Lose (Maddie)

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Iwaizumi stands at the top of a staircase, talking to Oikawa. The brunette is rather obnoxious, though he chooses to ignore that. It's a somewhat-important conversation, about an upcoming tournament. All of a sudden, the girl of his dreams walks up the stairs, looking as beautiful as ever. Eyes glued to you, he watches as you make your way to the top, giving Oikawa a glare. Then, suddenly, the push him down the stairs, turning to lwaizumi with a smile. He, on the other hand, looks down, watching as Oikawa tumbles to the bottom.
"Are you-"
"Hey, Iwaizumi Senpai," you say, stepping in front of him so he can't he Oikawa. "How are you?" "I'm fine, but I need to check on Crappykawa-"
"He's fine. I'm sure. How have classes been?"
"Uhh... they've been alright."
"Have they? I've had a lot of tests today."
He sucks on his teeth. "Ouch. How do you do it, oh great L/n-Chan?"
"Dying on the inside."
He laughs a little. "I think every high schooler has, a little."
"It's so true-"
"IWA-CHAN!" Oikawa stomps back up the stairs. "YOU WERENT GONNA HELP ME?!?!?! OR CHECK ON ME-"
You shove him back down, "OH, GET LOST!!" Your voice is booming, but then you turn to lwaizumi, voice back to being cheery and cute. "You're graduating soon, so I guess you'll be free."
"Yeah, I guess so." He leans on the wall. "You're a second-year, right?"
"Yeah. I have to wait a little longer."
"Enjoy it while it lasts. Its rough after you graduate."
You shrug. "I look forward to it, though."
"I have mixed feelings. There'll be some things I miss."
"Some of the people."
"Keep in contact."
He smiles. "Of course. I guess it's that easy, isn't it?"
"Yeah, it is."
Outside, Oikawa and Iwaizumi walk towards the bus stop together, and then lwaizumi sees you, walking towards them while waving. When you finally stand in front of them, you shove Oikawa into the street, still smiling at lwaizumi.
"How goes it, Senpai?"
"Fine. I need to help Trashykawa-"
"Oh, forget him. If he dies, he dies. He doesn't matter." You wear a goofy smile as you look at him.
"Uh.... do you have something against him?"
"No, not at all."
"Anyway.." He goes to run to Oikawa, but stops when his collar is grabbed
"Don't ignore me, Senpai." you say to him. "If he's a real man, he can save himself."
"He got pushed into traffic-"
"This isn't about him."
Whenever he sees you while he's with Oikawa, Iwaizumi witnesses what's like an attempt at murder. You'll just watch as Oikawa's life hangs on the line, but then will talk to lwaizumi as if nothing is wrong.
"Oi, Crappykawa", lwaizumi says during practice.
"Yes, lwa-Chan?"
"Do you think maybe L/n-Chan likes me?"
"lwa-Chan, she literally threatened me. "She said, 'If you dare try and steal my Iwa Senpai, I'll dissemble your body limb from limb, starting with your toes. I'll record the sounds of your screams so that when I struggle to sleep at night, I'll have something soothing to listen to. Slowly, you'll loose too much blood and die little by little. But I'I only take a limb a day. Your death will be so slow and painful. I'll watch as you squirm and struggle and suffer. I'll sell your body part on the black market and make a profit, though keep your hideous head. I'll mount it on a wall as a trophy, no, as proof of my love and dedication for lwa Senpai.' WHAT THE HECK DO YOU THINK?!?!?!"
"I didn't know she said that..." He shrinks back a bit.
"Well, if she killed you, I'd help."
He shrugs. "What do you think I should do?"
"Tell her that I'm your friend and not to kill me."
"I meant about her liking me."
"Do you like her?"
"Then go ask her out."
"I don't really know how."
"Easy! Just ask her if she wants to hang out. Flirt with her!"
"Would you...like to go out?" lwaizumi asks you.
You tilt your head to the side. "Aren't we hanging out now?" 

"Yes, but I mean, like, go out."
"Go out where?"
"I don't know-"
"You're not making any sense, Senpai."
"I mean, I wanna go on a date with you-"
You jump back a bit. "Woah.. uh....I'm not really sure-"
"I- I thought you liked me. Crappykawa said-"
"Yes, but, like, going out with you? You're too good for me! The only person I refuse to lose to is Trashykawa, but that's only because he's trashy!!"
"Ew, I would never want him."
"Of course, not. He's trashy. But that's beside the point. I don't deserve you-"
"But I really, really like you."
"Don't you see yourself? You're stunning, you're funny, you're smart, and you're just really fun to be around."
"But...I'm not any of those things-"
"That's not true at all."
"Ahh...Fine. I couldn't possibly reject you, Iwa Senpai. We'll go out."
He smiles. "Great. Saturday at 1. I'll pick you up at your place."
"Sounds good,"

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