Love (Maddie)

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"You're about a 40C!" exclaims Twice after measuring Dabi. For an upcoming mission, the plan is to duplicate him, and to do that, all of his exact measurements are needed.
"I'm a what?"
"40C. That's your bra size."
"Nah, nah." you say, walking in with Tomura Shigaraki. Dabi doesn't know you. Probably new. "With that chest? 40D. You're measuring him wrong. Gimme that." You take the measuring tape and re-measure the chest. "See? 40D!"
"Well, I'm no expert! Gosh!"
"Anyway, why are we measuring his boobs?"
"Oh! I'm duplicating him for a mission and need all of his measurements"
"Ah, okay." You grab his chest, making his eyes go huge "Just feel these things! Do they feel like a C to you? They're way too squishy."
Finally coming back to his senses, Dabi grabs your wrist and removes your hand. "Don't touch me, you freak."
"I wasn't being pervy about it. I'm just trying to figure out how you were mistaken for a C."
"My chest isn't even that big. It's be a B at most."
You snicker a bit. "You look like you haven't seen B in years."
"SHUT UP!" Feeling embarrassed, he covers his chest with his hands and stomps to his room in an angry fit.
Before he's fully gone, he hears you yell, "DENIAL WILL CHANGE NOTHING!"
He slams his door shut and sits on his bed, sighing. Who are you? And what the heck is your problem? Shaking his head, he decides not to get involved with you. That just sounds far too stressful for his liking.
Unexpectedly, one of the people on his mission is you, so he'll be working with you. You put your hand out, and he assumes you want him to shake it. Hesitantly, he places his hand in yours, and you shake.
"I think our introductions are a bit late. I'm Y/n L/n, no villain name, I'm twenty-two, and a new member to the League of Villains. Please take good care of me!" You tilt your head with a closed-eye smile. He has to admit, you're rather cute.
"Dabi. That's all you need to know."
"Well, it's nice to meet you, Dabi. Let's be good friends."
"No, thank you."
"But why not? Were gonna be working together and living together. May as well, right?"
"I don't make friends."
"You're gonna like me," you declare. "It's gonna happen. We're gonna be besties. You better watch out. I'll fly into your heart unannounced and so suddenly, you won't know what hit you."
"I would just love to see you try."
You grin. "Spoke too soon." You jump on top of his back. "BEAR HUGS!!"
Every day, you tackle Dabi in a big hug, and follow him around like a lost puppy. He honestly doesn't know what you're doing in a place like the League of Villains. You're the soft-hearted, innocent type. Someone who probably can't sleep without a teddy bear.
Subconsciously,  he finds himself worrying about you, hoping that you're safe and well. Whenever a guy starts talking to you, hell just come up behind you and glare at the guy, which results in him leaving. On missions, he's always sure to make certain that you're safe, and has set people on fire more times than he can count because he didn't like the way they were looking at you.
Right now, you're at the League's bar, and he keeps a close eye on you. He's never seen you drink, so he doesn't know how long you'll last, though he's sure that you're a lightweight.
And lo and behold, after maybe three, you're wasted. You sway back and forth, words slurring and barely even a cohesive sentence He had a feeling this would happen.
Suddenly, you stand up, staggering toward him. You grab his peck, smiling in a weird way. "Dabi," you say, barely enunciating it. "I love you."
He clears his throat, "Thank you." What else is he supposed to say to a drunk?
"NO. I loooooooove you. And you know what else? I love your squishy chest!"
"I think you're just a pervert."
"Pssshhh. Noooo. But I'm sad." suddenly, you start crying.
"Uhh. Why exactly are you sad?"
"Because you're a big meanie!" Releasing him, you fold your arms with a pout as you stomp your foot. "You don't even hug me back."
"I'm not a hugger."
"But hugs."
Defiantly, you march off, then go to Shigaraki. "Hi, leader!"
"You love me, right?"
"That's Shiggy language for yes!"
"It's not-"
"You're the coolest leader ever! You disintegrate all the people I hate!"
"I'm fully aware that I'm cool."
"Mhm! Cooler than Dabi!"
"I'm also fully aware of that."
"Okay!" You go back to the bar, looking at Kurogiri. "Another drink?"
"I think you've had enough for today."
"It's not good for you.'"
"It's time for bed," Dabi says, tired of your antics.
You turn your head. "Don't talk to me!"
"Nooooooo!! You won't hug me!!"
Rolling his eyes, he says, "Fine. One hug." He puts his arms out, and you jump at him, knocking him onto the floor.
"Yay! You love me!!"
"Uh-huh. Now get off-"
"It's time for bed."
"On one condition."
Rolling his eyes again, he asks, "What?"
"Piggyback ride!"
Grumbling, he gets you onto his back and starts heading towards your room, irritated. Halfway through, you're already passed out, snoring in his ear. When he tries to put you down on the bed, you won't let go. You're attached to him. So, he sits on the edge of your bed, thinking
Finally, you release him, so he tries to run. However, it's in vain. You wrap your arms around his waist, dragging him into the bed. No matter how hard he tries, he can't escape. Your grip is terrifyingly strong. Sighing, he tries to at least get comfortable, knowing that he's not going anywhere until you willingly let go.
"I never saw myself cuddling; he mutters under his breath while grabbing a pillow. "Much less being some stupid little spoon.' He grabs the blanket and drapes it over the both of you. This brat is gonna get it later."
Eyelids getting heavy, he lets them slide shut, hoping to get a little sleep before you wake up. Without realizing it, he a places his hands over yours, holding them. In your sleep, you intertwine your fingers with his, locking onto each other. His last thought before f fulling succumbing to exhaustion is, It's nice to be held for once.
In the morning, Dabi wakes up slowly, and notices that the positions have changed. You're both facing each other, close but not touching. Carefully, he studies your features, having never really gotten the chance. Sure, he sees you all of the time. But you're usually doing something or not so close. Now, he has the perfect chance. He gets a close-up of your every feature, every blemish, every mark--everything.
Ever so slowly, his hand reaches up and lightly touches your cheek, feeling your soft skin. He finds you to be beautiful in these moments, and what's more, shining. He recalls your outrageous behavior, wondering one thing: what exactly are you doing here? You've never struck him as the type to have some sort of trauma or mental disease. So what brought you here?
Realizing that he's touching you, he blushes a bit, then removes his hand. He's never felt this way before. Not for anyone. Feelings have never come easily to him.
"You love me!" Do I actually, though?
He can't deny that he cares for you. And he most certainly has grown tolerant of your company (okay, so maybe he likes it a bit. He likes the way you dress, the way you act, the way you do your hair, how you tackle him whenever you see him. He's obsessed with the way you look-
I do love her.
Coming to such an epiphany, he swallows a large lump in his throat, afraid. Love? When was the last time he loved anyone? He once loved his mother. He used to love his father. His siblings had been precious for a time and he considered it love.
But this is different. It's not the same. This love isn't what he felt for his family long, long ago. It most definitely isn't platonic, either. Never once has he ever considered you anywhere near a friend. So what exactly is this?
Then, it hits him. Romantically.
He's never been much of a romantic. They're annoying and so dreadfully cliché. Even so, that seems to he his only guess. It's the only thing that makes sense.
Even so, it's not like he could have you. It just simply isn't in the cards. Not with who he is or his past. Most definitely not with his future, either. When he goes to carry out his revenge, what if he dies in the process? He's always been prepared for that. Has accepted that it could likely happen. It never really bothered him, either.
Not until now, that is.
If he were to make a move, and you two really did start a relationship, what then? What if he dies? What if he just leaves you? He couldn't possibly. He doesn't want to ever hurt you in an act of selfishness. He's no saint, and if it were any other person, it wouldn't matter, but you? When it comes to you, everything just... changes.
I really do love this girl.
It's so plain. So obvious. So why hasn't he seen it sooner? Why hadn't he noticed the start? lf he had, perhaps he it could've prevented it. But, instead, he finds himself so in love that he could abandon almost anything for you. He could give up the world if it means making you happy.
He wants to do so much. He wants to kiss you. To hold you. To go on dates. To make you laugh. To make you smile. To light up your world. But he can't. He just cant. He has to protect you first.
A bit of blood builds up under his eye, so he wipes it away, squeezing his eyes shut. This life isn't fair. Nothing is. Even love will be revoked from him, because that's just who he is. He's Dabi. Someone who isn't meant for that.
It's not like he'd be a good boyfriend, either. In his head, he goes over all of his flaws, all of his mistakes, all of his shortcomings--every possible reason as to why he doesn't deserve you. He's been too far convinced. You deserve better than him. He could never ask for you. Not even if he got on his hands and knees and begged.
Finally, your eyes open, and you squint a bit, a look of surprise on your face. "Dabi? What are you doing here?"
He pushes everything to the back of his mind, answering, "You really don't remember, huh?"
"Not a clue."
"And to think. You only had three drinks."
Your face goes red. "I got drunk?"
"So very, very drunk."
"How bad?"
"You told Crusty that he was a great leader. Demanded a hug from me-"
Your face lights up. "Did you actually?"
"I had no choice."
"Yes! Finally!"
He continues, "Then you forced me to give you a piggyback ride to which you fell asleep on. When I tried to lay you down in bed, you wouldn't let go of me. I"ve been trapped here all night. You didn't let go until a few seconds after you woke up." He decides to leave out the part where he stayed for awhile. That would be best.
Avoiding his gaze, you reply, "Sorry,"
"Oh, and you very pervertedly grabbed my chest."
You bury your face in your pillows. All muffled, you mumble, "Please forget that entire night."
"No way. You should at least make it up to me."
"Dunno. Got anything in mind?"
"A big hug?"
"You know, I don't think that's gonna cut it?"
"Hang on. I got it." You get up, then open your end table drawer, pulling out something peculiar. A ring?
"If you're offering me your hand in marriage, l' have to pass. I'm pretty sure that's just more trouble than it is a reward."
You roll your eyes as you hand it to him. "Its just a regular silver ring. It was my dad's, and after he passed, I kept it. It was always too big for me, and I would've made it into a necklace if not for the opening. You can have it. I will repay you with something of great value to me. Will that suffice?" He sits up as he turns it in his hands, eying it critically. "Are you sure? If it means that much to you, it feels wrong  take it."
You sit beside him, placing your hand on his, yours being to small to cover his. "No. I want you to have it. I think it'll look good on you, anyway."
"Well, if that's the case," he slides it onto his middle finger. "I'll take it as your payment. You're no longer in my debt."
"Wonderful. And if does look good on you. I like it.
"Yeah? It's growing on me a bit, too."
'Then that's that. Wear it every day." You give him a smile.
"I will' It'll be a piece of you since I can't have you.
After kidnapping a student, the League is without a home. You and Dabi will often go looking for new recruits together, and he enjoys every second he gets to spend with you. Actually, he just enjoys you. Every moment by your side is precious, and he relies on the time he shares with you to stay somewhat sane. 
Currently, you're sitting by the edge of a lake in the moonlight. You re sitting right beside of each other, shoulders touching a bit. He really wants to put his arm around you, but he keeps himself in check, choosing to control himself.
"So," he says quietly, still contemplating on whether or not it's wise. ""What made you decide to join our merry little gang of misfits?"
"If I told you that I despise heroes, would you believe me?"
"It would be surprising type to hate anyone.
Not wanting to meet your beautiful eyes, he looks out to the lake. "I've never taken you as the
"I hate a lot of people. So many that I'm ashamed.
"Why so? I hate plenty of people, too.
"Aren't you gonna ask why 1 hate heroes?"
"Do I need to? They're hypocrites that only do what benefits them. So power-hungry and lustful for wealth that their good deeds mean nothing."
"I hate them because my father was one."
Twirling his ring. he asks, "Wanna talk about it?"
"He was never home. The only thing that mattered was work. I rarely even saw him. When he was home, he wanted to sleep. He could save everyone in the country', but his family didn't matter. And you know what? His excuse was that being a hero meant that we could be rich and crap. The luxuries were nice, but it didn't really mean all that much to me. All he wanted was wealth. Nothing else mattered. And when he died, he wasn't even thinking of us. His only regret was looking bad in front of the cameras. I hate heroes because they only care about money and their public image.
"I know it firsthand. I've seen the monsters behind their ridiculous masks."
Positioning yourself so that on knee is up and your arm rests on it, you ask, "Feel like sharing?"
"Can't. Not yet, anyway. Everyone will know soon enough.
"What? Cant give your best friend a sneak peak?" You give him a sad smile that he sees from the corner of his eye.
"Very well."
"How can you be so happy when you've gone though all that? I al ways thought you were just some lost kid with too much free time or something-
"What can I say? I'm really good at faking smiles." You change your position again, drawing your knees up to your chest. "I don't have the right to throw a pity party when other people have hurt more than me, and have more going on than me."
"So you're discarding how you feel?"
Sighing, he knows what he needs to do. Ever since you were drunk, he's avoided it as much as possible. Even so, he hesitantly puts his arms around you, patting your back gently and then moving his arm up and down. He always tried to stay clear of that, afraid that he wouldn't let go if he didn't.
But, right now, you need him. You're in pain, and he can't have that. You're the only person that he refuses to watch suffer. He'd give the world if it means that you'll be happy.
"It's okay. If you need to cry, cry; scream, scream; even if you need to beat someone up, go ahead. I won't stop you. Ill be your punching bag if that's what you want."
Choked sounds start coming from you, and his shirt gets wet with what he assumes are tears. You clutch onto his clothes, shaking like a leaf. Gently, he runs his hand up and down your bag, trying to soothe you.
He doesn't speak. There's nothing he can really say. He's never been a comforting person, so this is the best that he can do. He didn't even receive any type of comfort as a kid. So, how then can he help someone else?
"Dabi..." you mutter. "Why is it like this? What's up with this stupid country? They worship people that do more properly damage than anything. You know the other reason I hate heroes?"
'They destroyed my favorite donut shop!" you yell. "It blew up and I couldn't get my favorite donuts! After that, I joined the League because |couldn't do it anymore! They took everything from me!I can't even get donuts!"
"I'm sorry you lost your donuts.
"It hurts. I watched the place burn. I had to go to work without my coffee and donuts. I didn't even make it two hours before ditching and finding Shiggy."
He pets your head. "How about I take you to get donuts later?"
"You'd do that?"
"Of course, I would.
"You're the best," you bury your face into his chest. "Thank you. You always know what to do.
"That's not true. I'm just doing my best here."
"Well it's more than good enough." After a few moments, you say, "I love you so much."
"Thank you."
Hearing you say that while you're sober is different. When you were drunk, he took at you just speaking randomly, but he can't say that now. Of course, he knows it isn't in the same way he loves you. Nobody could love him like that. But, it feels nice to he loved at all.
When is the last time someone actually loved him? He can't remember. He's sure his family didn't. Has anyone loved him, then? Probably not until now. Just the thought makes him feel warm and special. It's a feeling that he could get used to if he was a fool.
Now grasping you tightly, he whispers, "Thank you for loving me.
"I always love you. I'll love you until the day I die. No, I'll love you even after that.:
"I don't deserve it."
"You are the most deserving person of love that I know."
Immediately, he starts to cry, getting blood on his face. He just breaks. Nobody has ever told him that. Nobody has ever made him feel special. Nobody has ever made him feel like he mattered.
All his life, he's been put down. His dreams destroyed and told that he can't. Nobody has told him that they love him. He most certainly has never been told that he deserves it, either.
In these moments--these moments that he's at his weakest and hide most vulnerable--he falls all the more in love with you. You're the only girl out there who makes him feel this way. You give him confidence and make him believe that he could do anything.
You're the very air he breathes.
His reason to live.
The remaining willpower buried deep inside of his heart.
That last shred of sanity he's barely holding onto.
"I love you so much."
"I'm sorry," he says, trying to calm himself. "I'm being such a crybaby-"
"No, no. It's okay. Cry it out. You're safe with me. You let me cry, now it's your turn."
"N- no. I shouldn't- I shouldn't be this weak-"
"You're not weak. I promise."
"Y/n... do you ever wake up...and jus.. wish that... you hadn't?"
"Almost every day."
"I'm not allowed to be happy."
"Says who?"
"Revenge," he holds you tightly, knowing that he's about to say something he shouldn't. "I'm not even allowed to fall in love. Is there someone that you've fallen for?"
"Yeah, but I can't be with her."
"And why is that?"
"Because if I should die or loose myself in this path, she'd just end up hurt. I can't do that to her."
"Then don't die or loose yourself. Just... give it a shot. Before you loose her. Look at me. l've sat around, in love with the same guy but never saying anything, and lost him. He loves another girl. I never had the chance because I wasn't brave enough to speak up. If you don't tell her now, you could loose her to someone else.
but what if I'm bad for her?"
"You won't be. I promise
Sushi?" you offer to Dabi. After fighting with the Liberation Army, the League has taken a new name and has a beautiful building to stay in with many luxuries.
"No, thanks. I don't like fish."
You snort. "Yet you call yourself Japanese? That's one of our main resources."
"Haha, very funny." He rolls his eyes, then lets his head drop down onto the back of the sofa. "You enjoy it, weirdo."
"I am enjoying it. This Dynamite roll is bomb."
"Yeah, yeah."
"I want takoyaki, too. Actually, I think I'm just hungry."
Grinning and looking at you, he asks, "Do you want donuts?"
You scowl. "Stop bringing up my past trauma, you jerk."
"Never," He sticks out his tongue playfully. "Anyway, He stands up. "I'm gonna go lay down for awhile. You enjoy your seafood crap." He goes to leave, but you grab his wrist.
"Wait. Don't go yet."
"What's up?" He looks at you, finding disparity in your eyes.
"C- can you sit back down? It's awkward."
Nodding, he resumes his seat, waiting. "Well?"
Nervously, you stand up, pacing a bit as you avoid his gaze "I-I've never done this before... I spent all night trying to find the right words, and it's still not coming to me...but I have to say it. It's been keeping me awake every night all night. I've lost so much sleep over this and I-"
Slow down and say what you need to say.
Finally, you look him in the eye, fear predominant in yours. "I'm in love with you."
"Cut the crap. It's not a funny joke, Y/n."
"It's not a joke. I've been in love with you for a long, long time. R- remember that night? When we talked about all that stuff? And I said the person I love loves someone else? I only said that because I got jealous when you mentioned a girl. I- got so angry and I- wasn't thinking straight. Dabi, I've dated before. I've known lots of guys. Seen all the red flags. All the green flags. I've seen it all. And in all my life, I've never met a guy like you." You start pacing again, going back and forth. He just listens, curious as to where this will go. "And, in all my life, I've never loved a guy like how I love you. As a girl with daddy issues, I always had a hard time with commitment. I always ran when it got serious. If I liked a guy, it was just that, but I refused to date them. I never even liked any of my exes. They could never hurt me that way. But I'm not running now. I wanna face this head-on. For once in my life, I'm not scared. I'm not scared of you hurting me. Of you breaking my heart. I- I trust you. I trust you so much and- and- I was start rolling down your cheeks and you squeeze your eyes shut, clenching your fists and lowering your head. "And yet I know that you love someone else. I'm not mad about it anymore. It just... hurts. I should want the best for you. I should want to see you happy. But I'm such a crappy person that |hate the thought of you being happy without me. I hate the thought of you smiling with another girl. I hate the thought of you crying on someone else's shoulder and not needing me anymore.
"You deserve only the best, and I'm just some little girl with daddy issues And I'm so sorry that I'm saying this so suddenly. l just- I have to say it now. If I don't, II regret it for the rest of my life. There's no chance, and I know that, but you should be aware that the time we've spent together has been so selfish because I've been using it to spend time with the guy I love instead of because someone needs me. I'm so shallow and heartless but I'm not heartless because it hurts and aches and all I want is you but I can't have you and I feel like crap! And I didn't mean to dump this all on you and I'm honestly rambling at this point so just- thank you for listening. I'm sorry for all of the trouble."
"Are you done now?"
"You gonna let me talk now?"
"First and foremost, you're not a crappy person. Compared to me, you're a literal angel. And, as far as my feelings for you, you shouldn't have assumed. That was a major mistake. l've been in love with you for way too long. Its honestly a bit pathetic. And if it was bothering you for so long, you should've said so sooner. I don't like you hurting."
"But...why would you love me?"
"Why? Because..." He stares at his feet, feeling oddly sentimental. "Because you've given me all the things I never got to have. You know, when you were drunk, you were the first person to hold me. Nobody has ever done that before. You're the only person that ever loved me, and told me that I deserve love. You make me feel happy, and like I could do anything You're the reason that get up every day. That I keep fighting. That haven't given up. Y/n, you're my everything and more."
"I'm not deserving of that."
'You're the one who first said that I deserve love, and I'll tell you the same. You're the most deserving person that I know."
"'re my everything, too."
"You do realize that I'm unimportant, right? In the future. and you get hurt because of it?"
"I may not always be by your side. What if... what if I screw up."
"I trust you more than anyone else. I've always believed that you could never hurt me.
okay. Let's. be together. Just you and me."
Nodding, you go to him and sit beside him, puling him into a tight embrace. "Just you and me. Forever."
And your love was forever.

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