Best Friend (Maddie)

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   Where is he, you wonder. The person most precious to you. The one who raised you. You and your brother sit in your guild hall, wondering together. It's mostly empty, save a few people. Move of your comrades are on missions right now, so there isn't much to do. Of course, you just joined, so it's not like you have any friends yet.

     Then, in walks the ice user of your guild, only a year older than you. He's always been grumpy, at least, as far as you know. Fact is, you know nothing about how he used to be before joining Fairy Tail. Sometimes, you try to guess, thinking that there may have been a time that he was cheerful, or maybe he was always angsty. Who knows? He's been here longer than you, so you met him on your very first day.

     For some strange reason, he was in his boxers. Almost immediately, he and your brother clashed, as if they were ready to fight. Why, you don't know. Now, they're yelling at each other over who knows what, while you sit and watch. When will they ever grow up?

     Quietly, you mutter, "Can you please stop?" Immediately, both of them turn their heads.

     "Y/nn!" shouts Natsu. "I just wanna prove I'm stronger than him!"

     "But fighting isn't nice. That's not the way."

     "Fine. But only 'cause you asked." He sits beside you. "You're no fun, Y/nn."

     "Sorry, Natsu."

     "Hey," You look over, and Gray stands there with crossed arms. "Can you fight?"

     "Er- yeah. But Natsu's stronger than me. He was Dad's prodigy."

     "You mean Igneel?"

     "Mhm! That's my dad!"

     "Ah. Okay." He sits across from you. Somehow, Natsu has fallen asleep. "So... what's your name again, dragon girl?"

     "I'm Y/n. But you can call me Y/nn."

     "Alright. I'm Gray."

     "I know. That's a pretty name."

     "Thanks. I use ice-make magic."

     "Yeah. It's really pretty. I use fire dragon slayer magic, like my brother."

     "You're not as annoying as him."

     "Thanks! Natsu isn't so bad once you get to know him. He's just... a bit dumb."

     "A bit?"

     "Okay. A lot dumb. But he's the only family I have left. Especially after Dad left."

     "You have me."

     "I do?"

     "Yeah. I don't like your brother, but you're nice."

     "Okay. That's great."


     You're angry right now. Perhaps angrier than you've ever been. Natsu has been so reckless and immature and you got into a huge fight. In your fit, you start setting everything in sight on fire. And in a dry forest. The result is a giant furnace that you've no desire to even control.

     "STUPID NATSU!!!! STUPID DRAGON BOY!!!!" You kick a tree. "SINCE YOU'RE SO FREAKING EAGER TO DIE, GO AND DO IT ALREADY!!!!" You punch something at random. "WHY DON'T YOU GO JUMP OFF A CLIFF?!?!?!" You snap a tree in half. "OR GO DROWN YOURSELF?!?!?!"

     "Knock if off."

     Seething, you turn around and shoot fire at the person who showed up, but they freeze your flames. It's Gray. Still angry, you shout, "WHAT THE HECK DO YOU WANT?!?!?!"

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