Gentle Souls (Maddie)

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You've just recently joined the Akatsuki, having met their leader in the Village Hidden in the Rain. You're from that lowly place, and Pain took a shine to you. You and him have the same dream: world peace. So, you're at the hideout currently, meeting everybody who's there--which is just one person. He has black hair and eyes, deep stress lines, and pale skin.

"My name is Itachi Uchiha." He says. "And I presume you're Y/n L/n?"

"Yes, sir." Something about him is so commanding--it's terrifying.

"Why so tense? Is something wrong?" He eyes you up and down, making you fidget under his gaze.

"I- I'm fine." He begins to pull somethkng out from a bag, worrying you. Is it a knife? Or something even more lethal. Then, you see something you'd have never guessed: dango.

"Would you like one? It's sweet."

"O- oh. S- sure." He frowns at your stuttering.

"You don't need to be so scared. I won't bite." Bite?! That was an option?!

"I see no evidence to support that accusation." He hands you the dango.

"Here. A friendly gesture." Slowly, you take the dango. You've never had it before.

"I've never had dango before. I hear it's pretty sweet."

"It is. I like it, though."

"You don't seem like the type to be into sweet stuff." Carefully, you bite into the treat. It really is sweet.

"That's what I've been told. But sweets are good, I think. When life is bitter and sad, you can still find something so nice and sweet. Dango is bright in color with a pleasant flavor: opposite of me, right? Dango is a thing that can make me happy."

"That... got dark quickly." He smiles a bit.

"I suppose so. Sorry about that. Like I said, I'm opposite to dango: dark and bitter."

"Okay then."

"Do you like it? I can bring some back whenever I get it. I try to go out and buy some regularly."

"You don't have to do that-"

"I insist. It isn't a bother."

"W- well, thank you." He smiles softly.

"Not a problem, Y/n. I hope to see you frequently. How old are you?"

"Ei- eighteen."

"So two years young than me, and three years older than my baby brother. Good to know."

He just leaves, so you're just standing there confusedly. Then, you realize something: he put the bag of dango in your hands. When did he do that? And how did you not notice? Shrugging, you continue to snack, and try to find your room. In the middle of wandering, you get lost. Where exactly is your room?

"This isn't good..." You mutter.

"It's over there " itachi grabs your shoulder from behind and points ahead. You jump.

"Holy crap-! You scared me, man."

"I did? Apologies. I didn't mean to."

"Do you just appear randomly? Like where did you come from? You just appeared!"

"I walked here like a normal person..." This is a weirdo.

"Okay then. Thanks for showing me where my room is."

"No problem. Would you like me to show you how to find the kitchen and bathroom? I have a feeling you'll get lost again."

"You didn't have to say it like that, but fine."

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