Wish (Maddie)

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Tired, you curl up into bed, yawning a but. To decompress, you open up your phone, planning to read a few fanfictions before bed. After two, you start dozing off, but read one more, which is for Itachi Uchiha, from Naruto. He's an amazing character. So well written and so much depth. You love him.
While putting up your phone, you mumble a bit, "Wish you were real, Tachi... and you would love me, too..." Eyes sliding shut, you loose consciousness all together, holding an Itachi plush close to you.
Waking up, you groggily pull yourself out of bed, then start on your way downstairs to make a quick breakfast. You walk past the couch and start to go into the living room, but stop when a familiar voice says, "Good morning."
Screaming, you turn around, grabbing a vase off of an end table. However, you slowly lower your arms upon seeing the person. It's...Itachi Uchiha. But how? He's not real! And he's supposed to be dead! What the heck?!?!
Sitting up, he shrugs. "Well, I thought I died, but then somehow appeared in your bed last night. Of course, seeing a strange girl asleep, I left the room. In my pocket was a strange note that said this was my new life. I'd somehow been transferred from my world to here. I'm not quite sure where the note came from, either."
"B-b-b- but you're supposed to be dead! I watched the scene! You- blood! You slammed your head against the wall! And you're from an anime!!"
"Anime? What's that?"
"A Japanese cartoon."
"And what's a Japanese?"
"An adjective form for Japan. And before you ask, that's a country. Anime is like...manga. But the pictures move and sounds come from them."
"Huh. Interesting."
"In all actuality, you're originally in a manga, but that manga was made into an anime."
"I see. This situation is rather odd, don't you think?"
"Odd?!?!?! And did you say earlier that you were in my BED?!?!?!"
"Yes. It was rather strange. Especially when I found a stuffed toy that looked like me. And when you latched onto me with a terrifying iron grip. I barely got free."
"Heh... this is awkward... so it seems you remember everything from your life before now?"
"Yes. I remember it all. I wonder if I'm still dead."
You shrug. "Probably. It'd ruin the whole flow of the show. I mean, if you somehow survived, you'd have likely countered the lies of Obito..." you start muttering to yourself. "Which means Sasuke would've never turned on the Leaf, so he'd have come back, which means the Akatsuki may not have successfully gotten all the of the tailed beasts, but the former Hokage wouldn't have joined the fight, either. Of course, you alive and at full-power would've changed things so much more. As a matter of fact, while you'd been there for a limited time as are animation, you defeated Kabuto and left, but if you lived, you'd have stayed. You likely would've helped with the fight against Madara... genjutsu would 've been ideal before Kaguya could come back... but also Hashirama held Madara down for awhile-"
"I get it. The series would've been different."
"Sorry! I'm getting a bit worked up. Its not every day you meet your favorite anime character."
"I'm your favorite?"
Blushing a bit, you fidget with your fingers. "I mean...yeah. You were so skillfully written. You were selfless, kind, brave strong in all the right ways, and just so talented. But you never got arrogant. You were merely confident. I couldn't help really like your character... you were cool."
"That's flattering. Truly."
"Honestly, you had lots of fans. I don't think anyone disliked you... though I hated Sasuke! No offense, I mean, I know he's precious to you, but he kinda sucked as a character and a person. He was too impulsive and was downright rude and disrespectful. He also lacked development until the final season of the series. Actually, he decayed instead of growing. He just kept getting worse and worse."
"I see," he seems a bit sad, filling you with guilt.
"He's not the worse character! Sakura was much worse! She was whiny and annoying! Or Orochimaru! He was a creep! Sasuke wasn't the worse character, just definitely not a good one, is all. Heh."
"Don't feel bad. No opinion is correct, right? Its about your personal feelings."
"Right," you smile at him. "Uh... would you like some breakfast? I can cook for you! Ooh! I could make pancakes!"
"I'm not quite sure what that is, but I'm more than happy to try it."
"Then wait in here! I'll go cook!" Your smile grows even wider. "I can't wait for you to try! Wait! Strawberry or blueberry? Or both?"
"Hmm... why don't you pick for me, chef?"
"Got it!"
"Before you go into the kitchen, I have a question for you."
"Hm? What's up?"
"Are you aware of my past?"
"Oh, that? Yeah, I know. You made the right choice, though. I will say, there were a lot of cruel memes about it." You giggle a bit. "I shouldn't laugh at them, but they're hilarious."
"What's... a meme?"
"Let's just say you're a walking one!"
You walk into the kitchen, though hear him mutter, "That doesn't answer my question."
You make your pancakes, though don't put the fruit in them. Instead, you top them with whipped cream and put the fruits on top, making it look pretty. Proudly, you bring it to the living room and hand him his plate.
"This looks good," he says, smiling a bit.
Happily, you try to hold in the urge to squeal. "Thank you!"
"No, I should be saying that. I appreciated the food and the hospitality. I fear that I'Il have to find a place to stay-"
"What? No! Stay here!"
"I can't just impose on you, though."
"It's not imposing! I want you to stay here! My couch had a hide-a-bed you can sleep in, so it'll be fine. Please, don't leave. You don't know how lonely it is in this apartment."
"Oh, I see. You desire me to be a companion."
"You don't have to if you don't want to."
"Why wouldn't I? You're very nice And you make these pancake things."
"Honestly, if you said you wanted to leave, I would've bribed you to stay."
"Oh? How so?"
"I have a dango recipe I wanna try-"
"I'm staying forever."
You laugh. "See? Told you I had bribery."
"It's been lovely meeting you. However, you haven't told me your name."
"I haven't? Sorry. I got carried away. I'm Y/n L/n, twenty-years-old."
"I'm glad to know your name." He gives you a warm smile.
"Why don't we go out so we can get you some clothes? After breakfast, obviously. You can't just go around like that. People are gonna think you have some sort of delusion of grandeur or something. Either that or an obsessed cosplayer."
"That sounds awful."
"I know. We'll obviously have to have you in your blue outfit under the rope. That would be... a bit too obvious and weird."
"What? But I wanted to wear my straw out and everything." His voice is slightly sarcastic, though he smiles.
"How about... no."
"Oh, alright."
You two eat your breakfast, then leave to go shopping. You pick out a bunch of clothes for him, and the whole time, he just smiles and nods. By the time you're done, it's lunchtime, so you grab food at a little burger joint.
"This is good," he says. "What is it?"
"A burger. Basic and cheap, but really freaking good."
They are. I appreciate you taking me out today."
"Of course. However... I'm just worried how you'll live here. My job doesn't pay enough to support two people, so you're gonna have to find some place to work. Even if you found someplace else, it'd be the same way."
"Right. I'll do my best. I can't just leech off of you."
"Thank you."
"No, you're the one doing a lot for me. Thank you, Y/n."
After lunch, you go back to your apartment. Deep down, you fear that this is all a dream. If so, waking up will hurt a lot. You're already falling in love with him in real life. How could you not? He's pretty much perfect.
At home, you two sit on the couch, you forcing him to watch Naruto with you. He watches a bit blankly, though you suppose that makes sense. After all, watching the events in his own world as some type of spectators rather strange.
Slowly, you move closer and closer to him, wanting to be as near to him as possible
"What are you doing?" he asks, not taking his eyes off of the TV.
"Hm? What do you mean?" You're choosing to act like its not happening.
"You're getting extremely close. Why?-"
"Oh. Didn't realize. Sorry." A bit sad, you go to move, but before you can, he puts his arm around your shoulders and moves your head to his shoulder. "W- what-"
"I was teasing. I already know what you're doing."
"I didn't tell the full truth earlier."
"You didnt?"
He hands you a piece of paper, and you assume that it's the note.  He woke up with.
After your death, you have been sent to someone who needs you more. After she made her wish. you have been summoned to be real in her world and love her. After learning a bit about her. you will slowly fall in love with her. There is no way home. Don't even try.
"This is embarrassing."
"How so?"
Moving away from him, you yell, "BECAUSE NOW ITS EVIDENT I SIMP FOR FICTIONAL MAN!"
He laughs a bit. "It makes me happy. Well, not entirely. The thought of you liking other men isn't too comfortable, but I'm happy that you feel such a way for me."
"I mean... who wouldn't?"
"A lot of people."
"Itachi, that's only because where you come from, hardly anyone knows anything about you. Most girls here would throw themselves at you. I mean, you're handsome, foreign, sweet, strong. brave, kind, caring, and pretty much a crap ton of green flags. Honestly. you could get pretty much any girl you wanted here."
"Okay, and? Even so, it doesn't really matter."
"What?! Doesn't- doesn't that bother you? You could have probably the most beautiful, talented, amazing girl ever. But you're doomed to be stuck with me because of something stupid I said when I was half awake-"
"Aren't you that girl, though? You're probably the most beautiful woman I've ever met, as far as talented goes. you appear to an excellent cook and as far as amazing goes, the way you've treated me has been wonderful. After all you could've taken advantage of me considering the situation. I honestly believe that if it weren't already set in stone, I'd still grow to love you over time."
"But. I'm honestly average. And how am U the most beautiful woman you've ever seen? I've seen those girls where you're from.. I pale in comparison."
"Not in my opinion."
"Itachi..are you sure?"
"I'm as sure as dango is delicious."
"Crap. You really do mean it." After all, when dango is on the I line, it's serious.
"Of course, I do."
Gently. he takes your face in his hand, then leans close to it, slowly sliding his eyes shut. Before you know it, his lips are on yours, applying a gentle yet pleasant pressure. As your eyes slide shut, you start to lean into it, wanting to experience the moment for as long as possible.
Carefully, he pulls you into his lap, deepening the kiss. You wrap your arms around his neck as he holds your hips to keep you stable. You try to pull away. But he brings his face back to yours, bringing a hand up to hold your head against his.
For awhile, you share brief but consecutive kisses, taking as much time as you can. However, things get interrupted when the doorbell rings. It seems as if he doesn't notice, because he keeps going. but you stop him.
"Someone's at the door."
You get up and open it, finding your best friend.
"Y/n I've been calling your phone."
"Is that what strange noise was earlier?"
"Oh...sorry. I didn't hear it." You take a look and find twenty missed calls.
"Didn't hear it? I've been worried sick. What the heck have you been doing?"
Your face turns bright red as you remember what you were actually doing. "Uhhh... nothing. Nothing at all!"
"That's it. I'm coming in." She pushes her way past you, though you try to stop her. However, she stops dead in her tracks upon seeing Itachi on your couch, seeming a bit impatient. "I see exactly what you were doing." Her face is now red as well. "You two have fun, but please, do behave." She walks out.
You yelp before she's gone, "IT'S NOT LIKE THATI!"
The door closes, and you're now mortified. That was probably the most embarrassing moment of your life. Hiding your face, you turn around toward Itachi, though don't look at him at all.
"Sorry about her," you mutter.
"Hm? Don't be. is that your friend?"
"Yeah. She's a bit crazy, though."
"It's perfectly fine. Now come back over."
"Didn't you hear her? She said to have fun, didn't she?"

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