On Read (Maddie)

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Uncomfortable, you keep walking, picking up your pace. There's this weird dude behind you who has a black hood on, covering his face, and it feels like he's been following you. The thing is, you're pretty sure it's been this same guy all week, and it's now Saturday.
Feeling a bit scared, you look around frantically, hoping for possible help. Then, you see it. It's the pro hero, Eraserhead. He's just walking along, minding his business. Terrified and slightly irrational, you run up, grab his arm, and yell, "There you are, Babe!"
Slightly confused, he looks around a bit, and once he sees the man in black, he clears his throat. "I was wondering when you'd show up."
You look over and see the man leaving. Once he's gone, you bow quickly, feeling slightly embarrassed "I am so sorry but so grateful! I swear he's been following me all week and- and I just didn't know what to do-"
"You're fine. He was just following, right? Didn't do anything?"
"N- no"
"So you're not hurt?"
"Not at all."
You look up, and see him walking away. "Wait! At least let me repay you!"
He turns his head. "I'm sure I have more money and could do anything you could myself."
"But..you saved me."
"That's also my job."
You frown a bit. "Your job is to fight villains, not pretend to be some random person's boyfriend. Come on. At least lemme. buy you something or treat you to s meal."
He sighs. "You're persistent, aren't you? C'mere."
You walk over. "Yes?"
He puts his phone in your hand. "Put your number in here. That's it."
"What? Why would I-"
"I'll text you if I need anything."
You feel happy that he's letting you do something so you type it in as quickly as you can then hand it back. "Thank you."
"I'll do whatever you ask!"
"Whatever you say." He takes his phone and walks away again.
"Bye! Thanks again!"
He holds his hand up a few moments before disappearing behind a corner. Then, it hits you. A super hot hero now has your number. Giggling a bit, you continue on you way to work, bouncing a bit.
Once home from work, you lie on your couch and take a look at your phone, finding a message from an unknown
number. Tilting your head, you check it.
Unknown Number: Eraser
You: oh hey!
Unknown Number: Read 5:55 p.m.
You frown, but save his number as just "Eraser." After a few minutes, he does reply.
Eraser: I'm picking you up at 5:30 tomorrow. Dress comfortably.
You: where r we going??
Eraser: Read 6:03 p.m.
He doesn't respond after that, so you just go pick out your clothes. Be comfortable? Well, that's obvious. But if you're going to be with a good-looking pro, you have to look nice as well. Finally, you settle on a pair of jeans, a black T-shirt, a baggy flannel, and high-tops. Comfortable but still nice. Perfect.
When Eraserhead shows up, you're smiling. He just tells you to get into the car.
"Where we going?" you ask.
"You'll see when we get there."
"Is this so I can thank you-"
"Can't you tell me what I'm doing?"
"Alright, fine. But I have to warn you. My funds are pretty limited."
He grunts.
You find yourself at a little restaurant. The prices are moderate, so you'll be able to afford it. Conversation is light, though you do make an effort. He's just a quiet guy, you suppose
Suddenly, he asks, "Are you enjoying the food?"
"Hm? Yeah! It's really good. I've never been here before, but its great."
"I like to come here every once in awhile. It's a nice little place."
"It is. I can see why. I'll have to come any time I have extra money."
"If you do, call me." Does he like this place that much?
"I will!"
"Mic would like you."
"As in Present Mic?"
"Thank you! He's actually my favorite hero, so that means a lot."
He stops mid-stab-steak. Then, he pulls out the fork, and jabs the fork into it violently. "Really? I didn't know that."
"Mhm. I just love his quick and is overall energy. I"listen to his podcasts, too.
"Wow. What a die-hard fan." He begins to stab meat again.
"I wouldn't say that. I mean, it's not a hero-crush or whatever. I just admire him. Y'know?"
"Are... you okay?"
"You sure?"
The atmosphere has totally changed. He seems angry, though you don't know why. Did you do something? It even makes you quiet, as you question whether or not you messed up.
After you both finish eating, you try paying, but he does. It's strange. Wasn't this so you could pay him back? What's going on here?
"Wasn't this so I could pay you back?" you ask.
"Then why-"
"Your company was my payment. Now go to the car."
A bit surprised, you stare for a moment, but then go to the car, still wracking your brain. Your company? And then you made him angry? You're so stupid! How could you do something like that?! Anxiously, you bite your thumbnail.
The moment he pulls up, you fly out of the car and run inside, humiliated. Angry with yourself, you plop onto the couch head-first, then start whining. You can't believe this.
A few days later, you get a random message. You check your phone, and find yourself surprised upon seeing it.
Eraser: Wyd
You: nothing. you?
Eraser: Just finished teaching
You: oh yeah! I've seen that ur a teacher on the news
Eraser: Yeah
Eraser: They're stressful
You: I bet. Teens r crazy lol
Eraser: That's an understatement
You: ngl I'd be beating some kids lol
Eraser: My next class is at 7:30 tomorrow. Feel free
You: I wouldn't even b able to get past security
Eraser: Shame
You: ikr
You: anyway how u been?
Eraser: Fine
You: that's good
Eraser: Go outside
You: huh
Eraser: Read 2:38 p.m.
Standing up, you go outside, finding Eraserhead there with his phone, looking up at you. He says, "Took you long enough."
"Sorry. But, why are you?"
"Just thought I'd drop by. Wanna get a late lunch?"
"Sure. Where we going?"
"Same place as last time. Unless you wanna go someplace else."
"No. That's fine."
"Then get in."
Going out with Eraserhead becomes a regular thing, and you must admit, you're starting to really like him. He's so nice and fun, but quiet. Not to mention, he looks good. The only problem you're having is that he probably doesn't even like you back. No point in even trying. Even so, you'll enjoy his company as a friend.
Today, you're at home, cooking dinner. It's simple. Spaghetti.
"Wacha cookin'?"
You jump, look behind you, then sigh. Eraser? What're you doing here?*
"Just thought I'd stop by."
"Well, you scared me, you jerk."
He stands up and approaches you, stopping once behind you. "Looks good. Mind if I stay for dinner.
"Go right ahead. I don't care."
He places his arms on the counter, caging you in. Leaning his head forward, he's right beside your face, placing a blush on your face. "Great."
"Uh- what- what are you doing?"
"Just looking at what you're making. Why? You have a problem with it?"
"N- no."
"What's wrong? You're stuttering.
"You're blushing, y'know. What's that about?"
"Just knock it off and go sit down!"
"But I like it over here."
"Too bad. Go."
So suddenly, he wraps his arms around your waist. "You sure?"
"What? I can't hold my kitten?"
"Your what?"
"My kitten. That's what you are."
"I'm not following."
"You're so dense."
He turns your head, then places his lips on yours. Surprised, you just stand there, letting it happen. As he deepens the kiss, your heart begins pounding louder and louder. His lips are strangely soft, and you know that you're slipping under his spell. Before long, your eyes are shut and you're kissing back.
The moment he pulls away, you miss the warmth of his lips. He gives you one of those rare smiles, his eyes bright and shining. You, on the other hand, wear a deep blush, flustered beyond comprehension.
"Kitten," he says in a low tone. "You're mine."
"Haven't I always been yours?"
There's a glint of mischief in his eyes. "Oh? How bold of you."
Spurred on by his comments, you lean in to kiss him again. Against your lips, he mutters, "The spaghetti."
Sadly, you pull away. "Oh, yeah. I forgot."

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