Perfection (Maddie)

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You hate it. This is just the worse thing on earth. Three years. For three years now, you've liked Koshi Sugawara. And what for? He likes Kyoka Shimizu. But what's worse is that she's just so gorgeous so you can't be upset about it. At lunch, you glaring at him while Shoving rice in your mouth. How dare he? Not only is he handsome, but he's also so sweet and kind and talented. The nerve!!
Then, he looks over concernedly. You only narrow your eyes and chew even more aggressively. He tilts his head to the side and you stab a pork cutlet, making his eyes go huge as he looks away in a rush, seeming to panic You just keep eating angrily, offended by his total perfection.
All of a sudden, an orange-haired boy is standing over you. "What?" you ask.
"Why are you glaring at my senpai?"
"You mean Sugawara-Kun?"
"Yeah! What's up with that?"
"Why is it your problem?"
"Because he's my senpai!"
The next thing you know, one of his friends is behind him, tall with brown hair. "I would like it if you left Suga alone."
"I haven't been bothering him."
"Hinata-Kun, go sit"
Hinata runs off, and this guy, Sawamura, sits beside you. "You've been giving him mean looks. Stop that"
"No! It's his own fault!"
"What did he do?"
"He's too perfect! How dare he?! I can't have him and he's like that! He's practically taunting me! The audacity to be the most perfect person alive but like someone who somehow doesn't want him is practically evil I'd kill to be Shimizu-San! It's not fair! I have the right to be mad!"
"you like him?"
"Obviously. Who doesn't? What human being exists that isn't in love with him?"
You place a hand on his shoulder. "Seek mental help."
"Are you okay?"
"No! I'm stuck in an unrequited love with someone impossible to get over. It hurts so bad because I want him Whole- heartedly. But he'll never want me. Shimizu-San exists."
"'s okay. You could go talk to him?"
No!! He's too perfect to talk to. Sugawara-Kun is meant to be admired from afar because he's such a sunshine that getting too close to would blind you from his pure radiance and beauty."
"It's not that serious."
"Yes, it is. Can't you appreciate natural beauty? Gosh, you're such a loser."
"Gee, thanks."
"I wasn't complimenting you."
"Anyway..I'm gonna...o.."
"Okay, bye. Just don't get good close to Sugawara-Kun. Shimizu-San, I'll allow since she's pretty. But you. I'll skin you alive if I think you're getting too close."
Sawamura darts off, back to his table. You keep your eyes on him as he sits, ensuring that your precious darling is okay. Once his safety is ensured, you go back to eating.
"A- Arigatogozaimasu!!" shouts your beloved while bowing. "I appreciate you liking me! Really!"
"Did Sawamura-San tell you?"
"Ano- yeah."
"Please don't be mad at him! It's because with you glaring and all, I thought that maybe you were mad because I did something wrong or maybe even hated me. He was just reassuring me."
"I believe you, but only because you're too perfect to lie."
"I'm not perfect: Really! I'm just a normal guy!"
Td love to tell you how amazing you are, but if I stay too much longer, I might actually feint."
You bow then run off. In your head, you think of hoe you actually talked to him. It makes you giggle. But how dare he try to say that he isn't perfect?! The audacity!!
At lunch, you stare at Sugawara and he notices. It makes him stiffen a bit, but you just smile and wave. He knows now, so no point in trying to be modest. Love is love. You can't help it. And he's too wonderful not to love. His friends start pushing him towards you, into a seat, and then they're gone.
"Gomen'nasai! They forced me."
"It's fine. I think I'm more mentally prepared to be around you."
"I just want you to know... I'm really not perfect. I don't want you to be deceived like that."
"But you are."
"What makes you think that?"
"Well, what first got my attention three years ago was your looks. They're flawless. You're a perfect height and have the prettiest face with a cute mole. Your eyes are like stars and your hair looks so soft and fluffy. Then, I started stalking you and found our that you're so sweet! It's just the cutest!! And you're such a good setter!!! 've researched all your clips and watch them all at least once before going to bed for good dreams. Overall. You're like a precious ray of sunshine and hope. Perfection."
"I don't know if I'm concerned or flattered."
"Don't worry!" You put your right hand over your heart. "I've pledged to be a harmless stalker! I look from afar and admire but won't dare approach or be pervy!! It's totally safe!"
"You shouldn't use all your time on me like that. There are other, better things out there."
Not at all. You make me happier than anything else, so I can't Imagine doing anything different
Don't you have any goals?"
"Hmmm... nope! I just wanna love you until I meet someone attainable."
"Truth is, you're totally outta my league, and I know that. It doesn't really bother me. I know that we'll be graduating this year, so I won't be seeing you. hat means... giving up. Then, I'll meet someone who may not be perfect, but someone that 'Il not only love but can have. For now, I'm your fangirl, but it won't last forever. No good thing does." As you speak, you
wear a smile as tears build up."
"I'm not too good for you. Not at all."
"You totally are. Look at me, now look at you. Perfect, creepy stalker. Doesn't add up."
"I'm not perfect! And I'm not that pretty. You are."
"Me?" You start laughing. "Not at all. Not even close. Thanks for trying to make me feel better, though."
"You are! l've thought that since I first saw you."
Tilting your head, you ask, "Don't you like Shimizu-San?"
"I mean..yeah...but she'd never. I could pay her and she wouldn't even go on a single date with me."
"That's because she's beyond perfect and knows it"
"True....but, still. You're really pretty."
"Thanks, I guess. But you're prettier."
"Mhhhh.... since you like me so much... would you like to go out sometime?"
"EH?!?!?! LIKE A DATE?!?!?!"
"Yeah, exactly."
"I cant! I'm a stalker! if 1 go out with you, might go insane!!! And- and you're too good for me!l l- I-"
"Please? I really wanna go out with you. You're really loyal and you seem so sweet."
"I mean...I couldn't possibly reject you. I humbly accept!!"
And one date turned into a lifelong relationship.

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