Setbacks (Maddie)

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You're the recent wife of Shikamaru Nara. Just six months ago was your wedding. The two of you had met during the Fourth Great Ninja War, when you'd been under his unit. It was love at first sight for you.
Being from the Village Hidden in the Clouds, you'd never met him before, and he was sure to catch you before you'd gone home. Seeming awkward and you daresay a bit shy, he asked if you wanted to go out to eat with him before returning home. Naturally, you agreed. From there, a relationship started, and two years later, the two of you are married.
After getting engaged, you had to deal with the moving process, which was quite a "drag" as he says. You had plenty of things, and the villages were so distant. But, as the niece of the Raikage (you're the daughter of the third sibling) things were arranged to make it a bit easier.
Today, you're out on a mission, having refused to give up the shinobi lifestyle. You just work with the Leaf Village. So currently, you're in a fight. A very big one, at that.
He yells, Time Elipse Jutsu!" and does the respective hand-signs, and then you black-out altogether.
Head foggy, you wake up in a daze. This seems to be Konoha's park. But how did you get here? Your mission!! You jump up, but your body feels a bit lighter. Worried, you look for a source of water, wanting to see your reflection. Luckily, it seems to have rained recently, so you spot a puddle nearby.
You run towards it, but the moment you see yourself, you scream, voice higher than usual. No! No! This can't be!
You start to hyperventilate as the panic begins to arise in you. What gets you to stop, though, is a husky voice that says, "Calm down'"
You look over, and find a boy that somewhat resembles your husband. Perhaps when the man was 2 child? But, just the sight of something that reminds you of him calms you down.
"And why do you look fourteen? Because you probably are fourteen."
Angrily, you shout, "I am twenty!!I'm even married, you imbecile!"
"Uh-huh. Sounds illegal, but okay."
"I mean it-! Don't you know who I am?!" He should! You're the wife of the Hokage's highest advisor! You're kind of important! Then again, you've become a child. He must not recognize you. "I'm Y/n Nara. Ring a bell?"
"Nara? You don't look like a Nara."
"I married into the clan. And you should know that because my husband is kinda popular around here."
"You're a child. You can't fool me."
"I was out on a mission and got knocked out by a jutsu. More than likely, it had some type of effect on my body"
"Let's say that that's true. If it is, why haven't you given the name of your husband?"
"You never asked."
"Fine. Tell me his name"
"Shikamaru Nara."
He starts laughing at you. "Wow! That's rich!! And to think! You almost had me therel!"
His face turns serious again. "I'm Shikamaru Nara."
"See? I told-"
"I was sent back in time."
"You're still going with this?"
'Yeah! I am! How old are you? I need to know how many years I traveled."
"Sixteen-! So lam fourteen. I wonder... my other body should be in the Cloud, because if not, I'd have shown up there. Meaning that there's two Y/ns. Well, that's just great."
"I really don't believe you."
"Then don't! I didn't ask you to!"
"Ouch. Ms. Cranky Pants, do you need a nap?"
"No! I have to get home! He'll be worried about me. This was only supposed to be a two day mission, and I don't know if time works the same or if I'm somehow suspended in it. However, if it's still working back in my present, then he'll be worried sick since I've already been gone for over a day."
"You're having way too much fun with this game."
"It's not a game!! Trust me, I'm not laughing. I'm scared. What- what ifI never get back home?" A couple tears prick your eyes. "What if I never see him again? We had such a bright future ahead of us, too...I'm terrified that I'll never be able to go back. So don't go laughing around like its a joke. I was happy, and I can't bear the thought of loosing all that."
He sighs. "Prove to me that you're from the future."
"How so?"
He lies down on his back. "Dunno. Figure it out."
"Fine. I'll tell you things. The current Hokage is Kakashi Hatake. By then, you've become his highest advisor, though you didn't want it. When it was offered, the only reason you took the job was for Naruto Uzumaki, your friend. You said that you wanted to support him for whenever he fulfilled his dream of becoming Hokage. Also, he's married to Hinata Hyuga."
"Hinata, huh? Well, her not-so-secret crush becomes her husband. Not bad."
"Hinata is amazing. he sweetest girl I've ever met.It's honestly because of her I adjusted to living here so easily."
"Are you not from this village?"
You shake your head. "I'm from the Cloud Village. Actually, my uncle is the Raikage. I only moved here after getting married." You sit beside him. "It was super hectic, but these past six months, I've been super happy"
"Six months? That's how long you been married?"
"Yeah. We met during the Fourth Great Shinobi War"
"There's another war?" He seems a bit more alert.
"Yeah. I won't tell you any more about that, though. I don't know how till affect the future."
"Fair enough. What happened after? Between us, I mean."
"Well, you asked me out. Said that you wanted to go get food together before I went home. I agreed because... well, it was love at first sight for me, in all honesty. So, we went out, and kept in touch afterwards. After dating for two years, you finally manned-up and proposed. It wasn't anything dramatic, but 'm happy with it."
"Sounds decent."
"Shikamaru, I know that it's hard to believe, but 'm really from the future. And I really wanna go home. Is Lady Tsunade here? I should go see her."
"C'mon. I'll take you to her."
He stands up, and you do as well. At the Hokage's building, you see her in her office, a bit confused at you.
"Who's this?" she asks.
Y/n," he says. "She claims she's from the future, and there's been no evidence suggesting otherwise."
"Hi," you say, a bit embarrassed. "It was a jutsu that an enemy used, I think."
"Future? That sounds absurd."
"I know," you get a bit more serious. "But I am. I asked Shikamaru to take me here, because I thought that you should know. Also, I was hoping that you might be able to help me get back home."
"Alright, if you're from the future, how far have you traveled back in time?"
"Six years, Ma'am. There's only a year left until the war."
"Six years? Well, that's not too bad."
"It's not. But I need to get back as soon as possible."
"Right. You don't look like you're from the Leaf, though."
"I'm originally from the Cloud, though in six years, I live in the Leaf. I'm married to a Leaf ninja, so moved here."
"Which ninja?"
Awkwardly, you point to Shikamaru. "Mr. Pineapple Head?"
She bursts into laughter. "Wow! Look at you Shikamaru! And I thought you'd die alone with that unlikeable personality!!"
"Haha, very funny."
Well' you say. "While he's pretty irritating and a bum, I straighten him out." You crack your knuckles with a closed-eye smile. "Besides, he's not that bad."
"If I'm not all that great, why'd you marry me?" He rolls his eyes.
"Dunno. Stockholm syndrome?"
"Nice try."
"Yeah, it was a bit far-fetched. Anyway, Ma'am, please help me. I don't want to stay here too long, as it could cause problems and whatnot."
"Right. I'll start looking into it. In the meantime, stay with Shikamaru and his family, since you're already acquainted and familiar. Don't tell anyone but his family what's going on, though."
"Yes, Ma'am." You bow. "Thank you for the help. I didn't live here while you were Hokage, but from what I can tell, you led this village very well."
"No need for flattery. Now get outta here."
You leave with Shikamaru, already feeling tired. "Shika", you say. "Me staying with you guys won't be too much trouble, will it?"
"It's fine. I'll apparently end up living with you in the future, anyway."
"You will" you get a smile on your face. "It's honestly a great life. I wouldn't do anything different."
"Glad to hear."
"You're not mad, right?" Even if it's the him before you two met, you still care about what he thinks of you. It's absurd, but matters.
"No. Just a lot on my mind."
"You know, everyone joked you and called you a pedafile when we started dating."
"I was fifteen, going on sixteen, while you were seventeen. Of course, I was more mature for my age. But it was funny. Lord Kakashi would jokingly threat to lock you in prison" You grin a bit. "And then Naruto would act stupid and actually believe it, then start vouching for you."
"Yeah, that sounds like Naruto." He gets a little smile on his face. "An idiot through-and-through."
"Choji supported us a lot. Actually, he and I get along super well. And you won't believe how pretty his wife is. She's absolutely gorgeous and they make such a pretty couple."
"That's good. Choji deserves the best."
You smack his arm. "You're supposed to say I'm the best, dummy. I'm your wife, not her."
"That's the future, this is the present."
You smack his head. "Yeah, well in the future you're easily exposed. I could kill you in your sleep."
"Typical woman... so temperamental."
"Don't be sexist. I'll beat you."
"Okay, okay. Calm down. Just like my mom."
"That's right!!I get to see your mom!!"
"Don't tell me you actually like that woman."
"She's the best. I love her."
"She's nice to me:
You kick him this time. "I'LL KILL YOU IF YOU KEEP IT UP!!"
It's been three weeks, and you still haven't gone home. You're anxious and terrified. On top of all that, you do nothing but butt heads with Shikamaru. Overall, you've been miserable.
Currently, you're on your little bed, fidgeting with your hands. The door opens, and there's Shikamaru, looking a bit concerned.
"You okay?"
You shake your head. "It'll be figured out soon. I promise."
"I'm scared"
"You know, but well get you back home."
"Y/N!!" Shikamu bursts into the room. "Lady Tsunade thinks that she's figured it out."
Immediately, you and Shikamaru take off, running towards her office. You two burst in, panting heavily. She nods at you, holding a book in her hands.
"I found the jutsu to send you home", she says.
"But it comes at a price."
"What's the price?
"Your memories. All of them will be erased. You won't remember a thing. Not even your own name."
Both you and Shikamaru stare, completely dumbfounded.
"I won't... remember anything?"
"No. I'm sorry, but it's either that or stay here."
"I'll go."
"What?!" exclaims Shikamaru. "You'll forget all about me! What then?!"
You snap back, "He and I will be able to figure it out! I have to get back. He's probably worried sick. It's not fair to anyone."
"It won't be fair to him when you have amnesia!"
"Yeah, well neither is staying here! lt's not my time-frame!"
"Lady Tsunade, you gotta talk her outta this."
"It's her choice, and she'll be the one to live with the consequences, not us."
"I will! I'm her husband-"
"Not yet. In this time period, you two are strangers. Its not your business. Y/n, shall we?"
"Wait," he says again. "Can I- can I have a few minutes of privacy with her? To say 'goodbye?"
"If she's up to it."
He looks at you.
"Okay" you reply. In return, Tsunade walks out. The moment that she's gone, he's embracing you tightly. "Shika."
"What if you never remember me?"
"Even if I don't, I'll meet you again, and we'll fall in love again."
"How are you so sure?"
"Because I know myself. In every situation, in every reality, in every timeline, I love you."
He stares into your eyes a few moments, then leans down to place a tender kiss on your lips. You gladly accept it, needing this before facing the future ahead of you. After a few moments, you pull back.
"I've gotta do this."
"Alright...come on in, M'lady!"
She walks in, then tells him to leave. He won't want to see it, anyway. Then, she casts the jutsu, and you black out.
Head in a bubble, you sit up and look around. Where are you? Now that you think about it, who are you? It seems that you're in some type of bedroom that seems to be in a more traditional style. Nice, really. And the bed is soft and comfortable.
Confused, you hold your head as it aches, trying to remember something. But you just can't. There's nothing. Everything is blank. Any time you try to see something, you just can't.
Suddenly, the door opens, and in comes an average-height man with black hair tied into a spiky ponytail. He's pale with dark brown eyes. Attractive, really. But, what's more is that he seems. familiar. As if you should know him.
"Y/n!" He rushes to your side and encases you in a tight hug.
"What's going on?" you ask. "Where am I? And who are you?"
"What do you mean?" He pulls away from you, eyes seeming a bit red now up-close, and face contorted in worry and confusion. "You're home. And it's me. Shikamaru. Your husband."
Shaking your head, you stare at the blankets. I don't remember a thing. I don't even remember my own name.
"Shikamaru", you said? "The name is familiar, but I couldn't place it."
"Well," he touches your cheek. "We've been married six months. You were just on a two-day mission, but we're gone three weeks. Nobody knows what happened. You just showed up back here unconscious in the Hokage's building, and have been out for a whole week."
The Hokage. Leader of the Hidden Leaf Village. But you couldn't say who they were. "Who's the current Hokage?"
"Kakashi Hatake."
You think for a few minutes, trying to process and analyze. You were missing for three weeks, then turned back up unconscious for a week. Now that you're awake, you have amnesia. It's a lot to take in. And, on top of it all, your "husband" is right here, though for all you know, he could he some sort of stalker that erased your memory with some type of jutsu. And you wouldn't even know.
"Are you okay?" He pushes some hair from your face.
"Obviously not. I have amnesia, my head is pounding, and now there's a random man in the room who's saying he's my husband and for all I know you could be some creep who kidnapped me and used some type of jutsu to erase my memories."
You hold your head in your hands. "And I don't mean to be suspicious but- I'm scared."
"I'm not happy that you're scared", He begins to try and pry your hands from your face. "But it's understandable. I will tell you, though, I've been nothing but honest. It's up to you whether or not to believe me, though."
"Thank you. For understanding, that is."
"Of course. Anything for you. However, we should go speak to the Hokage so he can also look into.
The both of you go to see him, and at first, he gives you what you think is a smile, though you can't really tell with his mask. He's probably happy to see you awake.
"Y/n, I see that you've woken up."
"With amnesia," finishes Shikamaru.
"What? Amnesia?"
"She doesn't remember a thing. Couldn't report what happened on the mission even if she wanted to."
"I see. Is she at least doing okay?"
"Says she's got a headache, but nothing else seems to be wrong."
You pipe in, "I'm hungry."
"Well," says Kakashi. "Why don't we all talk about this over some food?"
"I like the idea," you say, then look at Shikamaru with puppy eyes, getting a strange feeling that it'll work. "Pwease?"
"You sure you've got amnesia?" he asks. "Doesn't seem like anything's changed."
Shrugging, you reply, "Going off of a gut feeling"
He rolls his eyes. "What a drag...whatever. We'll talk over some lunch."
The conversation ends with the Hokage promising to look more into it and telling Shikamaru to take some time off of work to take care of you and do some researching, too. So, you and him go back home, though you're quiet the whole time, still confused, worried, and afraid.
Once back, he starts to pull out extra bedding and puts it on the couch.
"Before you ask, he says. "I'm sleeping here. I don't wanna make you uncomfortable."
"I could also sleep-"
"No. I'm not doing that. Sheesh. You may not remember anything, but you're no different."
"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?!"
"You're still a bit idiot."
You puff your cheeks and purse your lips, thinking that it looks scary. But the result isnt what you wanted. He just laughs at you.
"That doesn't work on me. You're not scary, babe."
"I am, too!"
"Where? What'll you do? Stomp your foot and pout?"
He just shakes his head, a smile playing on his lips. "I'm happy, you know. I was almost worried you wouldn't be yourself."
"Whatever. It doesn't matter. I doubt I'll ever remember."
"Don't be so pessimistic. Have faith in me and Kakashi."
"I'll try"
The man you were sent after is in prison, and there's been high suspicion that he's behind your disappearance and amnesia. Today, Shikamaru says he'll go speak with the man to get information. Before leaving, he cups your cheek and kisses the top of your head.
He's been kind, for the most part. He's teasing, and sometimes gets on your nerves, but he's been taking such good care of you. You've actually grown rather fond of him. So much so that you'll lean into his palm, blush whenever he plants a kiss on your head or cheek, and enjoy the time you spend with him. It's been happy, overall.
The thing is, you're scared of getting your memories back. What if it turns out they've been lying to you? That nothing you thought is the same? That everything is a lie? What then?
After a few hours, he comes home, seeming a bit shaken. Confused, you tilt your head.
"What's wrong?" you ask.
"Well, a lot more happened to you beside amnesia." He takes a seat on the couch, where he also sleeps.
"You got sent back in time sixe years, which is a whole year before we met. Apparently, the juts u that brought you back home has a side-effect of wiping your memory."
"I went back in time?"
"Yeah, but through a couple hours of torture, we got him to tell us how to get your memories back. Kakashi is currently working on it."
"Yeah, I know. It's a real drag." He sighs. "But it's fine. I can hold on a little longer."
You can tell that he's impatient for him to remember. After all, if what he's been telling you is true, it must be hard for him. His own wife not even knowing him can't be easy. He must be miserable, though has been holding on. You feel awful.
"I'm sorry"
"Don't be. From his memories, we could see that you fought well. None of this is your fault. Don't feel bad."
"This has been a lot on you, too. I know its not easy for you. I'm sorry. I've been so problematic. If I could've just-"
"Hey, hey. Don't blame yourself. It's not your fault. And that jutsu was unavoidable. We're just lucky you came back. More than likely, you had to make a decision between staying in that timeline or forgetting everything. Fact is, you probably thought younger me was a drag and wanted to escape."
"Maybe. Can't really say for sure. Don't remember."
"Ugh. What a drag."
"Or so you say about everything."
"No. Some things aren't a drag."
"Naps. Cloud-watching. Getting BBQ with Choji--that is, if I'm not paying. You."
You blush a bit. "Fine. Most things are a drag to you."
"That, I can't deny."
You sit down beside him. "I'm almost scared to remember."
"Because, in the small chance that everyones been lying to me, I'll have to face it all."
"Nobody is lying. As far as I know, we were happy together."
"I can't help but be afraid."
"I know, but the only thing I can do is reassure you."
"I'm aware." You lean on him, resting your head on his shoulder.
Snaking his arm around your waist, he pulls you close, resting his own head on yours. "Let's stay like this for awhile"
"Alright," says Kakashi Hatake. "I've got this jutsu down and restore your lost memories."
"No side-effects?" you ask, a bit wary.
He shakes his head. "No. Everything will be fine. Well, except for the fact that you'll likely black-out."
"I feel like that's happened a lot lately"
He laughs a bit. "You up for one more time?"
"Sure. Don't think I have much choice."
"Alright. Shikamaru, do you wanna stay or leave for this?"
"I'll stay"
He preforms the jutsu, and, once again, you pass out, though you remember Shikamaru catching you.
Slowly, your eyes flutter open, and the light of the room your in gives you a splitting headache. Sitting up, you cradle your head, then notice where you are. It's your bedroom. For a few minutes, you think, and that's when everything comes rushing back to you. Getting sent back in time. The amnesia Shikamaru!!
You jump out of bed and then rush downstairs, where you see your husband asleep. You practically jump on top of him and hug onto him, bombarding his face in kisses. You missed him so much. It feels like you haven't seen him in so long.
"I missed you! I'm finally home." Holding onto him, you nestle your face into his neck. "It's been a rough couple months."
"You think?" He wraps his arms around you, stroking your back gently. "Tell me, how bad was I when you traveled back?"
"Horrible. A big meanie-head." Remembering the kiss, you blush a bit. Maybe you should omit that part.
"I'm sorry. Try to forget it."
"You were such a sexist jerk. You owe me."
"Oh? And what do I owe you?"
"A day of cuddles, head scratchies, and food."
"Ah, okay. I guess I have no choice."
"You don't."
"Do you wanna stay on the couch, or go to the room?"
"Stay. Don't wanna move."
"Whatever you want, babe." He kisses the top of your head. "I'm going back to sleep."
"I'm down."

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