Engagement (Maddie)

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Akira walks into a a grand building, all white and golden. It's a beautiful place, though Akira has no clue as to why he's here. His parents sent bodyguards to brings him here the moment he was ready to leave school, and haven't explained anything to him.
Warily, he begins walking inside, wearing a traditional make kimono, though against his own will. They forced him to get changed. Already, he has a couple ideas as to what's happening, though he's praying that he's wrong.
He enters, finding the inside to live up to its outer- appearance. It's beautiful and classical. Anything any sane person could desire for a home. He's brought to a normal-sized room with a table and floor mats to sit on. His parents sit on one side of the table, a space between them. On the other side, he finds two adults, opposite gender and around the same age--likely a couple. Between them sits a young girl, likely around Akira's age.
His father says, "Please, sit, Akira."
Calmly, he takes the seat between his parents. "What's the meaning of this?"
"The L/n family," his mother says, seeming ready to clap. "Has proposed an arranged marriage between you and their daughter, Y/n."
Akira feels a bit dizzy, and looks over at you, sitting with a straight face. "Do you go to Eitoku?" "Yes" you reply. "It's a pleasure to finally meet you."
He looks to his parents. "What does their family do."
"Oh!" his mother exclaims. "They're another mafia family. We're combining and expanding. Isn't that wonderful?"
Akira's eye twitches a bit. "Great."
 You say, "Akira, we should go outside. I would love to show you the family garden. Father", you look toward the elder man, Mr. L/n. "May we go outside? I would love some privacy to get to know my fiancé."
Smiling, your father nods. "Of course. I'm so happy you're already making advances."
Standing, you say, "Why wouldn't I?"
Akira tries to say, "I never agreed-"
His mother practically forces him up. "Go! Go spend time with your beautiful fiancé!"
Sighing, he nods and starts following you out the door. Your strides are slow and even, looking nowhere but right in front of you. There's an air of confidence about you, which, he must admit, is quite attractive. You're on a chubbier scale, rounded out and plenty curvy. A pretty face and pretty hair. Nowhere near tall, but that's not problem. He's behind you, so he studies your back-half. With ever step, your hips move in a mesmerizing way, and something about it sends him into a frenzy.
You arrive outside, and immediately sit on a bench, looking at the rosebushes.
You say, "Akira, sit beside me."
He does at told, though keeps his distance. "What year are you in, again?"
"Second. I've convinced my parents to hold off on the wedding until I graduate." Your voice remains monotonous, face never changing.
"I don't really like younger girls. I normally go for older women."
You laugh, though not in an amused way. You're mocking him.
"Well, this ought to be different from your other relationships. Unlike with those old hags who can't remain faithful to their husbands, I'm not gonna sleep around with you and let you call it quits when you're bored."
He pales. "Th- that's not-"
"Isn't it, though? You're pretty pathetic. You have mommy issues and go crying to older women, as if that can fix all your problems." You shrug. "I suppose that's over now. You're engaged to somebody else. Best break up with whatever poor soul you're dating now."
"I don't intend to take this relationship seriously. It's just for convenience."
You raise an eyebrow at him. "I don't suggest making a fool of me. At least in public, pretend that its genuine." You lean back on your palms, staring at the sky. "I take it nobody told you about this before today. My parents discussed it with me about a month ago, saying they'd be bringing it up with your parents. I've been observing you at school since. You're not a bad guy, so I suppose this could be worse. Though, frankly, I initially got the impression you were gay. I had to send someone to watch you in order to find out Nishikado was just your friend."
Akira's face erupts into a blush. "Oh, heck no."
"Why not?" You look at him playfully. "He's quite attractive. I'd date him if given the chance. You wouldn't?"
"No, I absolutely would not."
"Hm. To each their own, I suppose."
"Why didn't you suggest marrying him instead? He's just as rich."
" My parents want to combine our mobs." You sigh sarcastically. "It's not a bad plan, though. I mean, it makes things easier. More men. More resources. And all they had to do was offer up my hand in marriage. I didn't think I was that valuable, but, alas, I proved to be an applicable bargaining chip."
"I wish somebody would've brought it up with me."
You look back to the sky. "If they had, you'd have refused. Time to grow up little boy. No more sleeping around. You'll actually have to make commitment."
"There's no way you see this as a real relationship."
"If I don't try to, I'll just be miserable, won't l? Just like any other girl, I want to fall in love and be happy. You may not know this, but I have dreams and desires. Akira," You look at him again, this time, eyes sincere. "Please. Try to be a man I can fall in love with. Don't cheat and at let me try. Even if you never love me, be faithful. That's all I'm asking asking for. I won't ask for affection or even gifts. I just want to know that there's not another woman."
He sighs a bit. "It would be hard to love me."
"I'll still try to. I really don't want a loveless marriage." You grab his face "We have a year-and-a-half. I think that's plenty enough time for me. Akira, I already told you. You're a good guy. Let's make this work. If not for our sakes, for our parents'. I'm sure we'll be able to."
Your touch makes his insides feel fuzzy and face warm "I don't think I could ever love you. I don't like younger women and, frankly, you're just not my type. I apologize."
You release him. "Very well. Don't love me."
"And you shouldn't love me, either. Let's just do the bare minimum. I don't want anything from you."
You stand up, dusting yourself off. "Very Well. However, my condition of you not seeing other women still stands. If find out you are, I'll kill them myself." You make your way to the door. "Do join us when you're finished out here, Akira."
.o. o.o.o.○.
"Akira!!" Sojiro says sitting beside him by the fountain in the school garden. "I heard you got engaged."
Akira nods. "Yeah. I'm engaged. Parents arranged it."
 "Is she hot?"
"I guess so. She's a bit cold."
 "If you're not into her, I could borrow her for a night."
"No, thank you." you say, arms crossed as you lean against the archway of a tall bush. "I'm not interested in that type of behavior."
"Well, no wonder Akira isn't interested in you."
You roll your eyes. "No, it's because he's afraid of commitment. It's not my fault he's a coward."
Sojiro starts to snicker. "Valid point."
Akira glares at Sojiro. "Stop picking on me for no reason."
You look back to him. "I've every right to. You turned me down, so I do believe I deserve compensation. Now be a good little boy and know your place and stay quiet."
Sojiro looks between the two of you, deciding to stay quiet.
A bit irritated, Akira says, "It's not my fault you're not my type, Y/n"
"I never said it was. Actually, you're treated it as if it's my fault. What do you want from me? Tp go loose all my weight? Dress like I'm in my thirties? Wear such heavy makeup so that you won't be able to recognize me? You're being unfair. You treat your girlfriends well, but you're not even civil towards me. It's disappointing, Akira. I try to convince my parents to call it all off. I might just kill you later, too."
And you walk away, with that same walk from yesterday. The calm one, that suggests such great confidence with every step.
"You screwed up", Sojiro tells him. "She's hot."
"She literally seems psychotic. She told me yesterday that if I date other women, she'd kill them."
"Considering your family trade, that shouldn't bother you."
"In the higher-ups, we have other men to do that for us! She wants to be the one to pull the trigger! If we fight, I'm pretty sure she'd stab me in my sleep! And now she's contemplating killing me!"
"Well, RIP, my good friend." He pats his shoulder. "I will miss you."
"Oh, shut up!"
"IS IT TRUE?!?!?" Tsukasa rushes in.
Sighing, the long-haired boy replies, "It's up in the air now. She's gonna try to convince her parents to call it off."
"You can't be the first of us to get married!"
"You're not handsome enough!"
"Couldn't be done", you tell Akira, leaning against his bedroom doorframe. "My parents said if I brought it up again, they wont let me wait until I graduate. And then further threatened that if your side broke it off, I won't find out until my next engagement until my wedding day and O'm being forced into my dress. Sorry."
"It's fine," he says, a bit tense.
"It's not. You're mad at me, and as it would seem, you hate me. I don't blame you. I'm not exactly a fun girlfriend, or really a fiancé." You stare at the floor. "
"I'll try to be a bit better for you. Tell me your type. I try to meet that criteria."
"I don't want you to change for me."
"It's fine. If only one of us can be happy, I'd rather it be you. Just tell me what you want." "Seriously, you don't need to do that."
"Don't I? If I don't, you won't even want me. I don't wanna disappoint you."
"You won't disappoint me."
"Yes, I will. Just think on it. I'll go home now."
"Would you like some tea?"
"No, I would rather leave and have some at my own home."
"Do you hate me?"
"No, I'm incapable of hatred. Especially for the man I'm to marry." You step out, shutting the door with a quiet "click" Akira lies on his back, smacking his forehead. You think he hates you. He doesn't. He can't say he's in love with you, but not hate. There's nothing to really hate.
Akira is always forced to go out on dates with you. Usually, you just sit there quietly, picking at your food, though never seeming interested. You tend to avoid him at school, too. The effort has just disappeared, leaving Akira to always guess with you. Are you mad? Have you begun to hate him? Are you planning to kill him? It's like his thoughts are constantly being consumed by you. You're pretty. Very, very pretty. He can't say that he's not attracted to you. And he often finds you to be kind to the people around you. If someone is being bullied, you're the first to help them out, and that bully mysteriously goes missing.
When he finds you talking to some guy in the cafeteria, he feels a sudden sense of anger. He marches up to you, glaring at both you and the boy. "Who is this?" he asks you, pointing to him. "That's my friend", you tell him. "Nakamura. He's new around here."
"Just friend?"
"Yes, just friend. If I were to cheat on you," you rest your chin in your hand "I wouldn't do it at school. It'd be with some hot guy I met at a club or something. Or, if he's from around here, I wouldn't really interact much at school. And, besides, I was the one who established the no cheating rule. I'm not about to break it, Akira. Sheesh."
"Yeah, well I better not catch you."
You raise an eyebrow at him, seeming a bit amused. "Since when did you start caring? I thought I wasn't your type."
"I just don't like seeing you hang around with other men."
"So you're jealous?" The corners of your mouth twitch. "It's cute. I take it, if I kissed someone other than you right now would you get really mad? Give them a red card? Ooh, do tell me all the gruesome thing you'd do. Would they go missing, perhaps?"
"Stop mocking me."
"But you're just too cute, Akira Mimasaka. Did you want to take me out on a date? Why, I could go for some quality sushi."
Your friend looks between the two of you. "Uh... is there something I'm missing?"
"Oh yes," you say, standing up. "We haven't announced it yet. Akira and are engaged. We're getting married after I graduate. That's why I keep rejecting the guys who ask me out."
"Other guys are asking you out?" Suddenly, Akira feels so alarmed.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"You never asked. Really, you should pay more attention to your fiancé if you're so interested in her everyday engagements."
"If you're being asked out, I think I should know."
"Shall I bring up two weeks ago?" You grab his face, bringing it closer to yours. "That one woman. You met her at a club. Took her home. She went missing the next day." You lean up, bring your lips so close to his ear your breaths tickle. "Why do you think she went missing?" "Woah, back up a bit-"
"I'm not stupid." You push him back again. "Take me out today if you want to be forgiven. That's final. If not, I'll inform my parents of your behavior, and let them handle it."
He grits his teeth. "Fine."
"Thank you." You sit back down. "You can join us, if you like. Or go see your friends. You're free to choose."
"I'll go with my friends."
He walks away, a bit frustrated. He didn't think you were still set on neither of you being allowed to see other people. And he doesn't know why the thought of you and someone else is so irritating. When he sees him, he tells Sojiro his dilemma.
Sighing, Sojiro shakes his head. "It seems you have fallen for her. What ever will you do?"
"For her? Not possible."
"You're not fooling anyone. I see you stare at her. That girl has stolen you away from me."
"She has not."
"What's the point in denying it? You two are getting married."
"Even if I have, she hates me."
He laughs. "She's in love with you!"
"There's no way she's in love with me!"
"Have you seen her? There's a reason she's so keen on being loyal."
"I doubt it."
" You can doubt, but it won't change anything."
"Oh, shut up-"
"He's right," you say, standing in the opening way. "I am in love with you. You're just too stupid to notice."
He puts his hand over his heart, breathing a bit heavily. "You startled me."
"Apologies. That wasn't my original intention. Anyhow, Nishikado is correct. It seems I made the mistake of falling for you. I didn't want to, but alas, I did. And it seems you have grown to reciprocate, whether you've realized it or not."
"You're annoying as crap."
You approach him, taking the collar of his jacket into your hands and pulling his face down. "Would you complain if I kissed you right now?"
"Probably not-"
You slam your mouth against his. Your lips taste good. Like strawberries. Your lip balm, maybe? It doesn't matter. He likes it. He grabs your waist, pulling your body closer.
He's about to kiss the corner of your mouth, but gets stopped by Sojiro's shouting. "SAVE IT FOR THE BEDROOM!"
You start to laugh at them both. "You two are too funny. Anyway, I look forward to our date, Akira. Let's leave right after school."
He just nods, watching at you walk away. However, when he looks closely, he finds a gun to be tucked in your skirt, barely visible under your jacket.
"You lucked out." Sojiro tells him. "Congrats."
"Ha-ha, very funny." He sits back down. "But I'm actually a bit excited for our sushi date."

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