Goodbye (Maddie)

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You're the apparent new member of the Akatsuki. You're on the shorter spectrum, and a bit on the chubbier side. Pretty, nonetheless. You seem to be a bit nervous, though giving a smile.
"I'm Y/n." you say to him.
"Itachi," he says.
"I know.", You look a bit flushed as you meet his eyes. "You- you're pretty f- famous. Y'know. ltachi Uchiha." You start gesturing with your hands. "Annihilated the whole Uchiha clan. Oh, my gosh I'm rambling."
You walk off, still rambling to yourself, though he can't understand a word. More than confused, ltachi shrugs, then walks off to get dango. It doesn't take long before he's there, buying two bags full. He practically drools as he heads towards the base Sitting on a sofa, he starts eating. All of a sudden, there's a presence behind him.
"Yes?" he asks.
"W- what's that?"
It's you.
"I- is it good?"
"Where did you get it?"
"At a dango stall."
"Where is that?"
"The nearby town."
He holds out a stick for you to take. "Here, have some."
Instead of taking the stick out of his hand, you just take a bite. Blushing a bit, he looks over at you, finding your face to be curled into a smile.
"It's really good." You take another bite.
"Yeah, it's my favorite."
"Understandably so. I'll have to go out and buy some."
You finish it off.
Feeling a bit flustered, he hands you the second bag. "Here."
"You're the best!"
Suddenly, you throw your arms around him, squeezing his neck affectionately. "Thank you!" "Uh-huh."
You sit beside him. "Besides dango, what do you like?"
"Nothing, really."
You frown. "There has to be things you like You're a person, right? So you like things. You like dango, so what else? Other sweet foods? Certain people? Quiet? Chaos? Partying? Solitude?" "Solitude."
You beam. "You seem like that type of person."
"I suppose."
You slide a bit closer. "We're gonna be on the same team, by the way. I also met Kisame. Let's me friends, m'kay?"
"What the heck are you doing in the Akatsuki?"
"Hm? Whaddya mean?"
"You seem better fitted to be a common villager. Or maybe a medical shinobi."
Your eye twitches a bit. "I don't think you realize. I'm known as the Leaf's Devil. I'm a rogue ninja who took out twelve jonin on her way out. Also, I'm infamous for having killed just about all my comrades. Still think I don't belong here? Because, if I do, you can be the next victim. I could mount that pretty little head of yours on my wall."
He stares a moment. "And why would you kill your comrades?"
"Because they really piss me off."
You stand up, putting the smile back on your face--only, now, it's a bit concerning. "I might look like a little girl, but I assure you, I can take care of myself. Since my attempt at being friends didn't work, keep these."
You hand him the package of dango he gave you. "I don't want them."
You walk away, leaving him a bit confused. He hadn't known you'd react that way. And, you really don't look all that strong or intimidating. He wasn't wrong. With a bit of a sigh, he goes back to eating his dango, choosing to ignore it all. You seem to be a bit troublesome, and he really doesn't need that.
On his first mission with you, Itachi deals with you being cold and a bit snide, though rather nice and bubbly to Kisame. It has him rolling his eyes, though a twinge of something unpleasant keeps jabbing him. You tend to get rather rude very quickly, and he doesn't like it. Nor does he like how kind you are to Kisame.
At the moment, he's alone with you, as Kisame has left to take care of something. You're stretching, and something about the way you move makes him dizzy. Then, you sit down, pulling out a book.
"How long do you plan to stare?" you ask.
"You're staring. It's creepy, ltachi. I know I'm pretty, but didn't your mother ever tell you staring is rude? Or did you kill her before she got the chance?"
He presses his lips together, but then decides to speak. "I wasn't staring I'm thinking?"
"Thinking? About what?"
"It's not any of your concern."
You look up at him, placing your book on the ground. "If you're attracted to me, just say it." There's mischief shining in your eyes. "I won't laugh."
"I find that hard to believe. And no, I am not."
You shrug. "Is that why you glare every time Kisame looks at me? Or touches me? Is it why you're always hanging around? And always go with me whenever we split ways?"
"Just admit it. I might just consider forgiving you."
"I don't really need your forgiveness."
"Suit yourself.""

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