Prince Charming (Maddie)

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You roll your eyes. Katsuki Bakugou is bullying your friend, Izuku Midoriya. You hate it. He did nothing wrong. Angrily, you stand up from your seat and shout, "Knock it off, you egotistic jerk! Gosh! He didn't do anything."
Bakugou growls, but sits down. After you beat him up three years ago, he obeys you entirely. It was hilarious. He thought he could take you down, but only made a fool of himself. Stupid moron.
"You okay, lzuku?" You lean in front of his desk, flashing a smile.
"Y- y- yeah."
"Okay. If he ever bothers you again, lemme know."
"Th- thank you!"
"Of course!!"
"I'm heading out," says your uncle that raised you, Toshinori Yagi.
"Where you going?"
"To train my new successor."
"You've found your new successor?"
"Yes. Quite the unexpected boy!"
"Can I meet him? Please??"
"Er- anything for my favorite niece, I guess."
IZUKU?!?!?!?!" You and Izuku look at each other in surprise. "What- why are you here?" You look at your uncle. "Uncle Toshinori, why is-"
"He's gonna be my successor. I take it you know him."
"Your-" You look at Izuku. "YOU'RE GONNA INHERIT ONE FOR ALL?!?! OH, MY GOSH!! YOU CAN BE A POWERHOUSE HERO NOW!!!" You grab his hands and start jumping up and down. "YOU- YOU CAN BLOW UP KATSUKI!! LIKE POW!! THEN BLOOD!!! EVERYWHERE!! LIKE RAIN!!!"
"NO!!!" yells your uncle. "FOR THE LAST TIME!!! NO MURDER!!!"
"It's not murder if he's annoying." You stop jumping, but still hold Izuku's hands.
"No, it's still murder."
"Y- Y/n," you look back at lzuku. "H- how- I- I didn't know you were- were related to ALL MIGHT!"
"I never told you?"
"Oh. Must've slipped my mind. Sorry"
"Anyway," Toshinori grabs your attention again. "Time for training!"
You sit on the ground and watch lzuku clean the beach. You smile dreamily, having always been in love with lzuku. He's so pretty. And he's the sweetest and cutest boy ever. However, he's not yours, but that isn't too bothersome. So long as there isn't another girl. If there was, you'd have to kill her.
Of course, he has your full support to be your uncle's successor. For awhile, Toshinori wanted it to be you, but you refused. lt just didn't sound right for you. And now, you're thankful for that. It's the perfect opportunity for lzuku. He deserves this. Now you and him can go to UA together.
"You know," says Toshinori as you two walk into the house. "You won't get into UA wanting to kill people."
"Katsuki can dream of blowing people up for a living, I can dream of killing him."
"Be the bigger person."
"Why be bigger when you can be strong and scary."
"You're exhausting."
"Thank you!"
Oh, my gosh.. shirtless lzuku. You're glitching. SINCE WHEN DID HE HAVE ABS?!?!?! You stare at the ground, face ablaze and heart pounding faster and harder than ever before. Calm down. Calm down. Don't give it away. Don't be a pervert. Calm down.
You're okay. Just a bit flustered.
And two minutes later, you're gagging when he swallows your uncle's hair.
When you and izuku got accepted, you were ecstatic to go to school with him, but when you see a brunette girl clinging to him, you're not too happy. Actually, you're a bit angry. That little stick can't have him. Never. Immediately, you grab his arm and smile.
"Wanna hang at my place after school?"
"Uh, s-s-sure!"
"Great. I'll get my uncle to make onigiri, eh?"
"Yeah! That'd be great! I didn't know he could cook!"
"Raising me, he had to learn. Onigiri is my favorite."
"I'll have to remember that."
"You didn't tell me young Midoriya was coming home," says your uncle, raising an eyebrow.
"Well, he is. We're gonna hang out in my room.'
"Just keep your door open."
"Yeah, yeah. I get it."
You and the brunette, Ochacco Uraraka, always fight for his attention. He's oblivious as to why. Typically, he just goes along, being adorably naïve.
Your uncle, however, knows exactly what's going on. One day, he asks, "So, what's with you and Midoriya?"
"Nothing. He's my boy bestie."
"And what?"
"You like him?"
"Well, obviously. He's like... prince charming." You give a silly smile. "On a white horse and shining armor. Beautiful and elegant. Majestic."
"He's a weird little fanboy.
You hit him. "He's a wonderful simp! I love him!"
"If I had to let anyone have you, I guess it'd be him."
You shake your head. "Probably not. It seems he's really into Uraraka."
"I wouldn't be so sure unless you ask him."
"I am. She's prettier and cuter and nicer."
"I think you're a good girl. Don't be so down on yourself."
"I'm not. I'm just being realistic."
"Then acknowledge that you've still got a chance, too."
"Ah, whatever."
"You two!" screams Katsuki, pointing at you and Izuku. "JUST SHUT UP AND KISS ALREADY!!"
"Why?" you tilt your head. "We're not-"
"Kacchan, Y- Y/n isn't into me like that!"
You look at him, "Yes, I am." You look back at Katsuki. "NOW SHUT UP BEFORE I BEAT YOU LIKE HOW I DID IN SIXTH GRADE YOU LOSER!!!"
"WHAT?!?!" lzuku is in shock. "You- you-"
You say, "Forget it. It isn't important-"
Tired of this, Katsuki slams your head together. You scream against izuku's lips every curse word that comes to mind, and the green-haired boy just stares in shock. Meanwhile, your uncle watches through a window, giving Katsuki a thumbs up. Finally, you pull away, shoving Katsuki onto the floor. However, you don't get to speak. izuku does.
"Y- Y/n. I've been in love with you f- f- forever. Why didn't you ever tell me?"
"I didn't think you felt that way."
"You were the first person to believe In me! How could I not?"
"I dunno!"
"Well. w- would you be my girlfriend, then?"
You choke on a couple tears as you pull him into a hug. "Yes, my Prince Charming."

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