First Fan (Maddie)

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Today is the day. You're starting as a secretary for Lord Explosion Murder God Dynamite's hero agency. The name is overkill, but he's your favorite pro. You remember his debut as a hero-in-training. You were in junior high at the time, and when he aired on TV, you got a glimpse. He'd just got his provisional license and was already busting villains with his classmate, Shoto. Most of the blonde's moments had been cut, but you searched for the original and full version. He was so angry. and you loved it. Back then, you were twelve, so it was a bit immature. Still you just couldn't help but totally adore him. You like to think of yourself as his first big, diehard fan, to which you're proud.
Now, eight years later, you're going to be working for him. Before starting, you bought a bunch of new clothes, wanting to look your best in front of him. The thing is, he's never shown interest in everyone, and usually starts screaming when his fans get too close. That being said, you know that he probably wouldn't notice you. But who cares? If you look your best, you'll be at your best.
None of his secretaries have ever lasted, so you want to leave the best impression possible. It's not that he fired them, though. They all quit. None of them could handle his temper, so they just left. In the past three years, he's gone through over a hundred secretaries. But you'll stay. You can most definitely handle his temper. You know you can. After all, you lived with your mother for a whole nineteen years.
All dressed, you start on the walk to work, skipping breakfast. It's far too early to eat, so you have a cinnamon bun and berries packed for later. When you walk in, you see a couple sidekicks. He's never been big on having other people help him, but on the rare occasion he needs coverage, he has his two trusty sidekicks.
The agency building is small. Everyone has their own office, a lunchroom, a men's and woman's bathroom, a supplies closet. As stated in an interview, he didn't want anything too big, because it'd be a waste of money and efforts. "All that matters is being the best! A big building will only slow me down!!"
Looking to a sidekick, you say, "Hi, I'm the new secretary, Y/n L/n. Should I go straight to my office, or see Lord Explosion Murder God Dynamite first?"
He replies, "Go report to him first. His office is all the way at the end of the hall."
"Okay! Thank you!"
You skip along, and hear them mutter, "She wont last a month." Though, it doesn't bother you. You'll just prove them wrong.
Once at the door, you knock gently.
"Get in here!" yells the gruff voice.
You walk in, bowing a bit. "Hi. I'm the new-"
"Yeah, I know who you are. Your office is right next to mine, and there's probably a bunch of emails for you to check. AS far as paperwork goes, sort through and only bring me anything important, the rest can go through the shredder. When it comes to interviews, reject most and only have me set up for unavoidable ones.
"Actually, your fans have been complaining about that."
"lot of people are getting hate, being accused of purposely leaving you out. And those who know otherwise... they've been getting really upset and pouty."
"Uh-huh. And why do I care?"
"Because they're heartbroken! They wanna see more of you! We- we wanna see you scream at the camera! It's your charm! You- you can't keep depriving us! And we wanna see you and Deku do a collab interview! The drama is amazing!!"
"Oh, shut up!! I don't care about all that crap! Publicity is so stupid! My job is to bash villain skulls, not make people like me and answer questions!!"
You slam your hands on the desk, getting close to his face. "Yeah, well we don't care about your stupid job!! Seeing you fight villains and get your costume ripped is just a bonus! It's best when you're like that and screaming at a camera and interviewer!! Sheesh! We want more of you! l So stop hiding, you jerk!"
"AND THAT'S EXACTLY WHY ALL YOUR OLD SECRETARIES QUIT!! THEY DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO ARGUE! Listen here, you grab him by his collar. "You're gonna do more interviews, and you're gonna like it! I'm not taking 'no' for an answer."
"Why do you even care?! Those crazy fangirls aren't your concern!!"
"Aren't my- they're like family to me! I'm a fan, too! We all love each other and look out for each other!! And nothing you do or say can change that!"
"You- YOU'RE ONE OF THEM?!?!?!"
You release him and walk out, seeing his sidekicks who stare in awe. Putting a smile back on your face, you wave a bit.
"Hi, again! I just talked with him, like you guys said. I'm gonna head to my office now. Thanks, again!"
You skip along to your office, which is pretty small. There's a desk with a a cable phone, a computer, a paper shredder, a printer, and a trash can. You'll have to get things to decorate it. It's far too plain for you.
You sit down, then start going through emails. There's actually a lot of interview offers. Today is Sunday... you can try to set him up for one every other week. That way, he's not too suffocated and still has time for work, but can make regular appearances on TV. That should also bring up with his popularity, thus bringing up his ranking. Every other Wednesday. That should do.
As for paperwork, you start sorting it out, and make drafts of all the key points, which you'll just email him. That way, he can get all of the information with less reading. After lunch, he'll be heading out for his patrols, so you have to work quickly and efficiently.
By 10:30, you've finished everything, and your stomach rumbles. So, you pull out your packed-snack and eat that. Mid-first-bite, the doors swings open, and there's the hero.
He throws a muffin at you, then slams the door shut. You just barely catch it, and then smile. A muffin!! Great. You're starving. But how did he know? He must be in a good mood.
When he goes out for his patrol, you just spin around in the office chair, waiting for calls. Finally, the phone rings.
Immediately, you answer it. "Hello? Lord Explosion Murder God Dynamite's agency, here."
Hi! It's Deku. You must be his new assistant. Uhmmm...I was gonna email, but...I didn't know his email address. He refuses to tell me, heh."
"It's perfectly fine." You get a notepad and a pen. "What is it you'd like to discuss, Sir?"
Well, I've been getting a lot of recommendations to do a joint-interview with him. Can you suggest it to him?*
"No need for that. I'll just set it up."
"Shouldn't you discuss-"
"No way. I trick him into going. I live for the drama."
"Uhmmmm... okay?"
"Plus, his fan base will love it. More than likely, they're the ones recommending it. It's been popping up on my feed so much. It's honestly about time."
"Well, thank you, Ma'am. Please tell Kacchan I say 'hi'."
"Of course! It'll have to wait for later. He's on patrols currently."
"That's fine!! Thank you, again! You're honestly the nicest secretary he's ever had. The rest cussed me out, heh."
"Aw, I'm sorry to hear that. You have a good day."
"I most certainly will if you do."
"Alrighty then."
You hang up, and smile. Your first phone call! !t went so well!
When he gets back, you go straight to his office to give him the updates on his schedule. "Hello! We have some things to discuss,sir."
"Alright. Go ahead and get it over with."
"So, we're gonna start doing interviews every other Wednesday. It'l bring up your placing so much. Also, this Thursday you're scheduled to do a joint interview with Deku-"
"I AM NOW!!"
When you walk out, you burst into giggles. It's always been your dream to be yelled at by him. It was so... amazing! You skip along back to your office, unable to hide how much you enjoyed his screaming at you.
Every day is magical. He screams at you, and you just love it. Every time you start fangirling, he'll start yelling and screaming, to which you'll secretly record and upload it.
Today is the day of the interview with Deku, which you get to watch from the back, behind the camera. You give your boss a thumbs up, and he rolls his eyes at you. The moment Deku walks in, he gets even crankier.
In the end, the entire set is ruined and they're fighting for no reason. You just smile, loving ever single second. The LEMGD Fandom will be so excited! This is going to blow up! You suck your own fist, savoring every second of the drama.
On the way back to the agency, you rave about the interview . "Your fans will love it!! I mean, those punches and explosions?! It was amazing!! I just can't wait for it air."
"Oh, shut up! Nobody cares about your weird obsession with me!! The only reason you're not fired is because I need a stupid secretary or whatever!"
"It's not an obsession. Its... a great fondness." You give him a closed-eye smile. "Besides, it's not like I'm using this to be creepy or whatever. I could totally be trying to stalk you and be a pervert. I do my job and don't bother you unless necessary. You can't complain."
"Oh, whatever! Do whatever I please!!"
"And there it is!! The LEMGD we all love!!"
A guy that you know from school just asked you on a date. You always liked him, but you never thought he'd feel that way. You honestly believed the contrary, actually.
"Would you like to go on a date with me? You don't have to-"
Excitedly, you grab his hands. "Of course!! This is great! When and where? I can go on my own or you could pick me up-"
"You'll really go?"
"Of course, dummy!! I just need details!"
"I'll take you out to dinner and will pick you up myself. Dress comfortably but still kinda nice."
"Okay! I can't wait!"
On your date, you spot Lord Explosion Murder God Dynamite at another table with Red Riot, but you're too focused on your date. He looks nice tonight. While you're such a huge fan of your boss, this guy is the second-best you could ever ask for. Lord Explosion Murder God Dynamite is the first.
Accidently, you make eye contact with the blonde, who then looks at your date and back at you. Raising his eyebrows, he questions you with his eyes. You just smile and look back to your date, who seems curious, as well.
"Sorry," you say. "My boss is here. I-"
"Who the heck are you?" you hear your boss behind you.
"I'm Aoi Nakamura. We're currently on a date, sir."
"A what?"
"A date. We-"
He drags you outside and brings you between the restaurant and another building for some privacy. "WHAT THE HECK MADE YOU THINK CHEATING ON ME WAS A GOOD IDEA?!?!?!"
"Cheating? We haven't ever-"
He slams his hand against the wall, trapping you. "Haven't what? Aren't you my fan, or whatever? You should be happy. You're mine, do you hear? I don't ever wanna see you pulling a stunt like this again, you hear me?! I'm so pissed off right now." He growls a bit, and you can't help but find yourself attracted to this.
"I'm sorry, but it was never clear and I didn't know-"
"You didn't know? Seriously? You're my fan. If you like me as much as you say you do, you shouldn't be looking at any other man, you idiot."
"In my defense, I've liked him since high school, before I ever met you. And I wasn't the delusional fangirl who thought she was actually gonna date you or anything! I still don't! He's my second option!"
A bit daring, you just reply, "And how will you make me?"
He grabs your face, "Do you really wanna find out?"
"I wouldn't have asked otherwise."
He slams his lips onto yours violently, which is honestly surprising. As a twelve-year-old girl, you dreamed of it insanely. You constantly talked about the ideas to your friends. It was crazy and a bit obsessive, but what could you say?
You were a kid with a major crush on him!!
As you got older, you got a bit more of a dirty mind, but what else is to be expected? However, you never thought it'd actually happen. It always seemed like some fantasy in another world. Something that would come out of a cheesy, Wattpad fanfiction. Not real life.
But, here you are. You're kissing him, and he's kissing you. He has a hand on your face, and another on your waist, giving it a squeeze. It has you blushing and getting a bit flustered. When he pulls away, you both stare into each other's eyes, neither daring to look away.
"Listen," he growls. "You're never gonna do that again, you hear me? Don't even look at another guy again."
"I love a good challenge."
He brushes his thumb over your lips, ruffling you a bit. "You don't wanna mess with me, idiot. You won't like the consequences if you keep this up.
"I won't? What'll you do?"
"I'll blow them to smithereens."
"That's not very hero-like."
"I don't want to."
He rolls his eyes. "Stop being so stubborn. You like me, so why be so difficult?"
"It's fun."
"So, tell me, since when were you my fan?"
You get a big grin on your face. "I was twelve. It was the day you first got your provisional license with Shoto. The interview. I'd noticed that they cut a lot, so looked for the original video, no cuts. ou were so angry and cool, so became your fan since then and followed your career. I was actually your first fan. I started a website and everything else, hoping to get more people on my side. NOW look at you. You've blown up.
"Wow...'m flattered, truly. And to think. You had the nerve to like somebody else. Tell me, was I your first crush?"
"Mhm! My friends although I was crazy, though. Said that you were such a tsundere and, like, every red flag possible. But they didn't study you like I did. I mean, yeah, total tsundere. But not cruel or whatever."
"Oh, whatever. Anyway, we're going back to my place. Let's go."
"Y- your place? Like, where you live?!"
"Yeah, where else?"
"B- but already?! Shouldn't we slow down-"
"Shut it."
He drags you and shoves you into his car, speeding down the roads at 100 MPH. When you get to his small apartment, he picks you up and brings you to his room, plopping you down onto his bed. Before you can ask questions, he's climbing in, too, grabbing onto you tightly.
"L- Lord Explosion Murder God Dynamite...what in the-"
"Shut up. It's time for bed. Unlike some idiots, I don't enjoy staying up super late."
You burst into laughter. "With all the headcannons I came up being a cuddle-monster was never once of them. I love it." You latch onto him.
"I said shut up."
"Okay, okay, grouchy pants."

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