Get Off Your Phone! (Maddie)

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Again? Seriously?
Irritated, Tetsuro Kuroo rolls his eyes. Like always, you're sitting in the gym during his practice, just playing on your phone, paying him no mind at all. What's worse, however, is that you've been doing this for three years now. And why?
Because your mom thinks that you're apart of a club and the gym is the only place open until late hours. Finally, he throws a ball at Lev and goes to walk to you. If you're going to be here, watch the practice. Better yet, watch him. Standing in front of you, he clears his throat.
Not bothering to look up, you ask, "What do you want?"
"For you to put the phone down and just look at me."
"I'd rather not."
"You should be watching the practice. We're good, y'know."
"And what has that to do with me?"
"If you're gonna sit in our gym all day, at least watch the practice"
"That's it." He grabs your phone out of your hand, making you shoot up.
"Give it back!" You try to grab it, but he holds it up and out of reach. You're grabbing at his arm, but he doesn't relent.
"New rule: no phone in my gym. Because of you, everyone has to leave it on the bench. And that includes all electronics. So, now you have a rule to follow."
"But that's not fair!"
"Life's not fair, sweetheart."
He walks away, carrying your phone. When he collects everyone else's, they whine and glare at you. Looking over, he sees you glaring at him with a pout. It's actually adorable. In response, he gives a petty smile and then goes back to training, pleased with himself.
Walking down the hall to class, Kuroo finds you scrolling on your phone why are you . so much like Kenma? Annoyed, he runs up and grabs your phone, saying, "Get off your phone. This is school."
"What are you? My mother?"
"You don't need to be on your phone all the time, L/n-Chan."
"Well, I hate school and want something better to do."
"Instead of staring at your phone all day, why don't you stare at me?"
"In your dreams."
"Aw, c'mon. Look at me."
Rolling your eyes, you look over. "What do you want, Kuroo-Kun?"
"Your attention." He gives you a playful smirk as you walk into your classroom and sit in your seats, which happen to be next to each other.
"Then go ask a genie."
"Why don't you just make it come true?"
"Because I don't want to."
"You're no fun."
"Then leave me alone."
"We have class together, dummy."
"Give me my phone back."
"I'Il think about it"
"Come on! lts not yours!"
"If I give it back, what do I get from it?"
"This is stealing! I'll call the police."
"With what phone?"
"Please give it back?"
At the gym, Kuroo places your phone on the bench, which has you storming off to a seat. Be mad at me. You'll thank me later when we're married.
Every so often, he'll take a peek at you, hoping to see that you're unimpressed by him. Each time, he only finds you slouching with arms crossed and a harsh glare aimed at him. Still, his resolve is the same. You will notice him more. It's not like he's even asking that much. Just a bit of your time.
After practice, you go to grab your phone, but he gets to it first. Holding it up, he says with a smirk, "I'll give it back if you let me walk you home. If not, its going in a blender."
You huff, "Fine. C'mon."
He grabs your hand. "I'm glad we see eye-to-eye."
"Let my hand go."
"It's a friendly gesture."
"We are not friends."
"Sure we are. We haven't killed each other yet. But, ifyou dont wanna hold hands, I'll respect that." He releases you.
"Thank you-"
He puts his arm around your shoulders, "I'll just do this."
In the cafeteria, Kuroo sees you on your phone instead of eating. This makes him angry. You need to eat! Gosh!! Are you that addicted?! Mad, he comes behind you and rips it from your hands, taking the seat beside you.
"Get off your phone and eat."
"You'll get sick. Then you won't be able to look at me all day."
"I'm now on a strict no-eating diet."
"I'II be sure to visit you daily."
"I'm killing myself."
"I'II resurrect you."
"I'll kill you."
"I'II take you with me."
"That's kidnapping and illegal."
"Only if you get caught."
"Mine!!" Kuroo grabs your phone.
"Dang it! Give it back!"
"Hmmm... on one condition. I'd you don't agree, l'll take a hammer to it."
"Whaddya want?"
"We have a training camp coming up. Go with us?"
"Why? So you can steal my phone the whole time?"
"Fine. But only to protect it."
"Great. Here." He drops your phone, and you stumble to catch it, just barely succeeding.
"Careful! You'll break it! And I can't afford to buy a new one!!"
"Then I'll just have your attention all to myself."
"In a pretty casket six-feet under!"
"Aw. You already wanna go on vacation with me. We should take it slow. We're just high schoolers-"
"Shut up, Baka!!"
"Love you, too-"
You elbow him in the side and run off. Watching your back-profile, he smiles to himself. Dang she's hot and she can't hit for crap, either. Snickering, he jogs to catch up with you.
Kuroo enjoys you being at the training camp with him. Maybe a little too much. You're forced to watch him practice because your and all of Nekoma's phones are on a bench. At some point, Sawamura of Karasuno asks Kuroo, "Why do you take your team's phones?"
A bit proud of himself, Kuroo replies, "Well, in order for L/n-Chan to actually wateg me, i have to take it. And it's only fair that nobody else has theirs. Even mine is over there."
"SO... its just to get the attention of a girl?"
"Why dont you just ask her out?"
Laughing a bit, Kuroo replies, "In the world where she'd agree, she'd be on her phone the whole time. She's addicted. I have to get her to fall hopelessly in love with me before 1 can even try competing with her phone."
"Whenever you're not looking, she stares dead at you."
"She's probably plotting my murder. She's pissed that she's here."
"Plotting a murder with a blush on her face?"
"Who knows? Girls are weird."
Later, he does some additional training with boys from other schools. He has you sit on a bench, set on you watching him. Since you don't have your phone, he should have your undivided attention, right? Its all he wants. That and you, yourself. What else does he need. By the time everyone leaves, he notices that you're falling asleep. Feeling a bit mischievous, he walks over and rests his hands on either side of you, grinning. He says, "If this is your way of saying you wanna cuddle, you could've just asked.
"No. This is my way of subtly saying I've been kidnapped."
"Aw. C'mon. You know you like it."
"Not really."
He leans close to your face, finding a slight blush on it. Cute.. "Lighten up I'm just teasing."
Yawning, you ask, "When are you giving my phone back?"
He holds it up. "Dunno. When I think that you deserve it."
Angry, you stand up. "Its not yours, so just give it back. It's not funny."
He begins inching closer to you, so you step back. You keep doing this until you're up against the wall in a corner.
Slamming his hand on it, he traps you. "Say that again, brat."
"Give. It. Back."
"Make. Me."
"You're such a jerk."
"You know what?" His face lights up at his new idea. "I'll give it back if, and only if, you let me kiss you."
"Why would you-"
He swoops in and crashes onto your lips. Three years now. He's been dreaming of this for three years. Why did he wait so long? He feels like such an idiot. He's not waiting any longer. You're his. Even the thought of someone or thing beside him having your attention just enrages him.
As such things enter his mind, he grabs your arms roughly and begins to deepen the kiss. You're not getting away.
"You're my Y/n." For a second, he releases your lips and opens his eyes a bit, finding you to be flustered as you stutter around. It only further encourages him, so he dives right back in.
From your arm, he moves his right hand up your neck and onto the back of your head, getting his fingers tangled in your silk hair. His left goes down to your hip, giving it a gentle squeeze. After this, you just have to be his girlfriend. He won't accept rejection. He'll beg if he has to.
Finally, he moves his face away, staring into your beautiful eyes. "You'll be my girlifriend, right? If not-"
"If not," you cut him off. "I'd loose my mind."
This time, it's you who leans up and kisses him, wrapping your arms round his neck. Before it can get too intimate, a door opens. Both you and Kuroo look over to see Kenma, who looks disgusted, bored, and tired all at once. Grabbing his phone off the bench, he says, "Get a room already."
When he's gone, you two burst into giggles and he rests his forehead on yours. "I never knew you felt that way."
"Really? I thought it was obvious. If anyone else touched my phone, I'd killthem."
"If you feel that way, why wouldn't you look at me. You were always-"
Snatching the phone from him, you unlock it and show him something he never expected to see. An entire photo album of just him. Pictures and videos. Some goofy, others cute, and some, as you would say, are hot. "I'm usually getting you on camera, silly. Though it's been hard lately since you usually take it from me. Or, sometimes, I like to go back and look at them. Kuroo-Kun. I've been in love with you for three years now."
He smiles wider than ever before in his entire life. "You should've told me sooner. I love you, too."
"Who cares? We know now"
"So was stealing my phone just a pathetic attempt to get my attention?"
"You could've just asked you know."
" Did you refused "
"Oh, yeah. Guess you'll just have to try harder."
"Nah. I know an easy way."
Once again, he places his lips on yours causing you to drop your phone entirely Despite hearing the crack, you two just continue, not caring in the slightest.

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