Dance With Me (Maddie)

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"So, says a girl in your class. " You going go the school dance?"
"Nope," you reply, tinkering with some wires.
"Why not?"
"I don't want to . I'll probably be at home reading or making something."
"C'mon! Take one of those 1-A hotties as a date!"
"Not for me."
"You're so boring."
Later, on your way to lunch, you bump shoulders with someone. You look up to apologize, and your heart races. He's so handsome. Tall, spiky red hair, broad, big eyes, pale--there's even a scar near his eye. A really good-looking guy. it makes you blush a bit at first.
Bowing deeply, he shouts loud enough for the whole hallway to hear, "I'm so sorry!!" You notice he has sharp teeth, just like a shark. Cute.
"It's fine."
Getting a bit shy you run off, straight into the cafeteria: You sit down and your best friend sits beside you. Looking over, you see the redhead before, face red as his hair as a blonde speaks to him with a smirk and another blonde yelling something that you cant hear above all the chatter of the room. Blushing a bit you turn back to your food and take a bite.
"Ooh," coos F/N. (Friend's name)
"You're blushing from a boy. Which one?"
"There is no boy."
"Don't lie to me-"
"Hey there," a blonde from the dreamy redhead's table slides into the chair in front of you.
Looking at each other, you and y/bsf ask, "Which one?"
"Sexy one in front of me."
Face turning redder than ever, you say, "You must be mistaken."
"Not at a-" He's shoved out of his chair by the redhead.
"Hello?" goes your best friend. "Listen," she places her arms around your shoulders. "I know my lovely Y/nn is super sexy, but calm down. She's all flustered now. Besides, if you want her," her voice gets dark. Then you'll have to fight me."
"Hey!" you shout. "You make it sound like we're dating!!"
"Wait," says the redhead. "You- you're not interested in women are you?"
"No! I'm not! I like boys a whole freaking lot! She's just weird!!"
"Excuse meeeee," whines the blonde. "You haven't given me your numberrrrr."
The redhead retaliates, "Go away!"
'Fine!" The blonde growls F/N hands. "But she's coming with me." Before she can protest, he's dragging her along.
"Uhhh," he seems awkward. "May I sit with you?"
"Go ahead."
He takes the now-empty seat in front of you. "I know it's a bit awkward now, but I'm Eijiro Kirishima. Nice to meet you."
"Y/n L/n. Likewise."
"So, uh... sorry for Kaminari. He's a bit of a perv. Honestly, it's so unmanly that it hurts.
"It's fine. I'm... a bit flattered. A boy has never called me that before."
"Yeah, but that was unnecessary. He was being... gross."
"Well, what would you have said, in the case you wanted to flirt with a girl you think is attractive?"
"Er- like- like how Ive been talking to you... heh..."
"Eh? Thats not very suave." Grinning a bit, you continue, "Woo me. Make me blush."
"You... have a nice smile."
"Go on,"
" you're just really- really pretty. And- and I think you're great."
"Great? How?" You know you're dragging this out, but you're curious. You want to see how far this'll go.
"You're smart and funny, too."
"And how do you know this?" As you furrow your brows, you think of how you've only just met. "We've only known each other a few minutes."
"Oh, uh... I've seen you around..
"Have you been watching me?"
"N- no! That sounds creepy! It's just- sometimes, I have to walk past your classroom for things like bathroom! I also see you in the cafeteria!"
"So, you like to watch me when I'm nearby?"
"I- I mean... kinda."
That makes you smile. "Cute."
"So... now that you know... would you please do me the manly honor of going to the school dance with me as my date?"
He looks in the eyes, and you can tell that he's nervous and anxious.
Not this. You don't want to go to the dance. Too many people. And you hate the idea of wearing a fancy dress. It won't make you pretty. An oversized one would be frumpy, and a tight one would show your awful figure. You hate it either way.
Frowning, you reply, "I'm sorry, but no. I don't wanna go to the dance in general. It's not you. It's me."
Just then, the bell rings. You nod at him and go off to class, not seeing the heartbroken expression on his face.
Its been a couple weeks, and the dance is in two days. You regret turning down Kirishima. After you did, he hadn't spoken to you and avoids you. If the bell hadn't rang, you'd have said that you were willing to go on a normal date.
Unfortunately, you just can't catch him. He probably changed his mind. Or was just trying with you.
"YOU!!!" shouts a blonde today as you head toward the cafeteria. He's the other blonde in Kirishima's friend group.
Tilting your head, you ask, "Me?"
"YES, YOU!!"
"What do you-"
He grabs your wrist and starts dragging you. Then, he slams you into the chair across Kirishima:
"Listen up," says gruffly. "You, girl, are going to go to the dance with crappy hair, understood? And no. It's not cause I care and want him to be happy. It's 'cause I don't wanna hear him whine anymore. He's been all emo since you rejected him. Saying crap about being unmanly. You broke his heart, so...just fix it already, dang it! Or- OR ELSE. T'LL KILL YOU!!"
"Wait," You look at Kirishima. "If you've been sad, why'd you avoid me? If the bell hadn't rang, I'd have mentioned a normal date. And recently, I've been regretting turning you down. At first, I wanted to tell you, but decided against it as it seemed you didn't wanna talk to me and I didn't wanna go and change my mind last minute, which is annoying.
"Does that mean it's not because l'm not manly enough?"
"No. I wanted to give you a chance. I'm sorry."
"Can we go to the dance then?"
"Yeah. Sure."
You scream once home. You don't have a dress nor a lot of many. Your only solution is a thrift store, and you hope it'll have something.
Browsing through the formal wear, you find all of it to be small. Too small. There's only one thing in your size. It's black with thin straps, slim-cut and not too long. Then you try it on, you find it at your knees and the neckline not too revealing but not high. It's your option. Besides, its $5.00 What else can you ask for?
Costing $3.00, you find black heels with little, silver jewels on them. You have a jewel belt at home and a necklace, so now you have everything.
When the day comes, you look in the mirror, taking deep breaths. Its a bit tight, revealing your shape pretty well. It's scary. What if he thinks you're fat? Then changes his mind?
There's a knock on the door, so you open it. It's him. Your date. He's in an all black suit. So beautiful. His eyes are on you, large and pupils blown wide as they begin trailing down a bit, then back up. He clears his throat.
There's a knock on the door, so you open it. It's him. Your date. He's in an all black suit. So beautiful. Hs eyes are on you, large and pupils blown wide as they begin trailing down a bit, then back up. He clears his throat.
"Er- hey! You, uh, ready to go?"
"Mhm. All dressed."
"Then let's go."
He extends his arm out, so you loop your own with it. He escorts you to the little cab that you're taking since neither of you drive. The whole ride, he seems to b rambling nervously. Then, he blurts out, "You're so freaking stunning." Then he covers his mouth.
"I- what?"
"It's- you look very nice."
"Don't I... look fat?"
He drops his hands. "No. You're gorgeous. The prettiest girl ever."
"But- thank you." You decide to take the compliment. Arguing would be stupid. It'd just look like you're fishing for compliments anyway.
At the dance, it's wonderful. When you want to avoid people, he comes running over with food. However, he did beg for a couple dances. Of course, you agreed instantly.
When he drops you off at home, he hesitantly kisses you. It's sweet but not too long. Quite nice.
Pulling away, he asks, "Will you do me the manly honor of being my Pebble?"
"Yeah. I'll be your Pebble."
With a toothy grin, he throws his fists into the air and shouts, "YES!! YES, YES, YES, YES, YES!!!! BEST NIGHT EVER!!! I HAVE A SUPER BEAUTIFUL AND HOT GIRLFRIEND!!! WHO000O!!! ! FEEL LIKE 'M ON TOP OF THE WORLD!!!!!!"
And that's when you fully realize, you're not fat in his eyes. You're beautiful. You're beautiful and he loves you. So much that he'd tell the whole world. Deciding that you can't hold back, you lean up and slam your lips onto his again, so he wraps his arms around you and puck you up, deepening the kiss all the more.

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