Flower Shop (Ghost)

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You made your dream come true. What was that dream? To own a nice little flower shop. You loved flowers, and your quirk, green thumb, allowed you to always have the brightest and most healthy-looking ones. It wasn't a hero worthy quirk, but you loved it anyway.

Your shop has become quite popular with even heroes frequenting it. You got so busy that you even hired a couple of people to help. You were just too slammed to do it alone.

One day, a few heroes came into your shop, and one walked up to you. He was a tall one dressed in a yellow hoodie. He was followed by two more. One was quiet with dark hair, and the other was loud with red hair.

The tall man smiled, "Hello. I'm Fatgum. These are my sidekicks, Red Riot and Suneater. I came here because I was wondering what you recommend for a first date. There's this baker that I'm taking out tonight, and I don't know what to bring."

You return his smile, "I'm going to ask you a few questions, and then I will make you're a beautiful boutique. How does that sound?"

He nods, and you ask him some basic questions to see what flowers would suit the situation.

Meanwhile, the loud red head explored the shop. You can hear him saying lowly how manly some of the flowers were. It made you chuckle.

The quiet hero was standing in the corner watching you intently. He had a blush on his cheeks, but he couldn't seem to look away. You fascinated him. You didn't notice because you were intent on making a boutique worthy of what the yellow giant was asking for.

Once done, Fatgum was happy with the boutique. When he was leaving, Red Riot shouted that the shop was manly, and he would be back.

Suneater blushed bright red, "Y-y-you are pretty."

Then he took off out the door. You blushed red at that. Did the handsome hero just compliment you? The chubby florist with average looks? No. He must be talking to the flowers.

Your employees were teasing you, though. They insisted he had a crush on you. They told you he wouldn't stop staring. You shook it off. That just wasn't possible.

A few days later, it was your day off, but you stopped by your shop because you wanted some fresh flowers for your table at home. When you walked in, you saw Red Riot and Suneater. When you got close enough, you heard Red Riot hyping up Suneater.

Red Riot was saying, "Come on, Senpai. Cheer up. You can try again another time. You are manly, so she can't say no."

You chuckle and approach the duo since they were off to the corner, and your employees were with customers.

When you approached, Red Riot grinned, and Suneater looked ready to pass out.

"Hello guys. Is there something I can help you with?"

Red riot smiled wider, "Senpai here wanted to ask you something."

You both turn your attention to Suneater. He was blushing so hard his ears were even red.

He looked down, "Ummm my name is T-tamaki Amajiki. Would-would to a g-g-go on a date with me?"

Now it was your turn to blush, "I would love to."

Amajiki snaps his head up, "Really?"


You exchange numbers with him, promising to text details. As they were exiting, you could hear Red Riot hyping up his friend.

Your employees teased you saying they told you so. You were just so happy to care. I'm not sure how you attracted such a handsome man, but you weren't going to let the opportunity pass you by.

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