Hope (Maddie)

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"Eh? Lockser?"

Leaning over, you look at an unconscious Juvia, who smiles with a blush. As you crouch down, you examine her, waving your hand in front of her face. Why will she not wake up? What even knocked her out like this?

"You apart of Phantom Lord?"

Turning around, you find a man with black, shaggy hair, and narrow, dark eyes. He only has pants on, but all other clothes are off. Confusedly, you tilt your head to the side. When first meeting an opponent, you try to give off an innocent and cutesy vibe so that they underestimate you at first. It gives you the chance to sneak up on them.

"Eh? Why you askin'? Ooh wait, you're Fairy Tail right? Pretending to be dense and oblivious, you come over and poke his chest, right where his tattoo is. "So you're an enemy, right?"

"Yeah? I'd say so? Unless you're not from from Phantom Lord?"

"No. I am. I just gotta double-check before I kick your butt."

"Oh? No offense or anything, but you seem..."

"I'm older than I look!" Cutely, you point to yourself with a grin. "I'm sixteen!"

"You're-! Okay, I've been proven wrong. Uhh..."

"Well? You up for another fight? You look a bit tired. It must've been rough against Locker."

"I can still stand, so I can still fight."

"Then we will! What's your name?"

"Gray. Gray Fullbuster. You?"

"Y/n L/n! Nice to meet you! I might just give you a nice speech at your funeral!"

"Thanks. I guess."

By the look on his face, you know that he is doubtful. So, out of nowhere, you send a moonbeam at him. Eyes getting wide, he evades it just at the right time. That is surprising. Nobody manages that. Confusedly, you tilt your head to the side while furrowing your brows.

"How'd you do that?"


"How'd you dodge that? Nobody's done that before."


"They're abnormal?" Staightening your head, you examine him. "You know what? There is a difference between you and all my other victims."

"Oh yeah? And what's that?"

"You've got muscle and abs!" His jaw drops as you start feeling around him. "All the other ones were like smooth sticks."

"GET YOUR HANDS OFF, YOU WEIRDO!!" He tries to push you off.

"Hey. It's not nice to push a lady. Sheesh. So rude." Dusting your hands off on one another. "I guess I'll have to kill you. I don't like rude men. They make me mad."

"Kill me? You've been talking the whole time!"

"That's because I try to learn a bit of my victims. That way I can say stuff at their funerals."

"Oh? Then why don't you take a good look at my magic?"

"Sounds fun! Lemme see!"

He makes a giant ice hammer which almost crushes you, but you use a lunar black to slice it in half. For just a moment, he gapes, but quickly gathers himself. As quickly as possible, to rush at him with it, but he dodges several times, making you angry. In return, he covers his hands in sharp ice, turning this into a sword fight.

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