Bittersweet Dreams (Maddie)

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Italics is her story.  Bold is their text messages.


Downing water, Kuroo looks at you from the corner of his eye, taking in your beauty. He's never seen you before. He's honestly curious as to what you're doing in the gym. Once he's wiped off the sweat from his neck, he walks over to you, putting a bit of a smile on his face.
When he's in front of you, you look up at him, looking a bit out of it. "Yes?"
"I was just wondering what you're doing in my gym."
"Oh...I recently started a writing club. We pick prompts that we all use to write a short story or even a mini-novel in a two weeks. Our prompt this time is volleyball. It could be about a fictional player, team--anything so long as it pertains to volleyball.| wanted to watch the practice to get an idea of how the game works and how the players practice and such. l'm not intruding, am 1? If so, I can just go online-"
"No, no. Stay." He rests his hands on his knees, bending down to be at eye-level with you "Learn as much as you want. to Any questions that I can answer personally?"
"How the point-system in the sets work. They call the twenty-fourth point 'set point', and often, twenty-five is winning point. However, I've also noticed that there are times where it's not, and they call it a 'deuce.' Could you explain it?"
He grins. "You've gotta be at least two points ahead. If they're at twenty-three and you're at twenty-five, then it's a two- point difference. But, if they're at twenty-four and you're at twenty-five, you need one more point to be two ahead"
You nod. "Thank you. I appreciate. I also appreciate you allowing me to watch your practice."
"No problem. What re you writing on?"
You smile a bit. "I wanna write about a male volleyball player slowly growing with his team. I'll get more inspiration as I learn more, of course. It'll likely be a mini-novel."
"It sounds good. Lemme read it when you're done."
You start to blush a bit. "I-I could never. I'm really not all that good-"
"I'll be the judge of that, hm? Consider it as a way to repay me for helping you."
"Alright. Just don't judge if it's bad, okay?"
"I'm sure it won't. I look forward to reading it."
"Thank you."
"Keep coming to our practices. Write while you watch. It'll give you insight."
"Thank you!!"
"Anytime." He pats your head a bit. "I have to go back now. You have fun."
"W- wait."
"What- what's your name?"
"Tetsuro Kuroo. You?"
"Y/n L/n."
"It's a pretty name. What year you in?"
"I'm a second-year."
"I'm your senpai, then. Feel free to call me Tetsuro."
"O- okay! Y/nn is fine, i- if you'd like."
"It's wonderful to meet you, Y/nn-Chan."
He walks back to the court, getting down to business only better this time, hoping to impress you Now that he knows your eyes will be on him, he has to do his utmost best. Hehe... maybe if I'm lucky, shel fall head-over-heels in love with me after watching me play. A couple times, you make eye-contact, and each time, a blush will come onto your features, giving him a surge of confidence. It might just be practice, but he has to look good in front of you. Tomorrow, he'll find you at lunch and get to know you more.
The two of you will happen.
After practice, he runs up to you on the way out, not willing to give up any opportunities that come his way. "Hey", he says to get your attention.
You turn your head, jumping a bit. "H- hi"
"I just wanna say, l've got my ion you." He winks a bit.
"As in, ion. You know. The-"
"I got what you meant. I'm just choosing to ignore it."
"Wait, I've got something better. You must be electronegative, 'cause you're pulling me in."
You reach into your pocket and pull out earbuds, placing them in your ears and walking off.
He just smiles at himself, proud. She loves it, I know.
"G'morning, beautiful." Kuroo chirps upon seeing you in the morning. "I have a quick question for you."
"Uhh.." your face is red, though you nod. "G- go ahead."
"Are you made of fluorine, iodine, and neon? Because you are FINe."
"Go to class."
"C'mon. You know you like it."
"I do not."
"Alright, alright. I'll stop. But on one condition."
"I'll do just about anything if it means shutting you up."
"Provide me with your company at lunch."
You shrug. "I was planning on skipping lunch, actually."
He frowns a bit. "Why?"
"Don't really need to eat. I'll probably go into a classroom and do some writing-"
"Can you not afford it, if so, I buy you some food. It's not that big of a deal."
"Oh, it's not that. I just don't want to." You give him a bit of a smile. "I don't get that much of an appetite, you know? Besides, it won't hurt to loose a couple pounds-"
"No. No, no, no, no, no Don't change anything about your look. Ever. You're just fine the way you are."
"Tetsuro Senpai, don't worry about me. I'll be fine. You enjoy your lunch with your friends."
He doesn't like the idea if you not eating. It's a sad thought. You could get sick, and loosing weight isn't a good thing. Not when your body is perfectly fine. Not to mention, you need to take care of yourself. He'll get you to eat. No matter what.
"If you don't eat lunch, I won't, either."
"W- what?! Why?!"
"Because if you're gonna be sick after school, I will be, too."
"Come on."
"Don't- don't be a difficult person-"
"I should be saying that you. Just agree to have lunch with me. That's all l'm asking."
"That's a good girl." He pats your head. "I'll walk you to class."
When lunch comes he has is arm around your shoulders, leading you to the cafeteria so you don't escape You're tense beneath him, but he pays that no mind. The only thing on his mind is that you need to eat. Just how often do you skip out on meals? He can't have it-no, he won't.
He pulls out your chair, and waits until you're seated before pushing it in. He then tells you that he'll go grab your food and will he right back. He finds himself to be happier than ever, knowing full-well that you're likely a bit rritated. But that doesn't really matter. He gets to both sit with you and get to know you better.
When he returns, he places your tray in front of you gently, almost dropping his own.
Tetsuro Senpai, you say. "You really didn't have to-"
"I wanted to," he cuts you off as he takes his own seat.
Sighing, you relent, "Alright. Just be careful. What if you hurt your wrist. That's important for a middle blocker-"
"Since when did you learn so much about volleyball?" He rests his chin in his hand, staring at you adoringly.
As a blush dusts your features, you reply, "Well. After watching your practice, l also did some research online. I even found some of your guys' official matches that I watched. I took a lot of notes."
"You're really taking this story seriously." He raises an eyebrow.
"Hm? Oh...if I'm gonna write on something, may as well do my best, right?"
He finds himself slightly suspicious. The story just doesn't seem to be your may concern. While he believes that you write, he doesn't believe that it's your only reason. Is there perhaps a player that you like? If so, who? Is it maybe him? No, you don't appear to have shown a whole lot of interest.
"You okay?" You gently touch his arm.
"Oh. Sorry." He comes up with a good pickup line, so he gets a smirk on his face. "I was just thinking."
"About what?"
"You must be made of uranium and iodine, because I can see U and I together."
You sigh in frustration my smacking your forehead. "Tet uro Senpai.. get a life."
"C'mon! That was a good one!"
"What is your obsession with chemistry pickup lines? I get it. Chemistry is a fun subject and is honestly one of my favorite classes. But seriously. This is-"
"Is it really?" He gets a bit excited.
"It's my favorite."
"You didn't strike me as much of a nerd." Your reply is a bit stiff, though he ignores it.
"Well, now you know."
After lunch, he walks you to your next class before going to his own, smiling a bit. I swear I'm really falling for this girl. Before he walks to practice, he finds you on your way home, wearing earbuds as you stare at your phone with a smile. Is she texting someone...? Looking at someone? Shaking his head, he picks up his pace to catch up to you, and finds himself beside you in no time.
"Hey" he says, smiling a bit.
You jump, but upon seeing him, your face eases up a bit as you take out an earbud. "What's up? Don't you have practice?"
"I was wondering if you wanted to watch. Y'know, write while we're practicing. Could be good insight." He shouldn't use your hobbies as a means to get you to watch him, but he's rather pathetic at times And, besides, he's desperate for your attention.
"Sure! Thanks."
"Of course", he replies as you turn around, heading toward the gym.
When you arrive, he holds the door open for you, and when he sees Haiba behind you, he goes in and shuts the door in the younger boy's face. After a couple seconds, the door flings open and he stands there with a red forehead as he pouts.
"Senpai," he whines. "You shut the door in my face."
"Oh, sorry." Kuroo replies. "My brain automatically ignores stupid things."
"Hey!" you shout, grabbing Haiba. The boy bends down a bit,so now you're holding his head while petting him a bit. "Be nice to the baby."
"Yeah!" shouts Haiba. "Be nice to the baby!"
Kuroo cringes a bit, but before he replies, Yaku goes, "What baby? I just see very tall trash."
"You see how mean they are to me?" He looks at you. "They don't treat me very well."
"It's okay. I'll take care of you. But it's time for practice now."
He nods, "Okay"
You pat his head a bit before releasing him, but Kuroo glares daggers at you. Is that it? She's interested in Lev? That kid? No. Can't be. What's there to like? It's Lev. Don't sweat it too much Kuroo. But she was holding him.
As he clenches his jaw, he gets onto the court for practice, and says that they'll do sets. Haiba is on the team opposite to him, and he makes it a point to block ever spike that the kid makes. He'll take vengeance on him, It's only right, after all.
By the end, Haiba on the the floor, lying on his stomach and face down. He's drenched in sweat as he pants. Kuroo kicks his side a bit, but doesn't do it hard enough to hurt the boy,
"Get up. We're gonna do some one-on-one today."
"No!!" he shouts. "I give! I can't do it!"
"I wasn't asking."
"Why are you so mean to me today?" He looks up, teary-eyed with a snotty nose. "I didn't do anything wrong this time."
"I said to get up."
"Tetsuro Senpai", you say, running towards him. "Calm down. He's tired." You kneel beside the boy on the floor and set a water bottle down beside him. "Want some help sitting up."
"Here", You hold out your hand, and he takes it as he drags himself upright, sitting cross-legged on the floor. He takes the bottle of water and downs it like he's never tasted it before.
"You're such an angel," he says, already having finished the bottle. "So much kinder than my senpai."
Glaring at Kuroo, you reply, "Apparently"
"He's not that cute," Kuroo says, narrowing his eyes at you. "Besides, you shouldn't concern yourself with him."
Angrily, he walks away, gathering his stuff as he decides to be done for the day. Walking home, he reflects on your attitude toward Haiba. That little brat, he thinks angrily. Think you can steal Y/nn-Chan from me? I'l skin you alive next time.
Once home, he throws his bag onto the floor, then himself onto his bed. Face hitting his pillow, he grunts. Kicking his legs, he throws a mini temper tantrum before sitting up, hair messier than before. Glaring at the wall, he contemplates what his next move should be.
He could steer you clear from the gym during practice, which would keep you away from Haiba. But that would also mean you won't be able to watch him anymore. Though, he'd rather that than you spend time with another guy. This is going to be harder than he thought.
Sighing, he stands up and starts packing his bookbag for tomorrow, not wanting to think of the issue. When that's done, he lies down, closing his eyes for a bit. Maybe a nap will make him feel better.
In the morning, Kuroo finds that it's oddly bright outside. Then, it hits him. He passed out and never set his alarm. Looking at his phone, he finds that he has about fifteen minutes before he has to leave.
He flings himself off of his bed and runs to the bathroom for a that he's set a world record
quick shower, then brushes his teeth so fast he's sure.
Quickly, he throws his clothes on, grabs his bookbag, and runs out the front door, choosing to just forget breakfast at this point.
Luckily, he makes it to school on time, though feels hungry enough to pass out. When his stomach rumbles, he feels a bit embarrassed as he smiles awkwardly at people who give him weird looks. Then, you walk over, raising an eyebrow.
"Are you hungry or something?" you ask.
"Yeah. I overslept and skipped breakfast-"
You smack his arm. "Baka! Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!!" You rummage through your bag, then pull out a protein bar. "Eat then and get something from the vending machine."
"Yes, Ma'am." He gives a smile, flattered at how much you care.
"Don't smile like that! Go!"
Laughing a bit, he says, "Okay, okay. I"II go."
He walks to the vending machine, then buys a small snack. Walking to his first class, he eats his rather pathetic breakfast of a protein bar and chips. At least the protein bar came from Y/nn-Chan.
Yawning, he takes a seat at his desk, waiting for the teacher to walk in. As he sits, he thinks of the adorable pout on your face from earlier. You're adorable when you're mad.
At lunch, Kuroo slides into the seat beside you, giving you a smile. You return it, then pull out your notebooks to write in.
"How's it going?" he asks.
"Pretty good. I'm actually almost finished with it."
"That's good. I can't wait to ready it."
"I'II give it to you as soon as it's done."
After school, he tells you a bit of a lie. "So. You can't come to the gym anymore. Coach says that he's banning girls from watching. Apparently it's a distraction for some of the perverts and they can't focus."
You smile, though he finds a hint of sadness in your eyes. "That's fine. Do your best."
"I will."
He goes into the gym, a bit regretful for lying to you. He shouldn't have, and he knows that. But it was necessary to keep you away from Haiba. It was his only option.
"Where's Y/nn Senpai?" asks the boy he was just worried about.
"She's not coming to our practices anymore."
He gets a sad look on his face "Did she get tired of you?"
"Mind your business. On the court."
It's been two weeks since he first met you, and you give him your volleyball story. He takes it excitedly and puts it in his bookbag, looking forward to reading it when he's home.
"What's your next prompt?" he asks.
Blushing a bit, you reply, "Crushes."
"Crushes? What does that mean?"
"Write something pertaining to your crush. You could write a dummy anecdote that actually happened, make something up. Someone even suggested writing a fanfiction for their crush and themselves."
"Ah. Will I be allowed to read it?" I'll finally be able to confirm whether or not it's Lev.
"Uh- n- n- no Sorry.. just- I'd rather keep it private right now."
He frowns a bit. "I won't tell him, you know."
"It's not that I don't trust you, I just...I'm a bit embarrassed. Anyway, I'll see you later!"
You run off, so he sighs as he makes his way to class. Well, there goes that opportunity.
Two weeks later, he finds a stack of papers on his desk, clipped together like a book. The cover reads, Bittersweet Dreams. Picking it up, he opens it, finding a story inside. It's signed by you. Is this the story about the guy you like? He hopes so. Carefully, he puts it in his bag, planning to read it later.
You're an excellent writer. When he read your volleyball story, he loved it, though it felt somewhat familiar. The main character was tall and muscular, pale skin, bright eyes, dark hair. Played as a middle blocker. Talented and captain of his team. He had a lot in common with the character.
At lunch, he can't find you anywhere, so resorts to sitting alone as he picks at his food. He really wanted to ask you about the story, and it's lonely without you.
The rest of the day, you're nowhere to be found, putting him in a somber mood. Practice isn't the same as he lacks energy. You're like his battery. Without you, he just can't operate. He needs you.
Finally, he gets home, dragging his feet to his room. Feeling heavy, he sits on his bed, then pulls out the story from his bookbag, finding some joy since he can read it.
"Let's write about volleyball," says Sato-Kun.
"Volleyball?" I echo questioningly, suddenly feeling a bit nervous.
"That's actually a really good idea," replies Suzuki-Chan "Our school has an amazing team."
Aikawa-Kun says, "I think it's an excellent idea. Any objections?"
Everyone shakes their heads--everyone but me, that is. like volleyball, truly, I do. The thing is it's not for a normal reason. There's this guy on guy on the team, and I've liked him since the beginning of last year. I've never talked to him, only seen him in passing.
He's tall and broad, with w muscular frame. He has these beautiful, yellow eyes, that makes my heart stop whenever I see them. His pale complexion is complimented by his messy, black hair that I adore. The way it sticks up has always is been intriguing, because it looks too soft to be gelled, but there's no way his hair stays like that naturally.
Looking at me, Aikawa-Kun asks, "Do you not want to do volleyball?"
Snapping out of my daze, shake my head. "N- no! It's a great idea. I just spaced out. Sorry."
"It's fine." He gives me a gentle smile, putting me at ease.
After discussing logistics, I leave the club room, wracking my brain for ideas. Why don't I go to the gym? I could watch their practice, and just say I'm trying to learn and get inspiration. Though, that'd be a lie. I know every rule and all of the formalities of the game. But, itis a way to get closer to Kuroo Senpai.
What if I get to talk to him?
I run into the bathroom, checking myselfin the mirror. Why is my hair so frizzy? Ugh!I can't believe this! start to smooth it down a bit, wanting to look nice in front of him. I mean, I don't want him to think ill of me. I may not be pretty, but I can at least leave the impression that I put in effort. And I do. Just, after a long day of school, things get messy.
Finished with my hair, I put bit Of lip gloss on. want to look my best. Not pretty. Just...nice. That's all I need. I can't have him thinking that I'm a mess. He may never like me back, but that's okay, walk into the gym quietly, then sit in the bleachers. Right after I'm seated, everyone takes Senpai takes a seat on a bench, a towel on his neck as he downs water. At break. I watch Kuroo.
Right now, he looks so. ethereal. I'm embarrassed to say, but he's so beautiful in my eyes. Probably the hottest guy l've ever seen. Some days,I question if he's even real.
Accidently, we make eye contact, so I look away, blushing . Stupid Y/n! What if he thinks that you're staring? What then? You look so creepy!
He starts walking toward me, I panic. What'll I do? Will he scold me for staring? This is humiliating! I shouldn't have come here. I want to go home. I should've done that in the first place.
When he stops in front of me, I swallow the lump in my throat and ask, "Yes?" wanting to play it cool.
"I was just wondering what you're doing in my gym."
I lie, "Oh. I recently started a writing club. We pick prompts that well all use to write a short story or even a mini-novel in two weeks. Our prompt this time is volleyball. Ilt could be about a fictional player, team--anything so long as it pertains to volleyball. I wanted to watch the practice to get an idea of how the game works and how the players practice and such. I'm not intruding, am l? If so, I can just go online-"
"No, no. Stay." He rests his hands on his knees, bending down, now at eye-level with me. I think my heart is going to explode. "Learn as much as you want. Any questions that I can answer personally?"
"How the point-system in the sets work. They call the twenty-fourth point 'set point', and often, twenty-five is winning point. However, I've also noticed that there are times where it's not, and they call it a 'deuce.' Could you explain it?" This is probably the biggest lie I've ever told. already know what a deuce is. I must sound like such an idiot! But I want to keep talking to him. I wish I could just smack myself right now.
He grins. "You've gotta be at least two points ahead. If they're at twenty-three and you're at twenty-five, then it's a two- point difference. But, if they're at twenty-four and you're at twenty-five, you need one more point to be two ahead." I nod, pretending like just learned something. "Thank you. I appreciate. I also appreciate you allowing me to watch your practice."
"No problem. What're you writing on?"
I smile at him, a bit happy to explain. "I wanna write about a male volleyball player slowly growing with his team. I'l get more inspiration as I learn more, of course. Itll likely be a mini-novel."
"It sounds good. Lemme read it when you're done.
My face heats up in embarrassment. "I- I could never.. !'m really not all that good-
"I'!l be the judge of that, hm? Consider itə aS a way to repay me for helping you.
alright. Just don't judge if it's bad, okay?"
"I'm sure it won't. I look forward to reading it."
"Thank you..."
"Keep coming to our practices. Write while you watch. It'll give you insight."
"Thank you!!"
"Anytime." He pats my head a bit, making my heart stop. "I have to go back now. You have fun." "W- wait... what- what's your name?" If I pretend like I don't know him, maybe it. I seem more casual. Also, it'll give me a chance to introduce myself.
"Tetsuro Kuroo. You?"
"Y/n L/ n.""
"It's a pretty name. What year you in?"
"I'm a second-year."
"I'm your senpai, then. Feel free to call me Tetsuro."
"O- okay! Y/nn is fine, i- if you'd like.
"It's wonderful to meet you, Y/nn-Chan."
He walks away, and I sigh in relief a bit. I can't believe I just talked to him. I honestly astounded at myself. I don't think I've ever been this bold in my in my life.
Now back on the court, Tetsuro Senpai (I love calling him that more than I'd ever admit aloud) plays even better than before. He's so talented. It's hard to believe someone like him even exists.
To make it even better, we continuously make eye-contact, which puts a blush on my face each time. He's so hot.
When it's over, I go to leave, but get stopped when he says, "Hey."
"H- hi", I stutter out. I didn't expect him to come back.
"I just wanna say, I've got my ion you." He winks, making my heart flutter.
"As in, ion. You know. The-"
"I got what you meant. I'm just choosing to ignore it..."
"Wait, I've got something better. You must be electronegative, 'cause you're pulling me in.
okay...?" A chemistry pickup line? Really?
Reaching into my pocket, I pull out my earbuds and put them in. I'l ignore that. I think I like him better when he's quiet. Walking away, I try to forget how close he was. It was crazy.
Since that day, Tetsuro Senpai has been telling me the most ridiculous pickup lines, and is always making sure I eat lunch. He'll scold me for opening doors on my own, and I'm not allowed to pull out or push in my own chair. I'm not even allowed to carry my own lunch tray when he's around.
After I finish my volleyball story, I give it to him. I hope its good. I based the main character off of him. If he doesn't notice that, then he's a bit dim. But it'd also be in my favor if he didnt.
So, pleased with my story and giving it to Tetsuro Senpai, I lie my head down, ready to bed. I'm so tired and just need ta sleep. School is the absolute worse.
Waking up, I get ready for school, dreading the day a bit. At least I'll get to hear Tetsuro Senpai's opinion on the story. When I see him, he smiles at me, waving a bit. I return it, then walk up to him.
"Did you read it?" I ask, feeling a bit shy.
"I did. You did really good." He pats my head, making me blush.
"Thank you,"
"I noticed that the main character was a lot like me."'
Nervously, I avoid looking at him. "You see-"
"Do you like me?" he asks quickly, as if he didn't mean to.
"Uh- well- you see-"
"It's okay if you do."
Still staring at the ground, I mutter, "I do."
It's a bit of a lie, actually. I don't like him anymore. I'm in love with him. It's only taken two weeks, but it's not a little crush anymore. I love his cheesy pickup lines. I love the way he looks at me. I love how talented he is on the volleyball court. I love how smart he is. I love how hard he works. I love how he treats me. I just love him.
"Then....why don't we go on a date sometime?"
Startled, I look up at him. "Wait, what?"
"I, uh... I like you, too. I think we should go out and stuff."
"Really? You seriously like me?"
"Yeah. So, what do you say?"
My face breaks out into a big smile as I nod, "Yes."
Things get interrupted, however, by a loud ringing. I suddenly find myself in a bed. Opening my eyes, I see that I'm in my room, and that the noise is my alarm clock. Sighing, I turn it off. It was just a dream. He didn't actually ask me out.
Sadly, I get up. I, unfortunately, still have school. better in the dream. I can already say that.
I guess I'll get to hear what he has to say, still. Even though I liked it.

Eyes bigger than ever, Kuroo sees it all. You're in love with him. And he's in love with you.
Immediately, he shoots up, running out the front door faster than he ever has in his entire life. Y/nn-Chan... please be home... please.
When he gets to your house, he knocks on the door, panting. The moment it's open and he sees you, he pulls you outside and closes it again, pressing you up against it by your shoulders as he crashes his lips onto yours.
Your lips taste better than anything he's ever had. They're soft and feel so good against his. He could get used to this If only he'd noticed your feelings sooner. If only he'd have payed more attention. This could've been so much sooner. Instead, he was such an oblivious fool.
Suddenly, he feels your arms wrap around his waist, so he grabs your face, deepening the kiss even further. After awhile, he pulls away a few moments, needing to breathe a bit. Eyes now open, you stare at each other, panting slightly.
Still hungry, though, he dives back in, needing more of you. Everything just feels so right, and he can't stop. It's not possible. He's already addicted to you and how you feel against him.
Finally, you force his face away, and he notices how red you are as you pant, seemingly out of breath.
"T- Tetsuro Senpai. W- w- what was that about?"
"It doesn't have to be a dream," he says, burying his face into the crook of your neck as he wraps his arms around you. "It can be real. You can be mine and I can be yours. You don't have to worry about it anymore."
"I-I- what are you talking about?"
"Your story. I read it."
"Y- YOU DID WHAT?!?!?!"
"You left it on my desk, didn't you?"
"I- I did not! It- it wasn't me.."
"Oh... well, who cares? I'm happy."
"This is humiliating. I didn't want you to see into my psyche."
"What? Embarrassed because you think I'm hot? Or because you think I'm ethereal? Or was it the 'Some days, I question if he's even real.' part?"
"S- shut up." you look away from him, blushing madly.
"I love you, too." He cups your cheek, facing you toward him. "I love you so much that I ran here as soon as I finished that story."
"Y- you did?"
He nods. "I couldn't wait any longer."
"Th- that's pathetic."
"And so is how much you like my pickup lines."
"Shut up!"
"Hey, one more thing."
"W- what?"
"You be the battery, I'll be the aluminum foil. Together, well light up the world."
You push him off, go inside, and lock the door. He just smiles to himself as he starts on his way home. He loves you so much that words can't even describe it.
Halfway home, he gets a text.
Y/nn-Chan: I'm magnesium and your my oxygen. I light up when I'm with u
Tetsuro Senpai : if u were an element, you'd be francium because your the most attractive
Y/nn-Chan: r u a carbon sample? cs I want to date u
Tetsuro Senpai: I might be a chemistry major, but id never bohr u
Y/nn-Chan: some data points? I'm jus hypothesizing, but I I think the reaction between u and me would b exothermic. Care to plot?
Tetsuro Senpai: scientists recently discovered a new element called beautium and it looks like your made of it it
Y/nn-Chan: read 4:57 p.m.

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