Bookbags and Jackets (Maddie)

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On the way out of class. That's when it all started. See, you're seated next to this guy in your class, and you've found that the two of you have identical book bags. That being said, on your way out, you just grabbed your bag and kept going, not suspecting a thing. But now, you're finding that the results aren't in your favor. Trying to unpack and get things together for  tomorrow's classes, you've found that it isn't your stuff in there. There's some textbooks and also a set of gym clothes that could never fit you. The jacket says "KAGEYAMA on the back of it, and that's what has you realizing that this is your classmates bag, not yours.
Doesn't he need these clothes?
For volleyball practice?
Immediately, you start Shoving the things back in, then rush out the door, hoping you're not too late. Once you get to the gym, you burst in, finding several boys and in the back is
one with black hair and blue eyes. He holds your book bag with its contents in the floor, wearing a sour expression. Quickly, you run up to him and hold out the bag with two hands.
"I'm so sorry!" you exclaim. "It seems I grabbed the wrong bag after class."
"Whatever." He takes his bag and begins placing your things into yours, being much neater than you were. "Here."
"Thank you. You're not late for practice, are you?"
"I will be if you keep talking." He stands up and starts heading toward a room to get changed. "Thanks for my bag."
Shyly, you go to leave, but get stopped by one of the third years. "Hey!" He has a mostly shaved head and a weird look in his eyes. Creepy, to be honest. "What's your name, beautiful?!"
Flustered, you run out of the gym and toward your home. That was humiliating. Hopefully it never happens again.
Besides, Kageyama is the scariest guy in class. He's quiet and always has an indifferent look on his face. You've heard stories about his volleyball in junior high, too. He was called the king of the court, because he was egoistic and ruled with an iron fist. Cruel when mad. He scares you. Truly, he does. Hopefully he's not mad at you right now. Or else you'd be doomed.
Walking into class, you find that Kageyama is the only one there. Quietly, you seat yourself beside him, just like any other day, choosing to be silent. He has his hands in front of his face, elbows propped up on the desk. It's as if he's thinking, and he might be. He could be plotting your murder right now.
That thought sends shivers down your spine, so you begin fiddling with your fingers. Then, you scream when a voice starts speaking to you.
"Watch what bag you grab," he says, looking at you. "I need my gym clothes for practice."
Nervous, you begin nodding. "O- of course! I'm so- so sorry about yesterday! I- I wasn't paying attention and- and its all my fault! Please forgive me-!"
"No. I wasn't paying attention, either. We both need to watch what we're doing."
"Really, it's my fault-"
"Seriously. Calm down. I don't bite."
That was an option?
"O- of course, you don't! Uh, sorry-"
"Stop apologizing. It's annoying."
"S- hai!"
A few moments of silence pass, an awkward atmospheric hanging around you two. Finally, Kageyama breaks it.
"Have you any interest in volleyball?"
"Oh... no. I'm not really into sports. A bit more nerdy, heh..."
"Come watch my practice tomorrow."
"We're having a practice match against another team tomorrow. Come watch it. If you give me your address, I'll come pick you up."
"Uh-I- what?!"
"I'm still waiting for your address." Nervously, you stammer out your address. "Alright. hats not too far. Be ready by
seven or you're dead."
"Watch our team practice after school, too."
Just then, everyone floods in, so the conversation ends like that. Is this an evil plot? One to torture you? Probably.
Maybe you'll be able to convince your mom to let you switch schools.
After classes, you're in the gym, watching the practices. Kageyama lives up to everything they say he is. A real king on the court. What's more impressive, however, is their spiker. The way they work together is incredible. You really can't believe your eyes watching this team. There's so much talent in front of you. Is he showing off? Hoping to further your fear? If so, he's succeeding.
At some point, another one of the third years approaches you. He's a brunette and seems nice enough. With him is a girl who's absolutely gorgeous. She's a third year and you just cant help but stare. By accident, you make contact with Kageyama, who immediately turns with a light pink tone on his cheeks.
You, on the other hand, are left blushing quite a bit. He's insanely talented and actually quite handsome. But he's also extremely intimidating. When they dismiss, the orange-haired spiker comes running over to you, a big grin on his face.
He's adorable. And short.
"Hi!" he greets you.
"Hello," You stiffen a bit, slightly shy around new people.
"What's your name?"
"Er- Y/n L/n."
"Oh! Kageyama has mentioned you before!" When was that? "I'm Shoyo Hinata!"
"N- nice to meet you." He sits beside you.
"So are you his girlfriend?"
"Uh-w- w- who's girlfriend?!"
"Kageyama's! You came in with him, didn't you?"
"Shut up, Hinata!" The both of you look over to see the "king" himself, looking angry, too.
"Eek!" shouts both you and Hinata, immediately grabbing each other for safety.
Grumpily, Kageyama walks over, grabs your wrist, and begins dragging you outside
"I'm so sorry!" you say, "I- I don't know what I did but I obviously upset you in some way-"
"Just stop."
"Shut up!" You yelp and brace yourself for the worse. "| just don't like you talking to Hinata like that."
"You heard me loud and clear." He stops, then turns to look at you. "So stay away from him."
"Is it because you have a crush on him-"
"EW!!!! NO!!!! IN HIS DREAMS!!""
"Then why are you so against it?"
"Just because. Now let's get you home. You'll be up early tomorrow for my game"
"You- you were great today, by the way." He shows you a look of triumph.
"The way that spiker hit the ball!" You begin to grin. "Your serves are amazing, but what's even better is how he's fast enough to get them. I heard a lot of stories about your junior high years, how nobody could spike your serves. That's just unbelievable. I can't wait to see how you two-"
"Don't focus on the shrimp. You're coming to watch me, not him."
"I mean, yeah, but if I'm gonna go to the game I watch the whole team-"
"Let's just go."
He grabs your wrist and begins dragging you. Now, you're silent, not wishing to upset him. Once home, you practically rush into the house and straight to your room. After a few minutes, you begin panicking. What to wear? What to wear?
What do you even wear to a volleyball match?
Looking through your closet, you find mostly button-ups, t-shirts, a-line skirts, and pencil skirts. You really need to up your wardrobe. Getting to the back, you see a couple dresses, but that'd be too much, right? Maybe not. Finally, you settle on a black sundress and sandals with a low heel. Then, you tie your hair into a high ponytail. Of course, you don't think this can make you pretty. Nothing can. But you can at least dress well.
Going downstairs, you decide to have toast for breakfast. Once in the kitchen, you make it quickly then scarf if down.
And it's good that you do, because only a few seconds later, there's knocking on your door. You rush to answer it and there's Kageyama, in sweat pants, a white t-shirt, sneakers, and his jacket. He looks comfortable, but handsome nonetheless, though you're a bit embarrassed to admit that.
"Ready?" he asks.
"H- hai."
"Then let's go." You both begin walking, still quiet. "I did you sleep well last night?"
"Er- hai."
"Good. I wonder if the shrimp slept at all. He tends to get nervous before a game."
"The shrimp?" You tilt your head to the side. "Who's-"
"He's not a shrimp. He's super sweet and is mega talented. Why are you so mean-"
"Don't defend him. Ever."
Hesitantly, he takes your hand in his, which has your heart racing. His fingers begin to interlock with yours, which just sends blood into your cheeks and a heart racing so fast that you think you might die. He doesn't notice and just keeps walking like that, as if nothing is wrong. How can he be that way?!
You get to the school and board the bus, everyone giving the both of you weird looks. He ignores them, but it sticks with you inside of your head. You're sat between him and the window, so there's no escaping. You chew on your nails the whole ride, feeling rather shy.
At the game, you sit with their coach and female manager. You watch intently, actually interested in the game.
Kageyama is doing wonderfully. Biting your thumbnail, you get anxious, hoping the outcome is in their favor. They're up against Aoba Johsai. They're not very good compared to Karasuno, but still. You can't help but he anxious. You've never actually watched a sports game of any sort, so you're not really sure what to do. In the end, you just sit there and stare blankly, keeping your eyes on the ball.
When it's finally over, you wander around a bit, hoping Kageyama doesn't bother you. Just as you're walking, you bump into someone Looking up, you see a guy in an Aoba Johsai jacket. He gives you a little smile and waves gently. He's cute.
"Hi," he says. "I'm Toru Oikawa."
"Er- hi"
"What re you doing here? Watching the game?"
"So, why's a pretty little thing like you alone?*
"Uh-I- uh-"
"Aw. Are you shy?"
"Er- uh-"
"Anyway, what made you wanna come here?"
"Well...I didn't really."
"Then why are you here?"
"K- Kageyama dragged me here."
"Him? He's awful. I know, I someone on my team used to play with him in junior high."
"Are the rumors true?"
"Which ones?"
The ones about him being an egotistic jerk who tries to control everything.
"Yup. They're all true. He's the worse."
"Knock it off, Oïikawa." That's Kageyama's voice. Something is draped over your cold shoulders and the boy himself appears at your side, arm around your shoulders as well. "Don't harass her."
"I'm not-"
Pulling yourself from his grasp, you say, "You're the one harassing me. Our book bags get mixed up one time and now you won't leave me alone. You make me watch your practice yesterday. Drag me out here today. Don't be rude to him when you're no better."
Thorough flustered for the day, you start running off. He's infuriating. Who gave him the right? Considering that it all started with a book bag, you don't see why he has to be this way. He even said that it was partially his fault. What does he want with you? What did you do wrong?
When you get inside the house, you rush upstairs and sit on your bed. Angrily, you go over everything from today, and all you see is Kageyama having an attitude and you just going along with it. You go to get something more comfortable on, and then you realize that you still have his jacket.
Highly irritated, you take the jacket off and throw it on your chair. You'll have to return it tomorrow. However, you hate that you were actually walking around in it. Seen in public wearing his name. Infuriated, you begin changing your clothes, putting on a giant hoodie and leggings.
Reaching into your drawer, you pull out one or your snack stashes. To cool yourself off, you snack and watch you favorite show, slowly coming to peace. Eventually, you fall asleep, phone still in hand.
At school on Monday, you're next to Kageyama like every day. Unfortunately, nobody else is here, leaving you alone with him. You hate it.
"Well," he says. "Do you want to talk about your outburst yesterday?"
"Not really." You put his jacket on his desk. "I didn't realize I was still wearing it when I ran off."
"You can keep it, you know."
"Don't want it." You bite your nail, feeling irritated but also a bit nervous.
"You could've stayed, you know. We would've given you a ride home."
"Who says I wanted a ride?" You begin pulling out your notebooks. "And I meant everything that I said, too."
"I'm sorry,"
"Don't- Don't give me that. You say that when you're not. I'm tired of-"
"Getting mad won't help."
Scoffing, you reply, "You're one to talk"
"How long do you plan to be mad at me for?"
"Until I think you're worthy of forgiveness."
"What is it that you want?"
"No. You want something from me, so what is it?"
"Well, now that you mention it, you could be a decent person."
"All the rumors are true. You really are arrogant and controlling. Now I know why you're called king-"
"Knock it off!" He stands up. "I'm not like that anymore! Stop making assumptions based on a few rumors."
"I'm not. I'm basing it off of how you've treated me. You drag me around everywhere and always boss me around."
"How can you be so dense..? You're as bad as Hinata.."
"Dense? You-"
"You're a bit dumb. Actually, very dumb."
"Well maybe if you'd be more direct-"
"You want me to be direct?" He walks over and slams his hands on your desk, bringing his face close to yours. "Direct, how? Say it? Show you? Spell it out? What all do I have to do to make you get the hint?"
"What hint-"
He leans in and kisses you, sending a sensation of surprise through you. Is this what he meant? That he likes you? If so, why didn't he just say it in the beginning? Instead of all this, you'd have probably given him the chance. The two of you could be having a nice conversation right now. Unsure of what else to do, you pull away, staring at the desk with a major blush on your face.
"Listen," you say. "If this means that you like me, then you went about this the wrong way. You should've just said it. Likely, I'd have given you a chance. Instead, you ran around, confusing me. Being direct is the best way to go because I'mnot gonna assume you like me, because nobody does."

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