Hot (Maddie)

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He's so hot.
You don't know when you started thinking that. You didn't even really notice him. Not until you overheard a few girls talking about "Azumane-San" You'd never heard his name before, so you were a bit intrigued and eavesdropped a bit.
They kept saying how he has to be a criminal and is, like, twenty and just couldn't graduate because of how much of a problem he was. Out of curiosity, you looked for him, and found someone beautiful.
He was so tall. Towering, really. His shoulders were so broad. You swore that they were as wide as you are tall. His hair was so long and pulled back into a man-bun, and he had a bit of stubble on his face from facial hair. Such a handsome brunette. Of course, it took some time before you thought that.
At first, you thought the rumors were true. He did look huge and way older. Also, he seemed like he could be a murderer. You were terrified. So, you always kept an eye on him, wanting to make sure you weren't his next victim. Well, after watching him for so long, you realized none of those rumors were true. He's so sweet and shy and so, so hot.
Right now, you're stalking him down the halls since classes are over for the day. Granted, you don't think it's stalking.
You're just... observing. And making sure he gets to his destination safely. Yeah. That's it. He goes into the gym, and then you sigh. lf only you had the courage to ask if you could watch the practice.
Sadly, you walk home and open your phone, looking at some of the pictures you took of him in secret. He's the best guy ever. It's a shame that you're too much of a coward to talk to him. Once home, you drop your bad onto the floor and lie on your bed, face against the mattress.
On the way to class, you knock into a third-year. He's so.. short. 159 centimeters. And he's thin, too. You recognize him as Asumane's best friend They're quite opposite. The shorter one is energic and outgoing, which is opposite to your Azumane. Still, this one is quite adorable.
"Hi, Nishinoya Senpai!"
"Oh..hi. Uhh.. have you seen Asahi?"
"Azumane Senpai?" You have. You watched him go to class, which is why you're running a bit late. "He's in class"
"Thanks! Wait. How'd you know-"
"I just happened to see him on my way to class."
"Your classes are on opposite sides of the school."
"Are you suspecting me of something, Senpai?"
"No. I'm just confused."
"Well, I'm running late. See ya, Senpai."
You run off to class, still thinking of the handsome senpai. He's just a grade above you, but he's still your senpai.
After classes, you see Nishinoya again, and he waves at you. You wave back, smiling a bit. He beckons for you to come, so you jog a bit to reach him.
"Hey", he says. "Thanks for directing me to Asahi!"
"No problem." You give him a smile.
"Do you wanna watch us practice?"
This is exactly what you wanted! Yes! To see Azumane in action! You hear that he's an ace, so you just can't wait to see it all for yourself. When you sit down, you're practically vibrating with excitement. Your eyes are glued to him, but he doesn't notice. While he plays a bit, you see how good he is. He can serve. He can receive. He can block. He can spike. He can do it all. Not to mention, he adds visual to the team.
You blush the whole time, and when they're done with practice for the day, you're still in a daze, watching him. Then, he gets dragged to where you sit by Nishinoya. When they stands in front of you, you shake yourself.
"Asahi", says Nishinoya. "This is L/n-chan! She's our junior. A second-year.
Waving a bit, you reply, "Hi, Azumane Senpai. I'm Y/n L/n. Just call me Y/nn."
"Oh... of course, Y/nn-Chan."
"Can I call you Asahi Senpai?"
"Uhh... sure." He smiles awkwardly.
"I'm here, too." whines Nishinoya.
"I know," you say, not ooking away from Azumane. "Asahi Senpai, you were great today."
"Really? You really think so?"
"Yeah. You're a real ace, just like they say."
"They'? Doesn't everyone think I'm a murderer/drug dealer?"
"Not everyone. Some people have actually seen you play. I heard your Karasuno's ace, right? You fit the title well."
"Oh...yeah. I'm considered the ace."
"Well, you're super good. Keep it up!"
"Thank you." He's blushing and you can see that he's flattered.
"Of course!"
"Hello?" You both look at Nishinoya. "I was gonna invite her to our practice match tomorrow, but I don't think she'll be watching the game."
"What does that mean?" 
"She'll just be watching you. Now I know why she knew exactly where you were and why she was so eager to be here. She's stalking you."
Tilting your head to the side innocently, you go, "Now why would 1 stalk him? Do you think I have nothing better to do? AIso, that's just creepy. Nishinoya Senpai, what type of twisted opinions do you have on me?"
"Oh, whatever! If you wanna watch the practice match tomorrow, show up here at seven! You can ride our bus!"
"Thank you! can't wait to see you play, Asahi Senpai."
"Oh...thank you."
You choose the best outfit you have in your closet. It's your favorite dress that shows off your curves and makes you feel prettier than ever. The piece that gives you the most confidence. Your pair it with comfortable shoes that match it perfectly and then put your hair out of your face. After all, Azumane will be seeing you.
On your way there, you giggle. You talked to him yesterday. You're going to see him play in an official practice match.
He's just the best. You wish he could be yours. With this thought, your smile drops a bit. He probably never will be. After all, you're just a chubby second-year who's not that pretty, but he's gorgeous. Shaking yourself, you decide to not think of those things. Azumane makes you too happy to attach negative emotions to him.
When you get there, you see your tall senpai and come running to him with a bright smile. You all get into the bus and you sit beside Azumane with Nishinoya behind you two, being salty. Meanwhile, you chat with the brunette happily, and he responds awkwardly, and you can't read what he's thinking. It's a shame.
The match was amazing. They were up against Aoba Johsai and were wonderful. You're so proud of him. You run up to him and say, "You were great!"
"Oh...thank you."
Later, you happen to hear Nishinoya's voice in a hallway. When you do, you listen it. This eavesdropping habit isn't really a good one, but how else are you supposed to find things out?
"You know Asahi," he says. "You're lucky. You have a pretty girl who likes you."
"Y/nn-Chan? There's no way she likes me. She probably just believes those rumors and wants to stay on my good side."
"No way. I'm pretty sure I've caught her following you."
"No. Couldn't be. A girl that pretty wouldn't be interested in me."
"Asahi, how do you even feel about her?"
'Well. I don't know. I think she's really attractive but I don't know her too well. And, frankly, I wouldn't just go out with a girl over her looks."
"She's sweet, low grades, hard-working, stubborn, and I think she's nice overall I think she'd go psycho upon rejection, though. She's pretty obsessed."
"We'll see, okay?"
"I think you're avoiding it because you don't wanna get your hopes up."
This makes you hopeful. But then it plummets. Maybe he's just being nice? What if he's too scared to say that you're ugly? Scared of being mean? Taking a a deep breath, you come out where they can see you.
Quietly, you say,"I overheard your conversation."
They both stop. "What all did you hear?"
Tears threatening to spill, you look into Azumane's eyes. "You don't have to lie. I know I'm not pretty. I've always known. And it's not mean to admit it. I understand. And Nishinoya Senpai is right. I do like you. I like you a lot. And its okay if you reject me, because...well, you never gave me a negative thought. Not usually. I can honestly say that you just make me happy by existing and being oblivious enough for me to follow you without you noticing. That's enough. Thank you, Senpai. I'm sorry for any trouble." You bow, and that's when one tear escapes. You can at least be humble. Then he can't say that you were arrogant and rude.
Shaking his head, Azumane exclaims, "Please! Stand up! I don't- it's not that big-"
"Senpai," you say quietly. "Don't try to be nice about it. That just makes it hurt."
"Then listen! Instead of talking, just listen for once!"
Surprised, you lift your head, finding a type if determination is his eyes. It's beautiful, really. Seeing him this way. "Then please, speak."
"I wasn't lying! You are attractive! And I don't wanna be the guy to only give a girl a chance because of looks! If you'd just listened a bit longer, you'd know that I planned on talking to you a bit longer before giving it a shot. I wanna know what I'm getting myself into."
"I'm not attractive. That's why I can't believe you."
"And what gave you that idea?" Now, he looks confused and a bit sad.
"Just look at me. I'm short. T have a gut. I have acne. My face is hardly even average. I don't understand what you'd even see in me. That's why I'm not gonna ask for a chance. Azumane Senpai, you're athletic. Yo u're tall. You're broad. You have muscle. You have a pretty face. You're intimidating until someone sees how sweet you are. You're perfect in my eyes, so for me to think I'm deserving of someone perfect is just arrogant. Stop making this hard. I wanna be positive but I can't like this and-"
"Then don't be positive. Nobody is happy all the time. And I'm not perfect. I get scared easily and lm always nervous and I struggle to talk to people. I may be able to play volleyball decently, but I'm not that good. And my looks aren't as good as you say-"
"Those are all lies! Its okay to be scared and it's cute and I'd love to comfort someone like you! And you're so talented that it's insane! And your looks are inhuman!"
"My looks are inhuman?! That's you!"
"No! You!"
"If you both are super hot," says Nishinoya. "You should just go on a date because then you'd be a super hot couple."
"Okay then!"
"Maybe we will."
"See you tomorrow!"
"I'II pick you up at three!"
"See you then!"
You both walk away, and then realize what happened. Immediately, you look at ach other and yell, "Sorry!" then run off.

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