Rooftop (Maddie)

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Eyes shut, you tilt your head back, tired from the long day. Away from everyone else, you lie atop a building, trying to clear your head before going home. A light breeze hits your face, bringing a smile to your feature as you hum.
Little by little, you start to drift into a bit of a sleep, though it doesn't last.
"Didn't know anybody else found this place," says a masculine voice, the owner lying right beside you.
Ah, yes. This is an old, abandoned building in the outskirts of the village. Very few people even come out this way. But, for you, it's quiet and secluded. The type of place you need.
Opening an eye, you turn your head to find a boy. He's probably around sixteen. His dark brown eyes are complimented by his black hair, which is pulled into a big ponytail on the top of his head. A pale boy, too. He seems to be about average height, and not skinny but not stout or broad, either.
"I discovered it by accident," you close your eye again, face back to the sky as the moonlight bears down on you. "I come and go randomly."
"It's my favorite spot."
"Is this your way of claiming ownership?"
"Not at all. I'm willing to share it with someone. After all, I don't own the place."
"I suppose not."
"So, what brings you here?"
You shrug. "Wanted to decompress a bit."
"Away from home?"
"It's too chaotic. There's no such thing as peace in my family"
"I see."
"What about you?"
"Just wanted to think without anyone bothering me."
"Do you want me to leave?"
"No, you're not bothering me."
"What's your name?"
"Y/n. You?"
You smell the scent of a cigarette, so you open your eyes, finding him to be lighting one. It has you rolling your eyes.
"Didn't know you smoke."
"How does potential lung cancer become nostalgia?" You sit up as well.
"My late sensei used to smoke. I light one when I think about him."
"It's a bad habit, you know. Nicotine is an addictive chemical."
"I don't get addicted to things. It's not in my genes."
"You can also get lung cancer. Which could kill you."
"Sounds like a party."
"Don't talk like that. It's not good for you."
"Meh. I've dealt with worse."
"Loosing someone doesn't mean you should just give up on your life You should live twice as hard. When they left, they didn't say to join them soon. If your sensei was a shinobi, then he died protecting this village, hence died for you. And if that's the case, then he wouldn't want you to just die later. Taking care of yourself is most important, even if you don't feel like it. Actually, on days when you just wanna disappear.. those are the best days to try even harder."
"You're a smart girl, you know that?"
"No, Ijust know what it's like. Wanting to die is an awful feeling,'s okay. It's okay to hurt, but it's not okay to let it get to you." You turn and prop yourself up on your elbow. "That's what's gonna destroy you."
As he keeps staring up at the sky on his back, arms tucked under his neck, a tear escapes his eye, cigarette falling from his hand and rolling off the roof. "Destroy me..? I don't think there's anything left to destroy."
"How do you feel about affection?"
A bit startled, he turns his head, "What-"
You wrap your arms around him gently. " think you need this:"
Slowly, he sits himself up, moving his arms around you at a steady pace. 'Yeah...I think so, too." He buries his face into the crook of your neck, leaving a wet feeling from his tears.
"It's okay to not be okay. Just don't let it get to you."
"Y/n...we just met.."
"So you're saying that you dont want a free hug?"
He grips your shirt tightly. "Obviously not."
"Then stop bringing up stupid stuff. Just meeting doesn't matter. Sometimes it's better from a stranger. After all, there's no impartial party, right?"
"Yeah, that's true."
"Feel better now?"
You try to release him, but he doesn't let you. "Shikamaru, I have to go home eventually."
"I can't stay out all night with a guy"
"I'm not gonna do anything."
"Do you let just any random stranger hold you?"
"Thought you said it doesn't matter."
"Shut up, idiot."
"Fine, then."
lt's been a week, and you haven't seen Shikamaru around. You come to the spot on the top of the building, but there's been no sign of him. You just shrug it off while staring up at the stars, wondering how he's doing. How is he? Is he okay?
It's foolish to wonder about someone you hardly know, but you're quite the empathetic girl.
You close your eyes, trying to empty your mind completely. Don't give it another thought. It's unnecessary. If he's not going to show up, then he's not your problem. Just forget it.
"Hey there" says a familiar voice.
"So, you've finally decided to show up."
He lies down beside you, though closer than last time. "Sorry. I was on a mission."
"Anything exciting happen."
"I buried the man who killed Asuma... Sensei."
"He's immortal, so not dead. Just where he'll never see the light of day again."
"Are you happy now?"
"Yes. I'm happy because I know that he didn't die in vain. His death was to defeat him, though he couldn't. I carried out his final mission. Now, I have one two last duties to fulfill for the rest of my life."
Looking over, you see him smiling at the sky, eyes shining.
"And what are those?"
"To help Kurenai raise his child, and to protect the children of the village to ensure a bright future."
You prop yourself up on your elbow, staring at him. "Sounds like you have a lot on your hands."
He turns to look at you as well, also on his elbow. "But it'll be worth it. I used to never see the children as people to protect. Do you know how Asuma taught me?"
Grinning, he replies, "Sho Gi."
You giggle. "Sho Gi? How did that teach you?"
"Well, the objective of the game is to protect the king Once you loose that, it's game over. He asked me one day who I thought the king was. I answered with the Hokage, but was, ultimately, wrong."
"Alright. What, then?"
"He wouldn't tell me who the king was. I wracked my brain, trying to figure it out, but hadn't a clue. But, when Hidan killed him, he told me with his final breaths. He told me that the king was the children, and to protect his own king, whom Kurenai is pregnant with."
"If that's the case, what piece are you?"
"The knight"
""And why's that?"
Asuma said it's because I may not be the strongest, but vital."
"How cute."
"Thank you, you know."
"For helping me. After that night, I went home and played Sho Gi with my father, and after he locked me in the shed for the night, I had a lot of time to scream it out and think."
"Note to self: if you're every grumpy, just lock you in a shed"
He rolls his eyes, but smiles nonetheless. "If it works, it works."
"I'm happy you're feeling better. Truly."
"You're.. a kind person. I appreciate you."
"It's not a problem. Just do the me favor of being my friend, m'kay?"
"I don't have any, okay?"
He returns to the position on his back, now frowning. "Just out of curiosity, do you, perhaps, have a boyfriend or something?"
With a heavy sigh, you admit, "Alas, I am as single as it gets. I've no dating experience or experience with men in general."
"Do you want experience?"
"No, I want my mom off my back about how single I am."
"I could help with that, if you want."
"How so?"
In a single quick motion, he has you pinned down, staring at your blushing face. His dark eyes scan your features, seeming to peer into your soul. It's like he can see everything you've done and thought. But, what's more, is the expression on his face. It's full of emotion, though you can't quite place it.
A sudden sense of shyness filling you, you stammer out, "W- what are you doing ?"
He brings his face closer and closer to yours, sliding his eyes shut slowly. Before you know it, his lips are on yours applying a light and pleasant pressure.
In response, you close your eyes, not only accepting it, but reciprocating it. There's a slight pang in your shoulders from him holding you down, not leaving you any room to move. Not that you'd want to, anyway.
He pulls away, smiling at you softly. A small giggle escapes you, so he pecks your lips again, then your nose, between your eyes, and finally your forehead.
"Still wanna be friends?"
"Maybe we could pick something else."
With a slight chuckle, he moves off of you, but lies right beside you. Before anything else can happen, he pulls you close into him, holding you tightly. You bury your face into his warm chest, smiling.
"You're my little dummy now...never forger that."
"We don't really know each other all that well."
"Is there anything that you want to know?"
"Well..nothing I can currently think of."
"Okay, then."
Slowly, the two of you drift into a deep sleep, relying on the body heat of one another.
In the morning, you and Shikamaru both head home. Once at your little house, the door flings open, and there's your mom, who looks worried.
"Where have you been all night?!" she demands. "It's been hours! l've been worried sick!!"
"Sorry. I was.."
"Wait, were you with a boy??" She grabs ahold of your hands. "Please tell me you were with a boy! Did anything happen? Let's go inside. We can talk about it over tea." She drags you in and forces you on the couch, already pouring a cup of tea that she probably had waiting all morning. "Well?"
"I... .was with a guy." Blushing a bit, you turn your head to avoid her gaze.
"What happened?" Her voice is filled with excitement.
"Nothing happened! Sheesh!"
"Were you at his house?"
"No! We were in the outskirts of the village."
"Aww. It was a missed opportunity."
"What? You'll never get a boyfriend with that attitude!!"
"I do have a boyfriend! It's just not like that!"
She squeals in excitement. "When can I meet him?"
You run to your room and shut the door, feeling embarrassed by what she said. What a perverted old lady..
Around noon, there's a knock on your door, but your mother says that she'll answer it. After a few moments, she's calling for you. "Y/N!! THERE'S A BOY HERE WHO WANTS TO SEE YOU!!"
"Please don't tell me it's Shikamaru."
When you get downstairs, you see that it is, indeed, Shikamaru. He has one hand behind his back and another hold in a basket as he stands there with a light blush. Your mom give you a grin, and then goes into the kitchen to leave the two of you alone.
"What brings you here?" you ask. "And how'd you find my address?"
"Uh.. some things are better left unsaid. And I was wondering if you wanted to have lunch with me." He holds up the basket. "I was thinking on the rooftop...y'know, where people can't bother us?"
You smile. "That sounds great."
Now, it's his turn to smile. From behind his back, he pulls a single red rose, and hands it to you. "I also brought this for you. Didn't know what type of flowers you like but this is pretty generic-"
You lean forward and kiss his cheek, feeling the warmth of a blush. "I like roses. Thank you."
"Yeah? I'll keep that in mind."
"I'll go pit it in water and then well leave. Are you okay with waiting outside?"
"That's perfectly fine."
You put the rose in a tall glass of water and put it on the desk in your room. For a couple moments, you smile at it. That was so sweet of him. With a bit of a giggle, you shake yourself and head back to the door. Once outside with him, you close it and start walking with him.
At your little spot, Shikamaru lays out a blanket for you to sit on, which you find cute. Now seated, he begins pulling out the different foods he brought. All of it is still warm, so it must have been cooked recently.
"Did you make all this?" you ask, looking at the assortment.
"No, that would be my mom."
Taking a bite of something, you find it to be good. "She must be quite the chef."
"Well, the grump can't be all temper, right?" He smiles awkwardly.
"You know, my own mom was just nagging me this morning."
"Was she upset you spent your whole night out with a guy?"
You roll your eyes. "She was mad that nothing happened. She can be such an old perv."
He laughs a bit. "Well, now I know that it wouldn't get me in trouble."
"Shut up!"
"Parents can be such a drag, huh?"
"It's true. They're crazy."
"My dad said that my mom made him a better person. Honestly, if that's true, then I'd hate to see what kind of person he used to be."
"A lethal criminal," you grin. "He was apart of a gang. Definitely a gangster.
"Oh, yeah. He definitely seems like the type to join a gang."
"You never know."
He shrugs. "He's always been a shinobi from what I understand.
"Whats it like, anyway? Being a shinobi, that is."
"You always have to rely on your wits. And of your jutsu isn't strong, then you have to be smart. And you can't be selfish, because your squad can and will save your life."
"It sounds interesting."
"It is. Another thing, though, is that you always have to be prepared to loose someone."
"That's the hardest part, isn't it?"
"It's the part we always fail to accomplish."
"Enough sad stuff. Let's eat the food your mom made."
"Of course."

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