City Boy (Maddie)

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Your heart just stops.
He's so hot.
Just beautiful.
Immediately, you hide behind your brother, blushing and getting shy. Today, your school's male volleyball team has a practice match against Nekoma. It was a long trip to come all the way to the city, but it's quite beautiful. The Kanto prefecture is rather nice. Especially when boys here look like that. Is it the water?
"You guys are Karasuno?" asks the beauty with black hair.
"Yes," replies your older brother, Daichi Sawamura. "Nekoma?"
"Yup. I'm Tetsuro Kuroo, the captain."
A pretty name for a pretty boy.
"Who's the little girl behind you?" You notice how his sharp eyes are glued to you. "Don't tell me... you can't possibly have a girlfriend this pretty. Not wiry that face."
Irritated, your brother snaps, "She's my sister, and don't talk about her like that. She's just a kid-"
Now, you're mad. You step out and say, "I'm not a kid. I just turned sixteen and a second-year. Y/n Sawamura."
"Ahhh... so you're old enough to have a boyfriend, right?"
Daichi steps in front of you, "She most definitely is not!"
You smack his shoulder, "Shut it! Don't listen to him, I'm allowed to date."
Grinning, he says, "Great."
Blushing, you stare at the ground. How does such a pretty city boy flatter you like this? Suddenly, your brother's words start ringing in your ears, reminding you of something. "Don't let any flirty city boys get to you. Most of them aren't worth it. Be careful or youll just get your heart broken.
This city boy couldn't possibly break your heart, right?
As you're all walking inside, he comes up behind you and whispers, When 1 go outside later, subtle come out, too.
Then, he's gone. In the bleachers, you watch with an intense blush. Even though you're here to support your brother, your eyes keep drifting to Tetsuro Kuroo. Is it possible for a guy to look this good? Then, his eyes catch yours, and you see a glint of mischief in his. Then, he goes back to the court and plays even better. When they win the first set, you just can't help but giggle to yourself.
They play several sets, and Nekoma wins all of them. They're astounding. All of a sudden, Kuroo says, "My stomach is bothering me. Can I go get some fresh air?"
His coach gives him permission, so he goes outside. Is this the time? For you to go out? You think so. After a few minutes, you say you'll go for a walk. When outside, someone places a hand on your shoulder, causing you to jump."
"What took so long, cutie?"
"A- ano... if I came straight out, it'd have been suspicious."
"True. Smart girl."
"Er... ano... i- is there a reason you wanted to see me?"
"Hmmmm... maybe 'cause your cute?"
"C-c- cute?"
"Yeah. How are you related to Daichi Sawamura? You look nothing alike." He leans close to your face.
"We don't share much genetics."
"I can see that. So, what're you doing here if you don't play?"
"To support my brother."
"Aww... so cute and sweet. A precious little thing. Sit." you both sit down on the ground.
"Uhh... nice to meet you officially."
"You're cute, eh?" He taps your nose. "Thanks for coming outside with me."
In a blushing fit, you mutter, o-of course."
You start getting cold, so you hold your arms with chattering teeth. Then, his jacket it put over your shoulders, which makes you blush insanely.
"Here's my jacket. You seen cold."
"A- Arigatogozaimasu!!"
"No. Don't thank me. You look good in it"
"So cute."
For a moment, you wo just stare at each other. Then, all of a sudden, he starts leaning his face closer and closer until they make contact. At first, you don't get what's happening, but then realization hits. He's kissing you. His lips are on yours and it feels amazing
Your first kiss is outside in the moonlight with a city boy that you just met. Your brother would be so mad right now, but you don't really care. Maybe it's stupid, and perhaps naive. But who cares? He seems like a good guy and, truth is, he's good-looking. That's shallow, but you're only sixteen.
You're way more fun than your country bumpkin brother" he says while pulling away, eyes twinkling.
Taken by surprise, you ask, "Nani?"
"Didn't you hear me? i said-"
"What the heck did you call my brother?"
"A country-"
You stand up. "Don't say that. Ever. We may not be from the Kanto prefecture, but that doesn't mean we're any less that you, city boy. He was right." You go to walk away, but he grabs your wrist.
"Calm down. I was just messing-"
"Well it wasn't funny. I'm leaving."
"C'mon. I'm interested in you. Lets not be rash."
"No way. Now let go. We're done."
"And here's your stupid jacket."
Throwing his jacket at him, you run off, deciding to go for a jog and clear your head. Country bumpkin? Is that what you think? Daichi was right... city boys suck... what the crap was I thinking? With every step, you get angrier and angrier.
How dare he? That jerk! Not everyone is from Tokyo!!
When you come back to the gymnasium, you sneer at Tetsuro furiously. He's more aggressive and Karasuno can hardly get a point in. In three back of your mind, you can't help but be so enamored with him. He just holds your attention with an iron grip, no matter how hard you try to resist. Several times, you make eye contact, but each time, you see him get angrier and
angrier, growing so ruthless on the court.
At home, you curl into a ball on your bed and shed a couple tears Stupid city boy. He had to go and get your hopes up You can't stand him. You really can't. But, at the same time, just thinking about him makes your heart race and a blush to come onto your face. Stupid jerk.
Karasuno has a training trip coming up, and you're going, though you don't know what teams will be there. It doesn't matter. It'll be a bunch of guys from the city, right? You've decided not to like city boys. They don't bring anything good Just like Daichi said.
When you get there, you're met with people you're not happy to see. Nekoma. Since you're behind everyone, Tetsuro hasn't seen you yet. The boys gave been ogling over a service tower, thinking that it's Tokyo Tower.
"What?" asks Tetsuro "You're country bumpkins never see a service tower before?"
Irritated, Daichi replies, "Oh. Excuse us country folk if we're not as spoiled as you."
You pop your head in, "Not everyone is from Tokyo, y'know."
His eyes fall on you, but then look away, back to Daichi. The nerve!!
You meet several other people, and you get along especially well with Kotaro Bokuto from Fukurodani. He's a bit loud, but very friendly. Then, out of nowhere, Tetsuro appears.
"Bokuto," he says. "Train with me. I'm gonna rope in four eyes."
You say, "His name is Tsukishima"
"Tomato tomoto. Same difference."
"No, it's not"
"Do you two know each other?" asks Kotaro. "You're not this bold to me-"
"No," you say. "I don't know him."
"What?" Kuroo feins shock. "Did you forget the time we kissed?"
"YOU KISSED?!?!?!" Kotaro is practicaly vibrating with excitement. "When?? Where??? Why???? HOW?????? Oh, wait. Why are you so mean to him? DID YOU BREAK UP?!?!?! BUT YOU LOOK SO CUTE TOGETHER!!!"
"I know, right?" Tetsuro puts arm around your shoulders. "But she's been avoiding me for no reas-"
Slipping out from his grasp, you say, "I'm not avoiding you. I just have no reason to talk to you. And no, we didn't break up, because we were never in an actual relationship."
"But you guys-"
"Spur of the moment. I'm going to bed. Good night Bokuto-San."
You run out, remembering how it felt when Tetsuro kissed you that night. You were shocked but you stumbled in those moments. Thinking back, you probably only went along because of how he looks and the attention he gave you. It pisses you off. Balling your fists, you pick up your pace, working up a cold sweat.
After awhile, you don't even know where you are. Feeling lost, you stumble around, feeling a sense of anxiety. Where are you? This is still Tokyo AND, right? No. Tokyo is too big to have already left. But where in Tokyo? And where did the gym go? That's when the tears start.
"You lost?" You look over and see Tetsuro. "Good thing 1 follower you. C'mon. I know the way back."
"Why did you-"
"Because I had a feeling that this would happen."
"C'mon. Follow me." He starts walking, and you stay a bit behind him, not wanting to be side-by-side. "I meant it."
"When I said that I was interested. I dunno if you took it as a joke or something, but I was sincere"
"And now?"
"It's still true."
"Then why'd you-"
"Your brother is fun to mess with. I didn't know I was crossing a line."
Sighing, you admit, "It's not entirely your fault"
"It's always been drilled into my head, so I was over-thinking."
"What? About being a-"
"No. That city boys like you suck. Daichi al ways tells me they're arrogant jerks who get spoiled too much"
He starts walking backwards, staring at you. "I'm not arrogant. I just have confidence in certain things. Besides, I get insecure, too."
That makes you laugh. "Insecure? About what?"
" hair. I don't like it."
Grinning, you ask, "And what don't you like about your hair?"
"Can't you see? It's so messy."
"Then tame it."
"I fear that Im no match for bedhead."
You stop in your tracks, then burst into laughter. "Bedhead? How the heck are you sleeping?"
"Well, isn't that an awkward question to ask a guy?"
"I'm actually curious now."
He begins walking toward you. "O0h? You saying you're gonna think about me?"
"Gah...Shut up... why do you always have to be such a flirt? Daichi was right-"
"It's not flirting. It's being straightforward. I've been pretty open since the beginning.
"I guess thats true."
'What about you?"
"N- nani?"
"I was very clear with the fact that I was interested. But I have no idea what you were thinking or feeling. I... it drove me crazy. I kept pushing, but I couldn't tell if you were just shy or what.'
"Hmmm... do you want me to just tell you or leave you guessing?"
"Maybe l'm a masochist, but Tve been enjoying this little game." He's leaning over you now, showing just how much taller he really is.
Blushing and biting your lip, you say, "Definitely a masochist."
"You love it, don't you?" He leans close,to your face, leaving a centimeter between your noses.
"Maybel do."
As his hand touches your cheek, the warmth makes you realize how cold it is. Without realizing it, you nestle your face into his large palm. It makes him smirk. He leans down close to your ear and whispers, "I've got my answer."
For the second time, he places his lips firmly on yours And once again, you reciprocate it. Unfortunately, this city boy really stole your heart. Your brother will be angry, but that's not a big deal. Actually, you love irritating him. It's always fun.
This is just a better way to do so.
"Lets just be official." he says, which makes you laugh.
"You're impatient, eh?"
"Fine. We'll be official."
He gives a genuine smile as he hugs you. "I think we're meant to be together."
"And what makes you say that?"
"Because no matter what, we run into each other and, each time, we can't help but fall for each other."
"That was cheesy."
"But try denying it."
"Shut up."
"You're freezing.
"It's cold out."
"Then ask for a jacket." He takes his off.
"That's too degrading. I have my pride."
He drapes it over your shoulders. "Then l'l just have to give it to you every time I see you."
"I'm supposed to be wearing black and orange. That's the colors for my school."
"Well you look better in white and red. You should just switch schools."
Giggling, you retaliate, "But I live so far away."
"Hmmm... then come live with me."
You hit his arm playfully. "I can't do that."
"But why not?"
"Because. Now let's head back before it gets too late."
"WHY THE HECK ARE YOU WEARING A NEKOMA JACKET?!?!?!" Daichi begins shaking your shoulders while you just blush. It's a bit embarrassing.
"It was cold out, so my boyfriend did the decent thing and lent it to me.
"Mhm. He says that these are good colors on me-"
"Hey," Tetsuro pops his head in. "Keep it down. People are tryna sleep."
Seething and pointing to you, Daichi asks, "Which one of your players is corrupting my sister?"
"No one? She seems the same to me."
"One of your city boys is dating her and is therefore corrupting her!! She's even wearing your colors!!"
" meant that. Dating won't corrupt her. I think you're just biased against guys from the city."
"Just look at her!! That stupid red jacket! It's not right!!"
"If she wasn't meant to wear my jacket, why does it fit her perfectly?"
"Yup. I'm her boyfriend and she's in my jacket. The city boy 'corrupting' your sister is yours truly. And, Y/n, feel free to crash our dorms. He winks while walking out.
Bouncing, you go to follow him, but Daichi grabs the back of your collar and yells, "NOT HAPPENING!!!"

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