Walking Through Fire (Maddie)

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     "You want me to do what?" Blinking a couple times, you stare at your aunt, who had become the Hokage recently.

     "I want you to infiltrate the Akatasuku and gather information on Itachi Uchiha."

     "How would I even do that? He's an S-rank criminal in every bingo book to exist. The man murdered his entire clan and-"

     "That's why you'll win his trust." She takes a sip of her sake.

     "What? How?"

     "I dunno. Get close to him in whatever way you feel works."

     "Alright. I guess I don't have much of a choice, now do I?"

     "I mean, you don't have to take the mission. I just think you're best suited for it."

     "I'll take it. Nobody else would, right?"

     "That's true. You'll dispatch tomorrow."

     "Alright. I'll be a spy."

     "Thank you. How do you think you'll get to him?" You shrug.

     "My best bet is whatever relationship he ends up wanting out of me. If I push for one thing it'd be suspicious."

     "Alright. Good luck."

     "Thank you."


     Somehow, you convinced Pain that you were on his side, so you are currently at the Akatsuki base, sitting cross-legged on the couch, wearing your typical innocent expression. No matter how hard you try, you will never be able to seem vile and cruel--you're too good-hearted for that. Then walks in Itachi and a shark man, known as Kisame. They stand in front of you, Kisame holding his sword, Samehada, and Itachi wearing a blank and unreadable expression.

     "Hello," says the shark man. "I am Kisame Hoshigaki, and this is my partner, Itachi Uchiha."

     "I know who you are."

     "Well," Itachi says monotonously. "You will be apart of our team. There is currently nobody available to team you with, so you will have to tag along with another group, which will be ours since Pain thought it would be good to pair two people of the same village together."

     With a smile, you exclaim, "Sounds good to me!"

     Both walk away, and once they are gone, your smile drops. Neither seem very likable.


     Today is your first mission with Itachi and Kisame. Forcing yourself to be cheery, you walk along with them. Normally, you are a happy person, but around these two, you just don't feel that way. Regardless, you will carry out your mission and get through this. You just have to.

     On the mission, you see Itachi kill a man in cold blood. Horror spreads across your face as you witness such an event. Kisame is elsewhere, so all alone, you watched Itachi murder without an expression: no sign of remorse, grief, or even hesitation. He did it as if a life is meaningless.

     With a cold tone, he asks, "What's with that look?"

     "W- what?"

     "You seem afraid." He turns to you. "Why? You are a shinobi and member of the Akatsuki. Death surrounds you."

     "B- but you- you don't even- even care that you e- ended a l- l- life- life."

     "Why should I?" He kicks the body. "I annihilated my entire clan, so why would one murder bother me?"

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