Nap (Ghost)

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You were having the most awful day ever. You were late for class, spilled food on yourself at lunch, and your period started. On top of that your bullies were relentless today. They liked to bully you for being chubby. You don't understand why it bothered them so much.

You were at your limit and just wanted to go and scream. When it was school was finally done, you decided to go visit your boyfriend for a nap. It would really help you. He was the one person that always made your day brighter.

You didn't attend the same school, so you don't get to see him during school. When you got to his house, you knocked on the door. His mother answered. She was on her way out, so she just told you to go to his room. She was the sweetest lady. You adored her and she thought of you as the daughter she never had.

The problem was when you made it to his room, he was already asleep. That was the last straw. How dare he take a nap without you! You don't care that he had a long day or not. You know deep down your anger is not justified but you can't seem to care. You just had enough.

You march up to the bed and push him so hard he fell off. He plopped on the ground with a loud oomph.

He stood up quickly, ready for a fight only to see you there with your hands on your hips scowling at him.

He frowns, "Puppy, what's wrong?"

He didn't even acknowledge what you did to him. He was too busy focusing on why you were upset.

You crossed your arms and turned away from him, "I had a terrible day and all I wanted was a nap with my boyfriend. But what do I find? He's already sleeping."

He goes and wraps his arms around you, "I'm sorry puppy. How can I make it up to you?"

He knows not to argue when you are like this. Plus, he likes taking care of you.

You frown, "Maybe order my favorite food and then cuddles."

You look at him with hopeful eyes. He smiles and kisses your forehead.

"If that's what my puppy wants then that's what she will get."

He takes out his phone and places the order. While he does this you admire your boyfriend. He really had grown a lot since you have first gotten together. The green bean has turned into a powerhouse. Who is this boyfriend you ask? None other than Izuku Midoriya. A student of UA working his way to be a great hero. You two got together in middle school.

In middles school, you two started by standing up for each other to Katsuki Bakugou. It blossomed into a beautiful relationship. It did have it's ups and downs. You were worried a bit about a certain girl in his class, but he reassured you they were just friends.

When he came back, you made grabby hands for him. He chuckles and grabs your hand. He leads you downstairs and pulls you with him on the couch. When food arrived, he got it and you two ate while watching a movie. When done, you went back upstairs and cuddle the day away.

You really did have the best boyfriend.

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