Closer (Maddie)

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DISCLAIMER: Closer is a song by RM and the lyrics are a loose base for the story. I used a few quotes which are : "If this is all we can do, yeah just lookin' at you, there gon' be no take two, just stay where you are," "I get a feeling sometimes, that I can't get close enough to you'" "Wanna lock you in my sight, but you run away like fish, "See you always in the limelight" "If love ain't for us, I'II be satisfied with this." I likely do more stories based off of songs as well in the future. Please enjoy!!

There you are. Looking more beautiful than ever. Laughing, you push your hair from your face, seeming unreal. You're with your friends at your lunch table, talking happily despite the small number of two. You're a second-year in the technical support courses.
If there's one thing that makes him happy, it's that you're not in the hero course. While he could support someone precious to him no matter what, he would never want you to get hurt. It's dangerous. He wants to protect you. No matter what. As a hero, that's his concern. Protecting and saving people. But with you, it's a different desire to protect.
You're small and chubby. Cute, really. He's had his eye on you for a long time now, but has never had the courage to actually speak to you. You're too bright. Surely, you'd just ignore him. If this is all we can do... just looking at you...there's gonna be no take two..just stay where you are.
"Hey, hey! Who's that?" asks Nejire Hado, his girl best friend. "She's cute!! Do you like her? 0oh, are you gonna ask her on a date? OMG!!! Can I be a bridesmaid at your wedding?"
Groaning, he slumps his head onto the table and goes, "No wedding and no date. I've never even talked to her"
"Well," bursts Mirio Togata. "Then talk to her now!"
"No way-"
Grabbing Amajiki, Togata runs toward you, Hado following close behind. Togata shoves Amajiki into the seat beside you, then sits beside the shy boy, himself. Hado sits next to one of your friends, making a full table. You start choking, causing Amajiki to panic.
"ARE YOU OKAY?!?!?!" He starts patting your back to help, and you finally get it down.
"Sorry. Wasn't expecting that."
Looking around, you ask, "What are you guys doing over here?"
"Well," goes Hado. "Our kitten Amajiki wanted to talk to you! But he's so shy that he refused!!"
Carefully, you direct your gaze to the slim boy, an adorable blush on your face. "Well? What did you want to talk about?"
"N-n- n- nothing! Don't listen to her!" He shoots up. "I'm so sorry!"
He runs away, straight into the bathroom. Curling into a ball as he slumps to the floor, he reflects on what just happened. He talked to you. He sat next to you. He was cluse to you. So close that he could smell your sweet perfume. It puts s smile on his face, and he thinks, Who cares about a date when I can just get that close? Its more than enough.
She's too perfect that I could never ask for more.
The bell rings, so SO he stands up to go to class. On his way, he continues to think of the nearness, smiling silly the whole way. Pessimistic as he is, he refuses to ask for much. He tells himself that he could never have you. That you're too wonderful for him. As those thoughts creep him, he begins to frown. If only he were more like Togata. He's not bright and happy and fun. He's boring and isn't even as talented. You'd never like him. Maybe Togata. But not him. He doesn't stand a chance. Not even close.
Lunch again. Amajiki is waiting for his friends, who said they had something to do beforehand. It gives him a bad feeling. And it's only justified when you're practically being pushed into the chair beside him. Hado is happily setting you two together as Togata quickly says that they can't stay and for you two to be together. And then they're gone.
Awkwardly, he manages to get out, "So... d- do potatoes?"
"Yeah. I'd say they're goof. French fries are the best. Actually, fried potatoes, really. But no ketchup. For the love of God, no ketchup."
"R- respectable. I like potatoes."
"Hm. Interesting. You don't seem like much of a foodie in personality. But, then again, there's your quirk... ooh! What happens when you eat potatoes? Whaddya manifest?"
"It grows...on me."
"Woah, really? No soil?"
"That's amazing! I could go potato picking! For free! All the French fries."
He laughs just a bit. "Someone could also b- buy them for your. Instead of having to- to cut and peel them."
"And who exactly would buy me French fries whenever I have random cravings?"
Under his breath, he mutters, "I would."
"You would?!"
He jumps, having thought that you didn't hear him. "I- uh-"
"How about after school then? Please??"
"Uhh...s-s- sure?" How could he ever refuse you? You're just too cute with that sparkle in your eyes.
After school, you're running uo to him, bouncing. He guesses that you're just excited for the food. Like the "simp" he is, he takes you out to get your craving, and ends up paying a large bill after saying you can get as much as you want. She can really pack it in.
"Thank you!" you say while bowing once you reach home. "It was delicious!"
"N- no problem."
Standing up straight again, you admit, " had a lot of fun with you. Let's hang out again, okay? I wont leave you with a huge bill next time, I swear."
"I- i- it wasn't a problem! Really!"
"You don't have to be nice. I'm aware that it was a lot."
"R- really. lt's not a problem."
"Whatever you say."
"D- do you want me to walk you home?" That took every ounce of his courage. But he really wants to spend as much time with you as possible.
"Hm? You sure?"
"Yeah. I- it's dangerous at night."
"Aww. Thank you."
He starts walking wiry you right beside him. It almost feels like a date. Almost, that is. If only. He's seventeen and has only really talked to one girl in his life, which hardly even counts since it's Hado. She means a lot to him, but not like that.
How could she when you exist?
He notices how you're slowly walking closer and closer to him, though he's too shy to comment on it. Instead, he allows it, almost happy. You're so close and he loves the feeling. It's exciting though nerve-wracking. He wants to close the gap, but is too afraid. Closer and closer. He still wants to help. Closer and closer.
And now, you're arms are practically touching. I get a feeling sometimes. That I just can't get close enough to you. A few times, your hand brushes his lightly, dusting his his cheeks with a deep blush. Then, it's all over. You've arrived home.
A bit sorrowful, he says, "I'll see you tomorrow."
Smiling, you say, "See you tomorrow!!"
As you run inside, he stares at your back, turned away from him. As it's always been. Wanna lock you up in my sight.. but you run away like fish... He groans. That's the best I could come up with in my head? Fish? Really? Fish don't run! You idiot! Maybe it's a good thing I don't talk to her a lot.
While going into the school, he sees you. The sun sparkles on your beautiful skin, though is outshines by your smile when you see your friends. See you always in the limelight... shining so bright..but l'd never shine like you... you can never be mine. Never. Because 'm just in the shadows, while you sparkle in the sun.
He sees you squint in his direction, then beckon for them to come. Thinking that you're motioning to someone else, he just keeps going, depressed by it. Then, someone grabs his arm. Turning his head, he sees you, looking confused and a bit sad, too. No! Don't be sad! You can't be... you don't deserve that.
"Why didn't you come?" you ask.
"Y- you meant me? I didn't think."
"Who else? I wanted to ask if you and your friends wanted to sit with us at lunch!"
A feeling of happiness erupts from within him, forcing a smile onto his normally depressed features. "Really?"
"Yeah, of course."
"T- thank you."
"No problem!! See you then!!"
Lunch swings around, and he's beyond happy to willingly take the seat beside you. It's even better when you give him a beautiful, closed-eye smile, looking completely ethereal so naturally. He wants you so badly...Inwardly, he shakes his head at himself. He knows that it won't happen. If love ain't for us, I7l be satisfied with this.
He'll try to be content. Otherwise, he'll never fully appreciate the blessing of you being this close to him. So long as you stay right where you are. In his sight. That'll be enough. Hell make it enough. He can't be selfish. You deserve so much better. Far more than anything he is.
Every day, you're approaching him. It drives him mad. He feels closer to you than ever, but still so far apart. Though he tries to be content, he just can't be. It doesn't matter how hard he tries. It's impossible.
Tonight, you're at a takoyaki stall with him, eating will chatting happily. Mostly, he just nods and smiles, wanting to just listen to you speak. But so suddenly, you put your chopsticks down, smile dropping as you stare to the back of the stall.
You turn his head at him. "Could you be more direct?"
"P- p- pardon-"
"First, your friends say you want to talk to me. Them you get me French fries. Then you insist on taking me home. After that, I have to be the one to initiate everything. You may seem happy, but you don't put it any effort. Like you don't actually care. Please. Make make your intentions clearer."
"Stop stuttering and answer me!" You stand up. "| hate this back and forth crap! I've had enough fake friends just ditch me for no reason and that's your plan, tell me now so it won't hurt as bad!"
Realizing his mistake, he stands up as well. He thought that this was the only way for you to stay with him. But he was wrong. He was being stupid and now you're upset. He made the biggest mistake ever. "I'm so sorry. I thought- I thought that if I told you, I'd loose you entirely." Taking a deep breath to calm his nerves, he continues, "I like you. I always have. And 'm just... a coward. Too scared to say how I feel... I didn't realize I was hurting you." Saying it aloud gives him
courage. He wants to make you feel better. "I don't want to upset you. I wanna make you happy, though I've always felt like I'll never be able to. You see...I didn't wanna push any type of relationship with you because you deserve better, even in friendships. It was my own stupidity. Please, forgive me."
"That was it?" Your eyes soften. "Really?" You touch his arms, spiraling him into anxiety and joy. "You should've just told me in the beginning."
"But you're gonna reject me and-"
"No, I'm not. I like you back. Don't be stupid."
His eyes get huge. "You like me?"
"Of course-"
He pulls you into a hug, feeling a bit bold from pure desire. "Please stay with me."
Smiling, you say, "I'll never leave you."

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