[Not] Shy (Maddie)

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There you are, sitting in the stands again. You're usually here. You don't bring any signs, you don't cheer, you just watch silently. Osamu has convinced himself that you're a fan of his brother, Atsumu. After all, the blonde has far too many fangirls in this school.
Still, in the back of his head, he finds himself aware that you're rather pretty. Atsumu always hast the pretty girls into him, though Osamu finds you to be extra pretty. He likes the way you dress, the way you do your hair, how you seem to be genuinely invested in the match and not just the players, and how you're never screaming like some sort of lunatic in the middle of a game.
He first noticed you on the first game of this season, wearing a pretty sundress and jacket over it. A conservative outfit, though elegant nonetheless. He liked it. He's also seen you around the school, always wearing long shorts under the short skirts. While he liked the conservative attitude, he couldn't help but find himself a bit curious..
Sometimes, you'll just be nearby, seeming to be dawdling or something. Wasting time, maybe? Who knows? It's appreciated, though. He likes your lingering presence. However, what worries him is that his brother is there too, so he's sure it's only because of him.
There's been a couple times when he was tempted to go greet you or something, but lost all ambition once his brother reminded him how unlikely your interest would be. It's sad, really. But, what can he do? His brother is just the heartthrob between the two.
After winning the game, he grabs a bottle of water and leaves the gym, drinking while walking. Since he wasn't look, he bumps into someone A bit surprised, he looks down, finding you. You're shorter than he expected. He never got the chance to get too close, so he never noticed until now.
The moment your eyes meet, he sees your face turn bright, bright red as you squeak a bit.
"Sorry," he says. "Didn't see you."
"Uh n-n-no! I wasn't paying attention."
"Are you okay? Didn't hurt you, right?"
"N- no! I'm fine."
"Great. Oh, yeah, what's your name? I've seen you around." Now is his chance. He'll at least introduce himself.
"Y/n L/n!" Your reply is quick, as if you've been waiting to say it a long time.
"Oh. I'm-"
"Osamu Miya! I- I know who you are." You scratch the back of your head a bit. "Everyone knows the Miya Brothers."
"Oh, yeah, that's right. Nice to meet you."
"Uhh.... likewise. It's.... definitely nice meeting you." The last part is quiet, though he just barely hears hear.
"Hm? Oh, thank you."
Your face gets even redder. "S- sorry!"
You run away, leaving him to raise an eyebrow in confusion. You must really be a fan of Atsumu. Being so shy around his brother, you must have wanted to leave a good impression. Shaking his head, keep starts walking to the bus, reflecting. It really seems that you're using the tactic of getting the brother to like you. He sighs a bit. That's honestly irritating. It won't work. Atsumu isn't really interested in anything but volleyball.
At school, Osamu sees you eating your lunch alone, lightly picking at the food on your tray: Slightly concerned, he stands up and approaches it, then sits in the seat beside you, taking food off of his own tray and placing them on yours.
"Eat plenty," he says. "It's good for you."
"Oh- I'm not all that hungry."
"Hm? Why not?"
"I don't have a big appetite! My stomach is only but so big."
"Well then make sure you fill it all the way. Eat lots and stay healthy. Your lack of appetite may come from not eating enough. Actually, most people who think they're not hungry just have a low blood sugar."
"But I'm really not-"
This time, he shoves the food into your mouth. "Eat. It's good, right?"
Nodding, you swallow the food. "Yeah. It's good."
"Then eat plenty of it. You can have mine-"
"You also have to eat. You have practice later and need stamina." Your eyes harden. "Eat what's on your tray."
This time, you put food in his mouth. "Eat up. Volleyball drains a lot of energy with all the movement. Especially as a server. Eat."
"But you-"
He nods as the chews the food then swallows. "Alright." There's a bit of a smile on his face. "I'll eat plenty."
He opens his mouth again. "Go ahead. Feed me."
Your face turns bright red."I- I meant to feed yourself!"
"But I like this better."
"Mhh." Looking away, you put the food in his mouth.
His eyes get a bit big, as he hadn't expected you to actually do it. Shyly, he takes a piece and feeds you as well, with surprises you as well.
"This is weird," you say, making him smile a bit.
"Just a little." After a few moments of silence, he continues "Can I walk you to the rest of your classes?"
"S- sure!"
"And, if you want, you're welcome to watch our practice. You're always at our games, so you must enjoy something about our plays."
"You guys are talented," you say quietly. "Its amazing to see you at it. You love it and that's amazing to watch."
"You think so?"
You nod, smiling a bit.
Every day, Osamu makes it a point to talk to you, and every day, you seem brighter and brighter. It's slow, but you're warming up to him. What's strange, though, is how you never seem to be paying Atsumu any attention. Could he have been wrong? Maybe you just like watching volleyball? Does he maybe have a chance?
So, today, he has a single red rose waiting for when school ends. Once it's over, he sees you outside, ready to go home.
Quickly, he runs to you and taps your shoulder.
"Y/n-Chan," he says, also smiling. Nervously, he hands you the rose. "I just wanna say that I like you. You don't have time accept my feelings or anything, but I'd hoped-"
"Hm?" You take out your earbud. "What's with the rose? Couldn't hear you."
"Uhhh... it's- uh-"
"It's a token of his love!" declares Atsumu, putting his arm over his brother's shoulders. "He's been a bit obsessed with you for awhile now. And yes, I know I'm better but-"
"Who are you?" you ask Atsumu, squinting your eyes. "You look familiar... are you. related to Osamu-Kun? You look related, y'know?"
The blonde's jaw drops. "YOU DON'T KNOW WHO I AM?!?!?!"
"Sorry, no."
"You're on the volleyball team? You must not've stood out. Sorry, man."
"This is Atsumu," says Osamu. "He's my twin brother."
"Ohhhh... that's why you look so much alike."
"I remember you being shy," Osamu continues
"Hm? Not really. I just like you so at first I was nervous."
"Oh- WAIT A SEC!!"
"You like me?"
"Yeah, why?"
Rubbing his temples, he says, I was literally just confessing but you had earbud s in."
"You were? Sorry. To make it up to you, let's go on a date Saturday. Pick me up at 3:00. See you then."
You take the red rose from him and walk away, meanwhile Atsumu is still in shock. "She doesn't like me.? Me of all people...? She wants... Osamu?"
Shrugging, Osamu pats his shoulder and says, "Well, I now have a date and you don't. How's it feel?"

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