High Score (Maddie)

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School is so boring. There's nothing good about it. Education is not a concern. At least, not for Kenma Kozume.
Actually, he'd rather be playing a game instead of sitting in class. 5..4.. 3.. 2... 1.. And the bell has gone off! He can finally make his escape to the cafeteria.
Once seated, he goes to pull out his game, but its taken from him. Irritated he looks over to find Tetsuro Kuroo, who wears a scowl. "No games. Eat."
"But I'm not hungry."
"Yes, you are."
"No, I'm not."
"Are, too."
"Am not."
"Are, too."
"I'm not."
"Are, too."
Kozume looks away, but where his eyes fall, he finds a surprise. A girl. A pretty girl, at that. One with pretty eyes and hair. Beautiful skin. A nice face in general. For a moment, he lets his eyes linger, but he looks away and back a Kuroo. "Am not." He sticks his tongue out.
"Keep lying to yourself."
Kozume looks back over to you, getting a better look. He notices that you're a bit chubby, but size doesn't really matter.
Actually, looks in general aren't what's important. He should really learn your personality... but that involves socializing.
Gross. Ew. No.
"Who we staring at?"
Kozume jumps a bit. "No one."
"Don't tell me...you think the chubby freshman is cute?"
"So she's a freshman?'
"Yeah. She is cute, for what it's worth."
"Back off. You're old."
"Ouch... I see how it is."
"What else do you know?"
"I'm not telling a traitor."
Ahhh...you're supposed to get on your hands and knees and bed...so boring.
"I'm not begging."
"Ugh... fine... I hear she's perky but kinda lonely. You know how it is. If you're not super thin nobody wants to be around you. Same goes for her, I guess. But, from what I understand, she doesn't get super down or anything: Real sweet, I guess. Good grades. That's all I know"
"Shouldn't I invite her to our practice so you can show off?"
"I'm gonna do it anyway."
And Kuroo walks off, and Kozume stares as he goes to talk to you. Your smile.. it's so pretty. Rolling his eyes, he starts picking at the food. This is annoying And, for some strange reason, he doesn't like how close you and Kuroo are right now, or how you smile with him. It's annoying
At practice, you sit in the stands at the gym, just in Kozume's line of view. Your face has a bit red as the two of you make eye-contact. He must admit, you are cute. But that's iritating. Games over girls.. They're not as annoying.
In the middle of practice, he bails and sits on the floor with his game. Suddenly, he feels a tap on hie shoulder. When he turns to look, he finds you.
"A- ano... can I try?"
"Can I try? l've never tried gaming and it sounds fun."
'It's a difficult game. It's based off of scores. My high score is a lot-"
"Just teach me thr controls."
As Kozume explains, he finds you to be listening intently. Afterwards, you give it a play, and leave him speechless. Your very first time gaming. And you beat his high score. Is this it? ls this what it's like to be in love?
"Did I do okay?" you ask.
"Are you sure you're never played games before?"
"You beat my high score?"
"Really?! Is that a good thing?"
"That's so cool! 0h, by the way, I'm Y/n L/n. Tetsuro-San told me you're Kenma Kozume, right?" First name basis with Kuroo? That really pisses him off.
"Yeah. Just call me Kenma."
"Call me Y/nn, Kenma-San."
Kuroo went ahead and invited you to lunch without Kozume's consent. But that's worse, is that he ran out to the bathroom right after. Trying to play it cool, Kozume plays on his game.
"Why aren't you eating?"
"Not hungry."
"You'll get sick."
"I'll be fine. Besides, I didn't even grab any food." A tray is slid in front of him.
"Then have mine."
He slides it back. "Don't you have to eat?"
"You eating is more important." You slide the tray back. "I have enough fat to sustain me."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Once again, he slides it toward you.
"Kenma-San, it's no secret that I'm fat"
Abruptly, he puts his game down and looks at you, and for the first time, he sees you frowning. "Pardon?"
"We both know it's true. No reason to pretend."
"Is this some kind of a joke? It's not funny, Y/nn-Chan."
"It's not a joke"
"Youre not fat."
"Yes, I am."
"No, you're not."
"Am, too."
"Are not."
"Am, too."
"Are not."
He shoves a rice ball in your mouth. "Shut up and eat."
Swallowing the food roughly, you reply, "No, because you need to eat."
"What about we share it?"
You two start eating together, and he gets a petty thought. Take that, Tetsuro... I'm the one sharing lunch with her.
"Awww," You both look up to see Kuroo. "Are the little lovebirds sharing lunch?"
When Kozume sees you blushing, he feels an odd satisfaction. "No, she just refusee to eat."
"What?" Kuroo makes a mockingly shocked face. "Kenma? Caring about someone's health? You must be in love."
"Aw, c'mon. Lemme tease you."
"Anyway, Y/nn-Chan, we have a training camp in Tokyo coming up Join us?"
"Konnichiwa!!" you greet an orange-haired boy. He's a first-year like you. As he watches, Kozume gets irritated.
"Konnichiwa! Are you a friend of Nekoma's?"
"I'm friends with Kenma-San and Tetsuro-San."
"Kenma has other friends?"
After a few practices, Kozume sees you and Hinata run to each other and give each other huge high-fives.
"What the heck are you even saying?" asks Kozume while playing his game.
"Thanks...I guess."
Alone in a random gymnasium, Kozume plays his game, not caring for any additional training. When someone taps his shoulder, he just asks, "Nani?" without looking up.
"Can we talk?" It's you.
"Uh-huh. Talk and play." He hands you the game. It's a routine he has. After you beating him once, he's become obsessive with seeing how good you are. And you always top him. He doesn't know if he hates it or if it's attractive.
"I...no." You put it down. "I wanna be serious right now."
"That's rare. ls something wrong?"
"No, I just- there's something I need to tell you." You've never been this serious before. Its a bit frightening.
"Go ahead." He nods.
"I... I just wanna say that I like you. I know it's a bit sudden, and I'm not asking for a chance. But I see you as a good friend and I don't want there to be any secrets between us." All of a sudden, tears build up in your eyes. "And please don't stop being my friend or think it's gross. l- you really make me happy, and... and I don't wanna loose you."
"Why would I stop being your friend?"
"Because all guys do that. Actually.. it's the same story every time They only talked to me because they felt bad for me. Even so, I still think of you as a friend."
"Obviously not if you like me."
"Okay, fine. You're not a friend to me. Happy?"
"Whats the point in being friends if you don't even want that?"
"N- nani-"
"Let's not be friends. You don't want that."
"No! I- I mean, that's better than loosing you."
"Then don't loose me."
"But how-"
"You know," he picks his game back up and starts playing. "We could be boyfriend and girlfriend. that's an option, too."
"It is??"
"But... aren't I fat and not your type at all? I thought you'd reject me."
"Why would I? And you're not fat."
"Kenma-San, you're not being very direct."
"What all do you want to hear from me?"
"Do you actually like me back? Or are you just giving me a chance? I need to know what you're feeling-"
"I like you back. I'm not nice enough to just give a girl a chance."
"You do?! Really?! But why? Is there anything on particular that you like? Is it a strange-no-reason thing? l'm curious-"
"Nothing in particular. I don't need a reason."
"Oh... okay!"
"Now shut up and play. I'm gonna beat you today."
"Should I go easy?"
"Yo.." you both look up to see Kuroo. "Kenma, sleep. It's after midnight, dude."
"Not until I beat Y/nn-Chan."
"It's fine" you say. "Sleeping is important. Beat me tomorrow."
"Do you not want to enjoy our first date?"
"A- ano... it's not that, but..your health is mine important."
"I've gone a week without sleep. I'll be fine." He grabs your hand so that he's playing while grasping you.
"I see" says Kuroo. "You're dating now. Bros aren't important. I get it. I'Il just leave then."
"Stop making me feel how single I actually am."
"Seems like I really don't have any other friends."
"It's okay," you say. "I'm your friend. We can hang out later!"
"Thank you, Y/nn-Chan. At least somebody cares-"
"Y/nn-Chan, do that and I'Il break your neck." He begins pressing buttons aggressively.
"Tetsuro-San, say nice things at my funeral."
"Don't die for me. It'll be in vain when he tries to kill me. See ya."
When Kuroo is gone, you ask, "What was that for?"
"I don't like you spending too much time with him."
"Ano.. are you jealous?"
"You are!"
"Am not."
"Are, too."
"Am not."
"Are, too."
"Am not."
"Are, too. It's so cute!!"
"Mhm!" You hold onto his arm. "I love you so much!"
Sighing, he replies, "Love you, too. Now shhh."

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