Naptime (Maddie)

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Having just woke up, you hear someone walking in, though you do not recognize the voice. You look up, and find a man with orange hair and glasses with dark eyes. Handsome. Normally, you would be taking your afternoon nap right now, but he has your undivided attention right now. So hot...

Then, you see him talking to a bunch of girls, and the body language highly suggests flirting. Well, there goes that. Closing your eyes, you rest your head back on the table, deciding that a flirty guy is not worth it. But, even when your eyelids shut, you still see the new guy's face. He appears to be older than you, but not by much. What is his name? Where is he from? How old is he exactly? So many questions stemmed from your natural curiosity for whenever you see an attractive man. You cannot help it. That is just how you are.

Unknowingly, you sigh in frustration. He is a flirty guy, sure, but he more than likely would not waste his time on a chubby girl like you. Not even the most desperate guys bother. Oh, well. Your mom used to tell you that if he cannot appreciate you, than the guy does not deserve you. Some days, you question that, but at the same time, you know that questioning your mom always resulted in you doing something stupid and it got you into a lot of trouble. You never have given her enough credit before, so you should probably start.

"Y/nn!" Over with him is a good friend of yours in the guild, Aiko.

"Hm?" You are still a bit groggy from sleep.

"C'mere. Come meet our new friend!"

The man you had seen earlier eyes you up and down, and then gives you a small smile. Since your friend told you to, you get up and approach them and sit in the only seat beside her, which is also beside the new guy.

"Hey," he greets. "I'm Loke. You?"


"Your friend called you Y/nn. That's cute."


"You were napping earlier. I'm happy you still came over to see me."

"Aiko asked. I can't refuse her."

"Awww. You're loyal and sweet to your friends."


The rest of the afternoon is spent in his company with a bunch of other girls, though he seems to be focused on asking you questions about yourself. It is weird and you do not quite understand it. Regardless, you give him short but honest and blunt replies, and you can tell he is getting a bit irritated. Nonetheless, he still pries, trying to get as much information as he can. This is nice, and you will appreciate it while it lasts.

Though you are sure he is just being nice.


Ever since the first day of meeting him, Loke has not been speaking to you. He will talk to all of the other girls, but not you. So much for all the attention he gave me before... I knew it... it was too good to be true. What hurts most is that you had really started liking him. While he can be a flirt, he is also noble and is absolutely amazing. He goes on every mission by himself. He is strong. He is actually very sweet.

But he will never be yours, will he?

Even though you know that it is pointless, you still watch him and find yourself too obsessed with him for your own good. Crushes are always so tiresome. In your teen years, you had plenty of those, but they were never as bad as this. It does hurt your pride. I'm nineteen... what am I doing acting like a fourteen-year-old?

"Hey," You look over and see Cana, at the bar again.


"Come with me."

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