Two (Maddie)

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Apparently, there's a new girl transferring this year, and shell be in the second-year class. Specifically, Kenma Kozume's class. He usually just sleeps during class, but the person behind him wakes him up when he says loudly, "Ooh look at that hottie."
Rolling his eyes, Kozume lifts his head a moment, but his eyes get wide when he sees you. The boy behind him has a point. You're pretty easy on the eyes . You're pretty short, which is kind of cute, and you've got a chubby body that looks pretty squishy. You have plenty of curves and dips, which attracts his eyes.
"Hi," you say to the class. "I'm Y/n L/n. Nice to meet you all!"
As luck would have it, the only open seat is right beside Kozume. Once in the chair, you look at him and smile.
"Hello," you greet him. "What's your name?"
"Kenma Kozume."
"That's a pretty name. Its nice to meet you."
Class begins, and Kozume goes back to sleep, fantasizing about the beauty beside him. You're in a world of his own imaginations, one where his video games are real. You and him have the highest class armor as you battle the biggest monsters and slay dragons. Taming phoenixes and riding them together, feeling the rush of a cold wind hitting your faces. Your arms around his
waist as you fly at top speed, seeing the world together. Meeting elves and ogres, finding the coolest equipment. Swords and magic. Everything in his fantasy worlds.
In the hallway, you and him walk side-by-side to your next class, you having asked him to show you the way. In passing, he sees his friend, Tetsuro Kuroo. The black-haired boy grins as he looks you up and down. This girl/ is gonna be mine... hehe.
"Kenma," he says. "Who's this?"
Smiling, you reply, "I'm Y/n L/n. I'm in his class."
"Oh? Well, it's nice to meet you, cutie. Say, wish your name was Avogadra, because then I'd already know your number."
He winks.
Irritated, Kozume glares at him. "Go class. You'll be late."
"Fine, fine. But, L/n-Chan, are you sure we don't have any classes together? Because I'm certain that we have chemistry."
Laughing, Kuroo runs off, and you tilt your head at Kozume.
"What's his deal?"
"He's a nerd."
"And he said all that to me... why?"
"He's also an idiot"
"Good to know, I guess."
At lunch, Kozume invites you to sit with you at lunch, and Kuroo sets it up so that you're between the two of them. And that's only because Kozume was insistent on sitting beside you. The whole time, you awkwardly talk with them both.
Kuroo tells you cheesy chemistry pickup lines, while Kozume tells him to shut up.
At some point, the shorter boy pulls out his game, and finds you looking over his shoulder.
"Hey! I play that one!"
"You do?" His voice fills with a sudden excitement.
"Yeah! I left my game at home, but one of these days we could play."
"How about you come over to my place sometime? We could play some of the ones I have. I just got this new one that I haven't tries yet and we could-"
"Kenma," says Kuroo as he narrows his eyes. "I've never seen you so excited."
"Shut up, Tetsuro. L/n-Chan, how about right after school? I have time today."
"Sounds good!"
"I'm coming, too." says Kuroo. "Can't leave you two unsupervised."
"No way. I'll lock you out."
"I'm your best friend!"
"It's all one-sided."
"Fine!" He looks at you. "Then, tomorrow, hang out with me."
"Uhh... sure!" You seem awkward and nervous, but they ignore it as they glare daggers at each other.
Before you and Kozume can hang out, he has practice, so he has you waif in the gym. Both he and Kuroo show off to you, wanting to impress you and get your attention. Thing is, they end up fighting a lot. By the end, they end up on the floor, hissing and yowling at each other.
"Knock it off!" you yell, grabbing them by the skin on their necks as if they're cats. "Whats your problems?"
Hissing, Kozume says, "He started it."
"Meow," says Kuroo with a bit of a smirk. "Now take me home."
"I'm hanging out with Kozume-Kun today. You'll get your turn tomorrow. Be patient."
Once you get to Kozume's house, the two of you set up in his room to play video games, and you beat him each time.
While it frustrates him, he finds it awfully attractive. I think I know what guys mean when they call a girl "hot" now. I never used to get it, but now I do.
By the end, you grin at him. "I won every time! You owe me something now."
"I never agreed to that."
"So you're denying me?" When you give him a little pout, his heart sinks.
"Fine. What do want?"
Kozume walks into school wearing a cat-ear headband, feeling mortified. It only gets worse when there's a heavy weight on his back. Looking behind him, he finds you to be on him, hugging around his neck to stabilize yourself.
"You look so cute, Kozume-Kun! Take a picture with me! Please??"
Smiling, you pull out your phone and take a couple pictures with him, smiling while he stares blankly. "C'mon! Gimme a smile!"
Awkwardly, he gives a weird smile, so you get the best pictures you can. Happy, you get off of his back and run into the school. Inside, you find Kuroo, who immediately drapes his arm over your shoulders.
"Hey there, you're mine today, right?"
"I mean, we're hanging out after school-"
"Then you're mine. I have the whole day planned. We're gonna have lots of fun."
"Uhh...sounds good."
"I can't wait. Ooh, we're here at your classroom. Best be a good girl and go inside now."
You run inside blushing, and he watches your back with a grin. You're definitely going to be his . He's not passing this up. You're too cute to give up.
At lunch, Kuroo says to you, "Hey, L/n-Chan, I have a question for you."
"Hm? Whats up?"
"Do you have eleven protons? Because you're sodium fine."
Your cheeks get red, and Kozume rolls his eyes.
"Stop being an idiot, Tetsuro. She obvious doesn't like it. Who'd want a rooster-head like you?"
"Fine. She also wouldn't want a chem nerd who doesn't have a life outside of school and a silly sport."
"Kozume-Kun!" you exclaim. "That's super mean.."
Raising an eyebrow and looking at you, he asks, "Oh? You're defending him?"
"N- no! lt's just... I like his hair.." the last part is quiet, but both boys hear.
Kozume doesn't like such a comment from you, but Kuroo grins.
The older boy says, "Really?" He puts his head out for you. "Wanna play with it? Or would it be better if I put my head in your lap?"
"Get a life, Tetsuro."
"Says the one who revolves his around a game."
"At least I'm not using the dumbest pickup lines on a poor girl."
"She likes it! Don't you, L/n-Chan?"
"Uhhh. I'm gonna-I'm gonna go to the bathroom."
You stand and walk off, so the boys glare at each other. "You scared her off."
Once classes are all over, the boys have you sit in the gym while they practice so you can hang out with Kuroo later.
Your senpai does all sorts of tricks, grinning at you the whole time. He wants you to see him as amazing. And he most certainly won't loose to Kozume.
The younger boy, however, does his best, too. He tries his hardest to look good in front of you, wanting nothing more than your full and undivided attention. Whenever he looks at you, you look back and smile. That's plenty of motivation.
Once its all over, Kuroo slings his arm around your shoulders and starts walking out of the gym.
"How you feel about ice cream?" he asks.
"Sounds good. I love ice cream."
"Lemme just get a lactate pill."
"What for?"
"I'm lactose intolerant. I'd hate to have to run to the bathroom."
"Ah, sounds good"
You pull out your pill and take it, then give him a smile. ""So, besides ice cream, anything else planned?"
"I was thinking we could go shopping."
"Really?" You perk up.
"Yeah. I know a good little shopping center."
"Thank you! You're the best, Kuroo Senpai!"
"Hey, we're friends, aren't we? Call me Tetsuro."
"Okay, Tetsuro Senpai it is."
You two get ice cream and sit on a bench, talking and getting to know each other better. The whole time, the only thing Kuroo thinks is how you'll definitely be his soon enough: There's no way he'll miss this opportunity. After all, it's not every day a good-looking girl who's sweet and adorable just falls into his life like an angel.
Then, it's time for shopping. You're easy to read. Whenever you like something, you'll stare at it a few moments, look at the price tag, and walk off. So, naturally, he'll buy it without telling you. You're out for hours, occasionally stopping to rest your feet awhile.
By the end, there's ten bags, and he carries all of them for you. He takes you home when it's dark out, not wanting to keep you out for too long. At your door, he leans down and kisses your cheek before leaving. As he walks off, he sees your reaction from the corner of his eye, putting a smirk onto his face. You're blushing as you stand there like an idiot.
In the morning, Kuroo and Kozume wait outside of your door, planning to walk you to school. As they wait, they glare at each other, though choose silence. It'd upset you if they started arguing.
When you finally come out, you seem surprised. What are you two doing here?
"To walking you to school," they say simultaneously, though glare at each other afterwards.
"You don't have to, you know."
"We want O says Kuroo. "We're all friends, aren't we? C'mon, cutie.'
He, as always, puts his arm around your shoulders, which has Kozume glaring. So, in turn, he snakes his around your waist. By now, you're a blushing mess as you stare at the ground, seemingly flustered.
At school, Kuroo walks with you until you're at class, then leaves with a smile. While he doesn't want to leave you alone with Kozume, he doesn't have much choice.
Kozume sneak s glances at you throughout class, and when you make eye contact, he gives you a small but warm smile, which you return.
By the time lunch comes around, the two of them have you between them once again. Kozume puts his head on your shoulder as he eats, while Kuroo brings his arm around your waist. At first, they don't notice your eyebrow twitching, or the
aggression as you stab your food.
"What's wrong?" asks Kuroo, retracting his arm and placing it on his lap. "Did I cross a boundary?"
"Yeah, you did," You push Kozume's head off of your shoulder. "The two of you keep following me around, grabbing at me, dragging me out, and fighting over the dumbest crap!! It's getting ridiculous! Tetsuro Senpai, you're seventeen! Kozume-Kun, you're sixteen! Act like it!"
"I'm sorry," replies Kozume. "But it's Tetsuro's fault-"
"IT IS NOT! You don't have to stoop down to his level! Be the bigger person! Also, treating me like this is crazy! What the heck drives you to such insanity?!"
"We like you," Kozume says bluntly. "That's Kuroo flirting, and me...telling him to back off."
Your face gets redder than ever. " me...?"
Kuroo nods. "I was planning a confession, but Kenma ruined that. I'll get straight to the point. I've liked you since the beginning, and yeah, I've been trying to flirt with you, though it seems that you haven't been picking up on it too well"
Nodding, Kozume finishes, "Much like Tetsuro, I've liked you since the beginning. Of course, I wasn't necessarily planning any type of confession. However, now that we're on the topic, you should be my girlfriend. Officially."
Shaking his head Kuroo counters, "No way! She should date me! I'm taller! And l'm more motivated! Besides, you'd be a lousy boyfriend. You don't like going out and doing things. You'd probably ignore her for your game. She deserves better!"
"And you think that you're any better? You're pushy, you're bossy, you're too high-strung, too confident, you lack a filter, and you're always pushing everybody's buttons. Besides, you can't even take care of your hair. What makes you think that you'd be able to take care of her?"
"Leave my hair out of this!"
"Shut up!" you yell. "This isn't up to you, it's up to me! So shut your giant mouths and listen!"
"Very well," Kuroo replies.
"Tell us who you're picking, then." Kozume finishes, a bit impatient.
"I don't know."
Both surprised, they ask, "What?"
"Its just that... I like you both. I have since the beginning. Honestly speaking, it's not because I don't know who I want, it's because...I don't know who don't want. I'd be happy with either of you. So... I don't know. I can't decide. Fight amongst yourselves or whatever."
"If it was going to be like that," says Kozume. "Then you shouldn't have yelled at us."
"No, I did because you've been acting stupid.
"Wait," Kuroo interrupts. "L/n-Chan, if we just fight amongst ourselves, we won't be able to come to a decision. In all honesty... I'm okay either way. I know it made it sound like I wanted you all to myself, but.. Kenma is my friend, and l like how he is around you. He's more open and he's fun. But, at the same time, I don't wanna be rejected."
"As for me," Kozume says. "I'd break Tetsuro's neck if he stole you."
"If you insist."
'Kenma," Kuroo sits with the younger boy after practice, sweating a bit. "We gotta talk this out."
"What is there to talk about? Neither of us are willing to give her up."
"Which is why we've gotta talk. If she's not willing to decide, we have to."
"If neither of us are yielding, then that's that. Competitions are useless because we each excel at different things."
"I'm aware."
"Then what do you want?"
"I've thought about it all day. There's three options in a situation like this. 1) we both give up and remain as her friends. 2) we both date her as a poly. 3) we fight to the death and the victor gets her hand."
"None of those are very appealing to me."
"Then what are your ideas?"
"Give her up to me."
"No way. Not happening."
He sighs. "Fine. We'll share her."
"Wait, you're seriously going with that?"
"Well, I'm not giving her up, and fig hting to the death would make her upset. So, we'lljust have to share her. Besides, considering that she wants both of us, may as well let her have both of us."
"Wait, wait, wait. I don't think you fully get what this could lead to! She'll be going out with two guys!"
"You're the one who suggested it, weren't you?"
"I mean, yeah! But I didn't think you'd agree!"
"So you're saying that you don't want to?"
"It's not that, it's just that i don't know how itll go. Would that really make her happy?"
"Sure, it would. The girl likes two guys. Of course, she'd like to date them both."
"Well, we'll suggest it tomorrow when we see her."
"Don't bother suggesting." He gets a mischievous grin. "We'll just act."
"And what do you have in mind?"
In greeting, Kuroo and Kozume kiss your cheeks on opposite sides, causing you to jump with a bright red face. "WHAT THE HECK?!?!?! WHO SAID YOU COULD-"
"What?" asks Kuroo mischievously. "Can't your boyfriends kiss you on the cheek?"
"Yeah'" replies Kozume as he pulls out his game. "Got a problem with that?"
"Uh- you- l- I don't understand. I- I- I mean why?! How?! Did you two really agree to that?!"
"We did," replies Kuroo. "So now you're the both of ours, okay? I'm thinking that all three of us can hang out at Kenma's?"
"Sounds good to me," replies Kozume. "Well, Y/n? Come to my place?"
"Great," replies both of the boys as they kiss your cheeks again, giving each other knowing looks
Kuroo walks with the two of you to your classes, always giving you a peck on your face somewhere before leaving.
Lunch is spent all together, both boys competing for your attention. During their volleyball practice, they show off as always, which doesn't fail to get your attention.
Then, you all go to Kozume's house, where you go to his room to play games. You and Kozume are the ones that play, though Kuroo has you sitting in his lap as he keeps his arms around you and head on your shoulder. As you and Kozume yell at each other for being difficult opponents, Kuroo tells you to calm down and that it's just a game And that becomes a weekend tradition between you three.

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