Illusion (Maddie)

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Eyes getting huge, Jazz watches as you enter into the classroom, looking...astonishing.

He landed himself into the misfit class, and when he sees you walking in, he wonders how you got in here. Someone with such an innocent face doesn't seem like a misfit. You look like an angel to him. Pure and lovely.
You look over, then make eye contact with him. His heart pounds, and you hold it for a few seconds. Then, you redirect yourself and sit in the seat beside him, getting your notebooks and pencils out and setting them up on the desk neatly.
"Give me your name," you say abruptly.
Jazz" he blurts out, though he doesn't remember meaning to.
"Jazz? Like the genre of music?"
"Yeah," He scratches the back of his neck awkwardly.
With a smile, you ask, "What? Do you have a sibling named 'Rock'?"
Your smile grows a bit. "Well, it's a pleasure to meet you, Jazz. I'm Y/n. You'll be my friend from now on."
Again, he blurts, "Okay," without meaning to. What's going on?
"Tell me what kind of magic you use."
"I have a bloodline magic that allows me to see through anything and the best way to steal it. These golden rings are the source of it." He clamps a hand over his mouth, unable to believe how he just obeys. He doesn't mean to. He's not telling himself to. He just is, interesting.
"What are you doing to me? Whenever you tell me to do something, I do it whether I want to or now. But if you ask, I have a choice in it. Is it your magic or something."
Still not looking at him, your smile gets a bit bigger. "Oh, really? Maybe it's not magic. Perhaps...perhaps I'm just SO beautiful, that you can't help but mindlessly do as I say. Like a Lovesick puppy, maybe?"
"N- no-"
"What? Are you saying that !'m not beautiful? That's harsh, Jazzy"
"I didn't say that."
Smile dropping, you shrug. "May as well have. Now, are you going to apologize? Or am I expected to just allow you to insult me?"
"I didn't mean it that way. I'm just saying, it's weird. It's not in an admiring sense. It's robotic."
"How am I supposed to know what you're doing and why? Do I command you? Own you? Can I read minds? No. - cannot. So, it seems that you'll have to come to a solution on your own, Jazzy."
He frowns a bit. You're impossible to read. While he thought the long eye contact could mean something, you also sat next to him and engaged in conversation on your own. On the flipside, this strange behavior is suspicious. It's concerning However, he can't help but be interested in you. You're just that beautiful.
The first part of today is summoning. He summons a dog. A very fluffy and cute dog. When it's your turn, you summon a f/c dragon. His eyes get huge as he looks at your dragon. How Can summon so cute have such a fearsome familiar? 
"Isn't she pretty?" you ask him, petting your dragon.
"Uhh...y-yes!" He pets his familiar, too. The dog is cute, so he's happy with it.
"What? Are you going to insult my familiar as you did me earlier?"
"I didn't insult you! You're very, very beautiful!"
The corners of your mouth twitch, and he cant tell if you're about to smile or about to laugh in his face. "I know," After a few moments, you say, "Have lunch with me later."
"Okay- dang it! I'm doing that again!"
"Calm down, Jazzy. No one likes a lovesick puppy."
The room erupts in yelling and laughter as a boy named Iruma summons his familiar. It's the teacher, Kaligo. That's unheard of. No demon can summon another demon. Jazz notices a look of surprise on your face, but you recompose yourself quickly with a bit of a smile
"It seems that he's beat us all in the sense of familiars," you say quietly. "Right, Jazz?"
"Tell me honestly. How far do you think you'l go?"
"Uhh...I dunno. I mean, I'm nothing special."
"Then you'll fail."
"I can improve-"
"That's not what I meant. If you don't think you can, then you won't be able to. There will be nothing to push you to your limits, thus holding you back."
"But, believing in myself isn't enough-"
"It's not. I never said it was. But its a good start." You pat his shoulder. "You have a long way to go, Jazzy. You tilt your head, giving a closed-eye smile.
Lunch comes around, and Jazz walks with you to a table. You carry the same foods on your trays, and he can't help but be happy. While you're weird, Jazz can't help but be intrigued by your absolute beauty. Besides, you came to him.
"Tell me what kind of girl you like" you command, shoving rice in your mouth.
"I like a cute and beautiful girl and I'm impartial to curves. I prefer a more genuine and sweet romance than builds up over-time, and a loyal girl that I can be with for a long time, willing to take it slow. I'm very impartial to the type of that likes things that like, and is somewhat impressed by my magic, seeing as I enjoy the admiration. It gives me a sense of confidence." Once finished, he covers his mouth. ! can't believe I just said all th at..
"Interesting." You finish your rice quietly.
"Why did you wanna know?"
"I just want to get to know my new friend.
"Speaking of, what exactly is a friend? I've never heard-"
"It's a human term. A friend is someone that you trust, and trusts you. You can confide in them and they in you. You're highly fond of each other, and enjoy each other's company. Complex, really. Hard to put into words,| guess. I heard it one day, and really liked the sound of it. Yo u're my first friend."
"Oh... it sounds nice, I guess." In the back of his mind, he feels that boyfriend and girlfriend would be a better relation.
"Doesn't it? When I heard it, I decided wanted a friend. You have a kind face, so I chose you. Not to mention, you were staring at me." You shrug a bit. "I figured physical attraction would prompt you to get to know me spend time with me."
His face turns into a bright blush. "If you knew, why'd you act like you thought I was insulting you?"
A little simper comes onto your features. "It was amusing. I enjoy indulging myself in the distress of others."
"That's not very nice."
"It's not." You drop your head onto his shoulder suddenly.
Blushing, he stutters around. "W- w- what are you doing?!"
"I'm tired. Be my pillow."
"B- b- but-"
"Stop talking. Feel free to finish the food on my tray, as well."
Jazz has been talking to you for a couple weeks now, and you're a lot sweeter the more and more he gets to know you. He's started to develop a minor crush on you, though he'd never admit it aloud. You'd never accept him. You're apart of the succubus battler, which only makes you more and more charming.
"Bring me to your house after school," you say as you walk to class with him. "Today, I mean. I wanna hang out."
"T- t- to my h- h- h- house?!"
"Did I stutter? Make an error?"
"N- no-"
"Then don't question what you heard."
"I just- why don't we go around town? That's more casual-"
"I don't like public areas. What's your deal? Are you hiding something?"
"Well, no-"
'Then do it."
"Okay- no! l-! Ugh!"
"Good! Why was that so hard?! Ugh!" You storm off, holding your head in a hand and pull at your hair a bit. You seem so upset. Why?
"Is it because I didn't agree right away?" he asks himself. "Should I apologize?" He shakes his head. "No, no. I'll just hang out with her after school and distract her a bit. She'll be fine after awhile, right?"
When school is over, you walk with Jazz to his house, quiet isnt seeming to be in thought angrily. Nervously, he tries to lighten the mood a bit.
"Do you have snacks! Do you want any when we get to the house."
"No appetite."
"How about tea? I have hell grey-"
"No, thank you." You grit your teeth, a bit hunched as you hold your bookbag with two hands and stomp the whole way.
"Uhhh.. so whaddya wanna do? Watch movies? Play games? Ooh, we can play around with our magic-"
"Well figure it out when we get there."
"Heh..I should... warn you!" Why is that the first thing that comes to mind? "My brother is a real womanizer. Horrible. No age limits or anything. Don't let him get to you:"
"Are you mad at me?"
Sounding a bit sarcastic, you reply, "Why would I be mad?"
"Can you just tell me what I did wrong?"
"Not in the mood to."
"I'm sorry for whatever I did wrong."
"If you're sorry, then shut your mouth and keep walking."
He remains silent, though a feeling of guilt washes over him. Upsetting you was the last thing he wanted to do. What if you never forgive him? And then you stop talking to him? And then you're not friends anymore? And you leave his life entirely and he's all alone-
Rock, Jazz's brother, looks at you up and down as the both of you enter. He smiles a bit, waving gently
"Hey there" he says with a closed-eye smile. "What's your name, beau-"
"Not in the mood." You push past him. "Get over here, Jazz! Show me to your lame room!"
Awkwardly, Jazz rushes to you, not wanting to further upset you. In his room, you both sit on the floor, and you scroll on your phone a bit. There's an uncomfortable silence in the air, and he can't tell what you're thinking at all.
Just as he's about to say something you go, "Be my boyfriend." Yo u pause, then look up, face seeming a bit flushed. "Don't- don't reply to that. lg- ignore it. l.. uhh...p-p- please... will you be my boyfriend? l- I like you." You avert your eyes from him. "And it's okay if you don't want to. I'm not- I'm not using magic this time."
"Magic? You mean-"
"Yeah. I was- I was using magic. I couldn't help it, though. It's my bloodline magic, called Illusion. See, I'm not actually beautiful. Males get the illusion that I am due to the trait, and whenever I give them a direct order, they can't help but obey. When I first saw you staring, I really thought that you were handsome and.. just had to approach you. I intentionally used my magic to get closer to you. You drop your head down, seeming ashamed. "It's okay if you hate me for it. I know that you liked me, though. Its a real crappy way to get over a crush."
"How'd you know-"
"Today. Earlier, when I said to take me to your house, you didn't immediately comply. With my magic of Illusion, it stops working of the male gets genuine romantic feelings for me. I got frustrated because I knew that I was lying to you from the start, and felt guilty for using you. I wasn't mad at you. I was just.. angry at myself, and slightly irritated that you'd be dumb enough to fall for me. l apologize, Jazz."
"That's the most awful thing anyone has ever done to me:"
"I don't doubt it."
"But I don't hate you."
"What?" You look at him again, a look of wonder on your face. "Y- you don't? But how-"
"Because my feelings are genuine. Something like that can't change my feelings. I'm honestly a bit flattered. I never considered myself all that handsome."
"H- how not? You're the best-looking guy ever."
He blushes. "Th- thank you,"
"Well? What now?"
An idea pops into his head, so he smiles as he looks down and scratches the back of his neck. With a blush, he uses his magic to get you in his arms, holding you tightly. Your plush body feels so good against his own. Warm and soft.
"How's this?"
"Absolutely perfect."

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