You Should Have Gone to Shiratorizawa (Maddie)

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Ushijima notices that he's being followed by two boys and what seems to be a girl. He doesn't look behind him, but knows that they're there. He keeps running, wanting to see how long he'll be tailed. For awhile, he looses track of them. They probably got |ost. After awhile, they finally find the volleyball gym.
"Took you guys long enough," he says, finally looking.
There's one tall boy with black hair and blue eyes, pale and slender, wearing a look of pure awe at him. Then there's a short boy who's also thin, though has ginger hair and brown eyes. Finally, the girl. You, in contrast to the boys, don't have as much of a slender build. Actually, you're thicker. Your hair is beautiful, but your eyes are even more so. They're bright and lively and he wants to stare at them forever. Your lips look soft and plump enough for him, and even your nose is cute. From your face, his eyes wander downward. Your plumper build looks good in his eyes. Your curves look so good in your T-shirt and sweatpants, though he doesn't know how. Your wear an innocent and shy expression, contrasting to some of the thoughts swirling around his mind as he takes you in.
"Er- I'm Tobio Kageyama!" the taller boy exclaims. "I applied here but wasn't accepted-"
Now back to reality, Ushijima cuts him off, "It's no wonder. We don't want a setter that can't work with the ace. Now, Toru Oikawa would be an excellent choice. He should have come to Shiratorizawa." Glancing back at you, he thinks, And you at should have, too.
You finally pipe in, "Kageyama-Kun has changed a lot."
He loves your voice. In the back of his mind, he finds it odd that he has a desire to just listen to it for hours and hours on end.
"He's an excellent setter now."
"I don't really care."
A pout forms on your lips, drawing his attention back to them. "You should care. Kageyama and Hinata both are great."
Looking over to the short one, Hinata he says, "A small shrimp doesn't hold much promise, either-"
"Hinata has a lot of talent," you counter.
"Raw talent doesn't make the player" he says, clearing his throat a bit. "It takes work and effort. Take Aoba Johsai, for example. The only good player is Oikawa. The rest are trash. It's because of Oikawa's abilities that the team is as good as they are. For a volleyball player to grow and become strong, it needs good soil, like a plant. Aoba Johsai is not good soil.  Which is why Oikawa should have come here."
Hinata's face goes dark, and he asks, "If Aoba Johsai isn't good soil, what does that make Karasuno? Concrete?"
"Yes, I suppose."
A ball gets thrown out of the gym, and Ushijima goes to spike it. But, before he can get the chance, Hinata jumps high enough to grab it. Astonished, Ushijima stares a moment. That shouldn't have been possible
"I'm Shoyo Hinata," he says, holding the ball with the blank stare from before. "From the concrete, Karasuno. And we will beat you."
He begins to walk off, so Kageyama fumbles to say that he has to go. You start walking, too, but turn your head back at to him, wearing a look that suggests pride. Are you, perhaps, proud of the ginger? Is he important to you? An unpleasant feeling erupts in his stomach as he stares at your turned back, it following after the ginger. He hears your laughs as you talk excitedly, though he can't make out what you're saying.
He turns and goes into the gym, finding Satori Tendo, who's already bouncing around. He braces himself for the energy of the redhead, who's already on his way over.
"What took you so long, Wakatoshi-Kun?" he asks, tilting his head to the side.
"Got held up," Ushiima is already grabbing a volleyball to start practice.
"By who? Was it a girl?"
"One of them was."
"Are they from our school?"
"Which school?"
"Was the girl cute?"
Ushijima thinks for a moment. "I guess that's the word you could use."
"No way! It's finally happened! You've finally taken interest in a girl!"
"Taken interest?"
"Yes! We'll have to visit their school sometime so you can talk to her.  Please tell me you got her number!"
"Her number? What number? I don't think she plays volleyball-"
"Phone number."
"Oh, no I don't know it."
Tendo frowns. "I can't believe you didn't nab her number."
"Why would I?"
"So you can keep in contact. Talk, plan dates, get to know each other-"
"I don't see a need to."
"You really are a volleyball idiot."
Sighing, Tendo walks off. Inwardly, Ushijima asks, What's that supposed to mean?
When it comes time for Shiratorizawa to go against Karasuno, Ushiima searches for you subconsciously. Eventually, he finds you in the stands, looking ready to cheer for Karasuno. For several minutes, his eyes remain glued to you, studying your closely. You're wearing a pretty f/c dress that hugs your curves just right. There's a denim jacket over it, and he can't see your lower half since you're sitting. Someone grabs his shoulder, so he turns his head to find Tendo.
"You're staring. Is that the girl from Karasuno? The cute one?"
"Go get her attention!"
"Just- c'mon!!"
He starts dragging Ushijima, despite the protests from him. They should be warming up, not talking with girls. However, he does find himself looking forward to talking to you. Hopefully he doesn't mess anything up.
"Hello!" Tendo greets once in front of you.
You look up, and stare at them a few moments, brows furrowed a bit. "C- can I help you?"
"This is my buddy, Wakatoshi-Kun."
"I know who he is, but... why- why are you here?" You seem to be braver when defending your classmates.
Tendo answers, "We wanted to know your name."
"Y- Y/n L/n."
"It's a pretty name", Ushijima says bluntly.
Your eyes get huge, and you direct your gaze right to your lap. Ushijima notices your shoes, which are a pair of high- top sneakers. Your outfit looks good. He likes it.
"What year are you in?" Ushijima asks, feeling that he should know your age
"Oh. I'm a third-"
"I- I already know."
"Oh. It's nice to meet you."
"L- likewise."
"You should cheer for us," Tendo tells you. "I mean, were-"
"No" you say, not looking shy anymore. "I'd rather cheer for my own school. Besides, you guys have all those people. You don't need me."
Ushijima nods, "Fair enough."
 "Well," Tendo says, side- eying Ushijima. "You should give this guy your number! So you can keep in contact!"
"Uhh...I don't think that's necessary-"
"Do you not want to talk to me?" Ushijima asks, a little hurt.
"W- well, I just- I don't really know you and-"
"And that's the point of getting to know each other!" Tendo tells you. "I'm sure you guys would hit it off real well!"
Ushijima hands you his phone. "Please,"
"'Er- fine." You take it and type a bit.
"I'll text you from my phone so I have yours, okay?"
"Okay," You hand the phone back over, and he looks at the profile.
Y/n L/n. The very pretty girl from Karasuno. For once, he has something to thank Tendo for. "Thank you", he says. "I will keep in touch as often as possible. If you will excuse me, I have to get on the court to warm- up. Though you're here to support Karasuno, please watch us, too."
He walks away, proud of himself. He can now text and call you at any given time. It's a great feat, in his opinion.
Having lost the match against Karasuno, Ushijima starts getting his stuff together to board his bus. Out of the corner of his eye, he sees you talking to your team, seeming to be in good spirits. It does just the opposite to him. The way you're talking to the second and third-years is quite irritating.
Without thinking, he walks over to you and says, "You should have come to Shiratorizawa." Before you can, Daichi Sawamura replies, "And why should she have done that?"
"Because we're a better school." And just like that, he walks away.
From behind, he hears you and the boys still muttering, calling him weird and such. It doesn't bother him. He's right, after all. You should have come to Shiratorizawa. It's the better school. And someone at cute as you should only have the best, right? The whole bus ride home, Tendo talks and talks and talks, going on and on about how you're super cute, and if it doesn't work out, he'd like to go out with you instead.
Ushijima: Hello
Y/n L/n: hey
Ushijima: How have you been?
Y/n L/n: fine. u?
Ushijima: I have been well. How is school in Karasuno?
Y/n L/n: fine???
Y/n L/n: y do u ask??
Ushijima: Well, it's just that you seem awful keen on it. I still think you should have come to Shiratorizawa
Y/n L/n: lol I'm quite happy here
Ushijima: I hear that it's not as nice as Shiratorizawa
Y/n L/n: o it's def not
Y/n L/n: but simple life is the best yk?
Ushijima: I still think you should have come to Shiratorizawa.
Y/n L/n: it's too late now tho, am I right?
Ushijima: You could transfer.
Y/n Ln: yeahhhhhhhhhhhh
Y/n L/n: I'd rather notttttttttt
Ushijima: Why are you adding extra letters? Tendo does that, too. It's very weird.
Y/nL/n: lolll
Y/n L/n: ur hilarious man
Y/n L/n: like u looked mad scary b4
Y/n L/n: but ur such a dork
Ushijima: You still haven't answered my question, though I'm not confused at how I can be a "dork."
Y/n L/n: wait dude u were srs???
Y/n L/n: it's like for emphasis or whatever
Y/n L/n: or if u wanna b dramatic
Y/n L/n: or to like drag it out like u would in person
Ushijima: Oh. Thank you for clarifying. It's much appreciated. However, I'm still confused at how I am a dork.
Y/n L/n: don't worry abt it
Y/n Ln: I like that abt u
Ushijima: Thank you very much, though I can't say I'm too sure as to what you're talking about.
Y/n L/n: o btw sorry if I seemed a bit off-standish when we first met at the match
Y/n L/n: well not first met cs we met that one time I was at ur school with my friends
Y/n L/n: but u get the point
Y/n L/n: u look way more intimidating than u actually r
Y/n L/n: ur a major dork and it's hilarious
Ushijima: You're fine. Strangers randomly talking to you can be quite weird.
Y/n L/n: frfr
 Y/n L/n: but anyway I was wondering y u guys came over to talk like that
Ushijima: It's because I find you very attractive and Tendo insisted I should talk to you because of it. He said that just staring was weird and creepy, though I honestly can't see how that could be.
Y/n L/n: bruh did u jus say I was attractive?
Ushijima: No, I said that you are attractive. You still are.
Y/n L/n: o uh thank u
Y/n L/n: ur not bad looking urself
Ushijima: If that is the case, then I think we should go out together sometime.
Y/n L/n: but I live like hours away???
Y/n L/n: idk I wouldn't b able to get out to u
Ushijima: That's fine. I will come to you.
Y/n L/n: ru sure????
Y/n L/n: I've never gone out with a guy b4
Y/n L/n: like I only hang out with the vb team but they're like my brothers so it doesn't rlly count
Ushijima: Of course, I'm sure. I wouldn't have proposed the idea if not. I can head out on Saturday. We don't have any practice scheduled so I can spend the entire day with you, if you'd so please. However, it may not be as much time as it would be if you lived closer, or if you went to Shiratorizawa. l have to get you home by a certain time and I don't want to be away from home too long.
Y/n L/n: U aint gonna move on from me not going to shiratorizawa, r u
Ushijima: I just think you're better suited for us. I'd also like you see you more often, which I can't do with you going to Karasuno.
Y/n L/n: dude u rlly hold grudges
Y/n L/n: but anyway yah we can go out on Saturday
Y/n L/n:  {insert address]
Y/n L/n: what time should I expect u by?
Ushijima: 10:00 a.m. Please wear something that you feel comfortable in. I'd hate for you to be experiencing any form of discomfort while we spend our time together. I fear that it could ruin our date entirely.
Y/n L/n: the fact that ur srs makes this too cute
Y/n L/n: I'll wear smth super cute and comfy for our date
Ushijima: I think that you'll be beautiful no matter what you wear, so just focus on the comfortable portion
Y/n L/n: bruh ur gonna make me CRY
Ushijima: Why would you cry?
Y/n L/n: ain't nobody b complimenting me like that
Y/n L/n: but anyway lgtg
Y/n L/n: ill tyl and see u Saturday
Y/n L/n: peace out Ushi
Ushijima: Goodbye, L/n-San. Have a wonderful rest of the day.
Y/n L/n: u toooooooooo
Ushijima makes it a point to always talk to you every day, even if it's only for a few minutes. Any time you take longer than five minutes to respond, he panics and thinks that something is wrong. Maybe you're canceling Saturday? Or you're upset with him? But then you respond, apologizing for taking awhile.
Saturday finally whirls around, so he puts on a comfortable black T-shirt and jeans with a pair of sneakers. Knocking on your door, he suddenly feels a bit anxious. He can't place a reasoning for it, though it's prominent and he can't shake the feeling off. The door opens, and there you are, looking astonishing. You're in a flowy black dress that hits you about an inch beneath your knees. You have a light denim jacket over it and sneakers for the shoe. It seems your dressed comfortably like he asked, and you're stunning, too.
"Hey" you say, fidgeting with your hair a bit. "H- how do I look?"
"'Quite nice,'" A flash of disappointment comes onto your features, but disappears quickly. "Let's go. What do you have planned?"
"I think we should first go and eat something. I'm getting hungry, and I'm sure you are, too." "Yeah, I could use a little something to eat. What do you plan to feed me today?"
You're already walking with him to the car.
"I'm not sure. Is there anything in particular that you would like?"
"I... don't know! I just want food."
"Would sushi satisfy you?"
"Oh, my gosh, yes! Just what I wanted!"
"Then why didn't you say that to begin with-"
"Because I didn't wanna say I want sushi."
"Why wouldn't you want to say-"
"Because I didn't wanna suggest something you didn't want or couldn't afford. Also, I just didn't wanna say it."
"I'm confused."
"Meh, don't worry about it."
You get into the car and he starts driving, looking for a sushi restaurant. When he finally finds one, you go inside and get your seats.
"What should I order?" you mutter. "And how much?"
After awhile, Ushijima has to play a guessing game to figure out what you want, though won't admit to wanting at first. You're very confusing. Still, he likes it. Somehow, it's cute and almost fun,
After you eat, you ask, "Can we get ice cream?"
"Sure, I'II buy you ice cream."
"Yes!" You pump your fist into the air.
He takes you to a little ice cream place, and buys one for you. You smile happily on a bench, eating your ice cream as your legs swing a bit. He studies you, and sees that you're pretty small compared to him. It's rather adorable.
"Thank you," you say. "For taking me out. I'm having lots of fun."
"That's good. I was thinking after this we could go shopping. I understand girls like to do that." "We love shopping. You've been doing your research."
You lean up and kiss his cheek, making him blush just a bit. After shopping for a few hours, he takes you home. Before going inside, you give him a sincere smile, seeming to be happy with how the day turned out.
"Let's do this again," you tell him. "I really enjoyed myself."
"I was actually wondering if perhaps you would like to make this an official relationship. I know that normally people go on a few dates first, but it's difficult with how far we live from each other. It's easiest if we make it official now and continue our relationship from there."
"Wow, this is going real fast...I mean, you make a really good point."
"Well? Yes or no?"
"I'm in. But, just promise me you won't cheat, okay? Just because I'm not there, doesn't mean you can go around with other girls. I'II make sure I'll be able to find out-"
"Other girls? Why would I do that?"
"Because a lot of guys do that."
"I don't want to."
"Then make sure it stays that way." You try to go inside, but he stops you. "What?"
"Can you do that thing again?"
"What thing ?"
He taps his cheek. "You put your lips."
Smiling, you tell him, "Bend down so I can reach first, silly."
He leans down, so you press your lips to his cheek.
"You definitely should have come to Shiratorizawa-"
"GOOD NIGHT, USHIJIMA!" You shut the door in his face.

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