Secret Fangirl (Maddie)

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The honor student giving the speech is the apparent grandson of the Chair Demon. The moment he comes onto the stage, your heart practically skips out of your chest. He's so. cute! Those big eyes! And that adorable haircut! The way he walks onto the stage so awkwardly and nervously is so adorable.
Your heart melts and a goofy smile comes onto your face. / want him. He's going to be yours. You know it.
Today is the first day of school, and you're a bit excited. Who knows what kind of people youll meet? It could be fun. Not the studying part, but the part where you get to know your classmates.
"Uh-!" You bump into someone, and find it to be the cutie from yesterday. Iruma. "Get outta the way! Can't you watch where you're going?!"Y/n! You idiot! Don't you know anything nice to say?!
"I'm so sorry!" He bows. "I'm such a clutz! Please don't be mad at me!!"
"Just... watch what you're doing next time."
You walk away, and a little smile comes onto your face. Not only did you talk, but you touched a bit. He's just so cute! And he's apparently strong Yesterday, he beat the top student effortlessly. It was so cool.
However, because you're a bit difficult, you have been put into the misfit class. When you get there, you see your precious Iruma. He's so adorable in his little uniform. You giggle silently into the palm of your hand. You want to keep him. It's adorable the way he looks around anxiously. A little bean.
Your teacher, Kaligo, is really mean to lruma. You've decided not to like him.
Right now, you're headed to your first class, which will teach you how to summon familiars. When you summon yours. you get a giant, f/c dragon. She's so beautiful. Breathtaking, actually. You already love her.
When Iruma summons his familiar, there's a pleasant surprise. He summons Kaligo. The teacher. As a bird.  You snicker a bit.
"Well," you say. "It seems that your little attitude toward Iruma has been repaid by karma, hasn't it?"
He glares at you. "Shut up or I'll fail you!"
"Meh. Grades are overrated. Besides, you had it coming. Iruma, your summoning is cool. Congrats on being the first demon to summon another demon."
"Oh! Th- th- thank you!"
"Uh-huh." You give him a small wink, and see his face turn bright red.
Azmodeus follows him around, being the biggest fanboy on earth. Silently, you're his fangirl. You'll just never admit it. That's not cool. So, you just show him your more chill side. At lunch, you plop into the seat beside him, a small tray of food. His tray is piled up. How is someone so small supposed to eat all that? For a second. You blink for a second. And the moment your eyes are opened, his food is gone. Your eyes get huge as you state at him in awe,
"W- where did the food go?"
"Huh? Oh! I ate it!"
"That fast?!"
"Oh. Yeah.  I eat kinda fast."
"O- okay, then. Uhh. nice."
You start eating your food, and catch him eying it. "Did you want some?"
"What? Oh! No! I couldn't ask for your food!"
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah! You should eat plenty, too!"
You eat, though at a slower pace. You catch him looking at you several times. He must be really hungry. Does the Chair Demon not feed him? This is insane!
You're currently napping in class, bored of Kaligo's lecture. Someone taps your shoulder, so you look over. It's Iruma You both blush at each other.
He stutters out, "Y- you fell asleep. I didn't want you to miss anything."
You smile a bit, but them force a frown. "I fell asleep on purpose dimwit" You close your eyes again. The way lruma tapped your shoulder....A little smile forms onto your lips, loving the memory.
At lunch, you sit beside him again, receiving glares from Azmodeus. You glare back at him.
"What's with your face, Pinkie?"
"Why are you hanging around Master Iruma?!"
"Why are you so rude? Do you not like me?" You purse your lip, giving a fake pout.
"Obviously not!"
"Az!" shouts Iruma. "Don't be so mean to her!"
"She's mean to you!"
"Aw, Az", you say. "You jealous I'll steal your boyfriend out from under your nose?"
"N- No! And he is not! You're so- you're so unmannered!"
"And you're so uptight." You hand Iruma a few of your dishes. "I don't like these. Eat 'em."
"Oh! Thank you!"
They're actually your favorites. But it seems that he has more of an appetite than you do. He scarfs them down in maybe half-a-second at most. You suppress a smile, pleased at his appetite. He's so freaking adorable.
"Y/n," Iruma looks at you with a smile. "These are amazing. If you ever have anything you don't like, I' gladly eat them for you."
"Alright. I'll rely on you for that."
Azmodeus seems to pout by the attention you get from Iruma, but you don't really care. You refuse to share him Especially with men. So, you make sure to exaggerate, that way the pink-haired boy knows that Iruma belongs to you.
"Hm?" Pulling out an earbud, you look up at Sobnok.
"Iruma is going through his evil cycle. It's crazy!"
You shrug. "We all get them. If he acts too recklessly, I'II just beat him."
Truth is, you've been mad at him lately. He's been spending way too much time with Ameri, the student council president. It's clear that she likes him, and for awhile, he was on the student council with her. You hardly saw him at that time. He got kicked off, and now he's going through his evil cycle. When will you get your precious Iruma back to yourself?
The door swings open, and he walks in, Azmodeus carrying his bag. Your eyes fall on him, and he looks so different. His eyes are smaller and sharper, his hair darker. His expression is smug and there's an air of confidence about him He's... hot.
Still, you prefer your little bean to this. It was a different kind of charm. One that was uniquely his. Dorky and cute. It captured your heart on day one. And now he has his evil cycle. t's just sad.
"Y/n," says your alternate love. "C'mere a sec."
"No, thanks" you reply, not looking up from your book
"I wasn't asking. My lap is cold."
"And whaddya want me to do about it? Just go get a blanket or whatever."
"I think you'd provide better warmth then a blanket."
"Sucks to be you."
"Stop being so difficult and just get over here."
Looking at him, you huff, "How the heck am I even supposed to warm your lap or whatever?"
He smirks a bit. "Sit on it."
You feel yourself blush a bit, so you look back at your book. "In your dreams?"
"No, I'm pretty sure that's your dreams."
You hiss at him, then start reading again. At least, you'd like to say that. Someone grabs your face and turns it toward them, and you're shocked to see Iruma. Holy crap.. this isn't an evil cycle.. it's a personality swap.
"I told you to do something." his eyes narrow down. "So do it."
"Make me."
He shrugs. "As you wish." He grabs you and pulls you into his lap, turning your face bright red.
"Th- that's not what I meant!"
"Well, that's what you're getting." He rests his forehead on your shoulder. "Much better."
"You go through an evil cycle and turn into another person? You're a freak."
"That's not a very nice thing to say- what's that smell?"
This turns into a whole, big thing. One of the other classes left their trash right outside of your classroom, so now Iruma is going to demand a new classroom--but not just any room. The Royal One. The very place the last Demon King studied in. It's been preserved for over two hundred years. As he makes his demand to Kaligo, your jaw almost drops. This isn't your Iruma. It's an imposter. You won't accept this as real. You most definitely cant. In the end, Kaligo demands that if you want the Royal One, you have to get the approval of ever faculty member on campus. So, all of you go around, asking for stamps. You get a couple, but not as much as you'd like to. But, progress is progress. And even though he's not the same, it's your Iruma asking you. You're too whipped to refuse him. Also, a new classroom does sound nice. Yours is run down and smells so bad.
For three days, you try to get stamps, and deal with subtle and teasing flirting from Iruma. Mostly, you try to ignore it. It makes your heart race and your face blush. You'd rather just not think about it. You like him too much to think about it too much. If you do, you'll probably loose it.
Finally, the classroom belongs to yo u guys, and when you enter, it's even more beautiful than you ever imagined. As you walk through, there's a large throne. You eye it, but then an arm is draped around your shoulder as they walk with you towards it. You look over, finding it to be Iruma.
You heart races, but he doesn't seem to notice. While he walks at a cool and steady pace, you stumble, feeling too flustered for your own good. He sits on the throne, then pulls you into his lap, just like the other day.
You stutter out, "W- what are you doing?
He whispers in your ear, "Every king needs a queen, right?"
Chills run down your spine as your eyes get huge. He grips your hips to keep you steady, which only deepens your already prominent blush. Everybody stares, and Azmodeus stutters about.
"M- M- Master Iruma! What- what are you doing?!"
"Hm? I'm sitting on my throne."
"But- you- Y/n-"
"Don't look at what belongs to me."
Iruma comes stumbling into school today, face red and looking back to normal. He's cute again. back to your book.
You smile a bit.
Looking up, you find Iruma, bowing. His face is redder than ever, and he won't look at you.
"I am so, so sorry! I-I wasn't in my right mind these last couple of days! Please don't be mad! I-I"
"You're fine," You go back to the pages. "All of us go through it. Last time I was on mine, I ate a classmate. And burned down several private properties. Also committed slight mass murder. The list goes on." You shrug. "And that was one of my better cycles."
"Uhh.... think what we did was completely and totally differently wrong."
"Yeah, probably. I mean, you went up to our teacher and demanded a new classroom. Flirted with me. Was pretty mean. Bossy. It was pretty bad. Just no...violent, like me."
"I just- I thought I owed you an extra apology for that. I mean.
it was probably super awkward."
"Yeah, a bit. Can't really say I loved it. However, it was interesting to see I mean, a sexy Iruma was pretty fun while it lasted, y'know?"
"Uh- I- uh-"
"Anyway, class will be starting soon"
" you...y" didn't take me seriously, did you?"
"No, not really. I just figured that your evil cycle just brought out that side and you attacked me because you likely thought I was easy. As one of the least attractive girls in the school, most people assume that I'm so desperate that I'll take whatever guy comes around. It's not true, though. lonely have eyes for one guy." You give him a smile.
"Oh... okay..."
"You good? Something wrong?".
"Is it okay if I ask who the guy is?"
This is your chance! The perfect opportunity to claim him! "You. Didn't you know? You belong to me, you dummy. I let you have your fun these past three days, but I'm the boss here. Now go take your seat for class."
"The proper term is 'yes, dear!"
"Y- y- yes, dear!"
"Yes, Ma'am!" He starts to go to his seat.

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