it from you but now I don't have a choice. So, let's get it done."

"Why would I reject you?"

You look at him confused, "Why wouldn't you? You are so handsome, kind, smart, and athletic. Your freckles are so precious. I'm ugly and fat. The only thing I have is the smart. I know I shouldn't have fallen for you, but I can't help it. I confessed to just getting it out. So please, I know you will be nice about it. Let's just get it over with. Tsukishima is scary, so I don't want him to get any angrier."

Yamaguchi gives you an angry look. You have never seen him angry, so this was unusual. You weren't even sure why he was angry. But you will have to admit, it was kind of attractive.

He shook his head, "You're wrong."


"You're wrong. You are cute, and your chubbiness makes you cuter. I liked you from the first day. I just didn't have the courage to tell you. When you confessed, I was so happy. I was going to accept, but then you ran off. You avoided me so I couldn't accept. That was very cruel."

Your eyes go wide, "You accept?"

He gives you a smile, "Yes. So now we are a couple."

You let your excitement get the best of you. You run up to him and hug him close. He returns the hug, and you two stand there holding onto one another.

But of course, the moment had to be ruined because Tsukishima opened the door again.

He snorts, "Finally. Now he can stop moping."

Yamaguchi looks at him, "Tsuki. Don't say that."

Tsukishima just smirks and walks away.

At the end of the day, you went to go watch your new boyfriend practice. As you entered, you saw two blurs, and then you had two guys standing on either side of you. They were hopping up and down talking super fast, which was confusing you. Another guy came over and grabbed them by the collar and pulled them back.

He bows, "I'm so sorry for these two. I'm Daichi Sawamura. Captain of the volleyball team."

Yamaguchi noticed you. He walked over and introduced you to the team. Everyone but Tsukishima was shocked about him having a girlfriend. The two that swarmed you before, you learned their names were Tanaka and Nishanoya. They were crying because Yamaguchi got a cute girlfriend before them.

It was a lot of chaos, but you seem to enjoy it. You even became an extra manager. This was a much better outcome than what you thought you would get for your confession.

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