Strange Encounters (Maddie)

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Walking around Magnolia, you space out and think of chapters for the novel you're currently writing. It's a romance, about a chubby girl and a beautiful male wizard. While thinking of your next portion, a smile comes onto your face. You know just what you'll write.
You pick up your pace into a run, but then bump into something: It's smooth and so... squishy. Your eyes are closed because of the closeness to the object. Naturally, you use your hands to see. Soft and squishy...down... firm and textured.... almost like chocolate bars.
Immediately, you burst into a deep blush and jump back, seeing that it was a guy. He looks confused and concerned, but you're thoroughly flustered. He wears no shirt and is extremely hot. Tall with dark hair and eye and he's extremely pale. Just beautiful. You bow as quickly as possible.
"I-I- I'm so sorry! I was so spaced out because I was planning a chapter for my novel and I didn't think I'd bumper into a guy or anything because your chest is usually large and squishy and oh my gosh I need to shut up please forget you ever saw me bye!!"
You run away, not wanting to face him any longer. Then, someone grabs your wrist. Curious, you turn around and see that it's the hot stranger you. just groped. He clears his throat and says, "You're fine. I would just appreciate it if you didn't do that again.
"Er-I- thank you!" You bow again and try to run once more, but he still holds onto your wrist.
"The name's Gray Fullbuster. You?"
"Uh-Y/n l/n."
"So you're writing a novel? I have a friend who's writing one."
"Y- yeah. I am."
Looking around, you realize that you don't recognize this part of town. Under your breath, you mutter, "Where am I?"
"Hm? You lost or something?"
"Just a bit...I should go-"
"Lemme walk you home if you're lost. It'll get dark soon."
"No. I'm fine-"
"I insist. Really."
"O- okay."
You two begin walling and once you recognize where you're at, you tell him that you've got it from there. Still, he insists that he finishes it hrough. It takes awhile, but you get to your home, then thank him.
"Thank you."
"Of course, Y/n. Have a good night."
"You, too."
"See you 'round, okay? Even if I have to go lookin' for ya."
You shut the door and begin breathing heavily, your heart racing. Men who look like him never give you attention like that. Never. And... did you see a wizard guild emblem on his peck? Yes. Fairy Tail. He's from the Fairy Tail guild. You've always had a thing for wizards, but they always reject you.
Shaking your head, you slump to the floor. You'll have to avoid him, that way you can't develop real feelings for him. You don't want to be rejected again. It'll hurt way too much. More than you can handle.
On your way to work, you see Gray again. Immediately, you hide. He can't see you! No- wait, why are you hiding? He probably just said that yesterday to be nice. You begin walking again, and try to go around him, but he grabs your shoulder and smiles warmly.
"Hey," he greets you.
"Hello." Dang.
Falling into stride with you, he asks, "What're you up to?"
"Heading to work."
"Oh, yeah? Where ya work?"
"At a little bakery. I just write on the side."
"Ahh. Do you have any good cakes?"
"Yeah. The red velvet is amazing."
"'I have to tell Erza. She loves sweets. Especially cake." His girlfriend?
"You should. I'm sure she'd love them. I just work the counter, of course."
"Makes sense. I've gotta go to the guild hall anyway. She'll probably run out to stop by. The crazy redhead in armor, okay? Impossible not to recognize her."
"O- okay."
He finishes walking you to work, so you go inside and start setting up. Shortly after, the door bursts open, and you see a redheaded woman. She's so beautiful. Is this the girl? Is this Erza? If so, she has to be his girlfriend. There's no way for him to he casually friends with someone so beautiful.
"Hey!" She runs up to you, slamming her hands on the counter. "Give me one of every thing you have!"
"Er- yes, Ma'am!
"Are you the girl who told Gray? You fit the description. C ute and pretty but shy."
Blushing, you lower your head and start bagging sweets. "M- mhm."
She grabs your hands and looks at you with starry eyes. "You're a saint! I love sweets! You're my new best friend! We're gonna go shopping and have picnics and eat at fancy restaurants and go to parties and eat sweets and-"
"M- M- Maam? C- can you let my hands go? I can't get your sweets like this."
She releases you. "Sorry. By the way, I'm Erza Scarlet, a friend of Gray's. Just think of me as his big sister, okay? Sister? A sibling dynamic? That's actually quite reassuring."
"O- okay. I'm- I'm Y/n L- L/n."
"Nice to meet you! Let's be besties!"
"What time do you get off?"
"Then I will be here at four."
You hand her the several bags of sweets. "Please enjoy."
"I will! Thanks! See you at four!"
She runs out the door and you sigh heavily. That was exhausting. But Gray was right.
She is crazy.
At 4:00, she's walking in and grabs your hand, dragging you out the door and straight into a clothing store. Its a bit expensive and way out of your budget. Besides, none of it would look good in you. You're too fat. Nothing can make you pretty. Not even the most beautiful dress could.
"Here," she starts stacking a bunch in your arms. "Try these on. I'm sure they'll look great on you, but you gotta try them on. Ooh. Should we get Gray's opinion?"
"I- I don't think his opinion is necessary-"
"I have a serious question once we get into the dressing room." She drags you inside. "Here, start stripping to try them on." Blushing, you shake your head a bit.
"That's a bit-"
"It's fine. I'm not- a perv. And we're both girls."
Knowing that you won't be able to argue, you start start strip. "So..what was the question?"
"Are you interested in Gray?"
You stop for a moment, but then resume trying on one dress. She starts to help you. "W- why do you ask?"
"Because you two would make a cute couple! I'm sure of it! You're so cute and pretty. I mean, probably too good for him, but still!"
You shake your head. "I'm not too good for him. He's honestly out of my league. AndI kinda just wanna keep my distance from him.
"Hm? Why?"
"Because he's just my type. And every time llike a guy, ljust get rejected. I don't want feelings to develop.
"N- no reason for that-"
"I mean it. They must die for having such awful taste."
"It's really okay. I'm over t now."
 You have the dress on, and stare in the mirror. It's f/c and long with a high split up the side which bellow out just a bit. The top is tight with a small v-neck and has long bell-sleeves. The dress is gorgeous, bit "It's really okay. I'm over it now." You have the dress on, and stare in the mirror. it's f/c and long with a high split up the side which bellow out just a bit. The top is tight with a small v-neck and has long bell-sleeves. The dress is gorgeous, bit the tightness bothers you. Is shows off your shape too much. You look disgusting. If Gray saw you, he'd probably hold back a gag.
"Oh, my gosh!" she exclaims. "You look stunning! We're buying it!"
"Eh? What?"
"You look wonderfull "'l buy it for you. Actually, 'l buy everything we decide on. O0h, I just love shopping!"
In the end, you come out with ten evening gowns, all of which are beautiful. Some are sparkly. Some are flowy. Some are tight. Regardless, you don't feel pretty. You never do. Nothing can change that. However, Erza reassures you several times that they're pretty and you're even prettier.
When you get home, you hang them all up, wondering if you'll ever get the chance to wear them. You hope so. After all, it'd be a shame if her money went to waste. Even if you'll never be pretty, you have to at least wear them. For her. A friend.
It's only common decency.
After work the next day, Erza is there, saying that you're to go to the bathhouse with her. It makes you shy, but you go along with it. When you get there, you get extremely shy and even embarrassed when you see Gray and a pink-haired boy.
"he pink-haired one runs up to you and starts sniffing you.
"Hi! I'm Natsu Dragneel! You're Frostbite's friend, right?"
'Well, I know that you're Erza's friend! She's talks about you all the time!"
"M- mhm."
"You good?" asks Gray.
Nodding, you reply, "Mhm."
"Well, let's head inside then. C'mon!"
You and Erza go into the ladies bath, and you sink as far into the water as you can. She's just so pretty. A perfect body and face. But what about you? What are you even doing, being friends with someone like her? But there's no avoiding her She's rather insistent.
"We should go to a party," she says abruptly. "| think the king is having one soon. I know him pretty well. You can tag along and dance with Gray and-"
"I don't dance." That's a good excuse, right?
"He can teach you! Besides, you need an excuse to wear one of those dresses! The f/c one looked best on you. You should definitely wear it, eh?"
"Great! I can't wait! We'l have so much fun!"
When you get the dress on, all of your insecurities come flooding in. You put a pair of high heels with it and tied your hair up, and you feel so self-conscious, Aren't you too fat to wear this? If Gray sees you, will he be disgusted? That's another thing. You've been developing a crush on him lately so that's stuck in your head, too.
Then, Erza comes knocking on your door, so it's too late. She grins upon seeing you, and she's with her friends. Gray, Natsu, and a blonde named Lucy. When Gray sees you, he looks you up and down and you see his mouth twitch a bit. ls he disgusted? Probably. You're so humiliated right now.
You all head out, and Erza leaves you to walk in the back with Gray. It's not too far since you're staying in a hotel near the palace, but it feels like you've been walking an eternity.
"So," he says. "You...look kinda fine tonight."
Blushing madly, you stare at the ground. "Th- thank you."
He looks wonderful, himself. He's in an all black suit with his bangs out of his face. The top buttons of his shirt are mostly undone, revealing his chest and that's it. He looks so good that you can't even take it. You can't even look him in the eye right now.
"Erza keeps telling me that I gotta dance with you tonight. Whaddya say?
"If you don't want to, you don't have-"
"Who says I don't want to?"
"I didn't think you would."
"I'm not much of a dancer, actually, I have some past trauma from it. But, I'll make an exception for you."
"Er- thank you, then. It's appreciated."
He grins. "So you agree?"
The dance was more than wonderful. It was as if the world itself had died, leaving only you and Gray. However, it opened your eyes to something. You really do like him. It's so present and obvious that you can't even try to hide it. What if he finds out? Would he find it gross? Probably.
Then, after dancing, you two head to the food, which you try to hold back a bit. He'l probably find you disgusting if you eat too much, right? You're already fat.
"Is that all you're gonna eat?" he asks, about to shove a entire drumstick into his mouth.
"Yeah. Im not too hungry-"
"But you barely ate lunch! There's so much here!"
"I don't eat that much."
"C'mon. Eat something. Here." He starts making you a plate, which ironicaly has all your favorites on it. "Eat if all, okay?"
You're not allowed to leave until you do."
"You're bossy."
"And I'll force it down your throat if you don't willingly eat it."
"Fine," You take the plate and start eating, which makes you realize how hungry you actually were.
"See? Why wouldn't you eat before? You're obviously starving."
"Don't you find me gross?"
"I mean, I'm so fat and then eating like this... there's no way you're not disgusted."
"Fat? What're you talking about?"
"I'm not like Erza. I don't have a nice body-"
"I'd disagree. I'm pretty into yours."
"Er- what-"
"You heard me. I'm into you, okay? So don't go dissing yourself. Gosh. I don't understand why giris do that. You look the way you do and that's outta your control. It's like those girls from that island. They thought that they were ugly when they turned into demons. That's not really case, y'know?"
"I did you just mention demons-"
"Yeah. They were real nice and fed me. But that's not the point right now. Point is, you're hot, okay? So... don't go thinking otherwise. There's no way a guy like you actually thinks that."
"A guy like me? What's that supposed to mean?"
"You're way too pretty to think that."
"Is that what you think?" He stands in front of you, resting his hands on the table on either side of you. "You mean. You're into me?"
"Er- I never said that-"
"But you implied it. Be honest. What's going on in that pretty little head of yours?"
"Don't lie to me." His eyes are full of mischief, but you honestly can't look away, either.
"Well-I- I think you're super attractive, okay? You look literally amazing and I have a hard time looking away sometimes but I can't look you in the eye either because it's so difficult sometimes when I know that you're so outta my league and hot wizards like you are never interested in me and always reject me and-"
"So you think I'm hot, is it? You should've just said that from the start, y'know."
"Would you just shut up?! Stop teasing me! It's not funny-"
"Am I laughing? Y/n, do you like me or something?"
"W-w- what? N- no. Why would I-"
"You're lying. You always bite your cheek when you're lying."
"Interested observation-"
"I'm right, though. You like me." He smirks a bit. "Y ou're awful cute right now."
"S- stop-"
He leans in and kisses you, which is surprising. What if everyone sees?! This is humiliating! But, no matter how much you want to, you just can't pull away. You like it way too much. Even though it'll just hurt in the end when he says he was just joking.
"Hey," he whispers in your ear. You're my snowdrop now, okay? So don't go insulting yourself again."
"Wait, I have a condition." You'll believe him since he seems pretty set on it.
"And what's that?"
"I wanna squish your peck again. It's huge."
It's his turn to blush. "What? That's just pervy-"
"Says the one who was just talking about my body.
You groan inwardly, and Gray blushes awkwardly.

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