Bags (Ghost)

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Not this again. Every time you and Kirishima go shopping, when you get back and unload, he will take all the bags. He won't let you carry one. Not even something as light as the bread. There's always an argument. He thinks he not only has to carry all the bags but do it in one go.

There's usually about two dozen bags from grocery shopping. Some of it would be really heavy. But he won't budge on it.

You put your hands on your hips and glared, "Kiri, at least let me carry the bag in your mouth. It's just some bread so it's super light."

You get a muffled response, "That would be unmanly."

You snort, "It's unmanly to deny me the ability to help my manly boyfriend. I feel utterly useless."

You give him the biggest glossy eyes you can muster. You know you have to lay it on thick to get him to agree.

He frowns. Is it unmanly? Do you think he's unmanly? No. He doesn't want that. He can't have the love of his life to think he's anything but manly. That won't do.

He nods and leans down a little so you can take the bag out of his mouth. You give him the biggest smile and grab it.

You giggle, "Thank you. It's so manly of you to let me feel like I'm helping."

He gives you a big shark tooth smile, "Anything for my pebble."

You blush and go to unlock the door so you guys can go inside. He is just the sweetest. But he needs to learn to let you help sometimes.

You know you won this time, but you know this isn't the last. But it's ok. You know he does it because he loves you and wants to take care of you.

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