Mortified (Maddie)

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In your dressing room, you put on the outfit the company picked for you. You'd been sure to insist that it be the nicest one they could possibly manage. And your hair and makeup is already done so nicely that you're sure you look somewhat pretty by now. Today may just be the most important day of your life. A bit of a bounce in your step, you walk from school, having just passed a very, very hard test. But, on the way, you encounter a villain. Damage has already been done, and there's no getting around it. In horror, you stare at the scene in front of you, gaping a bit. Then, it happens. A vehicle comes whirling toward you, having been thrown in your direction. Fear paralyzes you. All you can do is just stare blankly, a voice in your head screaming at you to run. But your legs wont move, no matter how many times you tell them to. Just in the knick of time, tentacles wrap around the car and set it down away from you. Then, there's someone standing in front of you, wearing a long hood and a mask.
"A- are you alright?" he asks.
"Y- y- yes."
He nods, then goes to leave.
"What's your name?" you call out before he's entirely gone.
In a low and hardly audible voice, he replies, "S- Suneater."
And then he's gone.
You're Suneater's biggest fan. How could you not be? He saved your life all those years ago. After that day, you set up a fan page for him and everything. And today is the day you're interviewing him. You've only been waiting for this moment since you decided this is what you'd do with your life.
Finally, you take your seat on set, fixing your hair a bit. Then, he comes in, head down and avoiding eye-contact with everyone. Your heart races, practically beating out of your chest. This is it. The moment that you meet your hero. It's been a total of ten years since he saved you, and never once has it wavered. You even have a tattoo for him. It's on your wrist, and it's his tentacles and clam hand.
The hero sits down in the designated chair, eyes focused on the floor. This will be aired live throughout the entire country, as all your interviews are.
"3....1..we're rolling!"
With a big, genuine smile, you say to him, "Hello, Suneater. It's nice to finally meet you."
He looks up a bit, face a bit red. "M- mhm. Likewise."
"Thank you for coming to do an interview with us. It's such a pleasure to have a hero who's in the top ten here."
"T- thank you for having me."
"So, to start things off, what made you want to be a hero?"
"W- well, as-a- as a kid, I was really fond of them. I made a couple f-friends along the way who really- really encouraged me."
"Isn't that just too sweet? Just out of curiosity, how did you come up with the name Suneater?" "Because...I can eat anything. Even the sun."
You smile. "Is the sun symbolic?"
"You could say that."
"From what I understand, you were apart of the Big Three of UA High. How did that feel?" "Terrifying."
"Was it all the spotlight?"
"Well, look at you now. You're a pro with rankings is the top ten. It's very impressive."
"I'm really not all that great of a hero."
Something inside you just snaps. Completely and totally just breaks. Without realizing it, you start to squeeze the arms of your chair.
"Come again?"
"Oh, it was nothing. I-I just said I'm not all that great a hero-"
"You're not supposed to lie in interviews, Suneater." Your eye twitches.
"It's not a lie-"
"Really? Because it sounds like a lie You're really freaking strong and quite popular. You're everything anyone could ever want in a hero and more You have the looks, the power, the personality--everything. Your fan-base is huge, too."
"I- I'm sure that's just an exaggeration."
You shoot up, knocking your chair over, smile gone entirely. "Exaggeration? Really? Because I'm apart of your fan site. It's huge. As a matter of fact, I created it. Every day, we post pictures." You start listing things off on your fingers. "We talk - about you, we share any information we get on you, play trivia, sell unofficial merch. We even set up a little shrine in Tokyo for you. Are you underminding us? Discarding our feelings? You have millions of fans all across the globe. We adore you so much that some of us dropped everything for you. Heck, there's some girls who have devoted themselves so much that they refuse to even go on a date with another man! So what the heck do you mean, exaggeration?! I'm not exaggerating! You're the most amazing and wonderful hero in the entire world!"
"I've been following your career since middle school! You saved me while on a work-study! I went home and stalked you on every site I could find!l even found your secret Instagram! I- I started a whole website dedicated to you! I have- - have made Suneater Appreciation Day a thing!"
Leaning back as if to brace himself, he yells with a grimace, "THAT WAS YOU?!?!?!"
"Of course, it was! I started the Suneater biceps trend!"
He screams and hides behind the chair. "WHAT ELSE DID YOU START?!?!?!"
"I KNOW!!"
"NOT UNTIL YOU TAKE BACK WHAT YOU SAID!" You pick up the chair he's hiding behind and throw it at the camera
You curl up on your couch, a little tear in your eye. You were fired. After your outburst, you got an hour-long lecture a from your boss that concluded him saying not to show up to work ever again. And to think. You've worked there four years.
"How could I do that?" you choke out a bit. "I've never yelled like that before. I even dealt with Lord Explosion Murder God Dynamite and kept my cool. And now don't even have a job. I won't even able to keep my apartment or anything. I'll have to sell my limbs. And what will I do with my Suneater merch? I have to take it with me."
Sighing, you get up and go over to your computer. It's your routine to post and Suneater photo daily, and you can't just stop because of a rough day. It's already been flooded, however, by the news of you.
You were that interviewer the whole time?!
Normally I don't approve of yelling at our baby, but it was a good cause.
I hope he's ok.

Can you guys believe she talked to him like that?!?!?! 8-( 8-(
There's some positive comments, others negative. With another sigh, you post another picture of him. With it, you type, JUST GOT FIRED. HOPE EVERYONE WHO'S MAD IS HAPPY NOW. With that, you turn off the computer then go to your room, deciding to sleep awhile. But it doesn't work. Instead, you stare at the wall the entire night, depressed and full of regret.
In the morning, you make a bowl of cereal, eating in absentmindedly. All of a sudden, your phone starts ringing. It's an unknown number, but that's happened a lot for work.
 On instinct, you answer it.
"Is this Ms. Y/n L/n?"
"Yes, this is she. How can I help you?"
"We understand that you lost your job because of Suneater. Is that right?"
"Oh, no. It's not his fault. I just lost my temper. Suneater does no wrong-I mean, I did loose my job, though it's my own fault."
"Well, this is one of his sidekicks. He feels really bad after hearing you got fired, and would like to offer you a position as his secretary."
"W- what?! l- I can't accept that! Not after I went off of him!"
"He's quite insistent, Ma'am."
"Isn't he mad at me?!"
"Not at all! He feels really guilty for you loosing your job."
"I don't deserve it! I mean-"
"Please? At least come in so he can talk to you. He's been dying to apologize."
"I should be apologizing! I yelled at him! I threw a chair!" You stand up and start pacing. "I could never show my face in front of him! l- I went psycho! And it turns out he read my fanfics for him, tool! I- I'd sooner die than humiliate myself in front of the love of my life again!"
"Hold on a second."
You hear chatter on the other end of a phone, meanwhile you bite you nail a bit. Why would Suneater even feel bad? It's not his fault you're and idiot who can't control her temper.
Finally, the sidekick comes back. "He said that if it'd make you feel better, consider this a favor toward him. He's been needing a new secretary."
"Agh... fine...when do come in?"
"Does Monday work for you?"
"Great! We look forward to seeing you at the Suneater Agency!"
You knock on the door to Suneater's office, even more nervous than the last time you saw him. You hear a faint voice call out that you can come in, so you do.
Immediately, you bow and say, "I'm so sorry for what I did. I-I'm your biggest fan and- and when you said all those negative things about yourself, I got ahead of myself and lost my temper. I shouldn't have yelled or freaked out the way I did. Please forgive me-"
"I- I'm not mad" he says quietly. "I- Mirio is always telling me how I need to stop being so down on myself.. he always tells me that my fans wouldn't like it.. but I was so nervous I had a hard time filtering what I was saying a I didn't mean to upset you, Ms. L/n, or get you fired. I'm so, so sorry."
"Don't be sorry! I should be able to keep my own temper under control! It was very unprofessional of me!"
"N- no! I- I- I need to improve on my confidence levels. Please don't blame yourself."
You shake your head. "Trust me, you can't do anything wrong in my eyes, Suneater. No need to be so guilty."
"Ahh." He hides his head in his hands. "C- can I ask what you mentioned me saving you?" Blushing a bit, you say, "W- was your first work-study and- and you saved me. I was on my way home from school and there was a villain attack. A car was flying in my direction, but you stopped it."
He brings his hands down, then squints at you. Under his breath, he mutters, "Holy really are that little girl."
"Y- you remember me?"
He nods lightly. "You're the first person I ever saved... I- I didn't think I'd ever see you again."
You smile a bit. "I became your biggest fan after that. For ten years I've been supporting you."
"T- thank you," he puts his head down, blushing. "A- anyway... your office is right beside mine." "Right. I'll head over, then. Okay." You go to your office, giggling. You're so in love with him. More than ever. If only you could be with him.
You come into work with a box of décor for your office. You weren't originally going to decorate, but you have found that you're out of space in your apartment and need to move some stuff. After your ceilings became covered with Suneater's face, you decided that you really need to make space. On your way to the room, you see Suneater himself. Looking at the box, he furrows his brows.
"Decorations."  You tell him. "I don't have space in my apartment, and decided my office needs to be more lively anyway."
" Oh... what- what kind of decorations?"
"Suneater decor!"
"Ah-! That's an interesting theme for an office."
You shrug. "Well, my walls and ceilings at my apartment have been completely covered by your face, but then I bought more, so.. yeah. I have a shopping addiction, as you can see."
A sidekick walks past, "No, I think it's a Suneater addiction."
You stick your tongue out at them. "So what? At least now I don't have to stalk him online to get my daily dose anymore."
"That's even worse!" they call out.
You pout for a moment, but then turn back to your boss. "Well, I'll be headed to my office and start decorating after I check the emails."
"O- okay."
You go to your office, check the emails, then start decorating. By the time you re done, a whole wall is covered and your desk has several figures and trinkets. Around noon, Suneater walks in, and looked at your walls.
"What in the."
"Whaddya think?" You stand and gesture to the room. "It's nothing compared to my apartment, but pretty cool, right?"
"Uhh... it looks... very.. it's not boring."
You grin. "I love it. Now I can stare at your beautiful face while I work. Makes the day ten times better."
"M- mhm. A- anyway, I'm gonna-I'm gonna go on patrol now.. you- you keep at the hard work." "Of course! See you tomorrow!!"
"S- see you tomorrow."
You're at a class reunion from high school. It's just at a nice little restaurant and isn't much. Across the room, however, a you see your boss, sitting with Lemillion and Nejire-Chan. You two make eye contact, so you give a little wave. You're beside your male friend from high school. You notice that he's a bit different than you remember. He's awful touchy and even a bit flirty. Naturally, you shrug it off as him having just grown up, though every time he even gets a little too close, you notice Suneater giving a bit of a glare. 
By the end of the night, you're drunk and out of sorts. Confidently, you stand up, and look over at Suneater.
You point at of him, and smile at the others. "He's my boss!" you tell them. "I'm his secretary! And his biggest fan! But you can't tell him!"
Despite you thinking this is a secret, the entire restaurant hears your yelling "And you know what else? I'm in love with him!"
"Sit down," your friend says, trying to grab you.
"Don't touch me!" You smack him. "Only Suneater can! He's the love of my life- ah!"
You almost trip, but catch yourself. "But none of you guys can even give him a hint! I yelled at him! And I don't deserve him! He's too beautiful for this world!" You giggle. "Just look at those biceps. Squish. Squish... hehe."
"Maybe you should go home, one of the girls tell you.
"No way! I wanna I wanna have fun!"
You try to grab another drink, but someone grabs your wrist. Looking over, you find Suneater to be right there, looking concerned.
"It's my boss! Hi, Suneater!"
"You need to go home"
"But I don't want to."
Your guy friend stands up. "I take her home," he says to Suneater.
The hero shakes his head. "I can take her."
"I'm her friend. I'm more than capable of-"
"I'm her boss and I'II be taking her home, thank you. Come on, Ms. L/n."
You give him a pout. "I'm having fun."
"I'll give- you anything you want if you come with me."
You smile now. "Okie dokie!!"
Suneater helps you out of the restaurant, you leaning on him. Once he gets you into the car, he slides beside you. You're swaying, singing off-key.
"Well?" he says. "What can I give you?"
"Hmmm.." You giggle. "A kiss"
"A WHAT?!?!"
"I want a kiss." You tap your lips. "Right here.'"
"A- are you crazy? I can't just kiss you! Besides, I doubt the driver would wanna see-"
"Then we can wait until we get back."
"That's only worse!!"
"Do you not wanna kiss me?"
"I- it's not that..." He looks away from you. "I- I mean, it's not that I don't want to."
"Then why is there a problem?"
"I-I don't know.."
"It's okay if you don't want to," You start to cry a bit. "I just love you so much and-" 
"Don't cry...c'mon."
"But you don't like me." You start to rub your eyes. "It's all my fault for yelling at you. I'll always love you and you hate me-"
"I don't hate you-"
"And I always have to see you happy without me. What if you find someone else? Then I'll have to see-"
"I love you."
You drop your hands, and give him a teary face, still swaying. "But then why won't you-"
He leans in and gives you a gentle peck on the lips, and then scoots as far into he car corner as possible. "There.'"
You start to giggle. "Yay!" You start hitting the driver's shoulder. "Suneater kissed me! I was kissed by Suneater!! I can die a happy girl!!"
Suneater groans.
You wake up tucked into bed, though your head is in a bubble. Sitting up, you try to remember what happened last night. And then it hits you like a brick. Drunk. Asked for a kiss, Suneater said he loves you. Suneater kissed you.
You scream into a pillow. How could you embarrass yourself like that? i'm never drinking again. Walking into work, you keep your head down and hand covering it.
"How's the hangover?" you hear Suneater ask.
"I'm all good." you say, standing in front of your office and still covering your face.
"D- do you remember everything? Or were you too drunk?"
"Oh! I think I hear the computer ding! I'll see you later, boss!!" You go in and slam the door shut. You refuse to face him. You just can't.
Later, there's a gentle knock on the door. After you give permission for them to come in, the door opens with a little creak. Looking up, you find your boss with something behind his back.
"Uh- I just- I wanted to check in on you. You- you were pretty wasted last night. Asleep before you hit the bed."
"I- I'm fine." you look away, blushing harder than ever.
"I-I need to know...c- can you remember any- anything?"
He groans a bit. "I-"
"Don't worry. I already figured you just said that to calm me down-"
"W- what? Why- why would you think that?"
"Because it's already obvious that I could never stand a chance. You're too good for me-"
"Not at all! You're- You're amazing! Of course, I love you!"
"B- b- but I-I'm crazy! And totally unhinged! You see this office! How could you- why would you-" "Because y- you're so beautiful and sweet and smart and funny and I love the way you laugh or how you look at me and always encourage me. Every time I start to get anxious you're there to calm me down or when I get upset you make me feel better and- and I don't even know how else to describe it because I- I don't even know why I fell in love with you." He brings his hand out from behind his back, revealing a rose. "I'll always be in love with you."
"Are you sure? I mean.. what if I mess it all up? What if you realize that I'm the worse and-"
"That could never happen, though. I already know that. So... would you- would you like to go out? That is, if you still feel that way-"
"Of course, I would."
He gets a little smile as his ears turn red. "W- we can go after my p-p- patrols."
"M- m'kay."

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