Discontent Conclusions (Maddie)

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Smiling, you remanence on your high school days. You remembered being rather happy back then, though your brother couldn't say the same. He had an upperclassman that he'd run errands for and do favors for up until the boy had graduated. Your first time meeting him, you'd been star struck.
"Who's this?" you asked, tilting your head a bit. "Are you close with him?"
"Of course."The stranger put his arm around Naberius's shoulders. "We're very close, right?"
"We are not! You treat me like a slave!!"
"Now, now. That's no way to talk to your upperclassman.
"Naberius,"you said. "Don't you have any respect?" You bow a bit. "I apologize. I'm his twin, Y/n."
"It's a pleasure to meet you. My name is Opera."
"Please take good care of my brother! He's a grump, but he's really sweet once he warns up to you!"
"I am not!!"
Later, you'd seen Opera everywhere with your brother. Out of curiosity, you would keep an eye on him, and were totally interested. He seemed to be good at everything, and was, undeniably, very good-looking. After you'd gone home that day, you bombarded your brother with questions concerning Opera.
"Why are you so obsessed with that bully?!"
"Bully? He seemed pretty nice to me.
Did you not see him ordering me around?!"
"If you're close, you should do that. Favors are important in any relation that you may have."
"And what does that freak do for me? Nothing!"
"He lets you be around him. I mean, nobody likes you. You're cranky and rude, always yelling "SILENCE!! Seriously, you should try to hang on to Opera, or else you'll be all alone. Ooh! You should invite him over tomorrow!"
"Then I will. You stuck your tongue out at him."
"You will not! Who's older, here?"
"You're only older by three minutes! It doesn't count!"
"It does, too. Now shut up and go make dinner. It's your turn tonight."
You sat cross-legged on the couch, turning your head away in defiance. "Not until you agree to bring Opera over."
"That won't work on me. If I get hungry, I'll go cook for myself."
"Maid Naberius will have to do all the cooking and cleaning."
"You can't do that! You live here, too!"
"No matter. You won't bring me Opera, I won't do anything for you."
"What is your problem? Why do you want to see him so bad?"
A smile had found it's way onto your face. "He's just so handsome!! And he's good at everything, too! Come on. I've never even gotten close to a boy. At least let me get to know him."
"Most definitely not. I'll just be a maid."
And since that day, your brother has been doing all the cleaning and cooking. You'd talk to Opera at school, but due to your brother's rudeness, he never came over like you wanted him to. You wanted to cook for him and impress him. But, alas, your brother ruined it.
"Y/n," Naberius walks into the living room, seeing you smiling goofily. "Can you go to the grocery store so I can make dinner, please?"
You hang upside down on the couch, not looking at him. "No, I'd rather have my maid do it."
"If not for you, I could be married with beautiful children by now."
With a smile, you say, "We could've eloped. A forbidden romance-"
"How are you still not over it?"
"My love for him was so strong that it's lasted up 'til now."
"You're pathetic."
"Don't you want to see your sister happy?"
"Not with him."
"Our brother would support me."
"Well, I don't."
"My one-sided love has brought about such a depression that I shall no longer eat."
"Yeah, right, you glutton."
"Wanna bet?"
"Yes, actually."
You sit up and look at him. "Alright, If you win, "I be the maid for the rest of our lives."
He smiles a bit. "Oh? I already like the sound of that."
"But if I win, you have to bring Opera to me, and bring him over to dinner at least once a week.
"If I wasn't so sure that I'd win, I'd decline."
"Well? Whaddya say? Are you man enough for the challenge?"
"Yes. How long is the duration?"
"Two weeks."
"There's no way that you can do it."
"You underestimate my love, dear brother."
"We'll see about that."
Every day, Naberius tries to coax you into eating. Hell make your favorite foods tell you about how good it tastes, and will, overall, taunt you. As much as you want to, you don't give in. Instead you'll just lie on the couch, talking about how badly you want to see your Opera.
Seeing as you're holding on, Naberius finds himself in a sour mood every day, which is usual, yes but it's worse recently. His students take notice of hos foul disposition, and draw lots to figure out who should inquire after his wellbeing. In the end, Iruma winds up as the victim. They all end him off, whispering around.
"What do you want, fool?" asks the angry teacher, who's reading a book to ease his mind a bit.
"W- we were all wondering
you've seemed really upset recently. Is something the matter?"
"It's none of your business, insolent child."
"If something's wrong, you should talk about it! It'll only get worse the longer you hold it in."
"Like you would understand."
"Maybe I would! You never know! And even if I don't, you at least got to talk it out, right?"
Finally looking up, Naberius raises an eyebrow, feeling a bit irritated. "Very well. Say that there's something you hate. They tortured you all throughout high school. They're the very being of evi. Really, they're the most vile of creatures. In such a case, say that you also have a younger sister, whom you swear to protect. On an awful day many years ago, your sister met said creature, and formed an annoying obsession with him. Seeing as you refused to bring him to your home and whatnot, she decided to treat you as a slave in your own household. Now, many years later, it's sti/that way. And, recently, you two made a bet after she swore that not seeing her figure of admiration had caused such a deep depression that she refuses to eat. In the end, you agreed that if she really didn't eat for two weeks, you'd find the man and bring him back, and would even bring him over to dinner once a week. On the other hand, if she couldn't hold out, she'd be the slave And, now, TOMORROW IS THE STUPID DEADLINE!!"
"Uhh...well, if he's as bad as you say, your sister would find out on her own after going out with him awhile. It might break her heart, sure, but at the same time, it'd be a good lesson for her. After all, it'd teach her to observe a guy more and a get to know him better before starting a real relationship with him. Sometimes the most necessary lessons in life are the hardest to learn, Professor Kaligo."
"I don't want to see those to together I don't even want to see him."
"Instead of focusing on your own desires, focus on your sister's needs."
Standing up, Kaligo slams his hands on the desk and yells, "MY SISTER DOES NOT NEED THAT LUNATIC!! OPERA IS A GOOD-FOR-NOTHING, ABUSIVE, CONTROLLING FREAK!"
"Wait, Opera? You two know each other?"
"Of course! He's my butler!"
"No wonder you're such a menace."
"Well," you say at the end of the bet. "I did it. I didn't eat. Now, I deserve my Opera. Bring him to me."'
Shouldn't have trusted a liar." Naberius says with a bit of a grin. "You're never going to see Opera again."
"YOU LITTLE-I HATE YOU!!" You storm off, and he just sighs. If it was any other guy, he could make peace with it.
Since that time, you won't talk to him. You've been refusing to. Every time you see each other, you'll storm off, and will ignore him whenever he tries to say anything.
Now that the school festival is coming up, he might be able to get you to forgive him. Might. He's hoping, at least. So, to while you're sitting at the dinner table, he proposes, "Why don't we go to the school festival? As a teacher, I'm obliged to go, but you can be my plus-one."
"Opera might be there."
"Really?! Oh, my gosh! I'm gonna have to find an outfit! Eek! I can't wait!" You run off to your room.
He scoffs, but then goes back to finish his food. How foolish...
On the day Of the school festival, you grab the outfit you picked out awhile back. It's a simple black dress that you'll pair with nice white accessories. The outfit will be comfortable and nice, right? Perfect. If you see Opera, you can look nice just as you'd planned.
At the festival, you walk around with your brother, looking for Opera. High and low, you search. But there's no sign of him. You pout a bit, wanting to see your beloved from forever ago.
You drag your brother around, and eventually get pulled into a fortune-telling tent. Inside, an old woman with a crystal ball gives you a sick smile.
"Would you like your fortune told?"
You shrug. "I don't believe in that stuff."
"Aye, but doesn't something interest you? Romance, perhaps?"
"Wait, actually, yeah. Can you see who I'll marry?"
"I won't see for sure, but I might see a trait or two."
If any of them match Opera, I'd be in luck! "Go ahead, Ma'am."
She peers into the ball, and gasps a bit. "Why, he's extremely handsome!"
"Uh-huh," you sit on the edge of your seat, excited. Opera is handsome, after all.
"And he's a redhead!!"
You frown now. The boy you remember had black hair. Not read. "Aw. What a bummer."
"Hm? Is there someone you already love?"
"Yes. I haven't seen him in years, though. It was all the way back in high school. And he's not a redhead."
"Aye, that's okay, dear. I foresee that you and this man will be very loving to one another. You'll be so happy, my sweet. It cant compare to whoever you have in mind."
"Nobody is better than him.
Naberius grins a bit. It wont be Opera,
Later, you whine, "You know, if we see Opera today, you have to invite him over"
"Why should I? Why can't you just do it yourself?"
Because you two have more of a history! It'd be weird if I did it!"
"Inviting my former bully over is even weirder!!"
"Opera is not a bully! Don't say stuff like that!"
"Sir!" some woman yells. "There's a man here who keeps winning all of the prizes, and taking away from my children!"
"Alright, alright. Take me to him."
You follow your brother and the lady, and the man that she points to has you bouncing. It's Opera! Excitedly, you grab Naberius by the wrist and drag him to go see him. But, you stop a bit. He has red hair now. Red hair! Like the fortune! Could it be that you'll marry Opera someday?
"Not a word." hisses Naberius. "You're not marrying him."
"Says you! Now c'mon!" You continue to drag him, and once you're in front of Opera, Naberius stands behind you, gripping your shoulder tightly. Scaredy-cat. "Operal!" you yell, getting his attention.
"Why, could it be Y/n and Naberius I see?"
"Yup!" You beam at him. "It's been so long! How have you been?"
"I've been well. I'm the butler of Master Sullivan and Master Iruma here."
You glance at them, and back at Opera. "What's it like working? Are you happy?"
"I'd say so. What about you and your brother? Are you well?'
"We're great."
"Do you still live together?"
"Yes. Naberius is like the maid at home."
Opera looks at the purple-haired man. "Really? You'll have to show me your maid-skills sometime. I'm sure we could find you a nice dress."
Naberius slumps down a bit, hiding directly behind you as his grip tightens "N- no! Stay back!"
All of a sudden, Opera is gone. But then he's grabbing Naberius's shoulder. "What? Don't you want to catch up?"
"No! I do not!"
"Where are your manners? Shouldn't you invite your senior over for dinner?"
"I refuse!"
You smack your brother. Stop that! Feel free to stop by whenever you like, Opera." You write down your address and hand it to him. "'d he happy to cook for you."
With a straight face, Opera asks, "Shouldn't the maid do the cooking?"
"You're right. Naberius will be happy to cook for you."
"No, I will not!"
"Thank you, Y/n. I look forward to dining with you."
Opera comes over the very next day, and he carries a bag with him. You don't really know what's inside, but you don't bother to ask. Your brother, on the other hand, is hiding in the kitchen, using dinner as an excuse to avoid your love.
"I brought this for your brother." Opera hands you the bag.
When you open it, you find a maid outfit inside. "Oh, my- I appreciate it. And I'm sure he will"
"Shall we put it on him?"
"I don't think it's a bad idea."
Opera's ears perk up. "I'll be back."
From the kitchen, you hear screaming. "NO!! GET BACK!"
"Come on, I bought it especially for you."
You giggle a bit. Opera is always so much fun. How could anyone not like him?
In a few minutes, Opera comes out, dragging your brother with him. As the redhead points to him, you can tell that he's proud. Naberius, on the other hand, has a pained and mortified look on his face.
He says, "I hate you both."
Opera comes over often, and will always torment your brother. At first, it was funny. But not anymore. Why does he always pay attention to him? You're there, too! lt's annoying. You want Opera, and your brother can't have him.
"Stop stealing all of his attention!" you yell at him.
"I don't want it!"
Then stop stealing it!"
"I'm not trying to!"
"Someone as grumpy as you doesn't deserve him! Give him back!"
"I'm not trying to-"
There's a gentle knock on your door, which you recognize as Opera. Shooting your brother one final glare, you walk to the door and open it, finding that you're right. "Hello, Y/n." He says softly. "I hope I'm not intruding. It's the middle of the day, and I usually don't try to pop in so unexpectedly"
"Don't worry about it! You're always welcome. We see you as family." My future husband and Naberius's brother-in-law.
"Then maybe I shouldn't make my request."
"What request?"
"I was wondering if you'd like to accompany me out one of these days. Without your brother, that is."
"O- of course, I'd want to! l- when and where? Are you picking me up? Or are we meeting someplace? Is-"
"I'll pick you up at 12:00 tomorrow. That'll be all."
The moment Opera is gone Naberius yells, "YOU'RE NOT GOING!"
You stick your tongue out at him. "Yes, am. And there's nothing you can do about it. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go pick and outfit out."
You skip down to your room, happier than ever. You'll have your beloved all to yourself!
When Opera comes to get you, you're wearing your favorite outfit. You smile at him, and he nods acknowledging. He puts his arm out like a gentleman, so you loop yours with it. Then, off you go.
First he takes you out to a nice lunch. The two of you converse the whole time, you smiling and him not showing any type of expression. Truth is, you're not sure what it is. Maybe he just wanted to invite you out. It's highly possible. While you'd always been hoping to be with him and have a relationship, you knew deep down that it was never likely.
As you walk out of the restaurant, you find it harder and harder to keep up the smile. It's too confusing. But you don't want to ask, either. That could be awkward.
"What next?" you ask nervously.
"I was thinking that we could go shopping. If you want something, let me know and ' buy it."
"W- what?! That's too much! I can't just ask you to buy me stuff!"
His cat- ears droop down. "Aw. But I want to spoil my date."
Your face erupts into a deep, deep blush. "D- d- d- date?!"
"Yes. You weren't aware?" His ears droop further. "I guess I was right... I shouldn't have asked-"
"N- no! D- don't think that! I'm really, really happy! I just didn't wanna assume because that'd be awkward and I didn't wanna ruin anything! I swear!"
His ears perk back up. "So you're okay with us going out?"
You nod viciously. "Of course I am!! I- I've always loved you. Ever since high school."
"Me too."
"Why didn't you ever say so?"
"I always tried to, but your brother kept stopping. And he wonders why I love to torture him." He shrugs. "Anyway, let's go shopping. I look forward to spoiling my date."
He loops arms with you again, and takes you to several stores. Constantly, he asks if you want something, and if you seem even the slightest bit impartial to an item, he'll be sure to buy it, though it flusters you so much. By the end, it's around 4:00, and you're tired. He isn't, though. Then again, you've never seem him tired. He's good at everything and never runs out of stamina. He's almost unreal. At your doorstep, he stops you from going straight inside. Before you can get a word in, he tilts your head up by pressing his thumb beneath your chin. Swiftly, he brings his head down and plants a delicate kiss on your lips, surprising you a bit.
He pulls back, not smiling or showing any expression. The only thing that suggests happiness is that his ears are perky and alert. It's like that when he torments your brother, or hears something pleasing. It warms your heart to know how happy it made him to kiss you.
You, on the other hand, are beaming. Ever since you were in school, you'd been dreaming of this moment. Opera takes you on a lovely date, brings you home, kisses you. The only thing that's missing is when he asks you to be his girlfriend. But you're not to expect that. It wouldn't be fair to just assume.
"Thank-" you start, but get cut off.
"Be my girlfriend."
Your face erupts in a hot blush. "Uh- s-s- sure."
"Alright, then. Good night, love." He walks away, heading towards his home, you suppose.
A bit wobbly, you walk into the house, still a bit shaken from the kiss and the offer. You find your brother waiting on the couch, drinking tea and reading a newspaper.
"Well?" he asks, obviously discontent with your going out with Opera.
"He asked me to be his girlfriend!!"
"And guess what happened before that!"
"HE KISSED ME!!" You squeal a bit, then clamp your hand over your mouth to calm down a bit.
"I'm so happy! I just- I've always wanted this. I seriously didn't expect any of it. I have a boyfriend now!"
"Come on," says Opera as he teases Naberius. "You should like me more. After all, we're practically brothers already."
"That's harsh. Don't you want to see your sister happy?"
His ears droop. "You're no fun, little brother."
"Come on. Call me older brother. I'm sure it'd make Y/n happy."
"How rude."

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