Wilted Rose (Maddie)

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"Fuyumi." he mutters as he stares at his toe. It hurts for no reason. "I feel like I stubbed my toe." "Well, did you?"
"Huh. That's weird .. Oh! Maybe it's your soulmate!!"
"My what?"
 "Your soulmate! You guys share each other's pain!"
"But I don't want a soulmate! I wanna become the number one hero!"
"You can be both! She can support you!"
"Support me..? I guess I'll allow it."
That was the day he first found out he had a soulmate. Fourteen years ago, back when he was just a ten year old child. He holds his stomach as he lies on the couch, feeling such a sharp pain its unbearable.
"I think I'm sick."
"I think you're soulmate just got her period," Fuyumi tells him. "You poor soul once a month, you'll get to feel her cramps."
"I don't wanna."
It was those little moments that had him thinking about his soulmate. She's clumsy, that much he knows. You're constantly hurting yourself somehow. Though he can't say much. He is the one who set himself on fire when he was only thirteen. And he constantly burns himself with his quirk. He supposes it's fair.
Yawning, he walks down through a darker alleyway. He always enjoys the creepy, run-down areas. They're nice. His cheek stings suddenly. Is this girl getting slapped? What'd she do? A writhing pain hits his shoulder, and he realizes something--you're being beat. Abused, maybe? By who? A couple flames spark from his hand, though he doesn't know it until things are on fire. A faint scream echoes not too far from here. Alarmed, he snaps his head up, listening in. It's feminine. He starts running toward the sound, hearing a masculine voice shout aggressively. As he runs, he feels pains all over his body. Two women being abused at once? And him aware of both? This is crazy. Finally, he stumbles upon a disgusting scene. A man and a woman. You're pinned against a wall in tears, and the man is hitting you. What's strange, however, is that Dabi feels the impact of each hit. You're his soulmate.
You begin to plead, "Please, stop... have a soulmate, see...and- and he feels all my pain and it's not fair to him-"
"A soulmate? You know, only 30% of the population have soulmates. What makes you think I'd believe you're one of them?"
"I promise you, I'm not lying- "
"Knock it off," Dabi steps out, glaring.
"She told you to stop, so stop."
"And who the heck are you?"
"Is it your business? No? Then don't ask. Now scram."
"I'm Dabi, of the League of Villains." He holds up his hand, a flame birthing in it. "And I'll burn you alive if you don't scram."
Fear in his eyes, the man runs, putting a smile on Dabi's face. He turns to look at you, studying everything. Some of your clothes are a bit ripped, though not enough for him to see anything he shouldn't. There's a bit of blood on your neck, seeming to have been cut. Your hair is frizzy and sticks to your wet face from the tears. Your eyes are wide, though pupils small. A look of pure terror is written on your face, and you hold onto the wall, still facing him.
"I-" you try to say, voice dry. "I- I don't have any money. Please- I- leave me alone-"
"I'm not gonna hurt you," he walks closer to you, wiping the blood off your neck and earning a shudder. Your body is freezing.
"I'm just gonna take you home to make sure you get back safely."
"But- but- why?"
"Because I can. Now come on, little girl." He grabs your arm gently, and starts leading you.
This is my soulmate. And she's beautiful, too. I can hardly believe this... do I even deserve her? "So, what's your name?" he asks you, turning a corner.
"Uh- Y/n L /n."
"That's a pretty name. I'm sure you already know who I am, but the name's Dabi. From the League of Villains." 
"You live around here?"
"It's a shady area. Not safe for young girls like yourself."
You mutter, "It was in my price range. Not too far from where I work, either. Turn right."
He turns. "Where do you work?"
"A local café."
"How old are you?"
"I see. How'd that creep find y u?"
"He was in the café near closing. I didn't think much of it. He was just a customer. Normal. But then... asked him to leave for closing. I thought he did. I watched as he walked out the door. But, while I was on my way home, I felt like I was being followed. Then he grabbed me and led me down there, saying he wanted to take me to his apartment. I said that I didn't want to. See, I have a soulmate, and wanna meet him before I try dating anyone. I mean, he's supposedly perfect for me... made with me in mind. He should have a chance first, right? That's what I told the guy. But he didn't listen. Called me a liar and started beating me. I feel bad because my soulmate had to feel it, too."
You were waiting for him? Nobody has ever done that before. Somehow, he feels so special. Choosing him before any other guy, even if you liked someone else. That's true commitment. Especially since you never met before.
"Soulmates are complicated. I feel bad for mine."
"Hm? Why?"
"You see these scars? I got them through a lot of pain. Something no girl needs to experience." "Have you met her?"
"Let's.. let's talk about yours."
"Well... he's always hurting himself. Constantly feels like he's on fire or something. I swear... I'm pretty sure he's a or masochist."
He laughs a bit. "And you still care about him?"
"Of course. I can't judge someone I don't know." 
"I'm sure he appreciates it."
"This is it," You start going up the steps, and when you're by the door, you say, "Thank you. For saving me, that is. And walking me home. For a villain... that was very kind of you."
"Lemme spend the night here, then. If you don't feel comfortable with me in your room, I can pass out on the couch."
"Uh.... I cant- I can't just house a villain, mean, I'm very grateful, but-"
"Not even if the villain is your soulmate?"
"Let's talk inside."
"F- fine."
He walks through the door, then leaves against the wall, arms folded over his chest and head back with eyes closed "I'm your soulmate. It sounds crazy, but it's true. I felt every hit you took from the scum."
"B- but I can't-I can't have a villain for a soulmate!"
"I know this is crazy, but you need to believe me. And-"
"You don't understand! You're used to being a wanted criminal! Your life was wrecked after your first murder! But me?! I have a great record! I didn't even get in trouble at school! And what if they try to use me as leverage against you? They take me away? Oh, my gosh! What if lose my job?! My apartment! My family could disown me and friends ditch me-"
"That won't happen. Just don't tell anyone-"
"Don't tell anyone? Seriously? Do you know how suspicious I'd be? Having a soulmate and never meeting him? Me feeling all those whack injuries you get? The villain Dabi just got shot in the side- oh, look! Ms. L/n is on the ground holding her identical side in pain! What a strange coincidence!"
"Is that what you think will happen?"
"Well, what do you want me to do? I didn't ask for this! I didn't want a soulmate! And to think, I was almost happy when I figured it out-"
"Happy? Why would you be happy? I- I mean-I can't. I can't do this." You sit on the couch. holding your head in your hands. "My life is ruined.. hardly any of us have soulmates, and it's considered a blessing. I don't even know how it'd work. Housing a villain would get me arrested, or just spending time willing with one. But, I can't just throw you out. You saved me, helped me get home safely, and you're made for me."
"You're actually considering this?" He's surprised. He honestly thought you'd just throw him out. "Of course, I am. I'm not cruel. Besides, I turned down a whole bunch of guys I was interested in because of you. I'm not wasting that effort."
"How could you wait for someone when you weren't even sure you'd meet them?"
 "How? Simple. I just told myself that they could never make me as happy as you. I mean, your whole personality is meant to be a perfect fit for me. Not theirs. I didn't wanna end up letting them down later if I found myself to fancy you, or have to say, 'Hey! I met my soulmate! We're kinda up in the air right now. Sorry.' That'd just be crappy."
"You've got too good a heart."
"What about you? Have you been in any-"
"None. Had nothing to do with you, though. Never had the time or care."
"Do you even wanna give this soulmate crap a chance?"
"Well, you're not bad-looking. You're sweet. Sensible. Can't imagine giving that up."
"You- you're not gonna...y'know... threaten-"
"No. I won't. You're safe with me."
You sigh. "Okay. I'II give you a shot, but only because you're my soulmate. But if everything goes up in flames, I'm holding you responsible."
"I'll just lock you away where nobody can find you." He gives you a smirk.
"Oh, yeah. I'd appreciated that so much."
"I know. Gotta take care of you." He checks his phone and frowns. "I"I have to cut this short. There's something I gotta go do."
"Of course. That's my job." He walks out the door, thinking about you. You're genuinely beautiful. How did he end up with a soulmate like you? You're even choosing to give him a chance. You seem to be some sort of angel to him.
Dabi is at your apartment, though you haven't got off work yet. He just picks the lock and sits on your couch, scrolling on his phone while he waits. Eventually, the door opens and shuts gently. He hears you hum a bit. You walk into the living room, not even noticing him.
"I should get changed before making dinner." You mutter to yourself. "Probably just put on a big hoodie. Should I wear shorts? Nobody else is here...but, then again, if someone knocks on the door, I should have some on. Especially because I don't know what the heck Dabi is doing."
You walk right past him to your room, and he almost laughs. How could you not notice him? When you come out of your room, you go straight into the kitchen, probably planning to make dinner. A couple minutes later, he creeps inside, and finds you cooking on the stove. Quietly, he sneaks up behind you, and wraps his arms around your waist. You jump, a little yelp escaping you. He begins peppering your neck and side of your face with gentle kisses.
"I wouldn't have minded if you chose not to wear pants", he says against your neck. "I waited an hour for you to get back."
"Th- that long? How- how did you even get in-"
"Just picked the lock. Wasn't that hard"
" You- I- what brings you here-" 
"Just wanted to see my beautiful soulmate. Whacha making?"
"J- just alfredo... even got shrimp for it-"
"Can I join you?"
"Sure. There'll be extra, anyway."
"Do you have any chicken in the apartment? I can grill it myself. I just don't like seafood."
"I- I already had some defrosting "
"Aw, it's like you knew." He plants a couple more kisses on your cheek. "Haven't had a home-cooked meal in ages."
"I- it's not much... this is easy-"
"Doesn't matter. It looks heavenly."
Hesitantly, you put your hands over his which are holding the squishy part of your stomach. "Y- you can feel free to join me for dinner whenever you like. I don't mind cooking for you-" 
"Aren't you an angel? No wonder you're my soulmate." He rests his head on your shoulder, looking at the pot holding the cheesy sauce." You really know how to charm a guy, huh?"
"I'm not really trying."
"Cute," With one last peck on your cheek, he goes to the table, wanting to stay out of your way. "I'll stay over here to stay outta your hair."
"O- okay" After a while, you're placing his bowl on the table, then sitting in your own seat. "Please enjoy."
"I will. Thank you, Chef Y/n."
He starts eating, and finds it to be good. He's already made up his mind. He wants you. He wants you and he'll have you. It doesn't matter who he has to kill or force to suffer. You'll be his
 whether you like it or not. After all, you are his soulmate. It's only right for him to have you. "How is it?" you ask.
"It's great. If I'm constantly here, it's because I'm begging for food."
You giggle into your palm a bit. "Alright, I'll be sure to feed the stray kitten."
"Thanks, babe."
"S- so... just out of curiosity... what- what do you think of me?"
"What do I think of you? You're one heck of a cook. You're not judgmental. You've got a great body with a pretty face. You're pretty nice from what I can tell." He leans his head back. "I'm pretty fond of you, already."
"Thank you."
"What about you? Thoughts on your dashing soulmate?"
You brush a bit. "You're...I don't know what to say." You scratch your neck a bit. "I don't dislike you..but I'm not sure if I really feel that way... but I don't really know you, either... I can't form much of an opinion."
He shrugs. "Makes sense. I'll stop by as often as I can."
"Okay...I, uh, I have a question for you."
"And I might just have an answer. What's up?"
"About..I dunno... eleven years ago.. there was this awful and unbearable pain...it felt like my entire body was on fire... what- what happened?"
He frowns a bit. "I set myself on fire. Accidentally, that is."
"W- what? How?"
"You've seen my quirk." He shrugs. "Wasn't prepared, I guess."
"How did you survive?"
" Don't worry about it."
"That's crazy, Dabi... is that how you got those scars?"
He shrugs again. "More or less. Why? Do they bother you?"
"N- no, not really. I'm just...y'know...concerned... do they hurt?"
"I'm pretty sure you already know the answer to that."
"They burn, Dabi. How can you live like that?"
"Get used to it after awhile, I guess. They're not that bad."
"How can you say that? You're in constant pain every day. That's not okay-"
"Sure, it is. You're always stubbing your toe, cutting yourself, and other stupid stuff."
"That's different. Your condition is serious, not mine."
"Just drop it."
Dabi can feel himself falling for you. Despite your distress in the beginning, you take care of him so closely and delicately, as if he were a fragile being. You've begun to accept his affections and will often return him, sometimes leaving gentle kisses on his scars, or greeting him with a gentle hug. He's made it a habit to be at your apartment as often as possible, occasionally spending the night. When he does, he'll curl up in your bed, holding you close to him, your back pressed up against his chest. He'll fasten his arms around you tightly, entangling his legs with yours. There's always a fear burning in the back of his mind; one telling him you might not be there in the morning. It leads him to think you'll decide to just drop him one day. But you're always there when he wakes up.
It's a bit later in the afternoon, and he's on his way to your little apartment that he wishes he could fully share with you. Delicately, he holds a little red rose, having got it as a gift for you. It's beautiful, though not as beautiful as you. The thorn jabs his finger, so he changes position, as to not hurt you. While walking, he feels bits of pain, though nothing severe. He just assumes that you're being clumsy again. But he hears shouting when he's close to your home. It's your voice, filled with pain and fear.
"He's my soulmate!" you scream at the top of your lungs.
Dabi begins to run in the direction of your voice, still hearing you.
"You can't hurt him! Take me if you have to!! But leave him be!!"
His stomach drops as he gets an idea as to what's happening, though he prays that he's wrong. "I don't care if he's a murderer! He's the kindest man I've met!"
Dabi stumbles as he sees you. You're in tears, being restrained by a hero. Police and heroes are everywhere, trying to assess the situation.
"Please," a hero says to you. "This is a delicate situation. You can't-"
Dabi rushes in, quirk ready. He won't let them take you. They can't have you or hurt you. Not after everything. Not after he's in love with you. Not when he still has to tell you how much he loves you. Careful not to hurt you, he gets into a fight with all the heroes there and the police. He yells at you to run, and you do just that.
Tired and bleeding, Dabi looks at all the fallen bodies around him, and then in the midst, the rose he wanted to give you. Its burning and wilted, dead and no longer beautiful. With a heavy sigh, he pulls out his phone to call you.
The moment you answer he asks, "Where are you?"
"I-I'm at that lake not too far from my apartment."
"Okay, wait right there."
He hangs up and starts running in your direction. It's not too far, so he gets there quickly. When he sees you, you're crying with your back against a tree. Instinctively, he dashes to you, kneels down, and pulls you into a tight embrace.
"I was so worried," he mutters against your hair. "I thought I was gonna loose you."
"Y- you're hurt-"
"Forget that. What about you? Did they hurt you?"
"N- no."
"Good. We're leaving."
"To where?"
"Let's just go."
He stands up then throws you over his shoulder. Despite your questions, he remains silent. There's an abandoned building he found awhile back. He's been cleaning it up, hoping to make it a home for you. He's always considered the danger you've been in because of him. But he never thought it'd all happen so fast. It isn't entirely finished, but a good place to keep you. After all this, you won't ever be leaving it. Nobody will ever see you again. He'll keep you where you'll never be found. He opens the door then locks it behind him. He had all the locks changed so that they can only be opened with a key on both sides. He takes you to the little bedroom and sets you down on the bed gently.
"W- what is this place?" you ask.
"A new home for you. It's been getting it ready for awhile now, and it's not completely done. But that's fine. After what happened today, you're never going outside again. Not where they can find you."
"B- but-"
"Don't argue with me, mouse."
"Dabi, I'm okay, see? It doesn't need to get that serious-"
He grabs your face. "It is that serious. They'll look for you, and I have to make sure they'll never find you. I'm never letting anyone else put their filthy hands on you again. I don't care if you don't want this, because it's not up to you. You'll adjust, anyway. Just trust me."
"Y- you sound crazy, Dabi."
"That's not what's important right now. All that matters is that you're safe. And, like I said, you'll adjust."
He leans up places a kiss on your lips, already knowing what he has to do now. You may not be happy for awhile, but he'd rather you be safe. He's the only one that can have you and keep you safe. He's your soulmate, after all. Who else could? No. It has to be him. It just has to be.

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